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<br /> ,ppe�wat�l�cti sl�tl nospe+.�ao�bty� tf Ha�rrow�r tL)s co m�inain cave�a�e aGSC�,'bea�seo�ve.I.enaar m�y��_-
<br /> . ° : l.ender�oPtiort.dxsin covecage to protat i.ender's rig6ts ia tDe Ptupaty in aocurd�nce wub pu�gr�ph,?. .
<br /> A1!ias�uance polic�and�enewais slult be��xepsable to I�de►and shalE include a stantlud mortgage cl9ase. Leodec �.
<br /> ' `sha11 have the ri�ht to l�o�d the pot'kia a�W taxw�ts. it'Lender aquiies.Bama�r shatl piomplY 8ive to Lu�der all�eoeipts � ,
<br /> _of p�i�1 p�emi�irtn ird tenew�l naRices- In the evrnt of ioss.Barvwa shati give pr�xapt notice to tUe iasur�oce cartier artd - .
<br /> trcndtr. 1Rnder n�y mal�e p�oaf of loss if noc asadc P�P�9�Y B�wer. _
<br /> � � - Ualess Lendes�and 8acruwtr att�eswlse agta ia v�sitiag:insutsnce psnccedc shaU be appis�d tn�stoiation ar�ir o� _-
<br /> ��P�Y�8�•if ilte i�►t�xsujott or zepair is enonuaficalty fc�a.�'6k and.Lender's savrity is not kssene� [f thc_ -, -
<br /> ��est�tioA af�epair is eot epmornicaliy feasabk ni Lender's securitx wauW l+�e iasened.tite insutu�ce pcocoeds sliail be , .
<br /> , applied w the su�as s�xurcd by tl�ic Seciuity Inson�men�whether or nat thrn due.with any exass paid to Somnwer.�If
<br /> Batmwer abondo�11lre PtopertY.o(dae.s not aasvrra within 30 days a naice fmat Lender that th�insurartce cartier t►ic
<br /> ' otfead to setsk a claim.tbrn l.ender may colkct thc iasut�nco pmcoe�• Lender may usc the p�ocad.s to cepsir or� .
<br /> � �he propctEy a to pay swns serured by this So�v�iry Iastrument.whetl�er a not Uxn due. 11�e 3Uday penod wil{begin when �
<br /> . the notice is g�vea . _
<br /> Unkss 1�eMer�nd Baaower dUe�rrise agnee in writing.mny application of p�oceeds co principal sh�ll not s�tend oc
<br /> po�one t1�e d�e date af the manthlY p�ymrnts nferred to in paragrrphs i and 2 or clt�nge the aniount of the payments. [f
<br /> ip�d�er P�ragraph 2t the Pmpe�ty is xquired�y I.ender.Borrawer's right w any inw�ance poliaes aad`proceeds.nsulfing.
<br /> _ fiom d�mage to the Piupe�ty prior to the acqu�sit�on shall pus[a Lender to the exteet of tke soms secured by this Sxurity
<br /> �6�suument immedia�tty pfior to Ilte acqaisition.
<br /> ` f. Oce�p�cy. Pn�ervat�oe, MsiMteu�ce a'd protestiat of tLe Properfy; Bo�o�rre�r's.I.an Appikatia�;
<br /> ],paeMold�. Bormwer shall occvpy.establish.an�use the PtopertY as Bormwer's prinnpal residence within sixcy�ciays after
<br /> � the execution af triis Securiry lnsttur�nt aed s1�11 continae to accupy the Praperty as Eionower's priucipal midenc�e fa a[
<br /> Ipst ax yeu aReF tbe due of occupaney._wilesc Lendcr athrrwise agrees in writing; which cunsent shall nat,be
<br /> mtt�a�sanabiy withheld.or unless eatrnuating cinvmstances exist which are beyond Rorinwer's conuol. Bomnwer shall noc, �_
<br /> . destmy,damage a impair the Property.aliow the Prnperty ta deteriaau,a'cwmnit waste on the Property. �Borrowa sha11
<br /> — 6e iu defwlt�f any fafeituce actian or pmceedin8,whetlier civi!or criminal.is begun d�t in Lender's good faith judgnten[
<br /> .• couW c�esuit in forfeiture of the Pmperty or athcrwise materially impair the lien cmated by this Secunry [nsuument or
<br /> _ l,ender's,security intens�. Bornnwer may cu�+e such a defauIt and reinstate,ac prov_ided in paragraph 18,by causing ttre action.
<br /> `or p►oceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that.in l.ender's•gasd faltt�detertnirtation.pnxiu�s forfeitune of�he Horrower's
<br /> intenst in the Ptoperty or other material impairtnent of the lien created by this Securiry'tnmument or dxnder's securiry
<br /> ;ptem� B�trnwqr sfiall also be in defauit if Borrower,daring the loan application prooesc, gave materially false�'or
<br /> - inacwrate information or statements to l.ender(or failed to provlde Lender with any materiat infomrationy in connectian with
<br /> the laan evidenced by the Note. including, but not l�nited to. represa�tations canceming Borrowers occupancy of the -- _
<br /> ' Praperty as a princigal residence. lf this Security ln.�uuent is on a leasehold.Borrower shall compty with all the provisf�}s • -
<br />. • of the fea�e. if Barower acqnires Pee titte tv the Pra�;the leasehold and thc fec title shap not merge unless Lender agrees
<br /> �� to the merger in writing. - .
