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<br /> T'^ � affs;cted 1�re.Ly,lnd Tmstors hercby absolut�ly and unconditionnlly ussign all such rents,is96�d profts to the b�naficiarY. Tltc �r.�ti
<br /> 6�tteIIciaey,hoti���vcr, hereby conectets ta Tmst�rs'collection an.d r�cientior of such rcnt�,issues�uld profits,so lon�as Y�1ors avc
<br /> not nt such tim�,in as,fault with respect to pay�nent of r�ny indebtal�iesa r.ccured heec�y,or in die p:.rforma�nce of an a r.,^m`�le �
<br /> � .. ;�i hereunde�. if any event of default Qesent�eed here��iter in respect to ihis Decd of Trust shall nave occurred an8 be condnuing, �
<br /> • - *.�• Beneficiary,as a matter of dgtit and witf►flut notice co Trustor�or anyone clniming ttnder Tn�stots,a�►d vrithout regard ro the value af
<br /> �.,�,„; r p. the trust estato or the interest of thc Trustors thcrcin, shall hAVC the right to apply to any court h�vin�JurisdicUon to appoint a _
<br />�'�;?'�'• � [eceiver of tha pl0periy. _
<br /> -- - -.,-� S. Thc B�nsflci�ry, ar its agcnts, are authonzed to�nter At�any re���nab*a hpv nm�..u h�ru�cd!o tK:ci01-n ndcrtl�e term of �
<br />;;.;� 8...., .,...._...ti_ , -
<br /> _-- -- PurPose of inspecting the same and tar the purposc ui����««•��
<br />=�$� any loan instn►ments executod by Tcustors.
<br /> . 9, If ell or any part of thc property or any intcrest of Trustors is sold, transferred or further encumbered witl►out ths writte�i
<br /> '- ' ��� oonsene of the Heneficiary,the Haneficiary may declare all sun�s secured hy U�is Tn►st Deed to be ircunediately due and payable nnd
<br /> ,i��.�_;�.�,� procoed to the remodles available to it under the default provisions conteined herein. -
<br /> 'T: '':•� la. An of the foAovring�vents stmll be docmed an event of default hereunder: �
<br /> : .:M:�.r �'eN Y _
<br /> ��`:��-?:� a. Trustora stiall have failed to u�ake payment of auy installment of principal or interest or any other sums socureci here�y w cn
<br />."a.��V+�4
<br />---'�''�;,�; due;
<br /> -ti� - .
<br /> ``• '°•- b. Thec�e has a'.cum�cl a bleaGh of or default i:nder any teim, covenant, agreettient, condi�iun, provision, representa on or _
<br />_�'��,�'s,
<br /> _-`__-�� warranty contained�n this Deed of Tnut,U�e noie or any att►er loan instrument seciuecl hereby;
<br /> _.;�s c. 'There has been a default by thc Tcustors iu t he pa y a n e n t o f a�i y p ri o r or s��b s e quent lien or encvmbranx in respect to all or any
<br /> � a��� part of trie property;
<br />-`--� �— d. Tn�stors shall file a voluntary peUUoii in baiikrupicy or shall bc adju�icateci banknipt or insolvent, or shall make an _
<br /> �-a,�� or an acuon to enf'orce an lien or encumbrance or judgments
<br /> :_•_��, as�ignm�nt for t he b enefit uf creditors in respect to the property: Y �
<br />_�:"',_�� against the property is oommenoed.
<br /> il. In the e�+ent of any default,the Beneficiary may declare all indcbtc�dncss secured hereby to be dus and payable aad tlte same
<br />:_r�.,�?��g shall thenupon become due and payable�vithout any preser.unant,demand,prote.ct or notioe of any kind. Thereafter,the Beneficia�3+
<br />-_=--=_ �y:
<br /> --- a. either in person or by agent, with or without bringin�airY act�on or prooe�ling, or by receiver appointal by a court and
<br /> without regard to the adequacy of any securitY.enur upon and take passession of the property,or a��y part tt►eacof,in its own
<br /> ��— c�ame or in the name of the Tn�stoe, and do any acts which it deems neeessacy and desirable to pres�r+e the value,
<br /> marlcetabilit�or rcntability of the pmpertY�or Part thereof,or interest tY�erein, increase the income therefrom or protoct ttse
<br /> ___ stcurity hereof and,without taking possesslon of the propeny,sue for or otheiwisc coAect the rents,iuues and pmfits tt►ereof,
<br /> -- -- including tt�ose past due and unpaia :u►d aYV13 t2:c a..�ne, l:�..� � ard Px�r_.nsec of oneration and callection, u►cli�ding
<br /> � � attorney fces,upon any indebtedness secured 1�erebY,all in such order as the Beneficiary may�letera�ina Tbo entering upon
<br /> - and taking possession of the wst estate,the collectian of s�icU rents,issues and profits and applicauon thereof as aforesaid
<br /> shall not c�une or waive any default or notice of default liereunder ar invalidate any act a�x1 in aGSponse to such default or
<br /> purs�ant ta such uodce of default and notwithstandin8 the oontinuance in possession of the proper.ry or the oollocdon,coaipt
<br /> ' and application of rents,issues or profits,Ttustoe or the Beaeficiary may be tntitled to exercisc every riAht provided for in any
<br /> of ttse laan instruments or by law upon occumenae of a�ry event of default,including the righ2 to exerclsa the power of salo;
<br /> b. �ommenoe an gcrion to faroclose this Deed of Tcust as a mort�age, appoint a ceoeiver, or speclflcally enfora any of the
<br /> cavenaz►ts hereaf;
<br /> c. deliver to Tiustee a written declaration of defaul�and demand for sale, and written aotiee of default aad election to cause
<br /> Tmstora'interest in the prop�aty to be so1d,which notice Tcustee stialt cause to bo duty filod for record in Wo official records
<br /> of the onunty in which thc properiy is locat�d.
