�� _ _ v . - � -. ..- - ` �. _
<br /> .. . . . , , _ _._
<br /> + � • .� . ' ' ' ' � - � . . ' - .---- -
<br /> v( '-c< � :Y� _ • . • _¢ _ _.... - .._.- -'-
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<br /> - -� . . - . . � �-
<br /> ` �y p�riods dnE IeeaJer„requitFs. Tf�e iasur�noe curierproviding the inwr�nce si�al!�e cM�sea ay Bonower subjxt to Ldder's
<br /> ap[�ntvs!which shali nat be wueasoaabiy wiW�ctd [f Barmwe�fsiLa w maimia covciagc dcscri6ed a6uve.Lender may�at -
<br /> ,• Lender's optioa.�obroi»coveta�e tQ p�otaK Lender.'s rigdts ia ttse Property in accordance with para�ph 7.
<br /> � Atl in.wranac poticies ao¢e�enewais shatl be acceptakk w i.ender ard stnU i�e[ude a standittd tnoctgage ctadse. L.cader ,
<br /> �shati have tbe right to huld tbe policics�id renewals. If l.endec�cequiies.Farowes shail P�t�h'8�ve ro Lende�al!�aeip�s _
<br /> .. uf paid p�emiums�od.ceoewal�tices. tn thc event of toss�8armwer shall give prampt notice to the insur�catrier 3nd ,
<br /> � t.cnder. Exnder m�y maloe p�unf of Iass if not made P�PUY by Borrower. �
<br /> -°° • _I3eie.ss Lendvt and B�oaosner atheryrise ag�ec iu veritiug:insur�.�u�;e��iwtf 6�applir�i ta cestaation or re�ir uP
<br /> tGe Ptopecty d�maged,if tM mstosation or rcpair is economically feasibte aad Lender's see�rity is not lessened. if the
<br /> iestoiation,arTepair is.not ecorwmicalty feasible or Lender's security woutd 6e tessened.the insuranet proceeds siialt be
<br /> applied to the sums sertued b}r this Security tnsuumenr,wt�ether or not then du�with any excess pai�to Borr�wer. If
<br /> Sonower ab4adons the Property.or daes aot answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insura�xr rarrier has
<br /> oKercd to seule a claim,then Lender may coUect the insurance pmceeds. L.ender may use the proeeeds to iepair or t+tstae
<br /> = the Ptopecty or to pay sums secuned by tbis Security Inshume�t.wfiettier or t�ot then due. The 30-0�y period will lxgin when
<br /> the aotice is given_ . • .
<br /> Unless Lender and Bamwer ntheei�ise agne in writing.any application of proceeds to princip:►t shall na extcrtd or
<br /> postpate the due date of the monthty paymeats r�femed to in paragrapii.a 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymeau. If
<br /> 1:,, under puag�apl��i ihe Property is xquired 6y I.ender.Borrower's righi to a�►y insuraitce poticies and proce�ds msutting.
<br /> - from dart�age to the Praperty prior to Ehe acquisiaon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the swns secuted by ittis 5ecurity
<br /> lnsuument immediateiy priac to the xqnisition: - -
<br /> 6. Occa�Anc� Presesvatjon. Maiateaance And ProtecEioR ot tLe Property: Borrav�er's Laa4 Appli�oo.
<br /> ` �ueiolds. Borrower shaU occupy.establish.and u.ce the Property ac Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after �.
<br /> tt�e exec�tion of tt�i,q Security Instr�rt�ent and:shall contittue to occupy the Pmper4�+as Bomower's principaf cesidericc�at
<br /> teast one year aftec the.date of occupancy..untess Lender othenvise agrees in writing. which conseflt �iF•'�t:be
<br /> unRrasonabty withh�(d.ar cmless eztenuatiag cit�cumstar�ces e�cist which are beyaxl Botrower s canuul. Barinuer;��bt
<br />- _ desaay.daznagc or irtipa[r=the Ptoperty.aUaw the Rvpertyr to de[eriocate.or commit waste on tGe Property. Borrttx�c.�;ll —
<br />. be in default if any fafeiture artio�or proceeding.whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's•good faith�ui�:t
<br /> cauld r�tt in forfeitur�e of the Rvperty or otherwise materially impais the lien created by this Security instru�a�rt�si . __ --
<br /> 1 Lender'ssecurity intecest. Barrowermay cure sucb a default and reinstate�as provided in parngraph 18,by causin�the�c:on �:;
<br /> - or proceed'utg to 6c dismissed with a tviing that.in tendcr s gaad faith detemeirtatiom.preclades farfeiterre af tI�8orrower's- �,��,.-�.-,.
<br />� � interest in tNe Pcaperty or other matecial impairment of ihe lien created by this Securiry lastnmienl or Lender:s seecuriry .,,e.:,;,; <'-
<br /> � _ interesY. Bocrower shall also be ur defaatt it Borrower. during the loan applicadon pracess. gave materially false or _��,:.�� '
<br />� ,` inaccurate information or statemertts tn-txndes(ar failed to provide Lender u�ith any materiat infomiadan)in cannectian ai*.h '`. :'";
<br /> . ��- �' � the toan evidenced b the Note. ia i but not limited to,re esentations cancemin Borrower:s occu an of it�: ` �
<br /> 9 ���nE. Pr �' S P �Y 'a:; .`_�_,`-
<br /> , '.�; Propecty as a principat residence. If this Security tnsttument is on a fe�sehold.Barrower shall comply with all the provis.��.s : ,-
<br /> � of the lease. If BorroRae'acquires fee title to the Property.lhe teasehold and the fee title sball not merge untess L.ender a�ee's. __�--�"
<br /> to the merger in writitt� � . �=---.
