----' - -,._ �� `t�• �._.-_- ,�'`,�l.�.r''+�*
<br /> r_�i'_ _.� -;; _ _ - ,�
<br /> , ,
<br /> — _ -• ` — -
<br /> .
<br /> -. - .- �•,�----o_-.�------,` - --
<br /> - - -�' -- -
<br /> . - ^ . . . _ . ., ; �
<br /> - : . . __ •��' ��i�S3 � . -E:•. ' . - _. .�:.. -
<br /> - --a-: - . . . . -_. -
<br /> ' . . c. .`i ti'`" C, ' t - '____....., _ _. .. '. . ' _
<br /> t .
<br /> c. _ " . # ' " _ t' . � _ . . .. . . . ' .
<br /> ' ' ' ' � _ - " . . . . . .
<br /> .� _. ,- - -- .. , � ��t�y��� J{�pC,��fe ilOt�Yli1��C.BdROWCr 5�Q�y W LGOdN CaCiS IDOW�I i A1m E�li�t0 .
<br /> � _ ��1 OE t�1C���iAW�i������W�D t�1C It�C8Vlll�S��Oi CEiSlQ f0
<br /> � � . 6e ia egeet.Lenda�s►n'it�acoepe.uie aod rar�n d�ese paymea,ts as s loss ceserre in lieu of mortg� i�uraoce.�Loss teservC ,
<br /> ' PaY��m�*��x�°�°�of leod'er,�f mortgage iawraace wvecage('ia tLe sqnoant aad for the period � .
<br /> tlrit letder �equiros)Prnvidod bY m t�u��Ppruvod bY���avaiiabk�nd is obtaiao�d.Borna��l�c
<br /> � �.tbe�p�aniums rapired to rt�ai�in�Se i�arance m effecx,or w provide a lass crserve.un61 thc requireme�
<br /> — � iasannco aids in a000rdaooe with aay wriuen sgnxmmt bawao Bomower ud Letdar or spQlica6tt taw. ��sGatl give �
<br /> !I�spedia�n.Letder or its agent maY matie ceasonabfe e�ries Wwu aAd i�p�uuas of the Prope�ty.
<br /> � Borrower mcioe at the time af or prior w an i�pactia�spocifj!ing�asonabte cause for the iaspecrioa. ,. .
<br /> — l�:Caedesn�'i'de praceeds af a�sY award or ela�m for dazna8es.d'mxt or wnsequentiaf.in coanection with any �.
<br /> -- �o�dmm�-�n as od�er tsking of any pa�t oi efie Pmp�cty.ar for onnveyaoce in Geu of wcdemnaaou.are be�eby assignod and ` _
<br /> �`sbaU be pai�to Leoder. . .
<br /> In the eveot of a total taldng of the Properey.tbe pmoeeds shatl be apptied to the sums socured by this Sav�ity Insuument.
<br /> - - ~wbether or not tl�m due,with any excess pc►id w BomawR_in[Le event of a pa�tiaD takiag of the Pc�pecty in whzch the fair
<br />__-' ` r markd valne of tbe'PropeRJ►immediuety beforre tbe taking u eq�al w or gcea[er ti�an the amount of the�a�s secured by this
<br /> Seauiry Iasuument inmcdi�tdY befae tha taldng,usile�s Bomnwer and Lrender otlserwise�gnee in wridng,tbe s�uns sa:ured by
<br /> N this Sxuriry inshvm�t shaU bo t+educed by tbe anwurrt of tGc pmaeds maltiptied by Ure foltowing fraction:(a)the total
<br /> � amoum of the sua�s sxurod immediatdy before tbC.talun8, divided by(b)the fvr marlcet vatue of the Pmperty iauned�JY
<br /> . before the 1�8. My balanoe shalt be pAid to Barrawer. Ia tha eveat of a p�ial tainag of du Fi+opecty in wbich the fats
<br /> market valoe of the Property immedi�tdy,t�fore the taking is tess than the amaant of the sums secuiod imn�ediatety befooe the
<br /> � ' ta�ring,wiless Bormwe;and Ltnder atlxx��ise agree in writing or untess appticable law otherwise provides,the proceeds shall
<br />' - � be applied to the sums savzsd bY this Savtity iaunvnent whetber or nat the sums are d�t due_ -
<br /> � if the P�aperty is ab�ndoned by Socrowa.or if,afta natice 6y I.eoder ta Borrower that the condemnor offers w matce an ,
<br /> swud or settle a cta�m for d�m�ges.Borrower fails to respond to T.epder within 30 daYs afte*the date the notics is given, �
<br /> ' L.ender is authori�d tv coIIect a�apply the proceods.at,its opnon.either to restoration or[epair of the PtopertY or,to ihe'�as �=__-
<br /> - savnd by this Secusity Iastroment.whdter or twt then duc. : -;'��;� ' `° =',b =
<br /> � : " Untess Ir;nder and Borrowec otherwise agree in writin8.•ai►Y apPtication of proceods to principal shaIl m✓t'eztei�ar:. _
<br /> ,. , . . ; postpone the due date of tbe maathlY�y�s referred w in 1 and 2 or change tbe amount nf sueh paymen'ts:::;:'_;_� � `_:_�
<br /> �� 11.Bociv�ra Not Rdeased+For6a�a�oe BY I�mder�aiv'er Extension of the Ume for paymenE or modific�t!an.. ,,,,,_
<br /> i�, of amo�tizaaian of the sums savred hy this Securiry Instrument gianted by l.ender to any snccessor!n interest of 8orrower sdatF.`
<br /> . : not operate to release the liability nf the originai BorroAer ar Bocrower's sueeeswrs in intercst. Lender st�all:nciE 6�itquirec!to - ._ ' . .
