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<br /> UNIFORM COVIiNANTS. Dormtivcr nnd[.eadcr covcalnt nnA nr�rre as followe: ��, ����16aa.]o
<br /> "`Y i. Payment ot Principul and Intere5l;Prepayment ancY Y.ate Charges. norccw�eiiall promptly pay when duc[he
<br /> �
<br /> !",:� r Y• pdnctpd of�nd intettst on�he debt evidcnced by�he Noto uW wy pnep�Yment wd tace ch►rgss duo under tho Noto. _.
<br /> T''•'�� 2. Fuads[or Taxes aad Insuranee. SStbject W appltcahlo Iww ar to a wdtun w�iver by Lender,fiortower shaU pay to Leader on �
<br />�r'Yl'�_5�//Q�, the day monthly ptyroents�ro due uneier�he Now,untU tho Noto ie paid In iLll,n sum('Funds")for:(a)yeady auces and usesem¢nt�whlch �:
<br /> — .L!_.: _. .
<br /> � miy u n i n p do d ry o v e r t h�i S e c u ri ry I n s m u n e n t u r p e a uu�La Fio p er y;(b)Yc:�fY 1r.�:.wold pspment�or gmusd eeau oa�we Pro�em�,
<br />�;,r�r."�� if any;(e)ye:.�ly I�z.ud or propztty ir.'n.tmna:premlums;(d)yeedy tlood insm�uce prcmiums,if nny;(e)yruly mactgago iasuNnce premtum3, �"
<br /> ----°� If tny:tad I�anY suau paytblo by Bonowor w i.enu�r,m Rcconiaiwo wiu,u,�v�o.3s�or�o,'j�"unpi.N,:°u.fn l;at crf t��;w�cf se:tngroe =
<br /> ` �',-�'�' --
<br />_=,�;�g insumnce premiuim. '17�eso Iten�s Qr�catled'IIscrow itcros'. I.eeder snay.at any dtrr..collect eud hold Fuale iu en nmount not to oxceed --
<br /> r+r��r� tho mucimum aawunt a lei�ler for e fedecnlly rcl�oul miutg�ge lor�n msy rcquiro for BoROwer's cscrow�ccount under tho feder�l Real
<br /> EisMte Seulement Procedurc�Act of 197a as amended from time to dme,12 U.9.C. 1fi01 et sea('RHSPA'),unlesf Rnolher I�w th�t tppliea to
<br /> .''� � ' We Funde sca�Icsur emounG It so,I.ender may,�t any dma,coAect ud hold Funds in en amo¢nt not ta exceed the lesser wrwunc I.endor `
<br /> :•-i:;.� •• �
<br /> J �""� may ostimate ttie amount of Funds duo on tho basla of cuaent da�a and roaaonable estimnks of expettdituns of futuro Escrow Item9 ar othenvlse _
<br />`;::;��:�i•`i��. {n:vcatdunn:.c with npplicablc lati�.
<br />::,.k�;�5..`731� u
<br />------_—_ 'Ihc Fw�ds ahill Ix t,eld in Rn insdtudon whoso deposits nro insured by a fedenl agency,inswmenmllty,or enHry(including Lender if Lender
<br />��~'�� ia such en 1nsdNdoa)or in uny Fedetil Home Loin Atnk. I.ender elull�pply tha Funds to psy tho Exrow Itema. Lender may not cluryse
<br /> :� �
<br />�'�::,;� Bormwer for holdtny uid applylna�Uo E'und�,annuuly�tnalYzing the eurow u;count or vedfying tho L'scrow Ite[na,unles�Lendor p�ys Aotrower
<br /> -_"� I,�Iereu oe tha puadi uid opplk�Dia kw�permim Lerxle�w mdca ach�chRr�e. 1'iowever.Lender may[equlro Bo�rower to pay a ono-timo chargo
<br />_---�-`.�—_ for m IndependeM ro+d auro nix rcpordn��ervlce uied by Lencle:In connecdon with thb loan,uNas�tpplic�bb I�w providw otMnvlie. UNae
<br />—_° --_� rn yroement U r�uAs or�pplk�bk law�oquicc�i����oi�w Ca�W�I.cni�r ch:ll tt�t iM ret{uiml to pey Borrower�ny lnuteu or eaminga on the �
<br /> -- -- Pundt. Borrower ud l,e�der m�y yrce In wrldiy,however,�tut Intenat e�luil bo�Sid en tha E�Undi. Lender sh�il{ivo a Borrowor,vv�d�out
<br /> :,���as�a
<br />,;'�.�,;���� chtna,�n annud�ccoundtu ot dre Pund��howlna croAiu md deblu to fio PWnda ud the purpow fa which eech debit a dse Pu s
<br /> -°— wu ma�e. 'Ihe Fundi�re pledtal u�ddltlorwl rocurlry far cll�un�eecured by thie Secudry Iruuumcnt.