<br />` . 7. Pretectlon of l.ender's Rights in tUe�++aperEy. If Ba►sawer fails to perfortn the cm•enanu and agreements.. .•'
<br /> � contained in lhis Security lnstrumen� or there is a L'e�zt proceeding that may yigniticantty affect l.ender's ri�hts�ia the . _ _
<br /> - Property(such as a proceedins in 6ankrupcsy,probar..��-Er candemnatian or.forfeiture or to enforce laws or re�cL�an�).then �::��
<br /> l.endet may do and pay for whatever is a.cessary ta�mtect the vatue af the Praperty and l.enders rights irt c.e Property. �� �-�_
<br /> � ti:.._.,..'iti'=�_
<br /> - Lender's actians may include paying an�:�i4:s securc,d by a lien which has priarity over this Security In�tnrment,appearing E.
<br /> • in court.paying reascmable attomey.s'fees a;sd emc�ring on the Property ta make repairs.Althouglt l.ender may fake actian = '`�":� '�=
<br /> under ihis paragraph 7,l.ender does not ha�e to do so. '���`���'__�'�
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under this�.:�-rapb 7 shall become ad�litionai debt of Borrower secured by this '�• -
<br /> . , ��.,�4
<br /> Security Instrumenx Unless Sorrower and l.endet agc�ro other tertnc of payment,thrse umountt shali bear intete.st fmm the �•�.?�"�,,,Y,.
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be paya6le,with.inttmst.upon notice irom l.ender to Borrawer requesting :Y,',`•y�_`=.
<br /> - PaYmen� � _ :":`� -
<br /> $. Mostgage Insurance. If Lender reyuired mongage ins�.r•��:e as A canditian oP making the loan yecuresl by this ` '�:=�.�:.` -
<br /> • �;`: Security Instrument.Borrower r.hali pay the prcmiums reyuired ta:..aintain the mortgAge insuranre in cffecl. /f.for any • .��;:__
<br /> � reason. the mort�e insurancc coveragc rcyuired by Lender lapsc� ar ceasEti to bc in effect. Borrawer thall pay the ___
<br /> � � premiums required ta obtain coverage substantialiy�.;,�:ivafent te�the snungage in�urance previousiy in effect. at a rost . : � _;'_
<br /> , substantially equivalenl to Ihe cast to Bc•rcawer of tE_�ortgage im.::r�'��:previoa.;y in effect.fram an altemate mart�ge .,�,y
<br />= insurer approved by l.ender. If SubstancialT;eyuivak�sst mongage"r.��r:-�-..u:��:caverage is nut available,Bortawcr tihall pay to :_=�: :
<br /> l.ender each month u sum ual to one-�����*.';:�of the y�earty man a.^.�^:surunrc remium hein aid b Borcower whcn the �`'��i��;;-_-
<br /> eq S _'-•- P, F P Y ,
<br /> , insurance coverage lap�ed or eca�hed to Ir:;e�fect. 11.�::?er wili acccp�,u4e aad ret��n thetic payments us u lotis reserve in licu _�� ..•^°��__
<br /> ,T ' oi mnrigage insurance. Lq��reservc paymcnGC m��•�lrnrgcr he nyuircd,at �t�i c,�tian af l.ender,ii mortCw��.incuranee -- '�'j--T-
<br />_ " ` covcragc tin thc amount ar�d for thc perial that Lcr_�1:r n:yuire�l provided by,a� ::w��*'er npprovcd by l.ender a�.�n:xcomes �'.��: -�,;;�
<br /> �." available and is obtained.Botrnwcr rhttU pay the pn:�!r.:'��x s rcyuired aT^ainta.:.--•'r'�,age�murancc in effect.cr.o����rovide a
<br /> ' lotis reserve.until the reyuircmcnt fc�r mongagc ins,ar�rr�„end�in a:s;,�r�ance a�ii�any wntten agrremrm betwecn boRm�cr . *�� �`
<br /> ' ' and Lcndcr ar applicablc law. ' '
<br /> '� 4 Inspection. Lender nr it�+agent may muke sta�onahlr�'ntrlc�upnn s�nd in�pcction�nf'tht Properly. Lcrtdcr�hall '. •
<br /> � give Barrower notlre�t the time of ar prior to an in�p�:x i�»tipecifying rca��mable cau�e for thc in�pecti��rt. � � ,
<br /> ' `: 10 Condemnallon. Thc procecdy of cmy a�vard ev claim for damagc�,dircct nr cnn�cNucntial.in c��nnestiun wilh�ny
<br /> , SinglcFamily--fannk�latli'reddkStacl%rlil)R�11�S?RCSIEYI'-•L!nifonnCoticn:uu� 9i90 ipu:c•?ol�ipagrti� , � .---' . . ,,
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