<br />any such right: or remedy hereunder; similarly, the waiver by beneficiary
<br />ar Trustee of any default of Truster under this Deed of Trust shall not be
<br />deemed a waiver_ of arty ether or siriiar defaults subsequent.7.y occurring;
<br />Cg) extension of the time for paymer>t or modification ar ampr_tizatian of
<br />the sums secured by t:.his ?eed of Trust granted by Beneficiary to any
<br />successor in interest of Truster sk:a11. not vperate; to release, in any
<br />manner the liability of the orir~inal Trustar and Truster"s successor. .an
<br />anterest. 8e;refiG.iary shal_T not he regui.red tv co.mmence proceedings
<br />against such succossar nr refuse to extend tk:,.e time fnr payment or
<br />otherwise modify amortization of the sr.zm; and indebtedness secured by this
<br />Reed a; Trust by reason af' any demand made by the vr.iginai Trustar and
<br />Trust:or's su~:aessars in interest: (h} wit•,:haut affratir7a the liability of
<br />the Trustar or any other pr~rsvn liable fnr the payzttent of the obligations
<br />and inr.#ebtedness ser_ur,ed lay this Deed o Trust, and aaithout affecting tYte
<br />1_ien ar charge of this Ceed of Trust upon az'zy portion of the Property net
<br />then c.r theretofore .released as security far the full am.nunt of all. unpaid.
<br />a7aligrztion, Beneficiary may., from tine tv time and without notice (i;
<br />release any° person so ?.iable, (ii) pxti..end the maturity ar alter any of the
<br />terms of suoh a:aliyation, (iii) grant atiaer ind,_zlgences, (i~r1 release or
<br />recvnvey, or cause to be. released or reci~nveyed at any tirrte at
<br />Ben.efiaiary's opt:ian any parcel, portico or all of the Property, (v) take
<br />or release any other or additio.•na1 security far any vbligatiaaa ar
<br />.indebtedness herein. mantianed, ar (vi) mak~+ compvsi_tir,ns yr other
<br />arrangements with debtors in relation thereto; iii in addition to the
<br />rights and powers given. to the Tx'ustee and L~enefir_ia.ry k'zerein, Ltze
<br />Beneficiary shall Nava all such other rights both in law anc9 equity far
<br />cvllec;tion of the indebtedness secured hereby as it wvuld have but fear
<br />this Ceed of Trust; f;, all covenants and agrevrnents of Trustar s~:t forth
<br />in this Ceed v:f Trust shall be joint a.nd several; (k7 this Beed of Trust
<br />shall be governed L7y the locos r,f the State of Nebraska: (1) irr 'the eve.^'at
<br />any one ar mare oi- the provisions contained in this Bored of 'Crust, or tkze
<br />Nate ar_ any other security instrument given irr cvrrrect.ion with the
<br />indebtedness hereby secured sha11 far any reason be held to be ,nva.lid,
<br />illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or
<br />unen.forceability shall, at the option of Beneficiary, net affect any other
<br />pra~lsion nf' tris Beed o£ Trust, but.- this Deed of Trust shall. be const.r:ued
<br />as if such invai.id, i.7_legal, yr unenforceable provisionrzad never Leer
<br />rantainE.d her:~j,i or therein. Lf the lien o£ this Deed ar Trust is irva].id
<br />ar unenfvrceabin as to any part of the indebtedness hereby secured or
<br />evidenced by t;.he Vote, or if. tkie lien is invalid nr unenforceable as to
<br />any part of the Property, the unsecured ar partially secured portion of
<br />sur7-z indebtedess shall ne ramp_Retely paid prior to tt:e payment <nf tl.2e
<br />remaining and severed ar part.ia.lly secured portion of such indebtedness,
<br />and all payments merle on such indebtedness, wkzetirer voluntary or under
<br />foreclosure ar other enforcement action. or procedure, shall. be considered
<br />to have been first paid on and applied to the fall payment of that portion
<br />r.f such indebtedness which is not se~:.t;red nr net. fully secured by the lien.
<br />of this C1eed of Tr~.z.s^: an<I tm~ t..he cvvanant.s anci a,~reerrments ccntainecl irz
<br />this Deed of Trust shall bind, and tk:e benefits and advantages hereof
<br />shall inure to the respective heirs, executa:s, administrators, surcessars
<br />and assiuns of the parties herer.a. Wktere~rer used herein, the singular
<br />number shall. include the plural and conversely, arid t::re use of any gender
<br />shall be applicable ro all genders. frlhereve.r, the terra "8enr:f.iaiary'• is
<br />used herein, it shall include the legal hold.er_ yr holders o1 the Note yr
<br />"he indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />SEVENTH_ upon written request of Benefia.i.ary stating that all
<br />amounts and indebtednPSS secured hereby knave been paid, a:nd upon surrender
<br />of this Coed of Trrust a,nd the Nate to Trustee far the cancellat.ian and
<br />retention and upon payment by Trustar. of T'r:ustee's fees, Trustee shall
<br />Y'econvey to Trustar, ar the parson o'r persons legally entitled thereto,
<br />without warranty, any portion of the ?roperty then held b.y Trustee.
<br />hereunder. The rer_ita.ls in sur..h re~~onveyartce aS any matters ar facts
<br />