. r�
<br /> _..� _--
<br /> .. .�
<br /> ,, :ti -
<br /> �:�. , ..�. ,:j��;�
<br /> , . .. . . . . � iY���....
<br /> ..
<br /> . . - '• ' � ......_ ....._...._�• _.... _.. �
<br /> h.,,wyY.Y „ , - .. _. ... . ._.'__ ... . ' -____ --____
<br /> .. .f���:i��..�._.i_.�.._ � ..... . .... ..... _'"__�......._'__'_� ♦tl .... �
<br /> . ._......- -'—"_'----- — , �.:L:,°�
<br /> . .,_.--;,.a. -,-.
<br /> � Eaa�Qo 3 . „ .�=-::-,.�
<br /> • 0�-9�-t998 DE�D�TFlIJST , '
<br /> • l.oa� No 2�SOa� (Cor�7Sft�cE�iD ��°°�.dbe����a �.__.-____--� „ -
<br /> __----=-.�-�_� --- �_ -- �------ - .--------- - .;��
<br /> ' ot Trual. • -
<br /> Rla1t To Coni�t. Tnatur m�y xithhntd p�yrt►snt of�ny te�c.tu�aament,or cylm In aonnocitan wHh�paod f�Hh dlsputs owr Ib obAWtlon �
<br /> tn pay,eo lonp as Lendsra Inl�rKe�t In tt�PropMty la nd1aopudmsd. If�M�n u�a�a I�If1od do�re�u11 of no�P�y�nt,Trustor ahaH wlthin . �,
<br /> MIMn(16)d�ys�fIK ttN M�n arfa�s or�R a N�r►b Ift�d�rvliMri MINn i16)d►Ys aMNr Tnnta ha notbca at Ihe Ninq�eacun IM dfeclur�o ol tM
<br /> Nsn,a Ef hqwolW by Lsndw� wNh Lsndw c�tii ar o a .u'1d:n!carpornls suraty bond or oth�r acuAty atbhctarY to Und�r In �n 'F"�.
<br /> omounl suMd�nt to dlsct+ar�e ttN 1 n plus�ny costa and attarn�ys'1�or alhor chupu that could[cex�as o rautt of u fohdauro a saN •+' ' _
<br /> _.--. ------J undK IM IMn. !n any contest,irwtu ah�N daf�rxl itssH urd Ur�ir and��cG:fY any:�e:::a Jud�m�nt Gsfo+e enSaa�rnent�f;afns!Ihe
<br /> � :.
<br /> � '�`��...�n..��w.i.�wh�Mnil�rnMllnt!I�I lh�COf1�1�fOCNfHfl9l. ---- —_ _
<br /> - P�0(!N(yl. IfUttOf 6fH11 t�artN I.Ynuw cs ii�iC�iwi�u --��--�--- -- _
<br /> ._._ aul�h��tt�ePP�oP►iaN 0 wrnrtwnt�l�otAcl�l 1ond�Nwr t tUnd�r at an�y tlrtNa wnitMn at t�m�synt of th�ttaxe�t d«ab�trm�nb taalmt M �
<br /> PtoP�rtY• .,
<br /> NoHe�of ConaGnJCUen. Trustor ehall noHiy Undu at Iwat fftN�n(16)daya bNon iny wak b comm�ncW��ny urvfc��n furnMh�d�or any ; (1 .Y .
<br /> mate�i�i�on suppNW to the PropKty,M�ny m�chanio's M�n,malMiWn�n's N�n.a ott�r li�n could bs aa�rt�d an accaunt ol ttw wak, -•
<br /> .�t: :n
<br /> swWc�s.a m+�f�rlals. Truata wW upon�4u�st of Londa fwnlsh to I.�xf�r odvar�ra acsurana�eaN�'.a�taY to 6endw�nnt Trustor can�nd�Mal ,.�"�...°.:, .
<br /> � �y tho cost of auch Improwmenb. � "'i�� �
<br /> pROpERYY DAMA(�E INSI�iAliCE. The foNowlnp provlaloru nt48np to IrauArp ttw Prop�rty w a Part of ttMs L�d M Yrtesl.
