<br /> �;� � !�, 'vwr�.ww.++woOVl•inrrq�-- 4 � s;«=-..:�s_,�.-
<br /> +�t �g, �Yi r �.�-�'�.
<br /> . �I �� r .h - �GA9 +1��'.tt'..� ,-�.�{.,�'�F"�_ __.:.� _._
<br /> ' o ryj !;!I c• pert o1 thu fJroperty, ar w lieaeticlal lirieresl in n Ir�ml awi'tinp nil or pnit o1 the Pro�seity, la ao!d or
<br /> othcnvlao irnnotctrcd(othr.r fhnn by devl��f ar dcscenl)by Iho Cia�rnwer, ard r
<br /> gllrunt e Pdoes��aoao c�upy`tho,lPn c�rty,t�bul1hlaror herr'aradil hno"notnc��c�i't.lnpprovc It.�ln�acc r.d:,ncure•riii.Yt{� [A`_
<br /> roqulrommta ot tho 8ecrot�ry.
<br /> (e) C�O 6•:«�veC. II circumat�nr.ea occur that would permit Lender 40 �aqulre Immedlete paymenl ln hi!I, but Lender
<br /> does nol requke auch paymente, Lender doos not walvo Ite riqhte wilh re��ect to aubseyuent uvcn4a. '�
<br /> �d) Regulatlons Of HUD S�c�6hry. In ��iuny clrcumstnncee reQ��i�tlone leaued by the BQCretery wiil Ilmlt
<br /> Lander e �lgi�ts, In tho caco of paymcnt dcinults, to roqidre Immedlate peymeM In tull und forecloeo I} nnl pnid. Yhb L
<br /> _....,,,.�...,��.�r,rwtinn or torecloaure II not permltted by regulattona o1 the 3ecrotury.
<br /> secunry insirumnni�oes���:o..•....••-- --
<br /> (e) Mort�apa No! Insurod� BoROwer agrees that shoutd thls Secu�tty Instrument and thet om ihecde e`hereol, Q
<br /> not be ellgiblo far Insurence under the Natlonal Houeing Act withln 90 davs,�,._-----
<br /> Lender may, st Its option and notwlthstending anylhing In paregreph B, requlre immedlate paymeni In tull 01 �II sum� �
<br /> secured by thls Security Instrument. A written statament of any authorized sgont o1 the 5ecretary dnted aubsequent
<br /> to 90 da►ve .,__.�irom tho dnte hereol, decllning to InRUre thia Security Instrument end the tJote secured �
<br /> thereby, shall be deemed conciusNe proo} of �uch Inetlgibility. Notwithstanding the torefloin�, thls optlon may not be
<br /> exerclsed by Lender when the unavailablliiy ol insurance Ia solery due to Lender's tallure to remit a mortgago Insuranco
<br /> premium to the Secretary. ent In iull because of
<br /> 10. �I81nst8tAt116nt. Borrower hao a �ight to be relnstated It Lender hss requlred Immedlate pnym
<br /> Borrower's taflure to pay an amount due under ihe Note or thia Secudty inatrumont. This right flPP��ss oven etter toreclosure
<br /> proceedinps are fns�ftuted. To reinatnte the Security Instrumont, Borrower shall tonder In a lump sum all em�unts required to
<br /> bdng Bo��ower's acco�ant current fndudinp, to the extent they aro obligntlons ot BoROwera9S�Latedia slc th tomcl s re
<br /> toreclosure costs and reasonable and cuatomary attomeys' fees and expenses prapsrfy
<br /> proceeding. Upon relnststement by BoROwer, this Securliy Inatrument ancl the obligations that(t securea shall remafn In ettect as
<br /> It Lender had not requlred Immedlate paymer�t In tull. !'owover, lender is not required to permit relnstatement If: (I) Lender has
<br /> acoepted relnstatement after the commencement ot toruclosure proceadings wlthin two years immodlately precedinfl tl�a
<br /> commenoement o! a current foreclosure proceeding. (il) relnstatement will prectude toreclosure on dliterent grounds In the tuture.
<br /> or (ilq relnstatement wili a�lversely aftect the prlority ot the I�en created by this Secudry Instrument. _
<br /> 11. Borrower Not peleasa�l; Forbearance By Lender Not a Watver. Extenston oi the tlme of payment or
<br /> modficatlon ot amorlizatlon o1 the sums aecured by thls Security Instrumarnt grnnted by Lender to any successor in Interest oi
<br /> Borrower shell not aperato to rNease tho Ilability o1 the orlginal Borrower or Borrower's successor In Interest, Le�der ahall not be
<br /> requlred to commence proaeedings agninst any successor In Intoreat or retuce to extend time tor payment or othetwlse modily
<br /> smortizatlon of the sums eecured by this Secu�ity Inatrument by resson af any demand made by the originsl 8onower or
<br /> g�,,;;,,;tc�; s�;,cossc� tr !nl�esL. P.ny tnrnnBrence by Lendet in oxerdsing any �iAht or remedy shall not be s waiver of or
<br /> preciude the exerclae of any dpht or remedy. Co-Si nore. The covonents and
<br /> 12. Succassora and Asalgns Bound; Jolnt pnd 5�veral Uabllity; A
<br /> ' agreements oi this Securiry Inslrument shall bfnd and beneftt the successors and asslgns ot Lender and Borrawer,subJect to tho
<br /> provlsions of Paragreph B.b. BoROwer's covenants snd agreements shall be�olnt and several. Any Bortow e wh nt and convey
<br /> gecurfty Instn�ment but does not execute the Note: (a) Is caslgning this Securtry Instrument only to mortgeg , grA
<br /> that Bortowor's interest In the Prope+ty under the tertns ot this Seaurity Instn�ment; (b) Is not personaity obligated to pay the
<br /> suma aecured by thia Security Inetrument; end (a) aprees that Lender and any other Borrower may ayree to extend, modHy,
<br /> fo�besr or make any accommoc�atlons wkh regard ta the terma ot thls Sacurfty Instrument or the Note wlthoN that BoROwer'e
<br /> consent.
