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<br /> _ . � L.wy�ers ��1���n�uratuc� f'grjaarafiay�,_ �Q . ,�
<br /> ' N/iT10NAL HEAIxiUARTERB . ���� � �.
<br /> `. � ` ' . R�n�wd.Vie�inia � � � �
<br /> .: . ` ., SCNEOULE A cont d.' .
<br /> — SCii8D11LS 11 � STEM 230. 5 - SRIIZBIT �A� : . ' . . .. c
<br /> BARCSL lt Lot Oae {1), on !lainlanil, �aad t6e Southeaat Quar�ter of thB
<br /> lfortheaat Quartes�{SEI/�ttSi/41,' e�nd the 8ast hslf o� the Southeast Quartier�
<br /> {E1�2S81/4� of ' Section. Taenty (20), in To�ra�hip Nine` �g) NosGil; Range
<br /> El��aa tll) iiast o€ the 6�b; P:M.� Sall County� tiebiaska EItCBPTZN6 TBEREFROt!
<br /> l► Aeataagular tract af� Iaad Iocated ia tba Southeast corner:of Section
<br /> T+iantp t�2Q). �ownship N3ne t9� tiorth, Range Blsvea tIl) West a€ the 6th
<br /> ,p.!!:, a�►11 Cuunty• Neb�aeka, �ore partianlar3y desaribed as follows_:
<br /> Segianii►q at tha southeaet coraer�of-:Seatioa TWenty �8f!) at a .point in the �
<br /> siddle of the biqhvay sunia�uq'�Horth.-snd�:-south, t6enae ia a t�ortberly ,
<br /> - direatioa 290 feeti, thenae Westerly�,•�at�-�c.#qht��aagles a distaace of -148 feet, �
<br /> ttienaa ia t� sontherly diseation�l�F�rigbt.=aag�es a diatance of 290 feet to °__
<br />-- 'the ceater oi the higb�ta�Y�-,an:.tlla�:�oath.•si�Se of saia 3ecbion fiae�ty t20)• : _-__-
<br /> - — lheisce ia an Eastex2y 8iteation;af •rig�st• •�iagies 148 feet `to the point af =___
<br /> _-- �aqinniag • �• :-:� !�;�.` ��;;':(�����i . � ' . ' -----
<br /> - ' . � ;�,•;� ��'L "� .��f•,r1��•��' _
<br /> - '� " + o theast narfier iSWll4&EI/9� of — �-
<br /> pAACSL 2s Tbe Sauthwest Quartery t o!� �he,. S u Q �.� _
<br /> �Section TWentx t20), ToWasb�p�Idia (9.);No� th;� Ranqa Bleven (11),� West of the �'R�'--
<br /> � . Y.�--
<br /> - 6th �P.M., HaYI -Couatp, N�br�ska. x �:� `�i� . , ��'�" _
<br /> ' , �y t.. .` if f.."�1F'.k :'
<br /> �. . s i: . i :� .� � ,.�.;Y_.=
<br /> _ �.��,
<br /> � PAItC�L 3s The Northeast Quar�er`.'ot==�the SouthWest Qua�ter INEl/4SW1/�) and _.?;��_r_.
<br /> r```= t3ie Horthwest Quartes of th'e Southeast Qaarter tNWi/95E1/4)� and Lots �._�'`,.
<br /> `. Numbe7red Three (3) and 33x t6). .o.f 'Seotion TNentg (20), ToWaship N3ne I9? ' �._t�'^__
<br /> -''` Nortb, ltauga Eleven {11)' West of �he ,6th. P.M., �al�. Cvun�y, Nebraska _=�__:.�
<br /> ` EXCBPTING T�BREFROM A Tract of land' in the Sout��`esti aorner af tlie '. �,__�
<br /> Southrtest Qaarter •o� the. Northeast Quarto= iSWl/4NEl�g?� af Seaxion Twenty �..-._.o
<br /> .(20�� Tovnship. Nine (9) Nortb, Range Eleven tll} West of tho 6th P.Fi., �ttull �:;y;�.;;a,�.l
<br /> � i+ ." '� County, tiebsa$ka moze particularly desa=ib�ed as ' folloaa: Stasting at the . �,���: ,
<br /> . �'��, ,� ,..,:�,',
<br /> •� 8outbwesi� aorner of the Southwest Quazter of the Northeast, Quarter ��.;
<br /> ' (SWI/dNEI/4) of aaid Seation Twenty ,t201. this ale,a bei.ng the Southaost , = _
<br /> !,:, F' s cornes ofi Zot 3 oP tho Original t3ovornment Survey• �lsonaQ Noskli on tho . -
<br /> "= � psopesty fence line a distanac of 195 feet, �then.ae Lasterly on the asa af a . �
<br /> ' '� tYUe oixals aurne whose radius is 53A Pee� a dfstanae of 450 feet, thence
<br /> ' • - At siqht angle� �et t tibenceg southw s'tqrly to the poi t of�beginss�.ng.i9ht, a �
<br /> i' ' : c]istance of 40 f • . . . '
<br /> �.: ..
<br /> � P�RCEL 4s The Northeast Quartez (NE1/4) of Seation TWenty Niae (29). • ,'
<br />•��'.'�.�'�� . wf } ToNnshig �3ine Q9`) North, Range �leven (!1) West oP the 6th P.M.. Hall �, .
<br /> �� CouAty� �.��zagka EXCEPTINC3 TtiEREFRO6i A Tract of land more particu2arly Yt,�p-�1?
<br /> ��'-' dasaribed as �ollowa: stiar�in9 at a point 207.0 feet south o� the tialf �.,
<br /> ;; . _
<br /> " S4"citional carra,er. loeated betw�en Sections �8 and 29• Towaship 9 Nosth, �°•• .. x.��_
<br /> : �;�� Raage 11 West .v� the 6tE� p•M•a 3�a11 County. �abraeka, thenae t,t�st 233.0 . .
<br /> � teet at g0� to tY�e� Ea&�t Seational line oP Sect3,on x9� ��16n�0 geethto��he
<br /> . ;,,� .%-;; I, leet para23e1 to sai� Sast Sectionai line thence �ast 233. �
<br /> '�::'"�: +: ' East Iiae o� said g��teast 33h0�feet thereo� £r 1 ighway. the point oE
<br /> ,._:;+�-; .
<br /> � ' �; ��+� � beginning� excep�iri9 the
<br />,'' ,. i•�' ♦ PARCEL 5s The Southwest Quazter (SW1/4) og Section Thirty One t31), • �
<br /> ' .�`� . Totianshi� Nino �9) tlosth., itnng•• �lovo�� (il) S�oflt nf �ha Gth P.t•t., Nn1 L � ' ,
<br /> , " '-�. Couaty. �e�larasT:a.
<br /> � � p� ��,z_____�r�o. '1'-GT-GU33 t
<br /> ' �:('. Scl�edulo - S- � .
<br /> . ..
<br /> , .... • . , , ` .
<br /> ��s: - - - - � --- ---- -
<br /> � , . ; , .. �5-.�.Y.;....,-._...:. .._. ._..; _-r-;_._. . - . _. _ , .. ,
<br /> L.:.�r-: - ,. . . . 1.. . ' . . . ;
<br /> , _ ��, � . � , ';�.� . , .
<br /> , SW�u].f' �S. •. • • - � . � . � ,� � • ' . �
<br /> 1�3
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