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<br /> y__ ------... -_. —�_'_�'.;:� _:.�..c.
<br /> t -- ..�_� � - — —_—� � --
<br /> .j S } . , ' � . . .._._ . . i�� -
<br /> �t. _ _ .F ' . _ _ . ._ — _ _ . -. ____ _._..— _ -.
<br /> -k .�-.{.�.:�� . �. . � � � � � . : 7�� ..
<br /> �.
<br /> _ _ - - . � _ � 9��- ��4�- � .
<br /> _ � <<. - .� .: . . .
<br /> . � _ - .- . Ai�IU$TABI.E ItATE RtDFR � � � , _
<br /> � ' . t3 Yer Tre�sw�Miex-Rate t�s1 °
<br /> . ., .
<br /> THIS AD�USTAlLE RA'b'E YtIDER is made t6is 27th dsy of !larch �` .19 92 .ae�i�` �
<br /> . �inir�i{�o�ated ielo a�sLall.be damed ta smend a,+8 snppkme�i�Le�Ma�sEc.Deed ot Trds1 or Secwrity Deed ltbe
<br /> � ��rity I�str�man'3 ot tle ama dne pren�i tAt�ndersi,�n�Itbe`8a�rro�rer'1 ca see�re 8ara+rer's Adjoaas6te •
<br /> . - itsce Nae 1t1�c"Nae")to � �
<br /> _ � � FtraTfer Savfngs Sant�, A Federal Savings Hsnk
<br /> (tLe•Zenda"�oi t6e aine date tnd co+re�in�tlre D���y d�'bod in
<br /> ;the Securit�.fnstruman aad bcsted st: 4301 �iichigan Avenues ��d �slana. N�brasl�a� 680Q3
<br /> . �hA�7��1 �
<br /> - — T!E NOTE t�tTARIS!lqY1S10NS 11LL�MIING E�ft pWIGES N T!E lITEIEST MtE �
<br /> - � A!0 TIE MONil�Y MY�ENT. 'I!E MORE LMARS'TiR AMOUNT?iE OOti1011�'i .
<br /> Mi�ST M?E CAM CNAMIiE AT ANY Of�TM�E At0 Z!E M�iMI1N/ltn W1xMIlUM -
<br /> _ pATES?ME s01M10�MER iAllST�l111f. . � . .
<br />- � AtMxTw�u�Co�•�t�t�Kt`. �Inadditiantotbecevdozaisandsarecma�tsmadeinll�cSecuritylnstrun�t.Borro•rer
<br />_ — . and i:end4r't�r,t6er covena�t aad sjroe as fd{ews: ` .� ' _
<br /> _�° . A. tl�iTEREST 1[A�E ANQ11�01�1LY pAYMp�'1"L7iAh'��S ' � _ _
<br /> :�, The 1�Fute provides for aa initia�i�te�at ate of '�'The Note provides fa ct�anaes in tbe intuat ste and tLe ��
<br /> �c+nthly PsYmmts.�s fdtops: , . _ _ �;-�v
<br /> ,;�. I. INTEREST 1tA'[E AND MONTHLY PAIr'�+IENT CHANCFS _• .-,,�
<br />=:21,;`� . _ :` `i" t
<br /> �. _ . � �.I. -_°
<br />_ _._ (A1[i��e Drfes ,.� _ . . ,:.;.._ . .1
<br /> :`;' � Tbe interat rate 1 will pag may ehan�,e on the first day ot April " :14�5� .and on tbat day . .
