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<br /> . ' 'lroa,:trnt.u�ss.s ca�szDm , =ac. ' -
<br /> ` ` 4 debtor. irr�racabi7 stan,tis � ��sisss to DmeficiasTr a� s�ciued part�: x- � -
<br /> � asovs�t7 isit�s�at -in sli o£. th� fol�v�inf coilatirai which i� p�s�aosl' , ,
<br /> prop�rt� aow or heresftir bMn�d -bT tr�stor or fa �ich tra�tor �aw -or .
<br /> h�rsafter ys� aa�;ri�htt aad_si►ic'h 3i nas or h�r�aft�r°located on or at.. ar
<br /> � sfffsed or stt�cb�d ta� as�produced tza�. =o�r ased 3a cga�ctioa urith �afd staT
<br /> Psop�rt�. �d all sub=titntiogs. r�gLc�aeats. tdditiasu. accesaian�. Prodacts
<br /> aad proceeds of or Lo tsii3 callatersl. ta-vit: . � �
<br /> 1 3Q H.P. �fnrille.gearh�tad senal #2Q6336 =
<br /> 1 100 H.P. �aadolpb a�asbesd seria�. #98Q79
<br /> 2 100 S.P. �aadolpi� gesr�iead setf�al #980�0
<br /> -- �1260 feet ? i L Pivot serislt tmlato*n . ` .
<br />�"" ' . �l26Q feet Val1e��40�1 Pivot serial i23896 , .
<br />==Y�* 1250 fset Vali� pivot seri�l� �mlmo�a ' �
<br />-'- — . 8• tarbf.a� D�caa p�g teria�# ualanowa . _ .
<br /> _ � 6• turbine NLA pu�p serial# uakaawa •
<br /> 6•tutbiae tiLR g�p strisli untmowa . � .
<br /> ' 1 IHC aatot seriall unitaorn . . . ,
<br /> , . 1 Fosd swtor serisl� �simowti - ' •
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<br /> _ , together` �r�.t�tr;::, al! .equ�I�eat� fass Pzodu�t�t croF� Sr�n6
<br />- � < BsaMn. �3ab��;;;siu.1 fi�nr�s, i�pr,a�at.�. baildinga. snd th� piv�ing.
<br /> heattssg'F�#�tit� aad liShtitfB Kste�s �td �1�P�a� t.�urein= alI basu
<br /> �• . equip■i"e�ts �and aII p�aps, P�P�6 4tatiass. aotors. �insa, aachitur�.� ,
<br /> .�-� . � resbswirs, �pipe:, fl�es. feacss. aad:�ather �scLines� or equip�eat. _
<br /> -- ' e:c�pt trsceor�, us�d for the prcdactioa ��.wa►tes oa said praiisaa or �or —
<br /> . ". _� `� ` the irrigatioa or drsias$e tbereof, all of pbicb stull Ue coastraed��i� _-
<br />•� _ _�,'�<:� coasidered as affiaced to snd part of the seal .est+tte. , • ���""
<br />. , ' - � _ .�,�� '- � '� ''-.��.'`
<br /> �-----
<br /> _ -;�*" This ia a s�curit� agreeme�t parsuant to We IIniforot Com�ercisl Code, �s , �
<br /> ��''�..,�
<br /> . ��: , enacted h� the State of�Aebrsska artd.8enefiaiasy s�l.�. have all rigtits � _--
<br />: '� reaedies of� a tecu�e3 part� vith respEC� to �sid colisces�sl �mder the IIa�arni
<br /> � :' ' " � :. Caaoiercisl Code a� enacted by the St�.r1e of Ii�bxs9ks:.. Tsustor varra�ats.•��a� . �'=
<br /> . �°.`'�' � Deneficias�► thst, escept for the s�=szit7 iatetevt esested heseb�, ?ra�� . ' .. �'� --
<br /> �� �'"-="�, ' mtns good title to aaid colistesal �ud, as to �aid collatesal hereufter -�_��;"§'�~ �-
<br /> . :�' . ti,,_:_.
<br /> , . y,„� acquired, Truator will aWa good tit�� to said collatersl, frae aad cleas.�af ;`:�� - ,'
<br /> = •y:E�r �,°� all liens. recurit interest�, enc�rances� aad adversG claims of say iE�s3 �
<br /> . r, . �,��� y ' '.'-
<br /> �,,�
<br /> - ' �tsoever. No fistures or equf:pmeat (inciudiag.� aithont 13mitati,ca. , _
<br /> �� • Water3ng, irrigstioa aad frost pru�ectioa equipmeut sad appssatasl ahsll be � _ .
<br />. �.�s:�-':-� ��-' removed from said � real pzmpart� ai.thout the prior writtea consent o f __
<br /> : ,: . . ,_� .
<br /> ,,. '. � _
<br /> � `n:`� - Heae£iciary, ezcept tbst Tsuaeor �hall hsvs the right, wi.thaut such coaseat, : .. .. , . ��
<br /> . - '��i�' ;�' ta remove and dispose of free fra� the security iatereat hereof such fisturss � �� c;t;�.:�f.., �_
<br /> �^ :��': -r. : ;�.�
<br /> : 'f'.x+�"'..�.,�,f , and eqni.pment es may from time to tiaia becoae �norn out or ob�olete, provided ���;;;; :.�=_.:
<br />' � - . � that Trustor shall, 'simultsneouely wish or priar to' auch remcval, seplace such •��' .
<br /> �. -�4,,; . . `` removed fl.stures or eqe�ipment with xeple�cement Eiztures or equ�pmeat haviag'a '� , . .
<br /> ���" � •� .value. quality and utility at leaeL eqnaL .to t&e reawved £iacturea or ,
<br /> 5:4':Ur, ..
<br /> ��=s. �:}`��. equipmeat. Tsustor ahall, at Trustor's e�ense, e�cecute aad d�liveY to � .
<br /> l{;.:-''- ����.,' -
<br /> - - '.��-.-----�= Beaoficiarq cuch financing aad c�atinuation sta�ements coveriag �aid • ..
<br /> h �,,.,,:, u _.:r;�n.a:-�'-
<br /> � �.,'� collatieral as Heneficiary may from time to tima requ�st. All agreements of
<br /> °�'" "`��� Trustor herein, snd aii r3ghta of Beaeficiasy hereiis, relsting to said resl � • • �
<br /> . � �:�;=:',.n��' ; ,
<br /> `� "' estate shsll appl� to ssic� collateral Mhethes or not espsesst� referenced • •,�
<br /> • � �... �.,� •
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