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<br /> A .tr�ci o� laad coagrising a�gart af Lot �ro (2). Ieland !n Section Tbirtg �i�t :
<br /> (36j, Tovn�hip BI�Ken `(I1) Nosth, Range T�n (1Q) Waat of the 6th P. M., 8all .
<br /> Camty� tiebr��lut,=sad sor� parttcu2arly d�scribed ss follars� � � �
<br />- 8irst, to. ucertain .t�te point of beginaiag; start at the southvest�cosner of
<br />� sa�d Lot itro (2) IsLnd; thenca running eaaterly, along aad upon tbe south �
<br /> lina� of said Seetioa Thlrty Si: (36), g distance of Tvo Saadred Bightp Kfne
<br /> (289.0) feet; thEnce deflecting left 90' 00' and sunniag nostLerly a distance� �
<br /> • _ of Forty (40.0) feet to the ACTOAL point of beginaing; thence continuing
<br />• northeslq alat�g the l�st described coutse, a distance of 14renty Five (25.Q}
<br /> . ��e�t; tbaace deflectiAg rigtit 90' 00• aad ruaaiag easterlp, a distaace of_ _
<br /> ' °. �a.tg Five (25.0) feet; theace deflectiag right 90' p0' and �tuaAing
<br /> - s�'serlp, a distaace af Twenty Five {25.03 €eet; thence deflecting rfgbt 90' ��_:�
<br /> ' ��, � ...:!!ft'� uid�running s�reaterly. a di,stanc� of,1Yrenty Pive (25.0? feet to the ACTUAL �� - -_—
<br /> ` � , poiut of begiAatag. � � � � _
<br /> =.r� --
<br /> , . � � '<, ���;
<br />_. ' ` • =�'-'s:_
<br />. •>� EASF�fEHT H0. 2� • . "'=or":�- ._
<br /> F_ - _—
<br />, . � ���.
<br /> Y��. ' �.:. ` A tsact of laad cospriaing a part of I.ot �o (2), Islaad aad Lot Faur (4), . � � ~. �.'=r,-:-
<br /> � '��-=.�h�. Mainland wlti� accretion ehereto, all situated in the Southeast Quarter (SE}) of � .
<br /> ` : =�'��''s� � Sectioa Thir Six (36), Townshi Bleven (11) Nostb, Ran e Ten (10) West of the " � .r ,"- � ��`
<br /> y-. . -.�:- � CS► P " 8 .
<br /> •��'�:�, '-��';��� 6tb P. M.. Hall Co�aty, Kebraska, and more particularlq deseribed as follows: , . . . �,���;�
<br /> . � .�:tr��-,Lr,.,-r --. . . ';,::; ` ,� ---_-
<br /> ' .r�A �.'F"" . �.�,i. ..'.�;�.—
<br /> � . � '. ' . . _ ��Y_:�:.�' .•l.,�i.
<br /> � First, to sscertain the point of be3�naing; start at the southweat cara��:q� � rE~ ° �;' ��`
<br />' •��'. . • �: ���; , . .a�,
<br /> �� � said Lat Ttio (2), island; theace N;��° •39'. 45" E (assumed bearing) aloag a�d • �� �•�..�.�� �•• � f
<br /> ��.,�,.,,. upon the south line of eaid Section z:�cg:��x (36), a distaace of Tvo Huttdsed � �� t����-�'�-''•':
<br /> ;c�'�' ••:��;. .�-i m � h .., e ' if •f�';, `
<br /> ,�,��a_,;Y-�_;:;e . Ei g ht y Niae (289.0) feet, thence 1� tJ� rQ�.. �3 Ft, a dietaACe of Sixt y Five � +:,�,•• -�
<br /> =�-�'�":�=-�'� (65.0) feet to the ACTI)AL point af begit�ning; thence I�� 08' 20' 25" Si, a }�'���'�. � . '•�1�
<br /> , ' , distaace of B£�e Hundred Seventy Nisse and Si.steen Haadredths (579.16) feet; C<.;::;;.;�;-��.. _�� ,�,.