<br /> 6{M�Mn�na W InwP�nt�. Truator ehtN procur�and m�lntaln poYcbs of 1k�Insunnc�with standud�xMnd�d covu��ndono Uon W any
<br /> . rep{�artMnt basb tor tM full I�u�M valuo cowrinp all Improwrtf��Va on th�F1sal Pro�N In an smounl euMlcMnt to avold appMct
<br /> . �ts ..o�e�
<br /> cdrnun�ckus��and vrHh R atandardmorq�p�dau1�In hvor of L�r��top�thK wNh wch othK haard s�nd b U�nd�r�and Itswd b� �'
<br /> rn�Y rMSOnabN n9uk�. Pdtclw siwll b�writ -n In lam.amounb�couw'p�t and ba�ft nason�bN��p '_ ---
<br /> ; compt►ry a CcxnpanM�r�vxwbly�oap t�bl�to L�. Tnsfor.upon nW�t al Ltndu.w1M d�M+rK t0 I.�nd�r kom Yrt»t0 tlrtN th�0�� .� .
<br /> a cwNllcatN of Ineunnoe In fam�nU�factay to L�nd�r,Indudlnp sfiPukiioiw Irwl cov�r�:.v�na!tso canc�!!�d or dlmlr►b�Md without�t — ____----- _
<br /> n In hvor o(
<br /> ' fNat ten(10)days'prtar w�iH�n noUa to Lander. F�ch Insunnw paMcy�Iw�h�M Indud�an andor�mud provldinp that oovKe4� -
<br /> ' . L�nd�r wiN not b�Imp�fnd In any w�y by�ny�ct.omNtton a d�lault of Trutta a aMr othK p�son. 8hoWd th�F�I P��b�t�ny tlrrM
<br /> becem�locat�d In�n orea d�stpnaied by tM Oksctor ol the Fb��ErtNrp�ncy Man�p�rtMr►t ApmCy a asp�d�flood h�rd us�.Trtrata �.
<br /> apr�x to obt�ln and mdntaln F�u Flood Inwnnw lo ttw exbM wch Inwnna k npulnd by L.�r►d�r and b a b�cort�t av�lkbl��for lh�
<br /> . Mrm of th�{oan�nd for th�fuM unpeJd P��P+�bol�nt�of!!w lan,a tM rtwdrtwm NrtQt of c�wta0�that N awN�NM.wh{chev�f1 MRS.
<br /> l.M�der ol any law or darr�ap�to th�Prop«ty. L�rx�rtw�y m�k�proof of loss II Trusta ���.�. ,a,
<br /> ; : AppNeNfon ol ProeMd�. Trusta ah�M P��+P�Y�Y ���y,at ib M�ctlon�ncMw and nLln
<br /> h N�t o d o s o v N t h l n 1 f M�n(1 6)d a y s d I t N c u w l t Y. W M N x r a not l,�ndws e�c w f l Y 6�Imp�k�d,
<br /> t►w P�oce�ds W any I�unnce and apply th�ProC�N to ttw nductlon of tM Ind�bMdn�e�,MY�n t o f any N m�M�c tl n p t h�P r G P e r t Y�o r t M _ --
<br /> n�tontlon�nd repak of tM Prop�+ty. It Un��Ncb to�PP�Y�P���to n�tantlon�nd npak�Yhntor sh�M npak a nP� the
<br /> �, dtrtwp�d or d�eVoY�Improwm�r►tt In a manroa wlkfactaY�o l.�r�. I.�xb►sh�M,w«�sawr.�oro aoo+a suon��a►ur.,P�Y a
<br /> • rNmbtrw Trueta kom ttw procNd�1or th�naiawbN cost d t1Q�frr��t�Mi�ra�h TL��t 1s�nalt CommNkd to ttw rop� nstorttlon of
<br /> prooMds wMch Mw not b�en dNbixe�d wltMn 100 d�yi aMr lh�if -
<br /> th�Prop�ty sh�N bs ua�d lkst to pay ar�y amount owlnp to L�und�r thM W�d W Tnxt�ttwn to pay�c�xwd inMnst.tnd tM nrtwlnd�r�H
<br /> - °_� �ny.aiwi iw�ppii:o io uw�,i� �,.f.��u.�;Y-�:ir�..�. :!L..�.•t�^..�^en;rt_w.rr.Nr oaym�nt In tui of tM Ind�blldnNl�such
<br /> �i,;�,iii`-----
<br /> „ prooMQs sheq b�pald to Tnntar aa Trusiore InNa�b mry appbr.
<br /> Iln�ind InatK��t�Is. My ur�N+�d Inaurana sh�N Inun b 1tN b�nMt a0�endpa�s to�th�purohawr ot tM Prop�dy cowr�d by tN�
<br /> DNd of Tn�t�t�ny Mutfs�'s sd�a oth�r�al�hNd und�r ttw provNlorK a�t Mf�W�d W Tn�t,or st anY foncioturo aN of tuch Prop�rN.
