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<br /> �proceeak7(n ConneCtipn wfth Condemr►eit{on or other teklrp of the Prepetty dMpaA ttsereol,or or canveyance In Ileu o1 condemnaSkxi.
<br /> Lerxier shall ba enUUed at its optlon ta cammer►ce,appoar In and prosacute In Ita own name any actlon ar pmcee�ilnps,Ar�d ehall also
<br /> tu�entlttad tn n�ake any compromise or saYfement in conneciton wiiii aunh tai�ii�y oi u'�►���ama.In tha cvcnt:n,�:t'�+o!L�Pre�rty!g
<br /> r,a t�►ken or c�pmnga�i,t�c�nder eliail hsve the optlon In It�aato ancl nbsolute dle,r,ratton,ro aF►ply cll susSi pracaods, aiter deci«etlsg _
<br /> theretram atl coate ancl expen5ea Incurreci by(t In wnnect�ori witl suci�F'ra�acd�,ugon any Ir,Gab4cdnc�:,c�curc�l it�rc7y cnd In cu�h _
<br /> order ae Lender may datermine,or to ppply a�l sucl�PraC�Exie,aftar suGti�ieductlons,to ttta reataratlan a1 the�roperty ujson such can• _
<br /> dkbne ae.�.ender may�tarmine.Any eppllcation o!Pr�ceoda to Inchbtednees ehnll not extend ar pastpane the due date of any pay
<br /> me�ia uncsr fiw P1uib�o�curo s��y G:ta:i4 tt'wr:.u��:cr he:e�tt�t.�.ny�r.!�!!�h�nci�shal!be pald to Tmetar. _
<br /> 8,p��orm�no�by L�rnMt. iJpon the occurrenas of en Event of Detau�t hereunder,or If any ect la teken or le{}a1 proceeding
<br /> commenced vr��h mateda�ry etteat�l.enders Interast In the Properiy�l.�en�r�sy In Ita cmm d�scr�ttan,but e,►�uut eb!lsstlon tQ�eo,
<br /> sak]�:�wiuui nof's,a to or d�m:rrl u�an 7ru=fur crtd t�thnt�t re!�4.^.lrx,J Tr�ator Irom eny c�bll�}atbn,dio any ect rrnrh{ch Tn�stor has aflreed
<br /> uin'ioiiv i w w ca,'�n.i�:y:V.��'M~i��~�==��`�""'! •^•°�'�""-�^•�te nratect the sacutfty hete0l.YNSIOf BINiN, Immodtately upon
<br /> demand therolor by Lender,pey to Lender all coata end expe�see Incurred and suma expended by Lander In oonne�ction with the exer-
<br /> clss by LeRd�er o1 the torepdng ri�hts,topether wlth Interest thereon at the default rate provlded In the Note,whlch shall be added to
<br /> the IndebNdnse�e�cund•Mreby.Lend�r shall not kxwr any Ilablliry becaua�ot ertything It may do or om(t i�o rlo hereunckr.
<br /> 8.Hat�dou�1AetK1al�.7nistor shall keep tF►e PropeAy tn compllance wlth ell appl�able la�va,ordlnances and reAulattku�a
<br /> relatlnp to Industrial hygk�ne c�r envlronmental protectlon(collectivety reterred ta hareln as"Envlronmental Lawa`�.Truatqr shaN keep
<br /> the Property tree from aU aubsteuxoe cleemed to be hazardc�a ar tox�undcr any Envlronmentsl Lawe(coAect►vety�eterred to hereln
<br /> ss'H!��!!rc�oue WtatArlals"�.Tn�stor l�ereCryr wumnb and ropraenbs to Lendsr that there are no HezaMoue Meterlala on or under the
<br /> PtopeRy.Trustor hereby aqrses to Indemnfty and Itoki hsrmiesa Lerider.Its dlrectore,oHioero.employse�and apenls�end any uuoc�• ,
<br /> sors to Lerxier's Irtteres�,irom end epafnst uny and aU olalms,dameaes,bsses end Ilabllltle�arlslny fn connectlon wlth lhe presence,
<br /> use,dlspasal or trenspoR of eny Hazardaus Materials on,undes,from or ahout the Property.THE FAREQOING WARRAN7IES AND
<br /> 10.���7nacaivee C.+�C�;t�.Tn�.:tar h�re5y es°!gns to Lentlor,e.nd gr�nts Lentk+r a security Interest(n,all preser►t,(uture and
<br /> after adstn�rente,lssues arxi profits ot the Property►;provtded that Trustor shall,until the oocurrence oi an Event of Defeult,heraunder,
<br /> ►�ave the�iqht w wliect end raSaln such rents,lssuey and protits ae they become due and payable.Upon the occu�ence of sn Event of
<br /> Detault,Lsnder may,etther In person or by ac�nt,wlth or wlthout bdnging any actfon or praceeding,or by a reaelver eppolnted by a
<br /> ooun end wlthout regarcl W the sdequecy of itc sec�rity�entar upon and take posaesslon of the P�operty,or any part thereof,fn Its oam