<br /> _ - 7. Protection oi i.ender's Rigl�ts in the Property.� (f 8arrawet fails to perfortn the coveaants and asmem.ents �+�;= -
<br /> �;_�.�..
<br />` contai�at ia this Security lnstrumen�.or there is a lega! praeeeding that may s�ignifcarztiy affect Lender's rights iu�e �._:?F�r:`s'-_
<br /> .` �:._
<br /> � ,,;. • Prope►ty(sucb av a praceeding in 6ankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfciture or ta enferre laws or regulations�,then ;,;�_:.�;.°.-
<br /> • � '�-y f- � '�• . Lender may do and pay t'or whatever is necessary ta protect the value of the Property und�.eitder's rigfrts in the Praper[y. --, • —
<br /> �ni+ers Lender's actions may inctude gaying s+ny sums tiecured by a li'en which hati priarity over tbis Security In,trument.appeasing
<br /> ; ���"� in court.paying reawnable attomey.s fees und entering on the Propeny to make mpairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> . �_Y.,,�;•,s;�;.`�' under this para�aph 7.Lender dces nat have to do so. . .
<br /> �` ' �� � � : ' Any amounts dlsbuned by Lwnder urtder this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this • •
<br /> . �"�,T. Security lnstrumen� Unlezs Bonowcr and Lendcr agree ta��her terms of paymem.these amounts shall be{ir intcrost from the .
<br /> � "k date of di�bursement at the Nate rAte and�hall he payabie,with intere+t.upnn notice f�am Lender m Bbrrower reyuesting �
<br /> . . paymeret.
<br /> � ;� 8. Mort�ge Iasaranee If Lender required mortgage insurance a�a wndition ui making�he lo:u�secured by this �. =
<br /> -�,iyi.. , �•';;':�� � Security Instrument,8orrawer shatt pay the premiumti requ�red.a m-aintain the mung;�ge in,urt�ncc�in effect. If,for any ' ��;
<br /> . _ rea5on, the mortgaga intiurance co���age r�yuired by Leneter tzp.es or cea�ey to t+e in effert. 8orrawer tihall pay the
<br /> :, ' ''.� ''='� premiums r�eyuired ta ohtuin coveragc �ub�t�ntially eyuivalenc :o the mnrtgage insurance previau�ly in effec:t, at a cast • =.`�i '
<br /> �:�i��� substantiall urvalent tu the co�t to Bormwer of�he mart a c inyurance reviousl �n effcct.Gom:�n altemate maR a e •'�;�.'
<br /> �..,,.�.; Y�N � S'S P Y.� S 8 „.
<br /> . �.-� ` insurer approved hy Lender. If subsWntiully r�{uivatenl mnrlgage imurt�nce c��ver�gc�ti n��t availuble.8orroac�r tihall pay to � -
<br /> .:-.. L.ender each month a sum cyuul to c►ne-tweli'th c�f thc ycacly manea�c imurancc pramium bein�paid by Barrower w hen t hc � __,� '�:' _
<br /> r= insurnnce coverage IapseJ or cca+cd to hc in eifcct. Lcnder will.icrept.u+e and retain�hrtir payment�as a fasti reticrve in lieu
<br /> � "' ' of mortg:ige intiur.�ncc. L.uti�rc�erve paymeni� may no tartger be r�quired..it the aptinn��f l.endcr,it'mangagc insurance � ,
<br /> ,. ;; .�'.�'^�-� caverage(in the amoun�.+nd fi�r the ycricxl lh�t Lender rcquirc+►provided by an in�urrr appr��vcd hy l.cndcr aguin hccrnnes �
<br /> ' �,�.���x��'•" availAbtc und is obtain�d.6omawcr tihatl pay thc premiums rcyuimd ti►maintain mangagc in+urancc in ef'tect,ar to providc a• ,
<br /> . ,, , - , tosw reserve,umi!the rc�-�irement far mortgage insurance endti in acr��rdance wi�h any written.�grccmcm betwccn Hnrruwer i•
<br /> , anJ Lendcr or applicab�e faw, i �
<br /> ' ' � 9 lnspectloa. twnder��r its agcnt may makc rca�nnaNle cntrie�upcn ::r.d in�pcc�i�m��+f 1he Pruperty. Lendcr�ha11 .
<br /> ,' , ' � '• �;ivc Hoaawer notice atthe tim�nPor priur to an in.pertion.pec if}ing rea�imahi�cau.c fur the iaspection. � ' _
<br /> • �:y.:,.��:.:•;i� 10 Condtmnatian. Thc pr�xccds nf:my aaarA�+r cluim:ur dam��gc..�tircci ur a�n,a{ucnti;►1.in conncctiun with any { �
<br /> - � • tiin�;tc faiaily-•�Fvnaie�fae Fmddie�t�u C%li'1/R�!1\ti'CRl'1�i:1'f-l�niform(�UYI'lld(11'. 4i90 Ipu;e?�fh1'u.erv [ .: ,
<br /> � Gan I:�tcv Raaln�i Ycrtm+.Ina� � '
<br />- . • 1���rtdrt call t H(M�:�;il/!1:i70[:FAt If1�791•11;tt
<br />. . � ,
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