<br /> � .;�;�:y � amortizacion '
<br /> ` �,, ��<< Y.�,;. . romt�xxx pruccedings agai�ut any sucaessor�n interegt or refi�sc to eatend time fos paymenr or otherwise modify� '
<br /> of the.s�un�c se�vred by ttus Socunty Insuamenc by reason of any demand made by the original Bomnwec nr Borrowec's � - `.-
<br /> ::�;�,-"':';:.�,. ,. successors in interest. Any forbearance by L.ender in e�cercising any nght or remedy shall not 6e a waiver af otptectude the`- -'.-- ,=.
<br /> , '^�::'{:-`x• � . exercise af arry right or remedy. ��=.
<br />' � r_ ..;__ : .a. � �.. . `—��_
<br /> �:�=:;?:.;: �.� . : 12.Saocesso�s i�nd A.s s i S a� B o a n d:J o l m u�S e�e r a l L i�i t y;C o�s i g n e r s. 'f h e c o v e n a n t s a n d�g r e e r r�ents af this ., _
<br /> ,.'�.; � �
<br /> � '" Security tasuument shall bir�d and benefit the succcssoes and assigns of[.ender a�d Baaower.subject to the pmvisions of �.";,,.;, A=Q�--
<br /> � � � �� h 17. Borrawer's covenants and agreementq.s6a1t be joinE and several. Any Bomower who ca-signs th�s Security _ E• :;�q!_
<br /> .-:��::i�.`�•'.:-::-�, �� P��P �;rt��.._--
<br /> ., � r,. ..= instrument bui daes not execute the Nae:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument onty ro moRgaBe. grant and convey that
<br /> --":�<�*��°:-�;� �..
<br /> ;;,; ' ,-�'��."s;,� . Bomnwer's interest in the Propcn!'under the terms of this Security Instrument:(b)is not persuiraily obligated to pay the sums s,'• . ;i� :`'•.:E�
<br /> .�
<br /> .�.:.:�.,. ;_„� ` securod by this Secvrity Insuument:and(cI agrees that l�er�der and any other Borrower may agree c�extend.madifY•forbcar os ,� -
<br /> .r--�_•:-}�::�_; imice any acrnmmodations arith regard to the um�s af thts Security Wsmiment or the Nlote withoat tisai 8orrowee's�onsent. ... ;:=r
<br /> •i a:" 13.Loau�Cha�g�.If the taan secured by this Seia�city Instrnment is subject to a law whiet�sers ina�cs'miin#E�an cl�arges• -;
<br /> � and th�t,law is finally interpreced so that the interest ar other laan charges collected or to be co:iectod in connection with the :
<br /> � ' loan exceod tl�e pemutted tim�ts,then:(a)any such Ioan charge shall be reducsd lsy the amaunt na�ssary to redace the charge . .,� � :w. �
<br /> ' to the permitted limit:and(b)a�ry sums already collected fram Barrower which exceeded permitte�limits will be refunded to
<br /> ' _ � Borrower. I.eader may choose to make this refund by redacing t he principal aw e d u n der t h e N a t e a r b y m a k i a g a di r e c t '. .��.:
<br /> -- � paymertt to Borrower. If a reFund reAuces principal. the reductian will ��e treated as a partial prepayment without any ' }'
<br /> ,;';` �`, � prepaymeM charge under the Nate. k ' I�.:
<br /> ' 14.Notkes.Any naticc to Banower pmvided for in this Security tnstrament shall be given by delivering it or by mailing y
<br /> {: ���:_ '' ' it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another methad.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address �
<br /> ,..,,r::... :; ; : • •-
<br /> .�r+=;,,:_}_.. . . ar any other address Borcawer designates by natice to Lender. Any notice to I.ender shall 6e giv�n by first class mail to �•:..�
<br /> - l.ender s address statcd herein ar any other address Lendcr designates by natice to Borrawer. Any notice provided for in lhis :����;?�f,
<br /> . �,,�,), -
<br /> � � , Seturiry Instrument shall be deemed ta have 6een givcn tv Rorrower or l.ender when given as provided in this paregraph. . .._
<br /> ,:,,;,;;'; :, ,_. ' 35.Governing l.aw; SFVeeabillty. 'Fhis 5ecurity (nstrument shull be governed by fedcral law and the lawof the _ `.�,��,:.,;
<br /> • �`"��: jurisdiction in wiuch the Pro�erty is lacated.In the evenl that any proeisi�n or clause of thiti Security lnctrument or the Note . �, -.
