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~.. <br />~ooso~oss <br />2oioo4s9~ <br />.. , . . <br />EXIIItiI~ nA" <br />A tr~Ct of land rwompris ing a Par; t oC tat Four (~) r Yslarrca, r~r~rd . <br />part of the West~Half of the 5autheast Quarter of the gouthwsgt <br />Quarter (W 1/7, SE 1./4 5W 1/4) - all i.n Sect inn Twenty-'T'hree (Z31 r <br />Tawnslr ip F,leven (l i) Ndr_ th, Rcrrrcte N trte (9) West: ol" the Gth N .11. , <br />irr Ilal.t. Caurrf:y, Nebrasltr#, uu~r: r~ I~r-rc•Ilr:tr_I.7rly drr~crilaed as I-al.lawt; r <br />Beginning at a paint qn the fivuth line nF said Sectior~ <br />Twenty-'t'hree (7.3) , (said taoint Seven [-iurrdzed gixty 1"ourth <br />arrd Twenty-Eiglrt IlUrrclretlttrs (7G4.Z0) fc!et east of Ctrs soul:hwsst <br />comer of said Section Twenty-'l'Ir>: ee (7.3) ; ther~rce t<as"Ier1Y along <br />tl~e south ].ins of said Section Twr_rtty-'1'Irr~e (7.3) . a distance of <br />One Thousand Two Flurrdr:ed 5evsr-rteer~ and Four Tenths (1, 217.4) feet <br />to the southeast car_rrer. of sar~i.d W 1/7. SC t/4 SW 1/4; tl~rerrce <br />nocL•her-.ty ninny 4hr, r.Frrst ].irYe oC err-rtrl W i/7. ;~r: ]./4 !SW a./4, a~ <br />disttanrr of Severr ttunctred 't'lrl.rk.y :ar±ven arrd ['arty--p'pur: Iturrclrectl•.hrt <br />(737.44) feet; L-hencs rTeflecting .lefL• D7°3©'37" and running <br />northwesterly a dis.i:aryre of t='vur Ilurrtlred Ninety 5sven and Nine <br />Tsnth.s (497.9) fear: Ihsncr~ deClcsctinq xight 94°44'Z4" arrd <br />runniny nortl~rer~rsl:r-.ra-Y a ditsl:nrrrt~ ot- 'i'wo Iturtdlrer~ Ssverrl•Y 7'wo atirl <br />Tftiirtsen HurrcTrecTths (272.13) Cc-~rt; thence deflecting lr~ft: <br />169°39' Z5" and > sautlrwesl:erJ.Y edistance of t'ii~tY '1'hrrr~e <br />arrd ,E'ive IlurrdrPClths (53.U.ri) feet; thence deflecting right <br />37 °49' 3n•' ~rnd r_urrni.nq saut:hwrssl,rrl.y rr ~ rl:lstr~rrca of one Iku-rcll=ed <br />Eleven and NLie 't'enths (111.9) feet: Iher~re c]c~f].eci:lrry ].c!!`t <br />17°11'30" and rurrning southwesteclY a distance o~C '1'lrr:ss tturrclred <br />Sixty Four arrd F'iFi~eerr ltundrec]ths (3G4.ia) feet; tl~enre <br />deflecting right-. Q7°25' 2E1" and running southwesterly a clistanCe <br />o:C '.three Ilunrlrec] '1'w!~nty r;1.ct1-L' r~ra.) t='if ty--Cighl: Iturtdrptll:hr~ (371). a[T ) <br />fret; thence deClecl:i.rrg r.lylaL U7^Uf~'3U" trnrT x•ut)rrl.n4 southwesl:hr.T.y <br />a distr+nc~ of ~'aur tlunc'IcecT Teri arrd r:ixty~-f;ix lt~.rr:drsc~l:h~ (~I1.U.C,G) <br />feet, to the p~_ace of begir~nir~rg <br />