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<br /> . coven�aNTe g�y� �.����,a`�
<br /> , 9. Poynzsnt�. Dorrowcr oproos to motco nll paymonto on tho cocurcd do64�vfion duo. Unine� Qotrower and Lendor aprea oiherwise, eny
<br /> pnyr�ionto lond�r rccolvao from Oorrov�or or Tor Uorrouror'o honoflt wlll h� opp:Iod 11ret to eny nmounte Bmrovror oweu on tho eocurod dabt
<br /> axclutive of intereat or prin�iprl,�econd to Intoro�t,and then to princlpol,If pertiel pvapnym�nt oi tho accurcd dobt occuro tur m�y roc�on, It ufll
<br /> nat roduca or exeuse any echeduled peymunt until the secured debt le peld In tull. „
<br /> 2.Galms Apdntt Yitl�.8orrower wlil pny ell texe�, utewment�,end othor ch�rqea �ltrlbutebte to tho property when dua and wlil defend title
<br /> to the property�p alnct ony clelme whlch woutd Imp�lr the Ilen of thl�deed af truat.Lender m�y roqulra B�rrower to AAOIpn any ripht�,claima or
<br /> • �i i defense�whir.h Oorrower mey heve againet penloe who eupply labor or mutarlele to ImDrovo or melntaln the property.
<br /> •' � 3. Inwrana. Borrower will keep the property In�ured under terms acceptable to Lentier nt Bo�rowei'q expence end for Londar'a 6cnafit.All
<br /> Insurance policlea ehall Include e standerd mart epe cleuce In favor o}Lendor.Lendo�will he nemod ee loeo peyae or ee the insu�ed on eny such
<br /> �--- �.. .
<br /> ,.��r+J Inturancs poticy�Any in�ursn�e proceede�na�r�ej plied,�ithi�n���w��r'�d11w��OAfO��nuintiuchhniuiincitfor ai lona�a�Lander�cCUlrea roparty `
<br /> _ �..-- --
<br />. ..�.--,�}.�'�:.•. ;�;' Of {U 111���4YIOV YVY�.tl Va��uo�,vyv�ivv�..v��r..pi�•••��'�"�'�__'-" ' „ j
<br /> .�•.'S� --� �Y'.-.
<br /> I'���*�q 4.P►ap�rty.Bcrrower wlll keep the property in good condltlan and make ell rep�lre raa�onably nece&eary.
<br /> ����# of tFrus or�in any oblipatlon secured by thle deed of iNet Borrowe�r wil�pey theae emount to Lender�ei provldad In Covenant 9 of thli daed ot ,�.�_..
<br /> j�: • •
<br /> truat. `r'
<br /> ' � � 8.Pttor 6ecu�y IntM��te.Uniesa Barrower first obtalna LendeYo written consent, Borrower wlil aot make or permit nny chinpe�to sny pdot •,,
<br /> _ � � � aearity Interetl�. Borrower wlll perform ell of Borrower'e obitpetione under any prlor mortyepe, dee0 oi truat or othar caCUrity apraemant. �,'
<br /> irtciudir�Borrower'R cavenanta to meka peyment�when due.
<br /> " �' �� 7.Msi at oi RMts�nd ProRt�.8orrowe►eaefpne to Lendor the rente snd Rrotita oi the property.Untet�Barrower end Lender hove egroed ���
<br /> a2herw ae In wtitfng, Borrower mey collect��d retaln the rente e� lonQ ta Borrower li not In default. If Bor►ower defeults, Lender, Londer's �_--
<br /> .,: •• :,;; apent, or e court appointed rocsiver m�Y take possesslon and mampe the property md colieat the ront�.A�y ront�Lender collect�ahall be �.-
<br /> applied ftnt to the co�te of inenepinp the property, inctudinp court caato end attomeye' fees, commlaslons to rentel apente, end eny other �•,_,
<br /> ``�' �� �r':+. nea�eary rotated expenies.TM rom�lninp omount of ronts wil!then epply to paymentl on ths sacured debt as provlded In CovenYnt 1. __
<br /> 6-;:-.�'�=.:k. -
<br />- •� •��`''�.'!.E� t.1����hoida;Condordnlums:Pl�nntd Unit Oov�lopr►Hnta.Borro�ver aproee Yo comp Iy with the provisiana of eny Inaun 11 thia dnud o4 L�o:ib o�� -
<br /> :�;- ' e Ieasehoid. tP thla daed of trust fs on a uMt tn n condominium or e planned unit develupment,Bo�rowar will pertorm aII 6}BOfTO�JOi�C dU1laa e=
<br /> under the covenents,bylews,or regulattone of the condominium or planned unit development.
