.-._ r .. ' al''i
<br /> — _ _ :'tY,_. . . . . - ' - _ '. ' _
<br /> — - - _ '_'_ _.."� ' _'—_ __—_ —" — �, _ _. '__--_
<br /> • _ _ . • �.�_� - _ _ . . - ' . ._ .��—.
<br /> " "t ". ' "' ' � ` ' '__ .. . —
<br /> '.: . . . ;.- _ ... . . -. -. -� '� . ' . '_.; ...-.''_
<br /> a f j - - L.._ . � ___�..._ _
<br /> � , � � .
<br /> � .. _ j _ , - ` ��.� - ��l.���� -
<br /> =— ' ' . _ . . . .. __ . .. - .
<br /> `+ ` iy.�lf iti!�[O/!!�M�l'a>Ifl�d�1�`����•U�O[i�►�t Of 1�IG pCOpGlly O�i�Jl t�f��H 1t
<br /> ` is toW or t�fearod(aar�a heneficial intee+est in B�mxer is aoi3 nr f�Cerred ud Hormwa is aot a mtuial pcisan)�vit6aat
<br /> Lendet•s priar writtm cons�nt. t�ende�rozy.at its apttao. raN�F� ��P�Y�.in full of ati sua�s savred by thit ' -
<br /> � Security I��teumeet.Horvev�r.this optian sl�l!not be exe�i.5ed by Lenda if exercise is pvtu'hired by fafrr�!l�a as of tljc d�te�
<br /> o(tUtsSQwritYi�u�t• ° . � : , <
<br /> If Ler�kr eu�cises tAis option.t.ender shal!give Borrower naioe af accetuation.The aorice slnli Provide a pertod of not -
<br /> las ttnn 30 days froai ttie due tl�e notice is deliveroil or rmiled withia wt�ich Borro��er must pay ati s�ns secuzed hy this
<br /> ' SxLrity Instrutt�ent.lf Barrawtr fails w�Y tbcs�sums priar tst6e eapiration of this periad.t.ender inay�invoke aay c�medies ,
<br /> . permittea by this SeeuritY Inst�umrnt withaut futtt�er aotice or�aad on 8orrower. . .
<br /> la Boirower's it�t tu�Reia� ff Borrawar maet.s cerraia oondirions-, Bormv�er shafi have the sight m bave
<br /> enforcxrt�ei►t of this Security in�t�e�discomin�ed at anyr timt prior to the eariier of:ta)5 days(or sueh otber puiod as
<br /> �licabk law maY specitY for neiastatement),bet"ara sate of tticc Pcop�nY Pursuanc tn aay pawer of sale coatained in thls . �
<br /> Secunry In�t��++�±±!�or(b�eatry o�a judgment eafocring this Sonuity liuruument.Those oonditions are thu Borrower:fa)paYs
<br /> Ld�dec a11 swns whicb tLm wouk!be duc under this Socurity Iasuum�nt a�the Note a4 if no acceteradan had occunoci:(b) •
<br /> cures any defautt of arry aHa cavaiaats ar ag�er�ents:(c)paYs ati expenses iacumed in enforcing tUis Sa'ntitY,Instnuneot. .
<br />== inc/�ng,but noi timitod to.rea�onabte auoraeys'fees:and tdl t�Ices such action as L�der tmy.reasonably.reqtute tu assuc�e
<br /> "-__:� that the lien of this Saxrrity Im�umen� lxnder's righe4 in the Property and Botr�owes's obligadon to pay the sums secured by
<br />-°:��•� this Serurity lnsttuaKrx stntl contiune u�nged. Upoa rein�tatement by Bomower. Wis Secvrity Irtctzument and the _
<br />-'���^ obligations serured 6erehy shatl c�anain fully effecuve as if no acceieratian had occutred.l�nwever,this right ta reitutate sdalf
<br /> -_- not app[y in tbe case of accele�ation under Qaragrrpl�17.