<br /> If the Pund�hekl by Let►det excoed the�ma+nu Permit0ed w bo held by'�PDlic�ble law.I.enEer�1u8 accaunt oo Barmwer for tlx ezcesa
<br /> `'�'— puM�In�ccoidance w►d►d�e roqulreaxnq of�pplkcblo t�w. If d�e artaunt of the Fundx held by Lender at any d;ne is mt suffickut tu ysy tdo
<br /> &crow ium�when due.I.etWar rn�y w noNry Bortower In wridn�.aad,in acd ciRe Botrower tlull py ta Le�er tha unount aecaauy ro auko
<br />—.�a:�,. up d�e defkkncy. Borrorrer Quil nrke up da dofickncy ln no muro dun twefve monthlY paYmeau.u l.ender'�eole dikretion.
<br /> Upoe payment iu Nil of dl am��ecurod by thb Secudry In+nument,I.ender eluU promptly ceti�ad w Bonower any Pund�hold by Lender. If
<br /> v�der panytnph 21.Lenkr rtull�cquiro or�ell dfe Property.Lender.Pdor w tho acqulsidon or s�lo ottdo Propeny.sLdl appiy nny Fundi heid
<br /> by Leader�t da oiroe of acquitidon or s�lo u a cindit a��inst tfw anv eecund by thb Sec�ri�3'lntwmsn�
<br /> 3.!lppll7�iv[10�in�ydiia�e. ii�d2ss y+yS�,:�,}e i::'�':��!lY•s`�lu,•11�uvmr�nn nritved by I��tr u�er n�[t�h�1 tm 2
<br /> ~ � sluU be opplkd:firtt,ro anN PKWY�nt ch�rae�fib under Use Note:ucond,W�mounu p+yable w�der ParaQnph 2;tHlyd.W interat due;
<br /> founh.oo princlpi due:�nd tau,w ury I�oe cturta due undu d�e Notn.
<br /> 4. ChRI'�la�LICns. Hon�ower�6�11 pty dl uxa.�weumonu�chuge�,R,x��nd imposifloro tttribuable to tlie Pcoperty which w�y
<br /> � nnln prbdty over t6fi Securiry Insdunxnt>afd Ieuehcld p�ymenq or grounl rontf.if�ny. Bortower�hall p�y theao obliratbns in tho m�nner
<br /> provMed in pan�nph 2.or lt not pifd in dut m�uoet.Bocrower shal!p�y them oa dcae dtrccdy w the pemon owod payroen� Bonrower ahaU
<br /> prom�tty fUmi�h to i,eader�ll notica oi�muunu to ba pdd under th�p4ngnpli. If Hortnwer rtuices thetb ptymentt dlrectly.Horrower
<br /> a1uU pmmpdy tumis3 W Le[�ler rcceipw evMenciug rho p�ymenu.
<br /> Bomower elull pmmpey disc6aqo any Ikn whkh hu prbriry over�hi�Sccudty Instrurtknt unles.+t3orrox�er.(r)�gree�in wcidng w the pay-
<br /> -- meot ot the obll��tloe eeeured by ebe 1kn ia a maneer aeeepable w I.ender,(b)eontesc�ia good fi�id�the lien by.or defends�il�ut enfoicement
<br /> — of the Ikn In,leaQ procxdint�whkh 6►the Lender'�opWon opentu a prevent the enforcemeat of the Ikn;or(c)ucurcs from tho hoMer of t6o
<br /> liro ia asroeroent udsfsetory ro Lender subor6ltutin��he Ikn w dds Security Inswmen� It LendEr dekrtnlna dut any part ot the Pnnpeny ia
<br /> —� eubject to a ikn which qfsy Raain prbrity ovtr thls Secwity Inmument,Lender nuy elvo Hormwer a uotke ideMilyi�die lien. Borrowor�htA
<br /> ptLty d�e lien or uke cmo or mom of tbo accba+Kt for�t�bove w1tLln 10 daye of tho slviug ot nodco.
<br /> y� HyU�trt�pr prppCrty LtS11ppDCe. Borrowcr dull kcep tLe improvemena now oxlsting or hemfter erected on ide Ptuperty ina�ra!
<br /> -- a��Lut Ioa by tue.trwrd�iaclu6ed within the ken'sxkeded coverrae"and any od�ex tiuud�.inetudtns tlooda or floodie/�%r whkh Lender
<br /> t�qu(rea fuwnurce. 'Rils insura�ce t�all be au�inainaf in d�e�mounb u�d tor d►a peraod�d�at Lender requlK�. 'Cba in�unaco c�rrkr pmvWinj
<br /> __-------.--- Me inwnne�h�ll ba choxn by Borrowor wbject W LenacY��pp�vv�i wiilc6 ah�U not be unttawnably wid�he{d. It Bortower faf�li w mfinnin
<br /> _ corerqa dssedbed�bove,l.�ader m�y.�t Leuder'e optlon.obaln covente to protect LeMer'�dahu tn me Pmpeny tn ucoNU►ce wim
<br /> pnir�pt�7.
