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, ���� <br /> � � ,,.,r�+�;*�!�!�1 � ._ <br /> .. -- — <br /> . _;iFl����"!Ti'e.�..i'�.ticii-.r.'�.H�`i�`._1r'�:�f��'��._.. — _.. -- <br /> �OJw ���l7��/[7 ._.. <br /> �- <br /> executc�i for U�e puq�ose of cseatina,securing or ac svn or ntitc ol liuuteci on ti�Scc�r d Deb��r h�i ehe peospect <br /> Lcndcr nt rny timc is insccurc with respect to nny p y S <br /> uf tiaiy��ayn�nt ar the value uf ttee Property ic impidred shall cdso c:mstitutc nn cvent of dnfnult. _ <br /> IS. H�MIEUIES ON ��EAIJLT.In somo instanccs,fcdor�l and stnte law vrili �cqufrc I.endcr ta pruvlde Cirantor with <br /> noticc af the right ro cure or ather notic�s anJ muy esiablish time schcdulcs for tor.clasure �ctions.Suhject to thes� ___ <br /> liniit;itions, if any, l.ender mny ncce►ernte the Secured Debt und forcclose this Secarity Instrument in a manner L <br /> provfdcd by Inw if Urnntor is in deRUUii. <br /> At lhe option nf L.ender,nll or�ny part of the Ugrecd fcGS and charges,uccrued interest and principal shall beco�ne <br /> immedinlcly due and pay�+ble,a►ftGr giving notice�f required by tnw,upon the occurrence of n defnult or nnytime <br /> thercaftcr.In addition,L.ender shnll he enttticd to all the remcdies provided by law,the terms of the Sccurcd Debt, <br /> this Sccurity Instrument nnd nny mlated dacuments,iucluding witliout limitntion,thc pawer to sell the Property. <br /> lf tliere!s a dcfKUlt,'X'rustec shall,in addlt[on to uny othcr permitted remcdy,at thc requcst of thc l.ender,Advertise <br /> and scll the Praperty r►9 n whole or in separate parcels nt pt�blic auction to the highest biddcr for cash and comcy — <br /> absolute title frce and cic�r of all right,title and interest of Grantor at such time en� place as Trustcc designatcs. <br /> Trustee sha�!give notice of sale including the time,terms and place of sale an�1 a description of the property to be sold <br /> ns required by the applicable law in effect st the time of the proposed sale. <br /> UPon sale of the property and ta the extent not prohiP�ited by law,Trustec shall make und dcliv�r a deed to thc Property <br /> snld which conveys nbsulute titic to thc purchascr,and atter tirst paying all fees,charges and wsts,shaU pay to Lender all <br /> moneys xdv:�iticed for rcpairs,taxes,'snsurance,liens,assessments and pnor encumbrances and interest thercon,attd the� L <br /> princlpul and interest on the Secured Debt,paying the surplus,if any,to Gran�tor.Lzndcr may purcha..�e the Pr����c�ty. <br /> The recitals in any deed of conveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein. <br /> All remedics are distinct,cumulative and not exclusive,und the Lender is entitied to a7l re:nedies provicled at law or <br /> equity,whether or nat expressly set for�h.The acceptance by L.ender of any sum in payment or partial payment on the <br /> Secured Aebt after thc balance is due or is�ccelerated ar after foreclosure proccedin�.s are Ci4ed shall not constitute a <br /> waiver af Lender's tight co requue complete cure of any existing default.By not exercising any remedy on Grantor's <br /> default,Lendcr does not waive Lender's nght to later consider the event a default if it continues or happens again. <br /> 16. EXPENSES;ADVANCES ON COVENAN'I5;A'dTORNEYS'�EES; COLLECTION COSTS.Exr.ept when <br /> prohibited by law,Grantor agrees to pay a!1 of I..endcr's expenses if Grantor breaches any covenant in this Security <br /> Instrument.Grantor wi11 also pay on demand any annount incurred by Lender for insuring, inspecting,preserving or <br /> otherwise protecting the Property and Lendcr's securiYy interest.Thesc expenscs will bear interest from the date of <br /> i;��Sa�mc:zi uaiil psis!in f�!1 at!he hinhest interest rate in effect as provided in thc terms of the Secured Debt. <br /> Grantor ngrees ta pay AU costs and expenscs incuned by Lender in wllecting,enforcing or proiec-ii,�g 3.e���ar's r�Bht� <br /> and remedies under this Security Instrument.TAis amount mny include,but is not limited to,attorneys' fees,court <br /> costs,and other legal expenses.This Security Instrument shull remain in effe:.t until released.Grantor lgrees to pay <br /> for any record3tion costs of such releasc. <br /> 17. ENVIROMMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCFS.As used in this section,(1)Environmental <br /> means,without limitation,thc Comprehensivc Environmental Response,Compensatiun and Liability Act(CERCLA, <br /> 42 U.S.C.9601 et seq.),and all other federal,statc end local laws,regulattons, ordinances,court orders,attorney <br /> general opinions or intcrpretive letters wncerning the public health,safety,welfare,environment or a hazardous <br /> substance; and (2)Hazardous Substance means any toxic, radioactive or hazardous material,waste,pollutant ar <br /> contaminant which has characteristi�wh+ch rend�r 1he substancc dangerous or potcntially dangerous to the public <br /> hcalth,safety,wclfare or enveronmee�t.The term inciudcs,withaut limitutior.,any substances defined as"hazardous <br /> material;'"taxic substances;'"liazardavs wastc"or"hazardous substance"under any Fnvironmental t.�w. <br /> Grantor rcprescnts,warrants nnd ngrecs that: <br /> A. Except ns previo�sly disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender,no Haxardous Substax�ce is or will be <br /> located, stored or rcleascd on or in thc Piaperty.This restriction does not apply to small quantities�ai <br /> Iiazardous Substances thnt are generully recc�gnizcd to be appropriate for the normal use and mamtenancc of <br /> the Property. <br /> B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing t�Lender,Grantnr and every tenant have been,are, <br /> and sh�ll remain in full cornpliance witJn any apFiicaGEc Ea�ico;�;�►cr.:r.l:.�.w. <br /> C. Grantor shnll immcdiately notsfy L.ender if a releasc or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance oocurs on, <br /> under or about the Property or there is a violation of any Environmenta!Law concerning the Property.In such <br /> an event,Grantur shall takc all necessary remedial action en accordance viith any Environmental Law. <br /> D. Grantur shall immediatcly notify I..ender in writing �s soon as Grantot has rcason to beticvc there is any <br /> pending cir threAtened investigation,claim,or proceeding reluting to the rclease or threatened releasc of any <br /> Hazardous Substance or the violation of Any Bnv�ronmental Law. <br /> 18. CONDEA9NA'I70N.Grantor will give Lcndcr prompt notice of any pcs►ding or thrcatencd action,by private or <br /> public cntitics to purchasc or take any or np of tlie Property thraugh condemnatian,eminent domatn,or any othcr <br /> means.Grnntor I.ender to intervene in Grantor's name m any of the above described actions or claims. <br /> Grantor assigns to I..ender tl�e proceeds of any award or claim for damages connccted with�condemnation or othcr <br /> taking of cill or any patt of tlie ProPerty.�ucli prc�ceeds shall be considered payments and�vill be applicd as provided in <br /> this Security instrument.This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage,deed of trust, <br /> security�►greement or other licn document. <br /> 19. INSURANCE.C.r�ntor shuil keep Property insurcd�gainst loss by firc.flood,thcft and other hazards and risks <br /> _ rcasonubly associated�vith the Properry due to its type and location.This�nsurance shalx be maintained in the�mounts <br /> and for the periods that I.�:nder rcquires.The insurance carrier providing tlie insurance shall be chosen by Grantor <br /> .. _�_..__. �_..___.w......�,�.. .�:��,�,p�.� tt rr�ncor fails to mnintain tlic covcragc <br /> subjcct¢o i.ender's approva;,wui������a�����.u•. u••=��.w..��., ....__._._. _ _ <br /> — described above,Lender m�y,at L�:nder's option,obtain coverage to protect Lendcr's rights in thc Froperty accc�rdin� <br /> -" to the terms of thls Security Instrumcnt. <br /> � All insurancc policics�ncl renewals shnll bc acceptablc to L.endcr and shall include a standard"mortgage clausc"and, <br /> - wherc appiia�ble,°loss payec clause."Grantor shall immediatcly naiify Lender of canccllation or terminatton of thc <br /> = insurance.Lender shall huve thc right to hold thc policics and renewals.If L.cndcr rcquires.Gr�ntor shal�immcdiatcly� <br /> - givc ta I.endcr all reccipts of pald premiums and renewal notices.Upon loss,Gcantor shall givc immcdiatc noticc to <br />'� thc insurc►nce currier and Lcnder.I.ender may makc proof of loss if not made immediately by Grantor. <br /> � <br />"� <br /> (Payo 3 ot 4) <br /> � •7`� <br /> O 184t[Sa�ucoro 6y�teme,lnc.SI.Cloud.MN(1-800717•YSNI Fom�P[�DT•NE&'B'B� <br /> i <br />,.L <br />—s <br />