<br /> D(PElID1�iES sY LOiDER. It Tn»ta hll�b comPy►wNh any proNelon of thM DMd of Tn�t,or Y mY��or pracadfn0 a con��d 1�t
<br /> '� would rrKMrlwy athCt L�ntlws Inlonsb In fM Propaty�L��on Tnwtor�bMWf nfey�but�AM not b�nQulnd to.Wu any acilan th�t L�rfda
<br /> , . '��. dMrtM�PP��w. My amount that Lw�dK�r�In w daing wY bMr k�Mt�t Ih�nt�provkl�d for M th�NoM kom th�d�b Incurr�d or p�ld
<br /> by L�ndK to th�d�M tA nWYmmt by Tn�lar. AN cuch�t�M�d L��cPYon.wM (�)b�Pay�bM on dKrwnd� N)b��dd�d to fM bNata�
<br /> . ot tt»NeM and b��PPatlor�d amor�p�nd b�PaY�bN wMh any InttMnrr�t P�Y�►�*b b�oort�e dw durinp�ftha p)tM krm o!any aPD�
<br /> ;: lnsurenc»R�Y a (�)�nrtMldnp Mrtn oC th�Noi��a (o)b�1rwIW u�b�Moon P�Ym�rd wNoh wIN b�du�and P�Y�d th�NaM's nutudly.
<br /> . � nrtNdl�a lo wl�lch I.�ndK m�iy be�n�YY��d on �iocou�N o�f thi d�faull.�Ar►y wcf�sctlon by L�ntMr�t�N nal be cor�strt►�d as curin0 tM d11��u1f a af fo �
<br /> �.
<br /> '�; 6�r Und�r Nnm anY rom�dY that R dh�wls�waAd h�w h�d.
<br /> . WAA6iANTYi DFF'ENfE OF YI71E.Th�toAowkq Provkiont�N�tkq ta owrwsl�P M th�Prap�r�y w�P�of thbo ONd of Trwt. �„��
<br /> . �', TiM�. Trustor wamnls th�x (�)Truttor hdds pood and mwk�4bM 1MM d ncad lo th�PropMN{n N�MmpN,hw and alar of�11 IMns and ���
<br /> Mclxnbnna�dtMr th�n thoM sat IaM In fh�HMI Prop�fy dMOripYon or fn�nY 1110�Msunna P�H.YYe rpaf.at Ilnd tllw opldon lau�d In
<br /> � �" lavor M.and�caP�bri L�nd�r ki conn�cUon wMh thk OMd d Tn�et.a�d (b)Tnietar t�th�(ull rlpM.PowK�and authaity to�x�cul��nd �.-=----
<br /> d�iivK tAi�DNd ct Tn1tt to LMd�r. -`_� -_
<br /> �1 oNu�«a tw�. sub}�e b th..xowron In m.p.npr.pa�bow,Tn,qor rwrranr and vNN torov+r dd.ra a�.uM.a a»Properhi.pY��� _�---
<br /> M w f u l t�l l m s o f aN�r s o t b. In ths ww�t a n y�cfbn or p r o c w d k q k cortirtano�d th�t QuMYorn T��IW�a tfN InMr�tt of 11rut1M o► �,.�;;r-,
<br />--_-=_ - ._� La�und�►Mk DNd of Tnat�Tnnter thUl doMnd th��aYon d Tiwtors�w. Tn�bt may b�lh�nomind�r1Y In wcP�DrooMdMi.but �'-=-_
<br /> �.....---. _.
<br /> _� L�n�1M M�N b�eniifi�d io pu�ci�ii Gi���.'� :rtd to L��!e!!!!!!�In t„s(xooMdk�9 by counNl of L�nd�f� own CPfdC�.tnd _ - T
<br /> Truaot wIN d�flVOt.a quw to b�dWwt�d�to L�MM tuCit kMY'umefMt M I.�ada rtry nqu»t kOm Yrtw to WM to p�rmlt wCh plrMdptiion. —°° -- -
<br /> � ° �• Co�pYr�a WNh Laiws. Tru�tar wuraMt th�t tM Prop�AY and Truttor� t�of tM Propwty aortipNN wNh�II axiWrp �OD�� k�� -��u---- _..
<br /> a�nanos�,artd repultYorK of powtrtm�nlU et�t�otNlM. �:4 -:'�+'�-��—�.�•,�••r
<br />- � CQlIO�tIMtAT10N. fi�folfowlnp provlslorn nwYrq to sondMnMWm proo�Wlnps w�Part of thls OMd M Truat. � �
<br /> .�' �Yt�' .'...