<br /> �{ �" ' � ' � conflicts with�ptieabfe law,such wntlict shall nat affect other prav�s�ons af this Sccurity Instrument or the Nate which can be . : �
<br /> ' , , ' ; .. . , �,x,�.',..._,
<br /> , �.��
<br /> �' ' �' given effect wit��t the caatlicting provision.To this end the pravisians nf thic Secunty lnstrume�t and the Note are declar �
<br /> ,'ryr;�;s?p:;,. .
<br /> -,�;;"=r` ' __ ta be severabie. - •.. -- ' ;"''.•='-°�-
<br /> 'i;== ''- 16.Borrower's Cupy.Barrawer shall be given ane conformed rnpy ui the Nuce`a7d of this Securiry Instrument. . . �?"'�`
<br /> ,,,.:,. ,. •;5�1�...
<br /> � . n",,j`''_ ' lT.Trat►sfer ot fhe 14+aperty or a Betteticial lnter�st in Borrower.If aU or any pan of thc Propeny or any interest in it . , . �
<br /> .,,.;,�., ,
<br /> • , !��;;;� :. , _ . is sold ar�ransfermd(or if a beneticial•interest in Borroaer is sald or�ransferreci and Bocrnwer is nat a natural person)withaut , �
<br /> + � �"'%',�� L+ender's prior written consenl. l.ender may, at its�aptiun, rcyuire immecliate paymcnt in full pi all sums secured by this .;,;,:�.,:
<br /> . :.��.;t;;��� •s; .�.��,.:�
<br /> �'';;� �;; • Sewtrity Instrutnem.However,this opliun shalt nut be exercised by l.ender iP exercise i�pmhibitod by federnl law as of the date ;;;;'�"�.:
<br /> , ;,�j.��.� : �. , , ... .' .
<br /> • ,,�s`;f,�, .. a�'lhisSccurityIatitn+ment. . ..
<br /> A ' '�i 1 i... �.,•
<br /> �,.•;�,;, � If l.ender exercises this option,Lender shall give B��rrowcr noti�r of accclerution. The nntice shall provid..a pericxi of nut
<br /> ;�:•+:a�,;,',' � less than 30 days fram the datc the notice is dclivcrai ur mailcc!within which Burrowcr mu�t pay all sums wrutcd by this ,:, . . �. ��
<br /> 5ecurit lnstrument.l!Borrowcr fait��a e thcse sum. ri�u tu�he cx iratiun��i Ihiti cri�xl. l.ender ma invoke an reme�iics � °�' '
<br /> .;!;,,{,, : . . .., . y P'Y P P P Y Y !' •..
<br /> ' . • . :�1�,:.-, pem�itted by this Security In�trumcnt�viQ�out fuahcr nuiicr�►r drmand on fiarrau�cr. i. ,
<br /> ' %�"'� � . 18. Horrowcr'� Ki�ht tn Rclmtute. li 8urrc►wcr mcet� crnt�in amditian�. B�,rru�vcr �h�ll havc �hc righ� tu ha�4 ' . . �.:•�'
<br /> , •:':�i��'.'1'� cnforcemcnt ot'thiti Srcunly tnrtru�uent di.amti��ucJ at any timc privr ta thc ca�licr oE lu)S day�lor �uch othcr peri�xi as , • •
<br /> . ..� .. � ' applicable faw may speeify for reinst�temenq bcii�re�ale uf Ihc Property purou�uit tu any po�vcr of salc cant:�incJ in Ihi+ � .