<br /> :,�� . ' �..�,t� . -_
<br /> 9.Authority o}L�r to P�rtum fa Bwrow�r. If Borrower fails to pertorm any of Borvower'�dutiee under this deed of trust, Lsnder m�y
<br /> conii uot on on�the prroperty le discontln ed or not�car led on In a reasunnble�manner,Lendar mey do whatever/aenecossarytortprotect Lender s __
<br /> ���,�'-,;�;� cecur(ty intdroat in the property.Thte may Inctude completing the conattuc�tlon.
<br /> •.„ M1.��• Lender's Teliure to perform wiil not prectude Lendar from exercising any of ite other riphto under the law or this deed ot trust. -
<br /> "�:: w"��
<br /> j° �' Any amaunte peid by Lendar to protuct Lender's secudry Interest will be aecured bythia deed of trust. Such emounte wlll be due an demand
<br /> ;':f TM�J2°. and will bear fntersst from the date of the payment until paid in tull at the interost rete In aHect on tha aecurod debt.
<br /> .:;,!•• :. ..
<br />=-r��"�' • ' 70. D�f�t�tt �nd Acc�l�nUon. If Borrower fails to meke eny paymont when due or breake eny covenants under this dead of truat or �ny
<br /> 'T�, delroand Immedis4e payment a�m�y Inv ko e the power of sile and any othar re�rrtiedfeipermitted byipplicable lawurfty of the secursd d�bt and
<br />_ -�:;R e'�Fl��
<br /> -__-��;��� 11.R�quqt fw Notlt�of D�t�Wt.Ii fa hereby requeated thet copiee of tha noticeF of defeult end sele be sent to each peraon who i�a puty
<br /> nereto,at tne�dmess oi secn eucn perevn,es:o:���it'�t�a�ai�s.
<br /> .-�� J.T
<br /> � 18.Poww of SM�.If the Under invokes the power of aele,the Truatee shell flr�t record in the oHice of the repister of de�d�of a�ch county
<br /> s:::;;�.,qA„� whereln the uuat propertV or eome part or parcei tMreof Is aitueted e notice ot default contdnin�the information required by Isw. Ths Truitee
<br /> =--_=—�„� shall alw mall copies of the notice ot default to the Borrower,to each person who I� � p�rty heroto,and to other psrwm a�pr e�cribad by
<br /> _--�-�-��y dPDllcabie law. Not les�than une month after the Trustee rocords the notice of d�feuR or two months it the uu�t property is not in any
<br /> �M Incorponted city or villapa�nd Is used In f�rminp o�peration�curled on by tM trustor,the fruttee sh�ll pfve pubilo notic�of��N to the petronc
<br /> °�,a,,;,a.�,s �nd in the mmner prescribed 6y eppptlaaMe tew.TruKee,without demand on Borrower, shall seil the proporty�t pubUc�uctlnn to th�hiphett
<br /> _---- bidd�►.if r�quind by the Farm Homestead Protection Act,Tru4tee oh�ll oNer the property in two cep�rate sslea as requfred by�p�itc�ble I�w.
<br /> - Lendsr omiti d�iifprmi�e miy purchace the property,thi�seety by publlo ennouncement�t the time srxl place of any prevfou�ly�ci�dul�d sib.
<br /> Upon rscelpt of pavm ent of the prica bid,Trustee shall dsliver to the purchaser TrustN'�daed conveylnp ths prop�rty.Th�recititls cont�(n�d In
<br /> -'"— Trustee'i dead shsll b�pdm�tacf�svidlenc�of the vuth of the stataments contalnsd thereln.Tru�tee thell apply the proceeds of the ute In the
<br /> -- reln{ti�tamen�i�4b to��II iums iecured by th i�deed ofi truat end lc)�thet bilanca if ny t�o t�e persone lepally entitied�to recilve tt.teas �nd
<br /> 73.For�dowu.At Lendor's optlon,thie deed of truat may be forecioaed in the menner provide by applicable I�w for foreclosun of mwtgapes
<br /> on real propsrty.
<br /> 14.kup�ctlon.Lender may enter tM propercy to Inspeot!t It Lender qives Borrower rwUce batoreha��d. The notice must stata the reasonable -
<br /> —- causs fa Lsnder'�inspectlon.
<br /> �- 1 B,Cp�dltex�Uon.Borrowor ee6io�m to Lender the proceeda of eny eword or clalm for damafles conneated with e condemnstion or othe►takinp
<br /> ���� - pf�II or�ny pxt of the properry.Such proceeda will be eppUed aa providod in Coven�nt 1.Thla scsipnment ia wbJact to tM terms of�ny prbr
<br /> --°•-----�- security epreement.