<br />' s;' evp�.36ih monf h therafter. Fach d�te on whieh my interest rate could change i�,czitod s��e Data" . _; `; _�'=�'�_
<br /> •, -
<br /> , �-_
<br /> . '� � � (e 1 T�e hiex �• � �'. 'x-�_-.���
<br />�, �- ` Beginning witb the first ChanEe D�ter ai�r.r.*erat rate wilt be bascdfln an Mde�• Thc"lndex i5the weekty avcra�e . ;�_:.�,::=i-
<br /> � :.-�
<br /> '�.;_ yield on United States Tre�sury securitia ad.�xs:�to a cc�astant matutity of 3 yars.as rnadc i�rafrabfe ay ihe Fodenl �. . •,�
<br /> R/a� erve Bo�a)rd. The mast�c�l�dex 66�rc.avail�6ic a�at tbe date 45 days betore.ach C'Tra�e Date is called tbe � �"�"�
<br /> . `.1 y �{.V��.A� �1Rl�r�.�. . . .. .. . . . ' . . ' � ' . . F '�:.r_
<br /> lt ibe Indes as�O�gcs s+,�aifabk.t�s l�o�e Hoidsr wil!tthoose z qew inde� whicA is�'�u�oi�comparsDk � ,� .
<br /> � :�;<� ' information. The titi�ie Holdet wiU aive nie oratia of tiiis thoia. � � • � �•�'��:
<br /> ,:� , lClCalcrbtios�iCi��a • ::��^�!�;'
<br /> ' � ' " &fare each Chanae O�te.the Note HoMtr wi11 dQecu�ate my neM intcrest rate by addinE two aad � ��1'`;��'
<br /> �.s��,,;.
<br /> . • :�..,�
<br /> ;•4 � three quarters percentaEe poinu( �•�5 96�to ibe CurreQQ Index. The Nota HoMer will thea round the � � _-
<br /> ' �e�ub of this addition to the narest one•eiahi3r�+tane percentaae poi��0 i2S'��. Subject to tlrtiir�its stAted in Sec�ion �' ` _ --
<br /> `+ x. .� ' 11 O) beiow.this rounded�mount will be my new interest rata antif t?�e ne�t Change Date- ..: ��;�`-__-
<br />. , -- The Nate Holder wili tAen determine the amount.�ff r�te montht9 paymeae.tTxat,sarfd bc sulFicient to rep�y the :':=�'`}:`';'_-
<br /> °�� �;�.r.—s
<br /> � . . /-r�--�„sr
<br /> � ' 2- ' '�I��' unpaid principal thai 1 am ezpeMeb to owe at tht Chang:Uau in tw6E o�the�tucf��4'ate.a�ciy new interesl r�te i� � �. �-� _
<br /> ri� .�' --f; ' substantially equal payment�. Tht resuTt ot this csiculation wi11 be el�e mecs��*sc��-1 cf my�r.h1Y p�yment. � ' i`�`'�
<br /> ( . � . � --- -
<br /> " �%, ��b1 Umits es lateresl Rde Clw�es .� , .-..
<br /> , `� 7be interesi rate 1 am.requirod to pay st the flrst Chanae aate will not 6e gceate�tr�a� 9.25 'bor Tess ttan � �, _ _
<br /> _ - _ •- 5.25 �,. Thereafter.my intetest rate will nevet be increased or decrea:�urryny singk Chanse�ate bp mere � --- _
<br /> . ;'�'' .'`� than two percentaEe points(2.096)lrom 1he tate of interesll haYe been 3�C"arcttcpreeedin�3�r�ontAs. My intetat �-T � ��� _= _
<br />. rate wiil never be arater than 12.�5 .90 or tess than � r 5E:-, - i,_�: . ; �w" ;,:;
<br /> ;_, �,-r� - I E 1 ERat1.e�ate ol'Ci�+ijes ., •. . �
<br /> :-.��'�<��;'�f}`r � My new interest rate witt(�ccome eHective on each Change Oate. �vYifl pay the amoum ot my new monthty payment [ . ,
<br /> � ...-.,,t.�;���= . ;
<br /> , � ,�� ,� beginning on the first monlfiTy payment date after the C1�ange Date until the amount of my monthly payment chinaes , .
<br /> �
<br />� _ ��`�� � � • �gain.
