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<br /> THIS Agreement Is made as of this 17th dey oP Mey, 184i,by and k�n�:.:.n FIVE POINTS BAMK, _-
<br /> whose mailing address is P.O. Box 1807, Grand island, Nebraska 688Q2-1�i07 (her@inafter"Lender'), the �
<br /> owner and holder of the cert�afn Promissory lVote for$82,DOQ.00 date�October 16, 1805, glven by Charity p
<br /> Berding, a single person (hereinafter"Hortowers")and secured by the certain Desd of Trust o!thA certain ��
<br /> real estate therein described, situated, lying and being fn Mall Caunry, Nebraska, and more particutarty 1��
<br /> described as follows,to-wlG
<br /> Tt►e South�ixiy feet(60')of Lot'Mrenty-one(21),Btock Two(2)Bel-Air Add(tlon ta tne City o1 Grand Island,
<br /> Hail County,Nebreska.
<br /> which 6ald Qeed�f Tnist 1s d�ted the 16th day of October, 1995,wherein Five Points Bank Is Beneflciary,
<br />- and recorcled In t�e Oiflce oi ih�Reglster of Deeds oi Hall County,Nebreska,as Documen4 #95-107162
<br /> of Mortgages on the 2Qth day oi Oc4aber,1995:
<br /> � 1h7TNESSETH, that said parNes, for themselves and their heirs, executa�s, administrators and
<br /> esstgns,hereby muivaiiy nyie'v t�:L`sa t1srA far�;s;:;.".�nt^f ttlp nr�nr..lnai and interest on sa!d Promissory
<br /> Note dated October 16,1995,shall be as foilowE:
<br /> �►nc+w Consurner Note&Security Agreement�k745649 datez3 l+flay 17,1996, in the orlgfnal pdnGpal
<br /> emount of 532244.88 with repayment as set out on sald Consumer Note&Security Agroe►nent with a flnal
<br /> payment of rema6iing principal and interest due May 20,1999.
<br /> 7he Borrowers hereby further ratfty and confirm all oi the terms and conditi�ons contafned in the
<br /> qctcnowiedgment ot Deed of Trust and Deed ot Trust of Borrowers to Lender dated October 16, 1995,as
<br /> referred to above and seld Bnrrowers wfll in all respects faithiuliy corriply end perform all tfie covenants end
<br /> promfses(n the aforesaid Deod of Trus�
<br /> It Is expressly understood and agreed that the aforesaid I�eed of Tnast sha!!remain in fu11 foroe and
<br /> effect in a11 respects and that nothing hereln shall affect of impafr any rights and powers which the Le►�der
<br /> may hs�ve thereander for the recovory o9 the sald debts secured by�aid DHed of Trust,with fnterest,in caae
<br /> of the non-futfillment oi th(s Agreement
<br /> %�It1a fUttt�iu ov�i0iri@�o�oi�j.;..`:�:l�:2:t1.gf�o��.,n� �a� �w�aid ndnrinal sum and inUerest as
<br /> provkled by the Promissory Note refemed to above at the Hmes therein specifled and that they wfll per[orm
<br /> arcd observe eli af the covanants, agreement�, stiputatbns and condidons on the part of the BoROwers
<br /> cantalned in said Deed of Tru�t in ail respects.
<br /> IN WITN�SS WHEREOF,the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first
<br />- above writtan.
<br />= FIVE POIN75 BANK,L,endor,
<br /> � BY� �l
<br /> : DevrA McEtroy
<br /> - Loan Officer
<br /> �
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<br /> Borrower Borrower
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