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<br /> �f 'r:
<br /> _ je�wy�ers "�de jnswance �rporation� :�2=� � �lp2fi�5 '
<br /> . - ` < NATtONAI.tlEAlHIUAHTEBS " ' _ �
<br /> - . ' . . ` Rkfimor�d.vroinis � ' . . .
<br /> .- � SCHEOUl�_cont d. : ,`
<br /> 6C1t6DULE 11 • ZTEM ti0. .5 . - - �Xf�382? "A" � . ..
<br /> pIIACEL lt Lot Oite �1). Qn UlaiAlnAd, attd ttae Soiatheast Quarter of the "
<br /> Nostb�sst Quartar;�8lt1/4NE1/4),_ aad �hs Saat hali o! tihp 8ou�heast Qaarter
<br /> ' ttl/2ssif�! of Seatioa T�ren�y (20�• in' Tovasl�ip Ni:ne t9) North, Rang�
<br /> .sl�ysn (il� il�at Qf ,tha 6tb P.M.; Hali •County, Nebraska ExCEPTING TqEAEFROt4 `
<br /> � A*ct�Agalsr- �zaet of land locatsd iA the soutiheast cvrnar of sectian
<br /> ?wsasty tZOI�R Tor►nship:Nina (9) liarth, Rdaqs Bleven (12I pesti o� the 6th
<br /> p.K.� Hall Coanty, Nebx•asks, �ore particularlp �eaa�lbed as� folla+�s:
<br /> �D�qiAaiaq st tlia Souttieast aornsY�•af�,9ectiaa T+tenCy (20) a� a potu� ia the
<br /> siaai.• ot ths htqh+ray ranning'=ttoYth.=�anci.�eou�h;, thence� im a NartSe=ly
<br /> -- eissetian 290 faat� thbnee Ke$Cesly�:!ttt;z#qht��angles a dlstanae of 14s fee�,
<br /> tb�ac• 3t� a southerly diractioa'�t3riqht.�angles a distance of Z9Q fee�:.to _
<br />-= tb• aaAter o� the higb+�r+�Y•.'oa�tha„Soa�tl�-sid� o.� saf� .sea.tt�a T�reatg. E�a3: _---
<br /> thancs ia an Eastarby a3section.�a�:`rig��'ang�g� 348 �feet� to thg poinl�:�of
<br /> _-- .• y.� c;{'-� � ��.i}`� . ` . , ..
<br /> - ,b�qtaninq. � � -. �;��� t�� ! y• :�� y�;,�t
<br /> - ' , r �� =�cti{ sr t
<br /> - - p11AC8L �s , Tba Southweat� Quar�ez��e�� tha:59outheast Quaxter lSW�1�4.SEl/4� of . __
<br /> 8�otioA TKeaty (20}, ToWnsbip�Nine. 4�.)�iNarth; Range 8leven (11) c�est `of Che __
<br /> ",- �th P.M.� �All Canaty, Nebr�ska. �� ��, �; ��'� __ � ' _ . � �-,-�
<br /> � �: . '� .,� �' ��`�,'
<br /> �'1tRC8L 3= The NostheasC Quar�e�"oi'-��the l4outhaest Quarter tNEl/4SW1/4) and ��u
<br /> � th• NosthNest Quartes of the sa��heast Quarter 1NW2/�SSE1/A��C and Lots ��_
<br /> Nuwbazsd Tkree� (3) aad Sis t6) _of "�eation Tweaty i20), Towaship Nine (9) __ __-
<br /> tiorth, Range 8leven (il) pest a� the ,6th_ P.M•, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> EXCL�PTxNO TBE1tEFROM b Tract af ��and' in the Southwest corner of t�lse __—
<br /> 8outbwss� Qttt�tter o! the Northeast Qaartier tSWl/ANEl/4) of Sect�.o».:Twen�ty �__
<br /> � , (20), Township' Nine (9) Nortb, Range Eleven tllf West of tlie 6th�-P:r7.,.. 13�11 — ____
<br /> ` County, Hebraska a�ora particularly deeaxibed a� fol�oKS: star-=��a�3 a� the "'��__
<br /> t;,_
<br /> Soathwest aorner of the Svuthaest Quarter of the Northca'st� Quarter -:��-�=_:
<br /> . :�'�,�.,,:
<br /> (8W1/4HE1/9) o� said Sevtion Twenty (20), thie also being tlie Soutliwos� � .�.,;-_,,
<br /> ` �,�" porrter o! Lot 3 of tha Original Govornment 8urvey. tlianco tl�arbli ou �l��s r�,••���=-'
<br />- � � psopsrty lence line a distance af I95 feet� thenae Easterly on ��ie ara of a : :..� _;
<br /> tru� cfzole aurve whose ra��us is 534 feet a dietianae of 4S��.gee�. thence �: �.-,. :�
<br /> . :�.-�.:_._
<br /> �� ." at siqbt aus9lea to the tangen� o£ the aurve at thia point to the righe. a _ :.>,�¢r'1:
<br /> . `}`. diftisne• O! 40 teet, theace scsuthwe9terly to the point af beginaiag. - _
<br /> :� - .. .
<br /> P111tCEL 4t Tbo Noztheast ��:arter (r�El/4) of 96ction Twenty �lisso (29�r
<br /> �`� ToWnship Nino (9) North, Ra�ge Elaven tll) West o� the 6t3� �P.M., HA21
<br /> ..;;;:.
<br /> � .y
<br /> COUnty• Neb=askA EXCEPTINI3 THEREFROI�I A T=act of land caor0 partianlarly ,, � . ,__
<br /> : d��csibed as folloasr Star�ing at a pvint 207.8 feet soutb af the Half 'f=��:,�.�-
<br /> ' S�ctional oornes locat�v� betaeen Sections 29 and 29, Township 9 t�osth, --,_.�:_:±
<br /> �.� Rang+ li Wost a! the 6th P.t+l., Hali County, ttebras�:a, .thenae West x33.0
<br /> �, :��� ati 9p to the Sast Seationai line of Secti3on 29: ��snce aoath 240.0 _. � _ .
<br /> � ' t��t �ssallei to sai8 Eaet Sectional line thenoe Eas� 233.0 feet bQ �hcs �.�
<br /> . j� � �Sasti line ot etsi�l SecEioni thanoo north 240.0 £eet to the poi��� oL�
<br /> y:Tj" '
<br /> - , b�ginning, excepting tbo oast 33.0 feeti thereot Por highway• ,
<br /> �L �� pAR��=, �� T1�o Southwor�t Quartor (SWl/4) of Seatia� Thirty One (31),
<br /> :�s:.�:.. • �awnship Ni��o l9) North. liang•, �idven til) Weat o� �lta 6tli P.t�f., ttall
<br /> '_'°`,�. . •. :
<br /> . Coun�y, Nobraska. � '
<br /> '. �-�'• Sd�odule�--�'agv—�----No. T-GI-6033 �.
<br /> . •�'p a
<br /> � - __.:,_.....
<br /> �_a.;.:.. _ __......... . ..:..-. . , .. _...
<br /> . �r. � - . - .- . _ . . - .. . .. _. . ,
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<br /> ,'�,� . _. ___ . __ _ . . ._ . . _.
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