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<br /> 4 • '!'�II�TFtUST DSBD,madc and entsc�ed into thie l OTH _______dny o� i'�Y � ��9�' Ly�� �":
<br /> between�IANE L. TAGGk.,,�A SINGLG PERS(lN • ��tustor�
<br /> STBWART TITLF GUARANTX CQ._ ,�._ .,7Yustte,
<br /> anQ BENt�PI�IAL NBORASKA INC.d/b/a�BN�FICIA�.MORTOA(3F CO., a Nebraska corporeclon, Beneficiary.
<br /> WITPI�SS�TH:Thet.7tustor,by these presents,does grsnt,bargain and scl1,coivey and confi�m wlth Ph�ver oi Sato unto 7lruatcc tf� _
<br /> r.al nrau_*m�.ln�l�din�ell htdlArn�s,impravcmenta,ond fixtures of every kind naw�r hei�after erected or placcd on the ronl property
<br /> ��T�.� Ce.��..0 Ai.h.vc4o
<br /> 1herc�fter neferrcd to as►.ho "Pr�perty") situa4e in HA�•►• r ..,,..w...�. ..__..��.
<br /> Fbssession of the Propecty having now been delivcnd to Tiustee:
<br /> [3�If thi�bon is checked,this'xlust Deed�S�:ebject w a prior trust deod dated�1SaL9-�— ,19 ,e���,�e�c�,u,�te/d by
<br /> DIANE.L TAC�° �Irn DA9CON ���98 a+wM+alB�LO
<br /> ARFND R�AA('j��'L�IY — �°y��fO�
<br /> the ba�ef►t of��E@'r nNn NATTOhT"' n��rv ^� ^RAT�1� ISI.��n - .RS(7COCfIC�tf'y'
<br /> aoc�ring papmcnt of a promissory noce in the principal amount nf S 30.750. . That prior tnist deed ww[ecorded on
<br /> 51(sJ 94 _, 19 with the Recorder of HAY i �ounty. Nebr�ska in Book
<br /> page_�HST�4-103817
<br /> �lU HA�A[�U�I'I�1Li�11K7 EsaiY�c� v�+iu�°i=iag"t'.sio��.:�:i.�..p°«.°.�E(}�R'�M.?�+_?P_!'Css M RuCh PMIfGIt�l bCI4IIf�{!!g WIlO T[UB�EC�AiH�
<br /> execuuxa,edminietratore,Meirs.successors and esstgns for'f`r�toe fn�tiver.And'IYastor in thia'Itust Deed exp�essly waiv�es.�eles�es
<br /> nnd relinqs�islks unco'ifustoe all rlglu,tide,e1�im.intec�est,bene6t and estate wluiocver.in and to the Pro�xtty which ia g►ven by or
<br /> nsWta from all laws of the Statc of Nebraska ipertalning to the exem{xton of homestead.And 7tuswr cavenants wlth'Ikustoe th�t t�e wll1
<br /> faever wsor,ant suW defend the title to thc Properry against the lawflil claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> IN TRtIST HaWEVBR, for the purposcs descrilxd, as follvwe: 'ilrustor on this dau has execut�d a romissory Note ar Loan
<br /> izis�.
<br /> Agroement(he[eafter"Agceement").which evidences a loan tn the Aatual Amount uf L.oxn of S (h�c+eafter referced
<br /> to 4s the"Principl").together with intenst on unpaid balances of ihc Principal!'rom time to ttme outstanding at she Ratc of�hacgo set
<br /> fath in the Agrcemcnt,the final Due Dau being 5/15 _, �fAC .all of which is payable�t the office of
<br /> Henefictnry. 2003
<br /> In tha event of the cleath of one of the 7tustors.at the op[ion of Benefec[ary,the unpaid balance of the Actvul Amaunt of I.oan,tugether
<br /> _ witl�accrued inurest,immediauly may become due and payablo.
<br /> Un�il the filing of a Noticc of Default,'IYustor shall:(1)pay ell p�esent and ft�turo taxas end a�esaments,general�nd special.sg+unat
<br /> the property before the texes become delinqaent or acdonsble;(2)kap oU imprcn�u�ei�ts erbcted on tha Propc�iy in,ured as may ho
<br /> nequirod fmm time to dme by Bcnefcciary�gainst loss�yr fire sixl othcr hazards.casunlrics and contingenctes�in such amounts snd for
<br /> such p�dods as an reasonable and may be c�uie+ed by Bcneficiary,and to kap nll poltcies of such insurance in force or effect upon the
<br /> Propeny constantly assigncd and delivered to Beneficiary,and(3)pay and comgly with all thc terms and condidons of any lien,clalm
<br /> _�r..�.�..�..�...,.s o•.n9 l:�n nlslm cv
<br /> OC 1fIdCMGdi1CS.1 I}I8t II'18y HO 6CA�Ot�O O![8KC[fiECCaC(1CG OI IIll9 IIUSI I/CCII C7 3ilVn ao mij ow..�+qu.v.w v.................�... -' .
<br /> indabtodness shall become dt►e.Upon failure of Trustor to kctp any agnements made tn thie'[lrust Deod.�cncficiary may psyy acccued
<br /> texes and insurance premiums or pay off any liens or ctaims or indebeedness, as d�e case matiy be. The mouey so expended by
<br /> Benehciary for this pucpose shall bear interest at the Rate of Chesge and shall be secured Iry this 7tvst Deed.'Itusror agrxs to xepay the
<br /> i same upon demsnd. Upon failure so to do,the loan immediately ehall become due and payable.at che optlan of Bemficiary.Trustor
<br /> - spa�cifically confers upon'Ih�sue that Pbwer of Sale as providal in Nebraskci law,and shall�tain possession of the Fcvpe�ty and collect
<br /> tlte rents and revenues ther�from until filing nf such Nofia.
<br /> _ 'Civstors will pay and kecp curntnt the monttily instalments on tha pdor trust dad and to p�+cvtnt uny defavlt thenunder.Tvstors
<br />- futther egnc that sliould any dcfault ba macie in the payment of any instalments of principal or any interest on d�c prlor tnut decd,or
<br />— should any suit ba commrenced or other action taken ro foneclose the prior txuss decd.then the emount secured by this'[lrust Deai Ehall
<br /> Decome and be due end p�able in fLll et any time thereafter. ae tho option of Heneficiary an in accordana with the Ag�reament.
<br /> &noficiary.at ir�s option,may pqy tho schatuled monthZY instalmente on tAe prior hust doed wd.to dx extent of tho unount¢o paid.
<br />-�; become subrogated to the right�of tha beneficliry idendtied in the prior t�ust deod. All paymeats made by&iseficiary on�c loan
<br /> sccured by t�e priar trust dr,cd shnll t►ear interest at the Ret�of chatgc until pald in NU.
<br /> Bot 4 NS 13-IS,F'd.Mq'91
<br />