<br /> � of IMt Rroc�d�. tf�ll or ar�y part af tho Propaty fa cond�rrxNd by MMr�d do�rNl P►uc�Nnp� ��DO°f 1�"��'':,:"�•�>
<br /> n or bY MY a '.�: �_�-�..,.c�
<br /> ' ` �pM M�u af cor�nr�uon�Und�r nyy at N��l�clion nquin thd rl a any PorYon of tM n�t of fh�awvd b�iWP�to th� :�;;�::,�.,'.:':,;�`. .
<br /> . Irx1M�ledr�a w th�np�Ir a nslonYon of tM Prapaty. T1N n�t proo»d�d t!w aw�rd�h�N maa aw�rd atMr p�yrtNnt of�II�o+Mble v. ..
<br /> cat9r.s�r��and a8an�ya'IMS IncurrW by TrwfM or UndK In co�n�cYon wNh lM oond�mrMYa�. . ,.t;;•::..
<br /> - pnpcv�dM�pr. M�nY ProoMdin7 In conMmrxtlon k AIW.Tn�sta ahY P��P�N�Y��In wri1M��and Trwtor shY Pf�PtiY Uk�such ,.'r� .. . -
<br /> - • eMP��mty W MoawY to dolend the�c11on and obt�ln fh��wxd. Tnntor rtry b�th�nomtn�l p�Ay{n euoh procMdlnO.but L�nder ehaN ,,•,�,
<br /> �ty�«�f Qe v��nd to 'Und�r���te u m�y b�hQuKi�dln 1M x ko�o Yrth toMP��h P�k��Tnnta v�Hl Mitwr or
<br /> IMPO=ITOOq OF TAkES��s�a�c�er aova�r+r�xrK.�urrHOa��s. TM 4olowltq P�o�����to powmmMtW t�tN. ' .c • _
<br />_ . I�ss and Ctw'Oa w�Pw of thk DMd of Tn�
<br /> CurroM Tnas,FM�M�d ChrpN. Upon nqu�t by LsnciK,TnKtor�h�N�o�cuM such tioourtNMs In addWon to ihlz ONd of fiist�nd Uka
<br />= wh�Mver othtR�ctlon It nQuMlsd by L�rtd�r lo p«'I�ct and caWnu�LsrxiK's Ifen on tM���Y•�t� ol T'nut. Indudtnp�wflho�et •
<br /> � lax�s� os dMalb�d lHkwi� topNMr wlth�!1�erb�a Incurr�d In r�dfn0. p«Noilnp ��
<br />-- AmNallon NI taxK�fMS,documsnt�ry st�►r,ps.and oth�r cCwy�s 4or�cwdtnp or nqftNrlrq tl*DNd uf TnKG
<br />�_ _ — TrOCM. Th�fONOwlnp nhll9 Con3tNul�4xOS to WMCh IhK MCW)n�PP� ��I����P�th��YP�Of DNtt Of 7ru�'t or�pon a"6i iFij = -
<br /> RaA of th�Ind�bMdn�as wcursd by tMa Daod of Tru�h, (b1�epscNb tax on Trwtor whlch Trustor Is tuthorlrsd or nQukrd lo cNduct kom ..
<br /> as
<br />- tMy dda oi Ihs1NoN�,�ind�(dj a specMottax on eN�n y po►tlon of�tM nd�bNdn�or o�ymsnbtM��al t�nst�t made y �\
<br />= TrutttX. '
<br /> ' S�cp�q T�us. If any trx fo whtch thia Nc11on�pp11K 4 a�cMd subMquw►t to tM d�N of this D�d of Truet,thb ovont shaA have the :
<br /> � a�rtN NNct af�n Ewnt of QMauN(a dMMd bNow),and L�mey�c1s�any or aN d its Mvali�bb rort►Hfl�a for en Ewnl of Dataulc a::
<br /> •� e�c.�lon and d�po�1ls Len�qsh or a sutBcMnt c Uapon�wht�r�a���t�rNy Yshctayr to�LMd�r�ove In the Tacea tnd .
<br /> SEW6�ITY AGii[E{NEMTO FIlIAASCIM(�S'TATLMEMTS. Ths toNawlnp provlsla�a rolaYnp te thFS ONd o1 Truat as a e�curttY�"t�n a puf of .
<br /> thls QNd of Trut1.
<br />— �. S�ct�My AprpnNe4 Thls Inatrument shaN cwutltuls a securflY�yn�m�nt to tt��xtsnt�ny W th� F�'opK1Y Cort�tltutes fCfturw or olher
<br />_ Rarsonal prop�rty,and l.�nd�r shaM have aN ot tM dphta d a s�cund puly under the Unifarn Comrt�ckl Code a�amendW irom tlma to _
<br /> . Un�.
<br />