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<br /> . (�9it�Poc�er o+l�aPe)
<br /> . . ' THI8 DEED OI�TRU6T,mode thii�_dW of—.M.�3f •1B-�.�j�e _
<br /> (��r�a_,SteY,�M. Wentz & Lvnnc?tte_K. WenrZ hLehand and G:{FP. as�nint tena ts , �
<br /> �x �• •` `' R,hwem�ilin�add�si� 714 S Curtis. Grand Island NE 68803 _
<br /> _�
<br /> -• ;,��t�.., Src+wart 'Titl p Guarantv_�r,pmnlinY --- —
<br /> wbosemdlin�eddreuin 1 Kansas Citv Place 1220 WasE�in�ton Suite 100, Kaneas Citv, [40 64105 ,
<br />-:+-::. �.'��:!4;.: m 9trustee,md Nonvat Ftnandal Nebnttka.Iaa,�vho�e mailin�addre�i� 2319 North Webb Rd
<br /> " ,r P.O. Box 13 3 Grand Ialand NE 68802 ,asBeneBciary,
<br />=x° �` � WITNFB�C�"PH,R�urton hereby irrevocablY�Y������eID,and wnvey W'ilwtee 1n tn�rt.with poxes of�ale,the followina de�crIbal
<br /> ;•. ,-,�,
<br /> p�perty,� Hall Couaty,Nebsaelc�:
<br />- ;,..`, q ,,,p .
<br /> °=`''r �`` The North 66 feet of Lot 7 and the North 66 feet of Lot 8, Block 4, Vine Hill Addition
<br />'==t�-v�:s:.
<br />-�"''�' '� to the City �i Grand Island, Hall County. Nebraeka.
<br /> _-°•.;� ,
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<br /> _�_�_ . , pm8t�thersof.
<br /> .�;,'.'��, .:. .
<br /> ��_;, Thi�oonveyaaae is iatended for the purpn�e of�ecurin�the psymenL to Beneflclary of'hwWr�'pmmi�sory mte of even date ia ths amount
<br /> -��--�y of 1 1 fi 176.00 (�W of P�ymeata).8tid Zbtal of Paymenta i��epsyable sxordiay to the terms of nid note. P�ymeat msy b�muls ia
<br /> �.�¢��'+� �dvRaa in ai�r emount at aay tlms. Default in maHn�aay p�ymeat�6a11,at tbe Benedciary�opdon nad wftthoLt aatla or demwd.r�acLer
<br /> .�—__ 4� tt�entirs unpaW Milanoe ol u!d loaa at onco dne md p�ysbls,lew�ny r�equired r�bate o[chRrge�.
<br /> - 1b prot�cC t��ecurtty ot thi�Deed of Truat,7llwtor covea�nta and�yreee:
<br />�-�?'�� 1. Zb kap ths pmperty ia Qood ooaditton wd repair,to pemiit ao weite thersot;W wmyl�Le aay build{nQ,siructure or impror�meat bein�
<br /> ---_��'�''�-� buUt or abouL fa be built tlwn�on;to nstors p►nmpt�y aay buildinQ,�teuctura or impmvemettt thereon which mt►y ba dsat�d or dMhv�ed;
<br /> —,—'�`:''�'.� and to oomp�y�rlth all lawn,ordinanoea.re�ulatiwu,arvenaat�,oonditlon��ad raqictfons agectin�We pmAert3.
<br />---—�..� 4. '!b p�,y Mfon delinQuent all lawftil ta��nd auaamenb upos th�propsrty;to lusp ths pmDe�ty fne and cl�ar of�ll atL�:char�.
<br /> lien�a eacumbnaca impttrinQ tlxe recurity oithi�Deed o!"14usk
<br /> 4. �luep�11 buildfng�no�v or l�eroaRee erectd on the pmp�rty de�crilsad heretn contlnuou�ly iaiuml�gaimt low by Hre or oth�r hasardr
<br /> �f la�a amouat not lsw than We W4a1 debL eecured by thii DeeJ ot'hurt.�w poiiclu shau b.hatd by th.B.a.9�Jary,�ad b�in�uch oompaniM
<br /> -----= u ths gen�Q�!m+1Y aPDmve and hsve low p�y�bla 6?ni t0.�4ft�9eAs�Y 4/ita intuwt m,y app�ar and tLen to ih�'lku�tor. Th�amouat
<br /> __--_ _ coUrctaii twder aa,y inaurana pollcy may be appHed upo�,�r�.�.r,h+�!4�'.�t'°a�n.,u�►oraer�,th.s.a.a�uy.t�u a.cermsne.
<br /> = �=� Buch a lication by ths�ne8ciary ehall aat cauie n `oj w,11 p�oceedtvys to fo'teelae thi�need ot 71wt or cu:e or wata aqy
<br /> -�--�- — default ar notia of defrulL or invalid�te aay act daae p t�,Mtc potia. xa t3w evsnL af forecloeure,all righta of Lh�'lkuetor in ia�utrnos
<br /> _.__��"'�� pallda tLoa ia foroe�hall paW to tlie purchase�Rt th�owrs�i.
<br /> - _--------= G. 't5:,�:::.�a�::r:.a,r�::.^.:a°Ess�.Ldary'�.,fQre eelli*�.�„nyey(ng or nthenviM trannferrtn¢the pmoerty or eay wrt th�raof aad�nv
<br /> - �_� �tuh�ale�wawyance or trtasfer without the Beneficlar�e wr(tten cowieaL�hall oonstltute a defaulL undec the terms hn+eof. �
<br /> 6. '!b defsnd any sctivn or proceed[ng purpoeting to aY!'ect the eecurity hereof oe the rl�bb or power�of BeaeIIciary or ZYuetee.
<br /> —`:������ 8. 8hould'1lwtor fail to pay rrhea due say t�e�,aeeewmeata,ia�uraace premic�a�u,Uen�,eaeumbrance�es other chae�o���ain�t the
<br /> 4----�'=���� pmperty heroiaabove deecribed,Beaeticiary msy psy the enme,and the amount w paid,w[tli ls�temsL at the rate aet forth ia the nota uaused
<br /> =�����i r hereby,ehell be�dded to and become e part of the debt eecured in thie L')ee�i of�4wt a�peruritted by lsw
<br /> �;;Y-�y,'�:�� 1T I8 hi[JT[7ALLYA()AEED TjiAT.
<br /> �"`_���.;�..�: 1. Ia the evant y portion of tho property ie taken or damaged in en emineat dom�in p�»coeding,the enti�+e aniounL of the aNUd or euch
<br /> - • • purtioa thereof w m�s be neeeeeary w tiil�v eaHcfy tLe obllgetion secwnd hereby,ehall be paid to Beae&dary to be appHod to said oblig�tion.
<br /> -��.`;,`�;.r�. � 2. By nxeptiag pnyment of any eum eecured hereby aitTsr its due dete,BeneActary dcee not wuive ite rlght to requim pmmpt payment whea
<br /> '"" """* " due o4 ell other n�m,a eo eecured or to declere default for fnilure W eo
<br /> ,.�•-;:,:• PeY•
<br /> `-%�`°.:��'�'�' � 3. The'1lwtee shall roconvey all or aqy part of tho proporty covered by thie Deed of'riruet to tho pereoa entitled thenW,on written requASt
<br /> �� -�-`�� �� � of the Tru�wr and the HeneSctary,or upon eatiefaceion of the obligattoa eacurod aad writtea requcst for roconvoynaco mado by tiia Bcnoflciatyr
<br /> "�';�'�'�''���`';`� or the pereon entiLled theroto.
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