<br /> . :�::;` � ' Securlty Instrument;crr(b)e�try of a judgment entorcin�this 5ccurity ln��rument.Tlia4e conditians are lhat Burtvwer:(s+)PaY� f •
<br /> ' • Lcnder all�ums whlch then woulel bc duc unelcr this S�tiurity tustrumcnt and thc Nutc as it'no acceleraUun h:ld cxcutte�l:lb) �
<br /> •� cures any default of any vlher c�venants or agmement�: (c►p:�y�a11 expci�.`eti incurrcd in rnfi�rci�g this Security lnstrununt. � .
<br /> .. � including,but nnt limited to. re:�.yanablc vuontcy�' frc.r:.md Id)takcs tiuch acti�m u>l.cttdcr pt�y rea.�ututbly mymcC tc�:t�surc .
<br /> - t8at the licn of this 5ecurity Instrumem. Lendcr'�ri�hl�in U�r Pr��perty auJ Hurruwcr'ti obli�atinn to pay Ihc+ums ticcurcJ by �
<br /> _ . --- - --ihis Security lastrutnent shalt r�fntinGC uachange�. Upem r�.rinet�ttement. hy. ��m�.ar[. ��i� Secunty lnstrutrtent rtW t1u:
<br /> . ' _... .. n6llgatlu�xcural hcreby shull remain futty effecu��r a�if'ni,acccicr:di�,n haJ��crurreJ.Hua•ever.this right tn rcin�tatc�hall i
<br /> . not apply in the casc of arccicr��ian uudcr pawgraph 17. ;� '
<br /> . -• - -. 19. �ate of tiut�;Change at laan tirrvircr. Thr Natc ar a {�ar�ial intere�t in thc �►t�,te �t�+gctl��r �tiith thia 5ceurit� , . .
<br /> •� lns�rumcn»�n�y bc snld onc��r marr timrs withaut priar m,tice�u F3�,rro�vrr. A.alr may rc.ult in u rha»gc in thc entity Ikno+cn '
<br /> sis the"l.�an 5crviccr")th:�t c��llcct�rnuathly paymcnts duc undcr�l�c Nute uud thi�5ccurit}� In�tn�mcnt. �'hrrr al.o nu�y hr anc
<br /> • � ��. ' ar more changes uf�he IA��n Setvirer unrelated tu a wlc uf��hc Nute.tf��t�cre i�a chan,,r ul�dte In+an 5ct��iecr, t�urru�+•er ail!hr
<br /> ' , givcn writtcn n�etice of the change in acwrd:uue u•ith par.��r+ph W ahuve:u�J anplicabl�la«•. "fhc nuticc��•ill�talc thc iiame aitd ..
<br /> , :aidress oi thC new t.e�an 5etvi��er 5nd the address to�vhich paynicnts +hould he u�adr. �Th� noticr��il)�Itu cui�lain:u�y ��Ihcr .
<br /> infnrmuti�,n rcyuirpd by applicabfc I�w. ,
<br /> ,' - ---^'---�—----:- -�(i Hstts��dtt�s 5u6siances. $nrtcswso s�l!tu�t •is�t.�or�r�t the pre�encc. n.r,�ii�p�ri:rl. dur.xe. ut rele:�sr E�t an} - - -
<br /> • -� • ' ' H:uardous 5ubstsnccz un ur in thc i'rupc�y. N�irtntvcr shal) ttnt d�i. n„r :dluw amune,d�c to di�. an)Ihing afl'ecting th� - - —v---- --�- -
<br /> ' � Property that is in viutatiot�uf:��y Ehviranment�il La�v. "CHc�+rerc'�litr� tw��xntenc�r�h,d1 mut apply t�.lhr prc�encc, a�e.or • _ •
<br /> , . � stnr�ge un ihc Pr�perty't�f sm:tll yuanlilit,�itf H��tdi+uti Suhrtancc.r that arc�:cnrral�}� r�r•�,�,niicd ta Fc:�pprupriutc n,n�,rmal . �
<br /> ' - - residrntia{usc�and ti�msunten;�nrv vf thr pra}+.��y. . - - - - - •
<br /> . -. . . - t -— -
<br /> , . — :-__'—_ "__ . -- _ . _ _ Gar 3 n�J . � ' .- - Fp/M.30Z� 91.q0 - •S .
<br /> .
<br /> ` : �. i . " ' . ;. .. � " ..
<br />