<br /> - 19. SWe o[Not�Chao�e ot Z.o�n Surkxe=Tde Nate or a partial isiter+est in ih� Note(together with this Securiry
<br />-`? Jnsuument�m�y be sold one or morc times wittrout prior notice to Banowes.A�sal�may result in a changa in tbe eatity(fcnown :
<br /> �s tM"Lnan Servicer"J that co{lects monthtY P1Yments due under the Note and thu Secunty Iacuumt,mt.:Tt�ere alsa may be oae
<br /> - or more cbanges of ihe Loa�r Servicec wueiated ta a�aIe of the Note.If ttxne is a change oE the l.nan•Sesuicer,Borrower will6e _
<br />-�:'r' given�vRtten tatice of tbe changc in accu�e�►�fr,�atagraph 14 above and applicabte taw.The notit�will sta[e the name and ---
<br /> . "; �ddtess of tlfc n:w Loa�t Servicer and thc address;tti which payments sbould be made. The mtic�vs+ifl�a{so cantain anY othe� � . . __-
<br />' � infum�ation �red b licable law. < . !''',-
<br /> ;'T.. raN Y aPP , �:*
<br /> _ 2p. Haa�rdais,Suhsb�ocGS. Borrower shalT not cause ar pemut the pnsence. use.dispusal,�nrage.or nlease of any E�_—
<br /> Hazardous Substanees on oe in the Property. Bomnwer shall aot do. nar altow anyane else co�Ia,.a.nything affecting the �.�-r_
<br /> Proper�y that is in violation of aay Envimnmental�Law. The preceding tc�a,sentences shall not appTu t�the presence.use.ar ��;�..__
<br /> �� storage:o�t:t�e Propeity of small quantities of Hazardaus�Substances that a��generapy recogrtized w be appropriate to nomial � _
<br /> �.�.
<br /> _ � teside�3�es�td to maints�rance of the Property. " —
<br /> i
<br /> i, B�..�ucer shall promptlY give Lender written notice of ar�:j:n-esssg�on,claim.demand.lawsuit oc other action 6y any ' '. _
<br /> '• ' goveminenta!ar resulatory agency or private party invotving t���ro�au,d any Hazardous Substance ar Environmenta!Law -• � ___
<br /> . . `� :. of which Borrower has actual knowtedge.If Borrower lea�is:`at is rrai4f��by any gavemmental ar regulatory authority.that '� -
<br /> any rertwval or other rert�ediation of any.Ha7ardous Substarc�aQecting��:.Pmperty.�s necessary.Barrower sha11 promptly take I ��.., '.� ''"-
<br /> .. '�;' : all necessacy mmedial actions in accordance with Environ:nes�tat Law. • . ' . . , _
<br /> As.used in this paragraph 2U."Hazardous Substaaces"..aza those sub'tances derned as tpaic or hazardo�s substances by -
<br /> ��•� Environ�ental Law and the following substances: gasafine: Kesusene. othe�flamrnatali Qr toxic petroleum produris, toaic •�,,�;.�;._'
<br /> ' ; pestia�s and hetbicides,volatile saiverts,materialscontaining�saessas or formatdehy�:..an�tadiaac4ive macenals.As used in ; �t.�- --°—
<br /> .:al..w`: ,•;
<br /> . � �` = th�s 20."Envlranmental law"mearzs f�derdl taw�,and fiaw•s of af►z jurisdicti4n where the�roperty is tocated that �:�.�fi�,f-,-
<br /> "'' ���� ,.;' retate to�,safety or environmental protectiar.. �.;''�}''''� �'
<br /> ::�.,.,-,.;
<br /> <r.•.::5.:.... --
<br /> ' � �':� � NON-[JMFORM COVENANTS.Borrawer and l.ender fanhes covc�as►t asid agree as follaws: , - �>;:;�;',_r;, •-�-
