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<br /> —_ _ __"'Ol�t-- . 'J . . . L � � _ . . • � (.
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<br /> • ' '�(t�FR Wl'�'���,t11C 1I11pOMC111�11[S IION��(llOCi�lT CiCCltd dfl th�Q(OpCity.3�1d Al�CI�MflL4.��{![Idt�O��. '
<br /> � aed f�ixtu�es tww cx ba�aRer s 1wrt ot the p�operty. AU tepiac�s and additian4.sl�aft�Iso 6e mvaed 6y this Sscunry ,
<br /> . Insnuiae�. Al!o€she foiegoiag is nfer�i�i�sdtis�Y�3s�"�0�3'" . , '
<br /> �pgRaq►ER:CpyFdVqN�'S t�t�vrmwer is lawfutly saised of tht estatt hereby comreyed and t�s the right to grant
<br /> . , and c�onvay t1te.Property and thu du PcupMY is unencumbered.except for encum6rances of rxaad. Sortower w�rants aad
<br /> wW defad gajerally the dtt�to the Pl�upaly agaitut ait ci�ims and demands.subject ta any encumbranoes of iecord. �
<br /> 1�IIS SFCITRITY INS1RU11�LVT canbines unifortn covenants for national use�d nae-unifarm covea�n[s with
<br /> � limiaod vauiativas bYlasisdiction to conuimte a uaifam suutifY iastru�neat covering�eal prapenY- .
<br /> • UNII�DRM COVE1VAl�iTS. Boanwer and Lend�r cwenant and agnx ic foAows: . .
<br /> L P�jaeat ot Priscipil asd I�taat:PrePaYmest and Late L6xr� Barow�er sirali P�PUY PaY�due the
<br /> principal of aud intenest on the dtDt avidenced by the Notc aad anY FrePaYment and tate cliarges due under the Notc.
<br /> • 2 Fa�+for'13u[es a�d Ia�rakx S�ibjxt w applicabk law or to a wmm�waiver 6y Le�ider,Borrowa si�ail pay w
<br /> -- I.ender on dre day monthlY WY��are dae�u�der t1�e Note,vntil ihe Note`is p�id in fuU,a sum f'�s)for.(a)9�Y
<br /> tues aM assessmaus whub may au�in p[ias!Y over this Security Iastrument as a lien on the Property:!b)Year1Y leasebold
<br /> __= p�►Ymet�cs or Stwind rents on the Property, if any: (c)Year1Y hazud a P�P�S' ����mium�(fi Y�Y f[ood
<br />- = iasarrace pi�emiums,if any; (e)yarlY mor�gage msur��c P�'emiums•�f anr�nd«�y��ms PaYa61e by$otiower to . _
<br />-.- I.�nder.in accord�noe vvith tbe pcovisions of paragraph&in lieu of the payment of matgage insnrance PKmiu�. 'll�ese
<br /> -- itans ane cailed"Escmw ttems.° Lender may,at any time.coqcct and Mid F�nds in an arnouatnot to sxceed the mauimum
<br /> - unount a tender for a federaily reimd morcgage loan may require for Bo�rawer�s escmw accame undef the fedetal Real - -
<br /> - Estate Settler�ent�pioceduies Act of 1974 as amended fram time to dme.t2 U.S.C.�2601 et ug.("RESPA").unless another
<br />-' luw that applies to the Fands sets a lesser amount tf so.l.ender may.at any time.collect and hoid Fimds in an a�aount not to �,
<br />--= excoed the lesser amount. Lender may estimate ilx amo�mt of Ptiads due an tbe buis of rament data and rea�aoabte ��-
<br /> � estimates of expendia�rcs of fuNce Escrow hems or aherwise in accordance with applicabte law. � _
<br /> rt' T6e Cvnds shaU be 6cld in au institutian wt�ose dtposits are instu+ed by a federal agency.insutm�entality,or enrity �`
<br /> (iactud'mgl.ender.if l.erxler is such an institution)o�in any Federal Home�oan Banic. Lender sfiall apply the.Funds ta pay � ."s` ,--,�-j;-
<br /> - - . tAe�scrow Iteats< Lender may aot charge Borrowec far halding and,s�mt�g the Funds.armvalIY anatYzing the escrow � � - ,`.
<br />'.' . :h-;� 4. :.-
<br />_ :. • arco�mt,or verifying the F.scrow,Items.untess Lender pays Borm��t on the Funds and appiicabte!aw permiu. •: • , t�_
<br />;: ... ,' :�• • 1,eidecao make sacb a charge. Hawever,l.ender may reip='�.'e�d��3-v�pay a one-time charge for an independeat mal _ " a
<br /> .,,;�- ._ . � .�s�ate�.�C�orting service used'��F ender ia cannection wi���3a��-�ss appticable law provides wt�erwise. Unless an -__- - -�'�
<br />,`,��,;�':� T`��� . a�tgceeii�ent is made or applicabte law requires interest tn be paiw i.ender s�a�l not be required to pay Borrower any interest or .
<br /> eamings on ttie Fcuids. Bocmwer and Lendec aiau-agree in wnting.howevec c�at inteiest shall be paid an the Funds. l.ender . _.�
<br />' �: f, ; ' .5:. ,. r.�.�.�
<br /> ,��`�� shall give to Borrower.without charge,an a�u�accounting of the Fvnds..�iowing credits and debits to the Funds aad the ,. �-�.:;�j`.
<br /> pprpose.for which�ac1t debit to the Fvnds was s:ade. The Funds are pledged as additional securiry far all sams secured by y _,:� ;i,4;::�
<br /> .� - this Sec�auitY tnstsament. � ,. .�. .,;,,�= '.