<br /> -""�"-- -��� 16.W�iwr. By sx�rciifny any,remed�r avallable to Lendor,Lender does not pivn up�enV`riphte to Intet uae eny otM►remedy.By not ozercitinp
<br /> = eny remeay upon esartower's aefeu'rt,i.ender dvur�wi wuivu a��y rlyhi io I..�r eo��:�..a�t�.,;���t s dataulL!f k h�p;.ar.:�.�lr..
<br /> -- 17,Jolnt r+d SwKr U�• Co•slyn�n; Succattae �nd Aalyn� Bound. All dutka undsr thfs desd of Vust ars Jofnt �nd several. Any
<br /> _�:�yi� Borrower who co•rl9n�thls eed of tru�t but does not co•slpn the underlyinp debt InaVUmentl�) doo� so only to prant ertd convsy that
<br /> Borrower'�tnterest In the prope►ty to the Trustes under the terme of thle deed oftruet.In�ddltlon,�uch a Boreawer e0reei thet ths Lendar�nd
<br /> enY othe►Borrower under thle daed oi truit m�y exter►ci,madl�y or meke any other char►�H In the term�of thle deed of trust or t►►�rscured
<br /> -�� 8ebt wlthout thet BorrowePs con�xnt end wlthout roleaalny that Borrower trom ths termi of thh daed of uwt.
<br /> _�°'�`�
<br /> -_—;,��..� The datle�and beneflte of thb deed of truet cha11 bind nnJ benefit the succsasore end��slpna of Lendor sod Borrov�er.
<br /> s c�P��"�'�i 18.Notk�.Unless otherwlse requlred by law,any notice to Borrower shel!bo ptven Dy deHverl�p It or by mnfling It by certltted mafl addr�sa�d to
<br /> �rjc Borrower�t th�property eddrosa or eny othe►eddreaa thet Borrower hae QIvon ta lender.Bonower will Bive any noUce to Lender by certlfled
<br /> - _ � ,w: • be�sent torLends�s�addnei ii st tad on�p Oe�t of thls deed of trusithor�ddress whlch Lander har de�lpnatad.Any uther notice to Lender�hdl -
<br /> .l�:.�,r��
<br /> =�� �� '� _ Any notice shall be deemed to hava been plven tu 8orrower or Lender when plven fn the manner eteted ebove.
<br /> -f'�'�'=��'"^�"�+� 19.Trm�t�r of tM Propety or�B�flclrl k�t�uat fn tM 8ortowar.it dl or eny pert of the property or any Interost U tt la eold or ermeferced
<br /> °�'�.�'�j�t ` wlthaut lend�r'� prbr wrltten content, Ldnder m�y deme��d inimediate payment ot the�ecured debt. Lender may elco demand Immedlate �
<br /> -_�,'�'.`t�'�'� payment If the Borrower ts not �naturotpe non and e heneficlal Intereat In the Borrower Is suld or trensisrced. However, londer may nat
<br /> ��=f�-�����" � demend paymarct In the ebove tltuatlons I}It Is prohlblted by federel law es of the date of thl�deed of trust. �
<br /> .�,�;•' �.� 20.R�eonwymc�.When tM o611patlon�ecurod by thla deod of truot haa been pald and Lender has no tunhar obligatlon to make�dvancas =
<br /> '•� und�r tM Intuuments or eoreements�ecured by thls deed of trunt,the Trustee she� upon wrltten requeet by the Lendor,reconvey the trust
<br /> ;��� property.Th�Lender shell deliver to the Borrower,or to Borrower's succosaor (n Intorest,the trust deod end the note or other evldence o}the �
<br /> �.•`_��•:. obl�aatlon uo e�tlafied.Borrower shill pay eny rocordatlon coste. �!
<br /> • � ;e��?'P•• 21. Suecasof TnutN. Lender, et Lerder's optlon, may romove Trusteo end eppolnt a succeasor trustee by first, metling o copy o}the
<br />- ,•r:• � subatituUon of trustea ae requlred by appllcablo law,end thon,by ffllng tho 6ubstltutlon of trusteo for record I�the oNlce of tha repleter ot deesla
<br /> � ' of eaah County In whlch the trust proporty,or some�part thareof, ie eit'vated.The succeasor tru8too,without convoyance of tho propo►ty,ahall
<br /> • eucceod to ell tho power,dutiea.euthority end tltle of tho Truatoe nemed In tho deod of truat end o4 eny succ�ssor truatee.
<br /> -_r_ .' .
<br /> _�
<br /> • , , rP,ae 2 0/2J
<br /> . .. � -• BANKEflS 6Y6YEMS.INC.,6T.CLOUD,MN 66J01 It•E00•387•43N)FOI1M OCP•MT6UE B/1BlBt _
<br /> � � o`v,�.�_� .
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