<br /> '�T{ J''' ��i " 2L Accele�tion;Remedles.L.ender shaH give notire 1a Borrower prinr ta s�caelerntion toltowing Borrower's br�each . ' i! ' �;
<br />� ..,•��. E�`:�.,� eac
<br /> . . , . .%��'�;,��' ' ` of any covenant or s�greement in this Security lnstrume4ei(but not prlor to accele�Hon uader paragrapb 17 untess �'� -
<br /> .,,r;..+,c_:�.. • • _-,�
<br /> =.°; }•,..�::.�;=C. appiica�bte law proWdes otherwise).The noUee shaQ spociiy: ta)the dePaatt;fb)theaction reqWred to cone th�defautt; . , _
<br /> • .���J: �s�'�•.'" � (c)p date,not tesc than 3d days trom the date the notice is given to Borsowes.by whirh the defaulrmuse be cured;and• •
<br /> . '��` ` _;a,. ,. (�tlwt taitmc to care the default on or bePore the date spocitied in thenati�ma}�,cesutt�tn�ooei�ration�ai�thc sums ',, � ; '-=�`
<br /> . �.�. .3 :,;::-.: secured bs;his Secutity lastnrma�l s�nd sale o!the Property. The noti�e.shali foctbes kttunn�Hocro��r o!the eight�toy� . :,`��-
<br /> .�r� rci�tate�attes accelerallon stnd the right to brtng a murt s+ctian to�ac�ert the non•ex�st�n�e,or.�a�Antr ar,AIIy�.a�� ,` _,:�.
<br /> - .` . . - deteo�e oP�Boreower w accelesatian anA sale It thr dePautU is not•cured an or betane�the°date spodifed in ttie aotke, . . :�_°_
<br /> �•. ;`� -- Lrnde�r,at its option, may requirc immediate p�ymenl in full utall�rsumssecu�ed Dy this Secarity•Instruntre�nf.wvithaut � ���_=
<br /> � ��E'� °"�"'`' .' fnrtber demand and may invoke the power af sate and any other remedies peemitted by applicabte faw.Lendc#s1w11 be
<br /> - } ��tt���.;. :.,.
<br /> ,�..,: eatitted to cdlect a!1 expenses incurred 1�pussasng the remedies provided[tn ihis paeagraph Zl,ine3ndiag,6at not funited• � _ s.
<br /> ��;� [a rras4ns�ble s�ttorneys'tees anA ca�ts ot tlttp e�•idenca. . �.
<br /> ,� � .;••._, U the pnwer ot sale t�imaked, Trustee sh�ll record a aot�ce�of defauft ln each cuunty in whkh any g�ard mt the
<br /> ��' .•�.,,. - ' .
<br /> i i�+�t ;-��., prnpaty is 1oc�ted�d�fia(t mait p�ples ut such notke in Ihe manner pr�scribed by applicabfe Is�w to Bonv.aeg aiM to .__ _ �°
<br /> , : ;:;� ., t6e orhei'pei'sorss p�scribcd 65'aPPtkabte la�r.Attes the t�me requl�ed by ppplicublr la�v.Trustec sls�11 give public notice � . .
<br /> " ot swle to the pe�and in the manne�prescribed by appUcable las�.Trustce.wHhout demand on Borraw�,s1�a11 sejl�
<br /> �'I���` r � , � the Pmperty at pab(k audion to the highext bidder at the time and p�and under 4he terms desi�w ted in the nMice ot "� '
<br /> �
<br /> ' � '��="`�'s ' � ede in one or more pnrcets and in��ny order Tru�tee determines.T.v.�t�,e may pa�pane sate nf a11 ar any pauuc�of tbe
<br /> ",'-�':�� ...-. Yropecty bypu bUc armouncemen4 at the time aod plAce ot any prerim�sly srheduto�sale. I.ender or it�desYgtree may �� .
<br /> ' '�;{':;.`"`;� � purct�a9e tt�Pnoperty at,my rak:, r�,'�. '�.'
<br /> -• , �� ,.,
<br /> ' � `z•'..st:k `,i`�c:.� .
<br /> . � F+.�
<br /> ..�1:� � .. '!' • i .
<br /> .. .� ��_ f. . .
<br /> ,��- '':`-� ,'rr.•� • : ' Form 8028 9l80 i ' •
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