<br /> 12. 5h�wld the Beaeficiary elect to foreclose by exercise of the power of sale herein eontained,the Beneficiary shall notify Tcuscoe
<br /> and s2iaU dcposit with Tmsta tt�i�s Dced of Tnut and the note and sucli receipts and cvidena o�eayenditures���Its��
<br /> henby a9 Tntsta may re4uuc.and�Pon re9uest of tl�e Beneficiary,the'Tnu^tce shall cause to be ra�rdal,pub�
<br /> to Ttustor such Notia of Dcfault and Notioo of Sale as then requirod bY law and by this Deed of Tcust.Trusta;st�atl without demand
<br /> ' on Tiustor,aiter Euch time as may tk+en be cequired by Law and after r�rdation of such Notioc of Default and aRer Notioe of Sale
<br /> Y ����i����t���;��,�,�,�, �.!i tt,c l�mnerty at We dme and place of sale fixed by it in such Notice of Sale,eilher as a
<br /> whole,or in separatc lots or paroels or items as'��ustee shall deem expedient,ancl i�►sucl�order as it taay determine, at public
<br /> auction to the hi8hest bidder for cash and shall dcliver to such purchascr or purctiascrs thereof a deed to the property so1d,consistent
<br /> ----- -- with the law then in eft'ect. �tccitals in the Trustce's dced st�all be prima facle evidena of the uuth of tt�e statements►naaa ttkrein•
<br /> Tnuta sriall apply the pmceods of the sale in tha following order:(A)to all reasonablc oosts and cx�enses of the sale,incl�g��
<br /> �ot limited to Trustec's fccs of nut more tl►an 2°�a of thc gtoss salc pricc,rcasonable attorney fecs and costs of tiUe evidGaoe;
<br /> --= �s socured by this Deed of Tn�st; and(c)the cxoess, if auy, to the person or parsons legally cntided thereto. �pexso�n,l
<br /> �_.'"'s"�� including the Sencficiary,maY Purct�asc said property at sald sale. Tcustee may i.n tt►e manner provided by law,postpo
<br /> --�� ° or at►y portion of tl�e propertY• nt and dorn�ance of an ind�btatness or
<br /> __�.�„�� 13. Truscee and Qie Bsneficiary,and each of them,shall bc cntitled to cnforce pay�ue Pe Y
<br /> obligatlon sccurcd hereby and to exercise aA rights and pawcrs under this Dccd of Tnist or�►uder any loan insttun�cnt or other
<br /> ;�:���;�'�'� agrcement or any laws nor or hereafter enforced norivitl�stending some or all of the insicbtedness and obligations secured hereby
<br /> --�� whtc3�may now or hereafter bc othcrwise secured, whcWcr by mortgagc, decd of uust,pledge, ticn, assignment or othcnvise.
<br /> ;.���
<br /> =;__�;,,�_��i�� 2�eiihar the aooeptanx of tlus Dccd of 7Yust nor its enforcement,whether by court action or�xusuant to the power of sale or o xr
<br /> ______ -_ pow•�rs h�rcin oontaincd,shall prejudice or in any manncr affcct Trustee's or the Beneficiary's ri g ht to realize upon or enforoe any
<br /> �°---�=-'�� other sa,vrity now ox hereafter he(d by Tmst�ee or the Beneficiary, it being agreed tlmt Tru�Kee and the Beneficiary,and each of
<br />--_° "w-'���'� tt�n.st,3ll l�e cniiticd to enforcc tlus Dad of Tmst and any otlicr sccurity now on c�mafter held by the Beneficiary or Trostee in
<br /> - �- .ue��v�rl fn TntettM
<br /> _��,_y_�..;C� , such order and manner as they may in tlieir absolute discr�uon ciccermine. nio nzncu`y ua�o«.wau�==•�:•��%:•^�--•---- ------ _.
<br />-:_K , or Seneficiary is intendal to be exclusive of any other remedy t�rMn or by la�v pmvided at perniitted,but each shall be cumulutive
<br /> ` '? � and shall t►c tn addition to cvery other remedy givcn hereundcr or now or t►ci�ealter existing at law or equity or by staiute. Every =
<br /> iwwer or remedy given by any of die loan instniments to Trustce or thc Bcneficiary or to wleich cithcr of them may be othecwisc
<br /> :;��'�: �.;�''��'�•;�; cntided may bc exerciscd,concuacntly or indcpendendy,fmm time to tianc and as often:�s may bc dccmed cxpedicnt by Tnutec nr
<br /> •• '�:::�t� t3eneficiary,and eidier of them may purs►►e inconsistent rcmedies.Nathing hercin stu�ll be constcued as prohibiting the Beneficiary
<br /> frorn seeking a de�ciency judgment against Tn�stors to the extent sucl�actian is pemutted by la�v.
<br /> :�..a�,<��� ° 14. T�ustors hereby nquest a oaPY of anp notice of dcfault and that any notice of s.�le hereunder bc mailed to Trnstor�at thc _
<br /> ' "� "��� . address set fortl�in We first paragraph of this Dced of Tn�st. _
<br /> � ��• 13. T`he Beneficiary may.by a�vritten instn�ment executed and acknowledged by Beuefici�uy,m;ulul to Tcustors and recorded in
<br /> `°;��1������^ '• t� Connty in which the pmperty is located and by othenvise complying witl�the provisions of Uie applicable law of the State of _
<br /> NeUraska,substitut�a sucoessor to thc Tcustee nanied hen;in or acting hcreundcr.
<br />