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<br /> F�B 181992
<br /> kl,lOiSE l. GARF�ICA
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<br /> I:: ':I:� �TCTY�Yf`T f'___-- . I�I�+�IRElSF� '
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<br /> ROSE MARZA M�CtiALSKI, ; Case No. /pS a�o 2 ��
<br /> Petitionor� ; _
<br /> vg. 1 DECRE� OF UxSSf��.[Jai0i�1 '
<br /> ?
<br /> b1�LE ALLEN MICFiALSK]�, 1
<br /> I
<br /> Respondent. ' )
<br /> } :
<br /> This mattQr came on tor �inal hearing on the ?T�h day of
<br /> December, 1991. The Petitioner was p�esent in Court and repre-
<br /> sented by hex attorney, E�rl. D. Rhlschwede. The Respondent was
<br /> present in Conrt and was represented by h�.s attornex, John F.
<br /> Vippc�rman. Evidence wae t�►kan and the cauee gubmitted to the
<br /> Caurt and the Court, being £ully adviead in the premises, mr�kes
<br /> �he fo].lowinq findinqss
<br /> 1. ThAt both parties are a�.d have bean reaidente of i:he
<br /> stnte of NebrASha for a� lerxst one year pxior to th� filing af '
<br /> tlie Petitiion herein.
<br /> Z. That the Court ha� �urisdictian oL both part�.es and of
<br /> _ the subject mat�er vf this action.
<br /> 3. That neither party a.s a member of th�e Armed F'orces of
<br /> . the United Statea.
<br /> � 4. That n�_�-k��r PPtitir�ner no� Respondont is a pa�.rty to
<br /> any other actic�n pendinq in tihis �x in any other court for
<br /> d�.vrorce, sep�rati�n or dissolution �£ marriage.
<br /> K, Tha* the court has determined from �he evidence that
<br /> every reasonable effort to effect reaonciliation has been made
<br /> without success, Rnd that the marriage of the Petitioner and the
<br /> Respondent is irretrievab].y broken.
<br /> 5. One child hae bosn born as issue of said marriage,
<br /> , whicn is a minor; �hat Petitioner is found to be a fit and proper
<br /> person to have the care, custody and contxol of �aid minar ch31d,
<br /> to-wi�:
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