<br /> 18. NOtIC�.�Y notica to Bnrrower provlded tor In thls Security Instrument ehaH be given by deNvering It or by m�ilin9 it
<br /> by flrat cbtse mell uniesa�ppHcable Isw roqulree uae of mothor msthod.The notica eh�N be dfrectad to tha PropeRy Addrees or
<br /> �ny othx�ddress Bortower designstea by notice to Lende►. My notice to Lend�r ahaH bs qtven by 1lrst cl�sa maY,to Lenderb
<br /> addreas stated herein or eny address Lender cteslgnatea by notice to Dorrowor. Any notice provldad tor hi thia S�urity
<br /> in�trumait shatl be deaned to tiave been gfvsn to Bortower or lender when qiven�s provldod lo this par�9raPh•
<br /> 14e G1ov�rning l.�w; Savor�bllity. Thie Secudty Instrument ah�N be yavome�d by Federal Iew �nd ihe taw o1 4he
<br /> Judsdictlon h►whlch the Propaty Is locnted. In the event that eny provislon os ciauae o1 thls Security Irtatrument w the Note
<br /> c!�+ et[�t wtho1ut thle onfllctlnQ p ovlslon.h7o thiseend thehprovlslona o4 thlshSecu ty In trumMt nnd the No et e e��dscMrsdto
<br /> g:...
<br /> be sevcm6le.
<br /> 16. Bo►'row�r's Copy. Bor�ower sheil be given one contortned copy ot thls Security Instrument.
<br /> 16. Asdgnmsnt of Rente.Bo►rower uncondittonsly assign�snd trensters to Lender nll 1hu rents and revenues ot the
<br /> Propetty. 8ortower euthorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the res�ta and revenues and hereby directs e�ch tennnt of the
<br /> Property ta ppy the rents to Lender or Lender'o sgents. Howeve►, pdoe to Lender's notice to Bortower ot Borrower's brcach of
<br /> any covenant or egreement In the Securfcy Inetrument, Bortowor shaN collect end recaive nll rents�nd re+renuea of the Praperty
<br /> e� trustee (or the benefit ot Lendef snd Borrower. Thls asslgnment oi rent� constftutes an ebeolute �asignment and not an
<br /> easignment tor addittanal security only.
<br /> it Lender gives notico ot brench to Bortower. (a) all renta received by 8orrower shell bn held by Borrower as trusteo tor
<br /> benafit of Lender onty,to ba epplied to tha aums secured by the Secu�ity Instrument; (b) Lender shall be entttled to coNeat and
<br /> receive nll ot the rents of the Property; and (c) each tenant o1 the Property shall pay all rente duo end unpafd to Lender or
<br /> Lender's egent on Lender's w�itten demand to the tenant.
<br /> Borcower hns not executad eny pflor asaignment ot the rents end has not and will not perfortn any act that would prevent
<br /> Lsnder fram exercising its�ights under this Paragreph tU. before or after Nin nutice of breacl�to
<br /> Lenda ahail not be required to entcr upon,teke control ot or mnlntein tho Prope�ty 9 9
<br /> Borrower. Howuver, l.ender or a Judiclally appointed recelver may do so et eny time there Is a breach. Any eppllcation ot rents
<br /> . .. . ..__ __..._.._ __..,�...�. .,.�,,,au�fo anv o:her riaht or remody of Lender.Thls asslgnment of rents oi the Prop�ty
<br />— snan not �uro vi nano a..� ..�.�-�- _. -..—__. . _
<br />—� shall terminate when tha debt secured by 1he Secudry Instrument Is pnid in tull.
<br /> �� 17. Foreclosure Procedure. If Lendsr requlrea immedlate p�yment in fuii undsr P��caY�fe law.
<br /> � Londor may Invoke the pawep of sato and any othar remadie9 pormitted by app
<br /> -- Lendsr ehall be entltlod to collect all expenses Incurret� in pursutng the remedies providnd in
<br /> ° thts paragraph 17. Including, but not Itmlted to, reasonable attorneys' fess and costs of 4itle
<br /> = ovldence.
<br /> ^ FStl13.LM0(SI95) Pago 3 of 4
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