r�3'{�,':=ri--'^4c� .-. _ ���!t":i.-_ .. . .. �— ' - . . . . ' _ ,
<br /> ix� . _ .}<.,°a.':i%v "F'. .. ` ._ . _ . _ . _ - ' 'a�` — _. ...
<br /> :.Vrs.
<br /> _, _ .. '. _-, t: .,1..:_ -� -_ _ _ .,_—�__�..__—i_. . ,. . -
<br /> r... ` .�_�. " . , .�. , , . • .
<br /> �.^. c - _�'ri �b� `� _' `�_ _ � � ' � ` � ' `� . . < . .. . _ ' . . .
<br /> —.--_— - .�. . � . t . a . a . 4. , ' . ' . ,` . , . . ` . � . ..
<br /> _ . . � . _ . . . .� . . .. . ��' ` . , – . � , r . . .. . . � (c ' .
<br /> . . "lC ` n ' _. _ t . l. < � . _
<br /> , �� 43��s�►- �/dZ) , , . - . . .
<br /> � � . . � . ` �'��-e i.�6g ` �,iRILIS'! EAgBl�. _ . , ,.
<br /> .: 1�Oq ALL�R DT TBESE �11lSE�TSi , ; � ` _ , . � .
<br /> _._.. _ _ ' � Lhs Pond�xaRa �atstes.�_iat .�a �ebruka Cos��ration �_-. . Gragtos o'�
<br /> �...�....,. •
<br /> _ _ -. . , 1'b�t:-- � . — _ _.
<br /> . � . � .
<br /> t� �ti of : �ZY : , tis� State og � Nebsaska` � for_aad in coasid- '
<br /> �ntios of tbe w� of Oaa Do1Li (81.QQ) aud ptt�ar t� � valaabxe coasldssstloer, t�e �.
<br />_-- s�diPt� o� �Ai�b 3�-lwr� ackaowle��d. do�sbeGrant�a�Corpot�tie�n, H�+ta�a Soutah� �
<br />'': �li�i 11nt0 ��Z�YW�C��II FYb�C $ltV�C! CO��js ,
<br /> �v - Dak+ota, its auac�slws� or as�ipu, a e�tilit� wwnt, for the iu�tallatfons �sin��
<br /> - spd cperatfoss� of Zsa lines. aad appurteasneea thexeto, aver, un�der. nPon aio�d through the
<br /> - • follariai de�crib�d landa �ituated in tiu Co�mtJ► of 8�11 , the State of
<br /> - �Tebraska , to id.t: _ . ' ; :
<br /> t� ^Part uf Lot 1tio �(2� Island and Lot Faur {4�, !!alaland with accretioa theseto, all _
<br /> ` situated in the Soatheast Quarte�r (S8}} of Seetioa Thirty Six C36), ToWashlp Eleven (71) _
<br />:,' � Horeb, Amge Tea (10) Nest af tlie 6th P. H., Hall County: H�br+�slca, as deacribed� on tha �__
<br />_ � pltttsattached�heseto snd �ade a part of this ease�ent. � -��-:-
<br /> ' 'V . #(_--- _
<br /> `,� .� . ' � �• _ �e�e� � . . � C, w ��.2 .. ' �
<br />,h, ":�. n � } i�s , '� -t- ..�'; �- �. � '�'� Y � _
<br /> r � � 's °= , ..�'Q ' � N —�
<br /> ,; � '�' ;f• � i: � .:`.�:r, ��.� � eo --
<br />. � - -'�'-" c ;r.� ' .t �V ;� - ^� i± `Ci a' _-
<br /> �sro �- � � 1s d , . ..•� aF N -
<br /> , . ••S � (� n" � ,l . •+r .�� y 'l.I, -,� � .�..1.':r -
<br /> 1I•
<br />,.. . •j 1�1 �- 1µ '^, hi O �.'-����,x-...
<br /> . 4 � -a �,.�� -
<br /> ,� � , ��' � ';� �� � ' ' 'J 3 �r,<�- -
<br /> . _ '" •�.. � \ ' � . " t.` r�^', � � .�+ $,h�� t: _
<br /> ..� °- �..,, - ,� fi �. •`:....� : i--► z • x--.;: . . _
<br /> ". `t-'','rl�is: --�,�,,'�. � � • • ..... � , { � o � :�,
<br /> yJ. ;�.r` �� r • � ! � -
<br /> /kr J�'?R'.i� ' ' ' �. –. . •__
<br /> . �,if.Cl.$1 L' T .•. � . ' .