<br /> naurtie or In the na�ne of tl►e TNStee,and do any�scts wh{cb It deema necessery or deslrable to preserve the velue,marketebility or
<br /> rentabiUly o41ha PrnpArty.or any part thereof or Interoat theroin,or to Increase tl�e income ti�erefrom or protec4 the secudty her�ol and�
<br /> wfth or wlthout taking possessbn of the Pr�operty,sue for or otheivrlse col{e�t the rente,Issues and proflts thereoi,Including tha�e past
<br /> due and unNald,by rwtltyk�tena�►ts to make payments to Lender.Lerxlar may apply rents,issues and prMits,less costs and expens•
<br /> es o1 operaUon end cdlectlon fnctudlny sttomey'e fAes,to any Indebtedness s»cured hereby,all In such order as Len�er mr►y deter-
<br /> mine.The enterfrp upon and tekin9 possessbn of the Prope►ty�the cdlectlon of such rents,lssues and proNte,end the ap{�icatinn
<br /> theTeo!as ainreseld sheN not cure w waive any detauft or notk:e ot default hereunder or Invalldatw pny act�ione In reaparee W euch
<br /> detauft or pursuent to such notke o!default end, notwithstending the rantlnuance In potssessbn of the propartyr or the cd�ec►1on�
<br /> recelpt end appHcetfo�of rente,issuea or proffta.Tn�stee ano Lertder siteii ue anaiieo ib banii�ao c'w��i��.�sa',r�:�ia r.^.�of!t�
<br /> Loan Inatnxnents or by law upon oocurrenco of any Event of Detauft,includinq wKtaut Ilmltatfon the r(ght to exercise the power ol ssle.
<br /> FuRher,Lsnder's rights and remediea under tfifs parapraph shall be cumulative wlth.and In no way a Umitatlon on,Lendsre�ighta and
<br /> remedies under any assfpnment of leasea and rents recorcled e�alnst the PropeRy.Lender,Tmstee and the rec�tver sha11 be IIeWe to
<br /> eaount onfy tor thaee rente actually racelved.
<br /> 11.Ev�nts of QMsuit.Tho toUowing ehall constitute an EveM of Oefault undor thls Deed of Tru�t:
<br /> (a)Fe�Wuro to pay any Inatalkr�ent of prindpal or Intereat ot eny other sum secured hereby wt�en due;
<br /> (b)A broach of or defauR u�der eny provlebn cantak�ed In the t�We,�hfs Deed of Trust,any of tfie Loen instruments,or+u►y !
<br /> ott�er lien or er�cumbrance upon tl�e Property: ,
<br /> (o)A wtit of executbn or attachment or any slmllar process shatl be entered epalnst Trustor which shafl becar�e a Ilen on
<br /> the propeRyr or amr poNon thereot or Intorest there`n;
<br /> (d)Thsre ehall ba filad by or agelnst Trustor or Borrower an actlon under eny present or tuture federel,etate or oGter statute,
<br /> law a repi�htbn rolsW�g to bankn�plcy,i�olver�cy or other rellaf for debtors;or there shall be eppotnted eny trustee,re�.�eiver or
<br /> Ilqutdator o1 Trustor or 8arower a of all ar any part of 1he PropeRy,or the rents,lasues or profits thereof,or Tn�ator or Borror+ar
<br /> shall make any peneral esslgnment tor the benetit o4 creditors;
<br /> (e)The eab,trau�ster, ieese,asslgnment,conveyanoe or turtbsr encumbrarwe ot all or any part of ar eny Interost in 1he
<br /> propeRy,efther vofuntnrily or Involuntarity,without fhe express written consent ot Lender,prov{ded that Trustor shall be pem�lt-
<br /> ted to execute a leeise af the PropeRy that does not contaln an nptlon to purr�tse�nd the tertn of wh1cN does not ezceed one
<br /> year,
<br /> _ (@ J►haixlorvnent of tha PropertY:or
<br /> (q)It Trusta la not an Indivtdual,the fssuance,sale,tranafer,atse�nment,conveysnce or sncumbra�x�a��iura uiw�a iit a
<br /> corperat{on)e�otal of pen�nt of Ita(ssued snd outsmndfng stock,or(if a partnenhlp)e total ol per-
<br /> cnnt of partnereMp Interests,or(If a limited Ilakility compeny)a total of — per�cent o!the Nm"itad llebitlty oon�pn-
<br /> ny k►terosts or vo�rq ri9hts da�ing the period rt�ls Deed oi Trust rcrmains a 11en on the property.