<br />� +'` If iate Funds hetd by Lxndeg raxceed the amounts permitted to be field 6y appllcable law,Lcnder shall.a�tis�st to �.x�r Sr,�cr�i;
<br /> .�'� •�-
<br /> �, Borrower for the excess'�unds am aa�.ardance with the requirements of applicabte law. If the amount of the Fi�da�t�by �+�,�,.��;.�
<br /> - �`r: �r at any ti�e is not su�Cient to pay the Fscrow Items when due.Lesder may so notify Borrov�cer 9n wdung,and,ia <' ', ;_,�i.+�;�„'�;
<br /> : - •:� such tase Barrawrr sliall pay to Cender the amount necessary to make�s�the defcieacy. Borrowea�fialt make pp fhe t...r;�._
<br /> • _ :� . d"ef'i�e:n..�Y in no more than tweive monthlY PaYments,at Lender�s sole d'�sccenion. � �s•%� <„�..;�
<br /> tt . �<`:..�
<br /> ,. �, ,.E; �:pan paymen�tn fuU of alt sums secured by this Security instrument,Lender sha1Z�prompdy refimd to Borrowec any :;,i.•.=..
<br /> punds�eId by Lender. If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Leader,prior to the acquisition or ' �:� ':'��t+' ��.
<br />- - .Y:r.. - ' ;,�?i(.
<br /> ^,f. K`.v,+� , i�.'�...
<br /> ,�,-" -, :a . ,. sate of the piroperty.shall apply any Funds helA try Lender at the time af acquisition or sale as a creQit again�t the sums ,, ,°.- ,
<br /> � g•':��� ` secureAbylhisSecuritylnstrument. . � ::��
<br /> :, i.•� . - .• .
<br /> �' �'-."r•�� i-; , 3. Application of Payments.' Unless applicable law provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender under
<br />: , � , paragraPhs 1 and 2 shatl be applieQ:first,to anY P�P Y . , ' • i;-��
<br /> a ment charges due vnder the Note:second,to amounts payable unde� ;•`.� ��.
<br /> '' f '"�`.r�, paragraph 2;third.to interest due;fourlh,to principal due;and last.to any late charges due under the Note. ;; '-�..2!_.
<br /> ` �•_ - 4. C 6 a r g e�; L i e n s. B o r r o w e r s h a l l p a y a l l t a x e s. a s s e s s m e n t s.c h a r g e s,f i n e s a n d l m p ositions attributable to the ;�•.;(;i� .•_a-_�_.
<br /> � �. _," ' Property which may attain prioriry over this Serurity instnrmen�and teasehold payments or gtound ren�s,if any. Borrawer
<br /> • :Y� •:, shaU pay these obligatians in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paiA in that mantier.Bortawer shall pay them on ; ' �y;;�:_
<br /> '' �; time directly to the person owed paymenw Ba�s+��r shall prompUy fumis?���Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under : A• -.
<br />��': ' " � �a. . this paragraph. li Bortower makes these a�+�:�directl .Borrowcr shalt om tl fumish to Lcnd:.z�Wcei ts evidencing ` ,' '_-�.�'��==
<br /> P 3 � y PT P �l � ,.,.;r ,. -�,�,-�,
<br /> � " � r;�° � �1.� �. the paymcnts. � ' .�;�.,,. ,,f��.
<br /> ,�,r}.;;,
<br /> i, ' � + �r_ ; Borrower shal!promptty das.-azge any lien which has priority over this Secudry Ir,s.�:ent unIess Bo�r�aer:da:+�ees ��. •. i�';y,�'
<br /> , .;', ; in writing to the payment of the oa�$ation serared by the lien in a martner acceptabte to Lender:(b}ccs.-a-,esi�in gaod ya?th ihe �_ {'�-:��--
<br /> � :f: -�.'; ` liea by.or defends agalnst enfarcement of e:�e�:+..':►in.legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinia�as�erate to yrevent the �°• _�._—_
<br /> ``� '`!�:� "%�=� '• enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures fro::�r��:��.�;d e r o f t h e G e n a n a g r e e m�n t s a t i s f a c t o ry t o L e n d e r s ti�or d inatin g the lien � ��_..,
<br /> `�� ' • � to tr?s Secwity Instrumea� If La�der detersni�es that aay part oi the Property is subject so a lien which may attai�t�S::arity . . t�;�'-��:
<br /> ' "f,:� _:�- -
<br /> ove��a Secudty lnstrumen�I,�l:r may give Boaower a m�c::e identifyin�thc lien. Bnr+:ower shall satisfy the lieae cc�a2ce ''�'�; ;:x .::
<br /> .. ,:,s ,"' '` • one�,�rnore of the aclions set for:r above w�thln 10 days of�:�:�IVitig Of ROIlCC. � ':�, '`,����r' ,
<br /> �`'� • 5. Ha�ed or Property Insunnca Bonower sha;E k�.ep thc impeoti�ementti now existing or hereafter erected;�s the �``�'��'"'
<br /> �'� � ' ' Propetty insured against los�by fue.hazards included within the term"exr:,�s�ed coverage"and any other hazards.including �. . . .
<br /> ' ��'•��� Quods or flooding.for which I.ender reyuires insurance. This insurance sfrall be maintained in the amoonts and fos the ;-. . -
<br /> _.���.. ' �, . . . � 4 :.,�;� , .
<br /> ' � + � r,'. � � , �.'i.i'yi
<br /> �i�c�'i�; ,i,`;;�� • • Form3018 91�0 /1'oXe2 aj6 page.rl . ��.: ,
<br /> . !.�',���Y_.r , . � .
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