<br /> � .I. 1 , . . . . �
<br /> ..� '7� '�� ' f � � �. _G
<br /> . .. .Y:�" } lt `�,: . -^
<br /> , ; � ,•, TQ HAQE AND Tp HpyD unto said NdR3'{iWEgTI� �qBLZC SPJtVICE COla'ANY, its successora 4
<br /> . , ::,�,;;. � . ,::
<br /> _ - .;° �aad assignss so loag as suc�s.n��i.lity �es aad a�aurtenaqc�es fhereto shsll be �1ntaiaed . .:.:;�_
<br /> . g ..,. "-`., � ,:__ , .,,_,�_
<br /> ':;;:;��f,Y=.•: .::., aad oyerated, togethar with the righ� m� ia$ress and egre�s from aaid prnise.,+ for the V,,:.' ' .-�-
<br /> �;��:•�;,.�`�`_�.� , t pu=pose�of co�astsucring, instal2i»g, ��pectin$, �epa3af.s�g, maiataini�ng. re.neabng a�d -`
<br /> , s...,�.,_. 'r�' ,`� ...
<br /> � i.�w��-� .:�� •: se Lc the proyerty of the grantee l.ocated G�seoa, os removed thereof, �,a�hole or 4 . . , „_
<br /> ='��G..--�_;�t. v s,�g
<br /> past, at the Wil]. of the grantee. '',
<br /> � i-������:'"- � in � . -
<br /> ."�"� F,� �' -
<br />- �,�'`,'�'-� The Grantor fnrther comieaauite f�r themselvea, their heirs, lessees, successoYe, or _-
<br /> � :=�'._��-.: -_=� :assigns thst the Graatee, its lesaees,� ssccessore or ass�gas. s1�11 at sll ¢f:m� hsve the ��
<br /> ..f.<. �� ' �
<br /> � ��s��=�� s'�� sight ta cut and remave or trim sll tree$, bushes and sapliAge gra+in8 upon ssid landa :
<br /> ,,r'�r.._..;�•s, _ � --
<br /> �_�,_f:,��x�;., . �bnve described, or e�ctendit�g over s�ae, ao far as �ay he seasonab2y necessasy for the � ���
<br /> ~=�`�� ��- '�'�;�., construction, reconstruction, operation, repair, and msintenance of, gas liaes, and s1�a11 j�. � ,
<br /> � � �`-'•' � 3�sve the right of accaes and entsy ta and upoa eeid above described ].Ands fos auch pus- , �
<br /> '`"�•;,. t�o�es. �
<br /> ;.;;;;',. . .
<br /> i
<br /> • �: ''_'��'�f : The Graatee ahall pay for damsges to la�ms, shsubbery, bushea, treea, gardeus and •' - � -
<br /> ' � feaccs, Caused by the constructioa, seco�strnction, repaiY, seplacement, or msinteaance ; �
<br />: . ,f.��.•�;t: .. . of said gas lines. .
<br /> ��.::,�:;,,
<br /> ' - � Gr�ato"s resesves to theaeelvea the right to cultivate, uae and occnpy the above `'
<br /> ��r° . �• desesibed lands provided such use and oc'cupaacy is not inconsisteat i+ith the righ�s
<br /> . �� � g�canted by this ease�ent. � , '
<br /> :_ _ , . . . - - -- -- �e - - e tha land -- -- -
<br /> Tlels eaee�+ent and the righte granted an� cenveyed here r shail snn �r! h s '
<br /> . .-_. - - � -
<br /> � � -��'� � °" above described a�nd ahall� inure to the.benefit of and � on the I�eiYe, less�es, . .
<br /> � - -- attccesaors or asaigns of the sespectiv� parties hes �`o:�'3h�•��...�"Y� . .
<br /> . . . ��. �y;:�aGt�Q � • .
<br /> �
<br /> . . Dated thia �a d�y of _�• 14�• at ' `� � � , . . .
<br /> � , ;j ? 4�(:' :.i-"ld� #
<br /> . , . . ;. . �• �� .
<br /> . '• ./�> • a
<br /> -- =-_-----=
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