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<br /> • � �� Cr�iq A. �'lidqa are�! Renee J. 4►dida�. _
<br /> . TAL Mort�e ii enter�d into bet�vean --..--- ��i�
<br /> ? ' husband and wife (h�zstn"11[ortQa�or'ry aud \\
<br /> 1., ., ,: ;;;_ .` Flve Polnts Bank a Nebraska Cornoration (herein"Mor�so"�. -
<br /> 3�.. . . r;::. .
<br />- � � Moaig�oz is[adADted to Mort�a�ee in the prinolpal sum of i�..��s.�u .evidenoed by Mort��o�'�note
<br />_ . . . �. �� Mav 15. 1 9�6_(herein"Aiate'�providin8 for p�yraeat�of prlaolpal nnd lnterert,with the 6RSru►oe of the �
<br /> ' , inda�ted�aew,liuot soonerpaid,due aad�ble on DecembeY 20, Z003
<br />'`,':�.�• 'h To�eoure the p�yment ot 4t►e Note.with iatere�t�pmvlded therein�th�p�yment ot a!1 oiher�ums.�viLh inter
<br /> - s • g+st,�dvxu9ed by Mortg�gee to pmteot the seourit,y of this Mort�+�e,wnd 4he peitoraa�noe of tbs oovenants �nd+�re�
<br /> '`�����. '•:'� ments of the Mo�or oontnined hsrein,Mort�gor doe�hersby mortqa;e wnd aoavey to Martgagoe the foUnwin�
<br />�:.. �� de�oribed
<br /> . s�r 1'.y.
<br />-'��::�'.._.:,�_ pro8erq►loo�►tedin t.1:,11 Couai�r.Nebraslcn.
<br /> =.�;;.,�"�"f:;r
<br /> J17'"f:F.:^�t-
<br /> �- )%`s1�..
<br />- �uw.n_�,�r
<br /> --�_- =:����.� �._.___.___ r. , o� V TM.�ne rg� nl.a �uti� Suhrliyislon, City of Grand Islend,
<br />—= Lv� acvz��a�c�� t.3�� ...�:... ........ � a•
<br />^��`=�,�,�:��`� Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />�:a�?��a!�n�'
<br />�-a�•����,y``y(� .
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<br />_-_ ---�� Tc�ether alth wil buildin�s.improvement�flstuces�Atrsets��slleyr�pa�s�w+�'s.e�ementa,xi�t►tr.Privll�
<br /> �`� �nd appwrt�a�aoM Loowtsd therson or in RW'wi�e Psrtdnlna th�r�to�wd We renta.Lsnsr and profltr.xwsr�ioaR wnd
<br /> r�main�r�tLer�o�iao➢ndin�,but aot limit�d to.lxeatln�sud aoollnyt squ►pment�►ad�uoh psneonsl prop�Y th�t i�
<br /> --- - attanh�d to th�lmpro�smsat�w n�to uoneliEut�a iisturs:�il oi whio]�.inol�afa�li�P�mmnt�wd�cWition�W�nto�U
<br /> h�rsbq d�ol�r�d to b�a p�rt ot ths re�l ar�t�Noured by W�1len oi thL MorlQ+�s�nd�l1 of ths furqaoin�bsfn�rKenrd •
<br /> - -__= W h�fn rt ths"Prop�rq+".
<br /> - - _---- l�ort��or f�uther auven�wt��ufl�grsw,v�tth Mort�ee.�followr:
<br /> "--'�m i. i'wy�nt.To pry the indeb3sdnea wid tbe lntere�t thereon�u ps+ovided ia�hie Moitg�e 4nd tlu Net�e.
<br /> _ -_=��- �{. TiW.Mort�a�or is the o�vnor oi the Properiy.hr�the rl�bt and authori�y to mort�s ths Pmg�srl�►.aud.war�
<br /> � rwnSs t2ut tl�U�n oreat�d herby!r�11rrL wd prior Iien oa the px�opsrq►.amapt a�mwY otherwrlie be�sS forth hersin.
<br />��-�- 6a Ths Propsrly ii�ub�eoL Lo 1�Molt(�1�e where�t'+ 7'ransamerica __ �s
<br /> �� Ws btort��ss.reoorded at 1Book�,_..�____.—ot the Mort��o Reoord�of Ha)l �,_
<br />-'-�'_'>`=-��� County.�Iebr�ia�.which MoxtgsQo!s s llen prlor io the lien orest�d heretyy.
<br /> _ � 4.?X:� . �
<br /> ='`�=�`-� ' � Other priur Hena or onoambrattue�:_
<br /> �.�,_-.�_:., *
<br />-��":, � " ..r,.,�.�.�_ - ------
<br /> - - .-"Ji`: . . - � • .
<br /> -.- ... ,.�( _.
<br /> '•�~�� ,� � � T�N„Ass�m�ab.To pa}r whea due eJl tazes,a�peoi�l sesesemente 4nd alt other oh.�rge�agsinst ths _
<br /> ' � �',�`�L proper4y and.upon wrrftten dem�►nd by Mortga�es.to udd to the pwymenta requirad under Lhe Note seoulcn�!hersby,suoh _
<br /> �mounL a�aa�y be�uffloient to ensble the Mortg�gee to pqq suoh t�e�.�rae�ments or other oh�er s�thcY bsoome -
<br /> = due.
<br />- `Y=' '�' =.
<br /> _'.C_"_. _�L_�t��d.��.r��ri
<br /> ��"` -. _ ;� .t �. Iarwc�aw.7b keep ths improvements now or nerentser iooue�i on ins res;es�w"sa ua..=..+o....o,o.....---_.. _
<br /> _ `� . �gainat dawag�e by fire Qud ruoh other ha�d�ao Mortgagoe ma3►reqnlre.f�►emownta wd with oQmpnaiee iwaeptiblo to _
<br /> u
<br /> -__ ., the Morf,�ee,nnd arith lass pwy�ble to Lhe Mort��gee.In o�at low under suoh polioies the Mortg�gee Ir�►uthori:edl -
<br /> ta ac�Jurt,oolEeot snd oompmmise,in ita diwroUon,Rlt olwime thereunder wt its wle option,�u4horiaed Co eithsr opply the _.
<br /> - �� ' p�oeeds to tha reetorwtion o!tiie Propmr�y or upon the ladebtednesu xooured hereby.but p�pymont�hereundex sbdl oon- -
<br /> ' tlnue until the�ums�eaured herebl�nre 4re patd!n inll. °
<br /> 6. C� S�arow Fos 11uco�and Insurrno�.Notwiihetsadtng u�yiWnB eontained in paragrapht 3�►nd d heroof to ..
<br /> the oonfrary.Mort�gor�lull pqy to the Mort��gw at th�timo of p�yin�th�moatlilY la�tallm�ata o!prluoipil�nd int�r
<br /> _ srt.ontrtweltth of the yearly ta�cer,a�aeam�nt�,tta:ard inrurautle premium�.wnd�round rents(if�u�,y)whioL ma,y attwfa
<br /> a priorit�v over thfi Mort�age,all w ro�soa�bly ertimated trom time to Wne by the Mortg�oe.T1ie wnounts w pnid slu►ll
<br /> - be held by Lhe MortgaQee withaut interest Rnd wpplied to tha p�,yment o1 the iteme in respeot W wWoh�uoh nmount�
<br /> . aroro depo�ited.The sums p�id to Mortg�e horeunder are pledgad as sdditi�nel eeourity!or the indebteduees�eaured -
<br /> _a
<br /> � -
<br />