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<br /> � ,Bo�crav�rs (irh:th�r one or =or�) unda'rstand that the�doci�tent' .
<br /> � tha� the Horro�r�rs ar� about to execute is a Da2d of Trust and
<br />:_ - � a-seostqaqe and. that ttse paptcr ot sale prov3ded for in the
<br />�'�..T peed o! Trust : provides substantfally ditferent rfghts and
<br />�.�e .� �ob2iqatiors to th� l�orrowers thati a sart9aqe fa the evcnt o! a
<br /> d�tault or brsarJi > of obliqatioa ur�de�e • the Deed of Trust,
<br /> � inaludings l�ut � liaited �to, the Lendeac's r�qht to havs the
<br />_- " p;ope�ty sold byr., the Trustee without any. �udicfal proceedinq..
<br /> Horrawers repre��nt-and.wsrrant ex tian o tha � o! Trust.
<br /> �
<br /> - _ ess o . es s __
<br /> - . �
<br />, . '�; ess �eiess :. =
<br /> • "BorrowersM
<br /> .. .. ` . .k .` � � ��F+.7� .�`�.
<br /> ..�- , � . . _ � . _ . .. .._ . _ - c . _�"'�"�..-s _..-
<br /> ; ,;�.�;" `j�,E9 OF TRIIST ' - - �,_
<br /> r.i.� � ' '� --
<br /> =-•.� ,�' , . TSIS DEED OF TRUST is made as of the ist day o€.�ch, 1992' :1:�' -
<br /> �����-" < .
<br /> by aiid a�aong the TRUSTORS, ROBERT L.�. $ZEM�RS antt BETTY J. ��=�'
<br /> � `�`=�:��r:'�,__;; . SIEIKERS, husband and wile as inciivfduals .a�d as� joint operators, �``'"° � -
<br /> !��.
<br /> .d. `�L (
<br /> .; '- :����� -.a�s;.. �rhose aailing address is RT. 1, BOX 293-,: .�R1�i� �3LA1�TD, NE 68803, I;' �';:..'
<br /> � o.•. ':1.%�.� •
<br /> ' ::��.r:;£;;��r�:•u':.: (�}erefn "Sorrcwers") the TRUSTEE, RE4�1 A. BROSTROM. whose ,
<br /> -;.r=_:�--f. -��,. � B07t 400, QRI�ID ISI�iNl3,•,.L�iE. 68802, (herefn
<br />`,;, , : ...y�_;,;.._:.-._ ma�ling.adctress ia P.O.
<br /> . �,: :..,` .'. �T]CLtstee") and the BENEF�CIARY, RUTH E. HARRING20N, whOSe ��.,
<br /> _ ., :.�� . mailinq a�dresa is 51? WEST STOLLEY P]iRR A011D, GR� �TSLAND, " .. . ` �
<br /> . ' NEBRASRA, 68801 .(herein "Lender") . � " �•'�
<br /> .. -
<br /> , ., ;.', . ' FOR VALUAHLE CONSIDERATION, irtcluding tl�e indebtedness F.� � . . :� .:,,�
<br /> � fdentified herein created, the receipt of which� is hereby i �f�"
<br /> ��,��;::;':_.=��� �'- acknowledged, Borrowe�s hereby irrevocably grants, trans�ers, � "
<br /> ''}�;::�_ � . aonveys ar►d as$igns �o Z'rustee, iN TRUST. WITH POWER OF�•SALE. for � . :
<br /> �.r�-r?.�..�;.,w�•� the benefit and secur3ty of i,ender, urder and subject to the � ��-. �.`
<br /> � • • � terms and conditiona hereinalter set #arth, the real properilr�. , , „
<br /> . . . � described as followa: �` ;� --
<br /> -- .. _ ' SEE EXHIHIT "A° AT'j'ACHED HERETO AN,'���NCARPORATED , � � ".:.y_ .`
<br />' '' • � ' � HERBIN BY THIS REFERII?CE. , , .�
<br /> ,•t,�
<br /> � :r
<br /> �" ' _ . , i� .' ,.,. .".'�..�T_.y`._�_.
<br /> . --� - = - � -, � Toqether with ail buildinqs, improvemant:., Pixtures, �- . - �� ._-�"�
<br /> •:�,���'�:�:,'.. �i�-----
<br /> , -''- � atreets�, alleys, passaqeways, easements, riqh+�.s, privileges, and ���--� --��.���;'`.. ..
<br /> ; ;.r.;�•.�.;5._:;
<br /> � � ` � � appurtena�ces located thereon or in anyway pertaining thereto, ; . . ' �`i-:�-
<br /> � .'� � � � anci the .rents, issues an� pro�its, reversions and remainders , ,
<br /> . � � thereot', and � suah persanal property tl�a�: i�s attached to the , .
<br /> � � iniprovements se as to constitute a Pixts�re, including, but not . • ••
<br /> � � � 2lmited to, heating and cooling equipment; and� teqether with the
<br /> � - � homesteafl or marital interest, if any, which �interests are hereb� • .
<br /> � � relense8 and waived; all ot whiah, irecXuding replac�aacen�e and :.
<br /> additions thereto, fs hereby declared�to- be a part of�•the� reai ! .
<br /> � �� � : ,. estate secured by the lien of.�thia Deed of Trust: anci��:alb•�lhe�, .
<br /> . „ ,�, ;��,�,...� � fareqoing, beinq reEe�ed to herein�as the "P�ope�t�".s� • : .
<br /> . .
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