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<br /> �l. The l�inrt� Hs�f of tlje Northwest Quarter (H�Ni�}j fn Sectfon Txenty Eight (28) ' � �
<br /> _ - --- � - - --
<br /> - - _-_ :_ . .
<br /> Towashfp Ten,(10) North, Range B1eYen fIl} West of t�ie 6t� P.M. in Nal < � , -
<br /> Connty,, l�lebt�"i�k,Rr:;exceptfng�a_cer�aia tract wore pa*ticularly des`cribed _
<br /> ' ia Quftcl.�ial��i�dorecord�d in.;�Bocfck:l64. P�g�. 335• ' "
<br /> ::� : , '::. ::::�: z'��:v:°� -�'::'�.. . . -;,-;.� `
<br /> i2,�.: A_tract of°.land,:si.tttated in p�3���v���.At�tt�C���x�, Se�tion Seven (7), To�nship,Hfne f 9)
<br /> ; Nortb, Range Eleven,�(12j,.We�k�st�5���,;bt.#ris�cTt��, in Ha].I 'Couaty, Nebraslca� �ore partfculariy
<br /> � desct'ibe8 as fo}.loxs: � Co�ttiltt��t1� f;�tt;a Puint south of the Souths+est,corner of
<br /> LutE Ffve (5), Section Sfx ���1;�4.`�+l�hip Nine (��,North, Range Fleven (11), �iest�of the �
<br /> .J� Siacth P.M., and aa the soati�,,�r�8b����f vay 2inet=af Co�uty Road runniag east and irest , - _
<br /> oa and along the squth boundarp..of_said Sec�ion Six (6). a2so the�north boundary af .
<br /> _ Sectfon Seven (7),-ToVnsbip Nine (9)� North, Range E2even (12j; thence-east:nn and;. . .:
<br /> � along said soutK right of xaj! ].ine, a dfstance of 500 feet, thence South �arallel w-��4: �
<br /> the esst line of Lot.One (17•: ��iun Seven (7), Tovnshfp Nine (9) Horth, i�aage Ll�s�:: ,
<br /> {21), West of the Sixth P.1�•, a distance of 348.5 �eet; thence xest parallel with Efte�
<br /> �" �South line of said Lot� Qae (1? a distance of St10 Feet: .Cbence Hor�fi parallel wlth the �
<br /> ' east li.�e of said Lot �One (1), a distance of 348.5 Peet �of the pa3.nt of beginning,_
<br /> ` 'Hall County, Hebraska, '
<br /> •3. A tra�t of 3and-canprowf.sing�a part af the Soutt}west Quarter of.:tC�� southwest Quarter _
<br /> (SW}yW}) of section Tventy-One (21), Township Ten (1Q) North, Raisge Eleven (I1) West of
<br /> 6th P.M., in Hall County, Hebraska, more paztfcularly described as follows: ;
<br />-
<br />