. i'i,1� . . .. . . / .. .:�,r:� , _ c.r.,',-
<br /> .
<br /> , . ' - .. .. .i . ��,�f.-+�`,�,.
<br /> M,. � ...; ., . . .. ... . . . . �yi uY w-� . . ' _- _
<br /> .. . .r. ' -i , _ '� , - _
<br /> .. � jl � ' � �.. ._.�.���Q�fI�N�{�r�•ry�Swwr�7� .. . . _.,."'w'�'RYi:' ..
<br /> .
<br /> , q � .. .,.,�.,���y��y �7 f�-- .e�-.,.,.�.. .�M. ... �ItlMIM�►� Wl1i�Ni�C�Wr,�ayfrie�+!: ..... .�.�J . .._ ..._ . .._
<br />, . , , .. ,� _. ._n!E�iJll��f1�� frti�. �<A1161M._...._. .... .._,...��. ........ ... RLL.—.
<br /> _.ia '" ' —
<br /> --:n� _ �,�_.._..
<br /> -,c�.+A.�.,� ��_�.��J�.9 �y--
<br /> ` --- CaZVuiRt:T.^. vv �-
<br /> i. Pcynt::z4o. Oorrowor oprooa to mpka ol! poymonto on tho cocurod dobt whon duo. Unioao F3orrowc�r and Londor aprou othorwlse any ^
<br /> e exc uel eu}�Interest ot principel,sacond to Interest�snd ih�n to(x�Oclpa'I.It panp'al proip ymont of tho aocu odrdotit occuro fo�nny onoon�I twill
<br /> Q not reduce or axcusb any acheduled�aymont unjll th�seGUred debt ls peld In tull. :
<br /> p ''�_:
<br /> . + t he proper cMy�eielnst eny cla(me w�lh w u d tmpeh Hie lien�ot tMis deed of truete Lendnbuii y royutho Borro�v r to esol�Qn any rl��hta eclaln eitor
<br /> ,;{ F; • � dotensea�Nhlch�orrower meV havs ep�inst partloe who nuppiy lebor or matorleta to Improve or mafnteln tha property. .�'
<br /> -�3 -- - . yK',
<br /> 3. In�ur�na�. Borrower wlil keep the propetty Intuted und�r terms accept�ble to Lender�t Borrower'�expen�e and for Lender's bnnei{t.All
<br /> �naunnce aolicie�shcll Includ�a�tender�i mort�e�e c��u�e In tiavor�of�peydA�II�auon�toi�ol�thar ho�rnetoretfonaor repelr of th�e damagod proporty �,_
<br /> a Innurance po��cy.Any m�unnce proceeu•�ito ..o.. i'���,:���.�.-
<br /> -'���"��� or to the secured da6t.If Lender nauires mor�p�pe rntur�nce,k3orrower�proe�tu melntefn sucn msurance ror as�u���oo�a������������ �,
<br />���� �• .
<br /> 4,prop�rty.Borrower wiU keep the propertV�n pood candition end meke ell repaird reasonabty necesaery. _
<br /> ��_.
<br /> --- - - - 6,Exp�ns��.Borrower epree�to pty dl Lend�r'o�xp�n�e� inctudlnp rea�oneble ettorn�y�'fos�,if Dorrower bresks any cavenante in thfa daed �
<br /> ' of truet or In eny oblipstlon�eGUred by thit deed of truit.�orrower wlil pay the�e amount�4o L�ndsr�s provided in Covenant 9 0}thly dead of �
<br /> ., � - � truet. °.:_
<br /> �- e. p�g�ewity{�nftr,6lnlns Boirowor flret obteina I.onAer'�writtm con�mt,Borrowrr wlll not m�ke or p�tmit�ny chsnpe�to my prim �
<br /> ..;�:�, . Kei.url:y i�t:r.,°t�. Batrorser +�rlll perlorm �II o} eotrawir'�obllp�tian� und�t�ny prlor mort�opo, da�d of truat or nther dar.urity agnement, —
<br />••;���,, „.•. Inctudlny Borrow�r'�cavmmt�to m�k�p�ymant�wh�n due.
<br />.,,,. . : : t �,q� t of R�N+d�rofit+�6orrowsr�sdqn�to L�nd�r th�nnt��red Proflq of th�p�op�rty�Unli��Oorrowu�rtd L�nd�r h�v��prad _
<br /> .. .:' ' �Qin W o!i cou�nl,p��rl tid tscelvir m�itV�tokiPa tiiiilon,nd maR�O�thi proP�rtY��d�colliot th�rifnt�8 Any rente Lindir colliot��hill 6e
<br />'�`,°•�t�?}:�• neciii�ry riiited ixpimio�7�ii rom��Tning imount u�f iinti wilt thinipPly to P�ymmti on ths iecurod dibt ii�ovidid In Covantnt t�ny other
<br /> "'"-;;�, a�����},G����=p�d���p�o�n�1a,Borrow�r�0ross to com !y with tF+�p►ovldon�of�nV I�us If thle d��d of trust Ir on �
<br /> `;:;i;::,�
<br /> , ��c���►xs1d,1�thls d�ad of trutt i�on u unit I�a con�r��lntum cr o pl=nr►'��unH �velopm�nt,Borrow�r wlll(»rform oll of Borrciwu'�dutldo
<br />-,,r�,.�;�J unde tl�cown�nt�,byI�w�,o�npulxtlon�af the condominium or pl�nn�s unit d�wlopmmt.
