r� „ . .. . ...tw+:+n:%«...�15At« ! .� . ..-°`." .. ` .. ._ 4�. � .--..-.
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<br /> � �I�1ifi T' . . 1-� � _ lOP.�i481'!R s..�. ,� .. .� _ii— �
<br /> �.y"Vii�G'�"4�-'R'�R� '"'r.$x't_�ij:'�?!A�`?'�"R!�!!4a'_�..._.....
<br /> ---- --- _---.,-.�._..,.....__ �.-,••„�.,.�.. -.,�- .a..,�...
<br /> ._..._.=.�ra�u=,cG-�=��1"S:1G::icry::=. .._ _ ._ .. .__...Y ...W_ . -----`......�_ .�._...
<br /> � �
<br />. g�- �,a3�►:�.�
<br /> 7�'hc rc�i�ki�nc� ic baY�by awarded safcl �-eal esfa�ce �a her
<br /> �epsrat�+ p�op�rty and e2�e shall be aolely respunaibl� foX and
<br /> hnld the Rempon�e+nt harml�ae from all debte gsaociatec� with said �
<br /> raal ON�dtiO� a�nd she ahal�. further be ealely reaponeibie for �11
<br /> ob�iqationra of tho Buyars as set fortll in �he Instttllment 9a1e
<br /> �ontweat dt�AC�IAd t0 this Dear�e as Exhibit "A".
<br /> 12. �Dae Respondent Ahall hav� set ovar �o him as hia sole
<br />. end excl,usive prnp�rty the retirement fund he has generatec�
<br /> through hia employment wi�h The Overhead �aor. �or�o±-ataon �f
<br /> �rand Island, Nebraska. ,
<br /> ].3. The Pe�itioner sha 11 have set over to her as her sol.e =�
<br /> an� exaluoiv� property tihe following vohi.cle, to-wit:
<br /> 1917 Oldsniobil.e, I.D. N 3 X 69 K 7M 349272
<br /> eubject to any encumbrdnces thereon.
<br /> 14. The ResQandent shell hdve set ovar to him ae hfs sole
<br /> And axalueive property the fol'lowing vehicle, to-wit:
<br /> iyos uoaga VuB�om, .[.D. �ti1Z 3Z4479
<br /> •ubj�ct to any encumbrnnces thereon.
<br /> , ls. Eaah per�y eha11 receive aR his or her separate '
<br /> ' prap�rt�► the pnrsc►nal prop�rtX curr�ntly in h�.a or her .
<br /> � poaa��Nl.an.
<br /> : �6. The pertl.e� ehall £ile join.t income �ax returt1e i'br the
<br /> J
<br /> - tax y�ar 1�91, end shdll eplit any xefund or pay any tax flue in
<br /> �+ �he ��m� pra�ortion �s hie or her qross inaome bears to the tiotal
<br />.�
<br /> groes income of the paxtieo. �
<br /> ' 17. L"aah paxty ehali pay hie or her own coats.
<br /> 18. The Re�pond�enti ehall pay t�hrough the Clerk of the
<br /> D�.etri.ct Court, wlthin ,eix (6) monthe of this date, �200.00 to
<br />. npply on the Pe�itiioner's dxtorney's fees.
<br /> � 19. Edch pa�rty ehall be zesponeible for, pay, and hold the
<br /> othex party h�r�nleeo from dn�r debt incurred individually since
<br /> the p�r.tiieN' es�are�t�on da►te of July 19, 1991.
<br /> 20. Eeoh pe�xty eh�ll pay vne-half (�) of the foll�winc�
<br /> ., bill�c
<br /> aICROFI�
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