<br /> _ � , . thence N 81° 3�'� �i3" E a distaace of One Huadred 3eventq Three and Niaety f"�'.% , � -
<br /> , . ' ' Seven Sundredths i`�?3.9t} feet; thence N OS° 32' OS" N a diatance of One �. ,' ;.r��:�'�•��
<br /> .';-., ' }: �undred Sixty Ni,sae aad Eighty Nine Hundredtha (�69.89) Feet to a point on � _ � • `��
<br />,F;:.' �'�� I r�.:` ..,�_. •Y_ . ' . . . -:� _
<br /> ,,.-�, _ ._-�. - the sautharly ,3.ir=e of Ponderosa Lake Eatates Subdivision, an Addition to the
<br /> ir;<<:� ' ` �"'" � " �'•'�'' � City of Gsand Island,Nebraska,saict point being Seventeen (17.0) feet easterly ! '�
<br />���``� ''-'`��`�"'�'�'' :-fras L�.e eoutheasterly corner of B�ock Six tb) in saicT Poaderosa Lake Estares ' ';;__-�
<br /> 'I. t.'l't�.'i.:.]C �
<br /> � ' ` Subdi��ion• thence N 83° 10' 21" E alon aad u on the aouthesl litse of said � � �F�' '��
<br /> -... :,j�'.f .4. ' .. ' 8 P Y ,. . ..a:,.. -
<br /> .i"' � ;';_ : . , , Ponder¢sa Lake Eatatea Subdiviaion, a dietance of Sixteen (16.0)" feet; thence t. . • ,�'�;�,=��
<br /> _ ;:,F„�4, . 8 08° 32' OS" E a distance of One Hundred Eightp P�,ve and FosC� One � , . :'��--
<br /> � Sundsedths (185.v;S) feet; thence S 81° 39' 45" W a distance of One ffv.�3sed '• �r:.�.;"
<br /> ' �=�°s< -��•'`���-.�,.f. , Seventy Four aa� Yhsee HundredChs (174.03) feet; tizecce S OS° ZO' ]f5`'`' �', a = � �'�`
<br /> 5 '
<br /> �`" '� ' '`•''•'� ' dietance of Five Hur�dred Sixt Four and Ei ht Four i'r�ndredths (�.�)�� feet; � ' "` �
<br /> ��. . .r�;�`�:r y $ y ': �.��"'-'
<br /> - � - •- � j���' sheace S 87° 39' 45° W, a Giatance of Sixteen and HSxce t�undsed�iz, (��.EI9) feet � - �.;e�;.=;+'
<br /> ��'� �.. :,.:�,.; = 5 t�•.•,t
<br /> ' _=' ' ��`�� � !o the ACTUAL po#mt of beginning. ' � �
<br /> -� ,,
<br /> . 1���:^�"...1( " /� . . . . . . ; � .
<br /> � ., ' ' � �
<br /> " � ,I hereby certify that to the beat of ny kaovle8ge and belief, the accompanying �
<br /> � • plat is fsaID an aecurate aurvey of the descr3bed property made under my '
<br /> ' :�,,,� aupesvision. : �•
<br /> . , � , . �EgRASK,� � y,
<br /> .� : . ���,�ST ERF� _.s ,
<br /> s �
<br />: � , � Thomas L. Jordan, S. Na. 178 ' .
<br /> . �. �s-t�s r . �
<br /> '. . ' f �qy ��i� �;�� � . � � -
<br /> y � SUQ'� �a •
<br /> - _ -... , -.- - . .,- -- — -. - �'�J�f,4 tE���%'�� - - -- -- — {- ----
<br /> . . ,� . . i Scale 1" � 40' March 32, 1992 ,
<br />' � . 'I SgEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS , .
<br /> . ;
<br />-. .� . .� . � � • .
<br /> .
<br /> ;� . � �
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