<br /> ,; t .
<br /> �''�:�*�,. 1�1 NMke ot C�n`es �
<br /> `�
<br /> . ' �',����rq;�,�_�,_. � `"!rfie Note Hulder will deiiter ar mail to me a nol ice ot any changca in my interest rate and�he amouM o!my monthly ; . '
<br /> . ' -'".'"<?`';° ":`.- p:ty+rceu beWre Ihe eftective date otany change. The rta�tice will include information rcyuired by law tube aivers me aad ; .
<br /> � =" "�`-�''�� �� at�o ti�e titic and telcphone�umber of a person�ho wilt�nswer any quastion 1 may have rep,arding the nu�i�e. -
<br /> . -��.'�.:� . . . � ; . .
<br /> .''. '.i•-, -.. �� . .
<br /> . '' '4'�' '�'�'. ` 4 niWrm Cavcnant 17 oi ihe Sccuriry tnstrumcnt is amended to read as�ollow�: .�
<br /> � `� . 1'nn�fer ot tAc P�operty w s BeneAcial lnterest in Bo�roMer. If alf or any p;►rt uf thc Prdperty ar any interest in it is
<br /> _ •��,��`�i��:;_� •. suld uf ttansictred !ol it s�bcttoficial.iMCtcs�in Burto�rc�is sol�l ur Irnn.fcrrcd:�nd Hurrowcr k not a naturat persun) " � �
<br /> ' - ' -' � - � - - - ---withbut I.ender s prior written conient.i.eridc:may.at it�aptirnr.rcqaire immi�tiatc pa}mcrtt in faitaf�ft samsserured- - -. - - �
<br /> �� �. � �� �� � b�this Securit�In�trumcnt. NoNCVCr.�his uptionshati rtof be e+crcised by Lende�if exercice is nrohibitcd b}kderal law . '
<br /> - � - � - a�u!1he date ot�hi4 Sceuri�y tr�s�rumtn�. Lender ataa shall nut exercisc thic option ii: 13) 8orroti+�cr rauses to be -
<br /> �. � . ., :ubmitted to Lender inform�tion requiree�by Lender toevaluale 1h�intended trrnstcrcc ac ita nc<<foan wert baitsg made , ' .
<br /> � ' to the tr�nsfort�:and Ib) Lendcr rcasonably determines that Lender's security wiil not be impaired by tRc to�n �
<br /> . � � . �ssumption ana that Ihe risk ot a breach of tiny covenant or agreemant in �his 5ecurlty instrument ls acceptable ta ,'
<br /> ,, l.ender. ,
<br /> � To Ihe t�tenl permitted by applicable law.Lender may cha�ge a reasonable tec as a c�ndition td Lender's eonsent to '
<br /> _`-�- -- --' --=-- -� itic`tuar�asE�i�pti6a. teeQtt��y atsa requ�re t1tE tr�esferer c�sigr�an sscumfitian sgreement tlrat is aceeM�bte m �__'-- -`--_-, _
<br /> . . . �• Lender andtLrt oDli�ates the transferee ta teep a0 the promises and aEreements made in th�Niote and ia lbis Secu�ity , � ' �
<br /> • � � (nstrumem. Burruwer willcantinue tobe obli6ateA under�he Natr and�his Security Instrumrnt untess Lender uteases �
<br /> , ' ,. .. . : Barower in writin=. -.- - � _ '
<br /> - ' ' �_ MULTISTAIE AO�NISTA�E MtE I�EEIt-AtMI/tAN�3T-S,ngiP f amd�-��11�Unitam Mstru�M fonn 81.! •�b
<br /> � �i,�•N?Ik���oa� t vwraR+c.ee ra�s•na,���ao•uoo�e»srs� ' . �
<br /> � ` �
<br /> . :�._ .. , _. _ . . ._._� -•------ ,� �_ „_, -_- - �-- � --�---.___�--_ .
<br />