<br /> , , eerto�im�thi dutli�MO�ciuu U i�m t be�Ptormidf BendiWm Y�'�Ipn�9orrawsr i�n�mi or�p�Y�Y�mount If n�cesi,ry�f►Performancds�lf eny
<br /> '.";;.= �`� comtructbn on ttwpropety U dl�continuod or not c�rrNd on In�rono�uble mnnner.Lender may do wr�atsver I�necnsrery to protect Lender'e �;e..
<br /> -"-"'� sscurity int�reat In tf►�prop�rtY.Thl�mey Includ�compistinp th�aonttruation. _
<br />-``-_'w�" � Lender'�fdlure to pertarm witl not prec►ud�Lender trom exercialn�any of Its other righte under the lew or this deed of tru�t.
<br /> '"°"'•' Any�mounta p�id by lendu to protect Ler,der'�aCUrity Intereat wlil be ancured by thi�dsed of trust.Such�mounn wlll be due on demand
<br />-'"•�'"'� end wlll baer interost fram thb d�te of tM payment untll p�ld In tull at the Interost rate In eHect on the secursd debt.
<br /> .. `.. y
<br /> ::%;;� '� �p, p�}��d Accrl�►�tlon. If Borruwer tells to make �nV paYment when due or brs�ks sny covenant� under thio deed� trwt or eny
<br />�°:�✓��C 4: . d�B'1�Rd I�1R1Ediate peyment snd m�y invoke the powor of ielo and eny othei remedleedpermitt�d byl ppllesb il liwurity af ths sacured debt and
<br />``�+g1.��:�i�'- ' ..,�n.tr,It.k Is herehy roqueeted that coples of the noticea of detautt�nd�sle be sent to each person who Iu e pany
<br /> -;.�.iro i i.:.�y.:.:.?:st!!�^_ -. __.
<br /> .``�=y"�.ra�:•� -.
<br /> hereto,st the addrsa of etch euch p�rton,e�i�t tOrth herain.
<br /> ^'�u � whePein the trutt ptoperty�or�ioms p rt or parcel theroof li cltueteA atnotice�ofidsfiult contain a�ih�Informatio��r qu/id by I�w Ths Truitie
<br />-•r�,u,�,,,�•�� • eroto, end to otMr per�ons e� rotcribad Dy
<br /> ------ � shdi aiso mail copie�of the notice of defsuR to ths Borrower,to aach peroon who Is a p�rty s not In �ny
<br /> � "� apd�cabN law.Not Isss than one month �fter the Truetes records the notfce of dsfault or two month�tf tM trust property
<br /> ���� incorpot�ted city or villape�nd is uted In ferminy operetiam ourlsd on by the tru�tor,the�'rustee�hall pive public notics of sala to the psnona
<br /> �'�`'�`� end in th�manner pnscribed by�ppplicebte law. Tru�tes.without Aemend on Borrowsr,ehaU�oit tiro proNerty at publlo�uotlon to Ilceble lawt
<br /> b{dd�r.if requksd by the Farm Homsstaad Proteotion Aat,7ru�tea�hall oNer the propertY in two separate aelee ae required by app
<br /> — Tru�tee m�y poatPon�sat�of sIi or�ny parcel of the prope►ty by publio announcement st the time�r�d place ot�ny prevbusly�chsduled sal�.
<br /> • -- Lender or Ita deelynee may purcfine tM proparql at�ny ule.
<br /> ��''� Upon raceipt ot paYment of the price bid,Tru�tee shall deliver to the purchaner Truotee's deed conveyin0 the property.The rocitials conteined in
<br /> '�%'=r 7 a�� T r w t e e'�d e e d�h a i l b e p r i m e f a cl e evidisnce of tM truth of tix stetements contalned therein.Truatee sfidt�pply tha Proceeds of the�ate In the
<br /> � rit�rut�tem�nt fess�1 b 1 to��l l e u m���s c u ed b t h l i�d e eduof�tru�t ue�d(cl�the t balancs�If any bto t s pers�ni/epilly entltl�d to rs�INe(t.f�� ��
<br /> '�� 19,Faa{o��x�.At L�nder'�option,thl�deed of truat may be torectosed in the manner provide by�pp�icabie law for foreclosure of mortyape�
<br /> --- on red properry.