<br /> 1�,p�nNdNs;Acc�leration Upan Q+hult.In the event of any Evant of Oetauft Lender may,vr�thout rwtice except as requtred
<br /> by law,doctara eN Indebtednese�eairad her�eby to be due and peyable end t�e same shall thereupon become due and payable xiltr
<br /> out any preeentme�nt,demand,protest or notice oi any kind.ThereaRer Lender may:
<br /> 6a)Demand Utat Trustee exerdse the POWER OF SALE gtented herein,and Trustee shall thereatter cause Tn�stors inter-
<br /> est In ths PropeRy fo be sdd end the proceede to be dlstdbuted,all In the manner provfded In the Nelxaalce 7ruai Deeds Act;
<br /> (b) Exerclse eny and all�ighb provlded tor In any of the Loen Instruments or by law upon occurrenco oi any Event of
<br /> Detauth and
<br /> (o)CAmmence an acdon to torectose thls Deed of 7rust as a mortgage,appolnt a recelver,or specif�ally entorce any of the
<br /> _ covenunts hereof.
<br /> !Jo rernedy hereln conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be excluslve oi eny othe�remedy hereln,tn the Loen
<br /> _ Inst�umenta or by law�rovlded or permltted,but each shatl be cumutative,shall bo In addltbn to every other remedy ghren hereunder�
<br /> In the Loan Instruments or rtow or hereafter existtng at law or In equity or by stetute,and may be exerGsed concurrentlyr,independenUy
<br /> or suxesively.
<br /> 13.Ynnt�s.The Tnistee may res(gn at eny Ume wlthout cause,and Lender may e!any tlme and wlthout cause appofnt a euc-
<br /> ���nr cubs��ne Trustea.Trustee shell not be Ilabfe to any party,including vtithout Ilmitat{on Lender,Borcower,Trustor or eny pur-
<br /> - chaser ot the Proparty,for any loss or damape untess dua to reckiess or wiUtut mtscanduct,anU shslt not be requireQ to isi�e ami�.'no�
<br /> - In connoatlon with the entorcement Af thta Deed of T�ust unless Indemnlfled,ln writing,tor all costa,compensatlon or expenaea wh6d�
<br /> may bp ass�cleted therewith.In addiUon,Trustee may become a purchaser at eny sate of the Praperly Qudfctat or under the power of
<br /> sate granted hereln);Pastpone the saie o1 all or any portlon of the Property,es provlded by law;or aa11 the Properry ae n whole.or In
<br /> __ separete pareels or lots at Trustee's dlscretlon.
<br /> 14.�and Exp�nNS.In the event Tn�atee oells the Property by exer�ls�of power ot sa{e,TNStee shatl be entKled to apply
<br /> any saafa procoeds Hrst to payment of all cosUs and expenses of exerctsing power ot sale,Inctudin8 Q!TNSiee's teea,and Lendnrs end
<br /> 7rustee's attomey's fees, actualty Incumid to extent permttted by appl�able law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exerdses any ripht
<br /> provldAd by faw to cum an�vant ot Detault,Lender shall be enNtled xo recover trom Trustnr ell costs and expensos ectualy Incumed es
<br /> a result at 7rustor'e detault,Includfng wlthout Ilmitation all 7rustoa's and attomey's tees,to the extent permftted by epplbab�e law•
<br /> 15.Futuro Advancn.Upon request ot Borrower,Londer may,at Ite option,make addittonal and tuture advances and read-
<br /> vances to Borrower.Such advences snd readvances,wlth Inierest therean,shall be Eecured by thts Deod of Trust.At no Qme sha�l Me
<br /> :�
<br />