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<br /> _n- »' p�..- Ry LOAM N0. 1 s 3 s 2 t s i i 1 ��,_
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<br /> THI i���U�il`�Y IN rTP�UMFRlT combinea uniforen covonanto for na4lonal iaso and non•uniforin c4vonanta w it h
<br /> � '� Ilmltod variatlons by�urladlction to constitute a unlform securiry Instrument covering ra�l propotty.
<br /> � . ��• UNlF'ORM C�VENANTS.Borrower and Len�ieP cnvenant and agree ae foilowa: •'s��
<br /> � "b 1.Peyment of Pnncipsl ond Inter��t;Pr�p�ymmt�nd l.ats Ch�rQss. Borrowar shall promptty pay when due '�'"'
<br /> } .._:�� , the princlpa!�}and Intereat on the debt evklencad by the Note and any prepaymont and late chargoa due undep tho C�:`
<br /> . .�,. ...� � {'�vt8. �.�:;.
<br /> _ ..�;,.� � 2.�w�ri,10 4cl Tauc���►�I�:urae�ca SubJaci to ApQllcablo I[�w�r m a written walver�y Lend�r,Borrower shall pay �__
<br /> ���,�;.;,,a���;,��o�Ay mnnt�v ruwm�nts cre due under the Note,untll the Note le pald In Puil,a sum("�und3")tor.(a)
<br /> 4�=;a.-.3► • � ---
<br /> yearly taxes snd sasessmenis whlch may atteln prlority over thta Security Insirument as a uon on t�e rroperiy;�b yea��y �
<br /> �-� teasehdd payme�nte or ground rants on the Property,if any;(c)yearly hazard or propor4y Insurance premluma; (�)
<br /> , ; �� yearly fload Insurance premluma,It am;(e)yeariy mortgage lnsur$nce premiums,ff any;and(fl any sums payable by
<br /> Borrower to Lender,In accordance wft�the provlslons of paragraph 8,In Ileu of the paymnnt of mortgage Insurence —
<br /> •'��°:;�, � premlume.These items are called"Escrow Items."Le n der may,a t�n y t l m e,c o l l e c t a n d h o l d F u n d s I n a n a m o u n t n o t t o
<br /> .' :;,.,;��� e x c e e d the maximum sti�ou►it a lendep for a ferlerally rofated mortgage loan may req��Ire for Borrower's escrow account ____
<br /> � under tho iederal Real Estate Settlement Procadurea Act of 1�74 as amended from t lme to time,l2 U.S.C. �2601 et
<br /> �::;�,�:::? seq.("RESPA"),unleas another law that applles to the Funds sets a lessor amaunt.It so,Lender may,at any time,collect _
<br /> � �' a n d hold Fu n ds In an amoun t no 4 to exc e e d t h e l e a s e r e m o u n t.L e n d e r m a y e s t i m a t e t h e a m o u n t o f F u n d s d u e on the
<br /> - � basis of cur�ent data end reasonaWe eotlmates of oxpenditures of future Escrow Items or Atherwise in accordance wfth -
<br /> �'% ' ' appllcable law.
<br /> nM�'T�= The Funds ehall be held In an Instftutton whose deposfts are I��sured by a federal agency,instrumentality,or entity
<br /> ='�' (4r.cluding Lemier,M Lender Is euch en Instftutlon)or in any Federal Home Loan Sank.Lender ahall apply the Funds to
<br /> �=�-:}��
<br /> --��=3��i,. pay th�Escrow Itams.Lender may not charge Borrower for hdding and apptying the Irunds,annuxlly analylir�g ftie
<br /> , �-�•= escrow account,or verffying the Escrow Items,unless Londer pays Borrower Interest on the Funds and appllcablo taw
<br />_''3"�?�•�'� permRa Lender 4o make such a charge.However,Lender may require Borrower to pay e one-time charge for an
<br /> - � Independer�t resl estate tax reparting serviae us e d by Le r x ier in conn e c t l o n w t t h t h i s l o a n,u n l e s e a p p l i c a b l e l a w
<br /> ���V�� � pravides otherwise.UMess an agreement Ia made or appllcable law requirea interest ta be pald,Lender shall nnt ba _
<br />°�'�`'--�,��� requlred to pay Borrower any fnterest or earnlrtgs on 4he Funde.eorrower snd Lender may agrae In wrfting,howover, `
<br /> -•�_���.�� t h a t I n t e r e s t s h a i l b e p a l d o n t h a F u n d s.L e n d e r s h a l l g l v e t o B o r r o w e r,w i t h o u t c h a r g e,a n annual accountin g of the
<br />.-��nLPti�f.f
<br /> Funds,showing crAClits and debKs to tha Funds and the purp�ose for which each debft to the Funda was made.The �?�;.
<br />"��_=�we'� Funds ere pledged as a�ditlonal security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. e���
<br /> �_�_� If the�unds held by Lencier exceed the amounts permitted to bo hetd by eppIIcable Isw,Lender shatl account to
<br /> _._.---� Borrower for the excess Funds In accordance with the requfrements of applicabie Isw.If the amount of the Funds held
<br /> ----���5��'� by Lender at any tlme Is nat sufficlent to pay the Escrc�w Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wrfting,
<br /> - �, and,in such case ec�rrower sha�l pay to i.ender ihe amouni n�i;n��a�������a u�ih�rl�S:cl�n�,.Bc's�=".°r etu'�I�'r'kA
<br /> -�-,.� up the deNclency In no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sde dlacretion.
<br /> --_==_��� Upon payment In full of all eums secured by thls Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly�efund to Borrower eny
<br /> - °= or eale o�f theyPro�er.If,under pa a yrep�s held by Lendllera the time of acqulspftlon or sale as a�crodft agalnst tha n
<br /> _ perty.shall aPP�Y �
<br /> = suma secured by this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> -- S.Appilcatlon oi Puym�MS. Unless applicable law provkies otherwiss,all payments�ecehred by Lender under
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shalf be spplled:�rst,to any pr�psyment charges due under the Nots;second,to amounts payable
<br /> -= under par�flreph 2;thlyd,to Interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due urxier the Note.
<br /> -- 4.Ct►Rross;Ll�n�. Borrower si�all pay ali tc�ces,assessments,charges,fines and imposftlone att�ibutable to the
<br /> Property whlch may attaln prioriry over thla Securfty Instrument,and leasehoid paymenta or ground rents,ff any.
<br /> - Borrower shall pay these oMipatlons In the manner provtded in paragraph 2,or ff not pald In that manner,8orrawer shall
<br /> pay them on time direcNy to the perso�owed payment.Borrower shail promptiy fumish to Lender all notices of
<br /> _ amounts to be pafd under thls psragraph.If Borrower makes these paYments directfy.Borrower stu�ll promptly tumish to
<br /> - Lender receipts eviddncing 4he paymer�ta.
<br /> Borcower shatl prom,ptiy discharge any Ilen whlch has prioriry over thla Security{nstrumeM unless�ottowor.(e)
<br /> " agreea tn w�ting to the payment of the obligation socured by the Ilen In a manner acceptabie to Lender,(b conteste In
<br /> - good fakh the Ilen by,or detonds against enforcement��t the Ilen in,legal proceedings whlch In the Lende�s optnlon
<br /> -- - ---= operate to prevettt the enforcement of the Ilon;or(cj se+�ures trom the hdder of the Iten an agreement satlsfectary to
<br />--
<br />