<br /> — All inwnmca polkie�ttd tt�wd9 eLtll bo�cceptable to the Ixuder�►d nhall inciudo�nnndud tnorta�e cl�ux. [,'�der�hall luve the
<br /> = r1gDt to hoW d�o policfe�iu�d renew�lt. I[Lender►equins,Bonrowor shdl promptlY S[ve to E.ender dl tecelpts of pdd premiumt ud retfew�l
<br /> — ipBcei. In dw event of los�,Rorrower slull givo prompt notke a tho Insur4nce carrkr�nd 1.enler• Lcnder nuy m�ce proot of[os�if aot m�de
<br /> — P��Y by Sotro�rot.
<br /> = Unlese Leudee and Bortower othorwiso�tte In writing,insunnce proeecds stull be ippiied ro�estondon or repair of the Property clAnuaed,if
<br /> --_ �� tho resmndon or t+eptir I�economfc�liy fv�sfble ind Lender'e sr.curity 1a not Iessened. It tLo restoradoa or eep�ir is not ccononilcally fea�ble
<br /> - � or LendeNe lewtity woU1d bo leaxned,tAe�uurmco proceafa ahill ih:app:icd to Iho 6utn�sewred by thls Secu�iry Inswment,whcu�er or not
<br /> '=":-'�+�+��� �hen due.w(th any oxcea�p�M ro Borrower. I[Bortower�bu�don�tbe Prop�iry,or doea not answer within 30 daye n nottce from Leoder ihu�be
<br /> --�`�•.; imuru�ce attier hai otterai w attle a ctitm,�hsn I,ender may wllea the inwnnce proceed�• Lender may use tho pmucd�to repilr or reswro
<br />---— _��
<br /> --- �Ae Property or to pay�anu�ecural by thi�Secudry Inswuxnt,wiiet6er or not then due. Ti�e 3ad�y period will begin wUen tdo nottcco is gtvcn.
<br /> -----� Unles�Leeder ud Bottowtr othenvho qrca In wridu8���Y s9P��+�an of procad�co princlpal eLill not exund or poatpone tLa due dite
<br /> — '""""���� ot the monthly pcyreenu tr.Temd ro tn p�r�nph 1 and 2 or chiage We rmount of dw Wymenn. It under psn�nph 21 the Propaty is
<br /> v= —■ �cq�oirod by Landtr.Dotmwer'�riaht oo my Insurenco palictea ud proce�ds eesuldna from dut�e W tho Propr.�ty Prlorto the tcquisidon
<br /> L----- a
<br />---t;;�.;�,!�� �6d1 pts�ro Lender to the extent ot tho wm�eecured by th�Secur[ty Insbvment immeditteiy ptiur to ttie acquis(don.
<br /> ._.... --'�-- �t���-------e..A Dwnludlnw n*flfa Pa"AiflPlV!ROrlAVtl'�B�I1 AGdI�I011:
<br /> y1: . O. VCCfi�I1Cr�n'CSE�7ws[v�q a.aw.•w.�..w�....�......�..��-----��_.,,,_.- �_ .
<br />--�_'Y�.....� • :
<br /> _—,_:n�.:�,T - I,lA3lh0�t17. I3ortow�r ehnll occupy,esnblish,�nd uso tUa Propetty as Borrower'e prlacipil resMence wtthfn sixry dsye aRer tLe execudon oP
<br />-;ri"�",':��...� ehb Secudry[nswment�nd ehill continue to occupy tfio Property as Bo�rower'e ptineipil residenco for at leut one yeir atter the dit�uf _
<br /> :_..A_..2.'
<br /> �i.°.• ';`�'"�,', occuptncy,uNet�Lender othervrisa�grcea in wdttng,wHlch consent ah�il not be unrea:+onabiy wittiluld,or unless extenuating cireumsrmces exist _
<br /> �`�"�"�'�='�` whtch tro beyond Iiorrowor's conanl. Bonrower shall not destroy,dtmige or fmpiir�ho Property,ellow tha Property to det�rbrata,or commit _
<br />'`.`.,^6"�il;r�..;i�• -
<br /> '!�,zwr.r�r��g, wute on the Propeiry. i3orrower stuUl Do fu defrult if�ny fortcltun:��doa or proceaUng.whethcr clvil or cdmliul,ia begun that in[.ender'e good
<br /> -`::'- .. -
<br />_:�:` '.:��.,.
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