<br /> --_ � 1q,Insp�ction,Lender m�y enter the property to Inepect It If Lender gives Borrowsr notice betarehand.The notico mi�at stete the ree:oneble
<br /> cswe for L�nMr'�Imp�ction.
<br /> — �6,�o�d�mnat4on.Borrower esalp�ns to Lender the proceeds ot any swerd or ctalm for demeQ ee connected with e condemnetion or other t�kino
<br /> — of dl a my p�rt of the prop�ny.Such proceeda will be spptled as provided In Covomnt 1.7hls usipnment is subject to the terma of any pr(or
<br /> security epreoment.
<br /> _�-�
<br /> e y sm�idy upen Borrower'oYdefiult,�Lender doeiQnot wal`vs eny ripht to Ietep�eoniPder ihe vteni e�deieue ii ii�u�ipen�apaiy�By�04 ax�rcleiny
<br /> — ��, ,loint pnd Q�wtM U�ity� Co�sipr+�rr, Succ�ssw�r+d Ms�ns So�• Atl duUe�undv ffiIs deed ot trust�re �otnt end eevarel. Any
<br /> ------ __=� Borrowsr who co•sipn�this ds�d of truet but doei not co•atOn the underlvinp debt Inetrumentls) does so only to prae►t and convey thet
<br /> ---_��
<br /> eny�othir�rtowsr�und�r ihldeed f r st mey sxtend mod iv or}meke eny other�cfianyei�in th�tehms of thle dee�d of trust or�the�secured
<br /> --=_-�""w debt without that Borrows�'a c�ntant and w►thout retea�inp thet Borrower from tM tsrm�af mis do�d o tru�t.
<br /> . y�=�+ Tha dutlee aixl b�nefit�of thls daed of truet shill bind end benefit the aucceanors end essiprta of Lender end Borrower.
<br /> -'���� 16,Nodc�.Untes�otherwise required by lew,eny notice to Borrower ehuil be piven by deliverinp it or by meli(np It by certlHed mail addrea�ed to
<br /> '�"'�� Borrower et tM prop�rty�ddross or my other eddroas that Borrower ha�pivon to Lender.Borrower wlll�Ivs eny notice to Lender by cartifled
<br /> a."__.,�� m�il to Lender'e addr�s�on p�p�1 ot thi�deed of trust,or to any other eddree�wNlch Lender his desipnated.Any other notice to Lender sheil
<br /> `=- l»aent to Lender s�ddross a tte te d on p a 0 e 1 o t t h l s d e s d o f V u 4 t.
<br />:-:tr�+:�J�?'%rr..
<br /> -__;;, ;".:„' Any notice a,h�il bs deemad to h�vs i»en given to B�rrower or Lender when piven In the e��enner etated ebove.
<br />--;�,�t_-,,��,'y: • 19.T��ter ot ttN FropMtY c►�E�dd�^tKe�t in tM B°n°wK.�f ell or any part of the p�opnrty°bt�Lcndo�mey etso dema dtimmedi,te _
<br /> without Le�r� prior written conaent, Lender may demend immodiete payment of the secured d
<br /> ;%:>�'� `���` poyment if tM Borrower b not� n�turol per�an end e beneticial Interest in the Borrower Is aotd or transferred. However, Lendor mey not _
<br /> - dem�nd psyment In the obove situstiom if It le prohibited by todorel lew ae of the dete of this deed of trust.
<br /> ��..ul 20.R�eonwy�nc�.When the ubllpetlon securod by thie deed o4 trust hee baen paid end Lender has no tunher oblipation to meke edvancee �
<br />�'�+`s� under tha Inttrum�nts or egroementa eecurod by thls deed of trust,the Trustee�half,upan w►itten roq�est by the Lender.roconvey the trust _
<br /> ��'�"" '�� 1 pro rty.The Lender shili defiver to ths Borrower, or to Borrower's aucceaeor In!nterett,ths trwt deed end the note or other evldsnce oi the -
<br /> • -•- i--_-'t� ' „u�:•�,,,,.,,,utl,fi�d.Borrower ehall pey eny rocordotion conte.
<br /> �V.:.�� t Y p -
<br /> ,��y 4` � cutisUtutton o�truetee�ee requlred by epp ceble Pew�end then by flling the substltutlon ot t►ubtee foriecord I��the ofilco of the�epieter of deedo `
<br /> � , ` eucceed touall ihe pohweh tdutfeeaeutNorit�y end titie ot the Tru t e namoda�edhe deed of truat end of eny�eocco eor truetoe,of the property, ehait �
<br /> ' ' �
<br /> I
<br /> fPsgs 2 Of 21 '
<br />- - - SANKER9 BY6TEM8�INC..St.CLOUD.MN 6EJ01 fl•OOD•]97•�9�11 F011M OCP•MTQNE Ol18/91 -
<br /> �1
<br />