_ _ ..1.:_ . . . . , . ' _- __
<br /> � y- . :CL, �L t .- - . ,. f " . � .� ,��.-"
<br /> <
<br /> - -�- C . '��'� ` �
<br /> _-� __ _.��_ _ _ _ �= _-' � - � __.- .-- . ._ " -�._,__-_ ' .
<br /> • • . � _�� � . - { _ � . _ �. ' . - '� . ( -.-
<br /> . 1 — . � .. � . � . ` � . . � . .. . .
<br /> � 4..� � - a . . - ` . , . .
<br /> _ .. - . _ . _ - . . _ . `_ � ��'�-�6�?Qd �
<br /> = : . 4. . , � - . .
<br /> . . , , . - , _ ,� �
<br /> ` � p.�ou;�,�+G,�r�w���.�����or�n p.y�. ,�y�e����� � -
<br /> �mounl r��a�ed w pay�Il oucsnodin8 indeDtodness uc�r.the Note aad this SavrifY ins�uanenE shali be p�id ta We entiry -
<br /> �Uy w�tled tliaew-
<br /> _ a F�es.Leedor mny colfect fee.s and ci�arges autborized by the Secntsry. ` �'
<br /> � 9. Crowd�iot Acoela�tio�d Det�t. ���.h tha Secnetuj►in tAe case of psymeat&fiRilts,
<br /> . (a)pda�i�.Lender rnsy.except ac iimiteQ by ngutu't.on�' Y
<br /> m��ice immedi�ue psyment m fnii af ali sums secuted by tdis Serutiry lns�nt if
<br /> � U)Baciovver defsnits bS!faitiug t�o pag in�tsll any maatbl9 P3Ymeat nqu�d�r this Seceuic�r 1n.�nt Pr►or . �._-�__�
<br /> m or on tbe due date of the next oth1Y FaY�°_
<br /> � (i�)BoQOwerd�fw��s bY failia8.for a perioa of t6�rty days.co perfain any other abligapons containod in this "
<br /> ����' Uca6k law and with the or a1 of the �
<br /> (b)3�1e Wil�t Crtdit Ap�spvsl. L�Wer s6�11.if permiroed by app' Pn �°Y .
<br /> ' Sa�lry,��P1Y�t in fuII of all the sams socuzM bY���Y���nt if:
<br /> (i3�a P�of tbe Praperty.or s beneficial.inte�est in a.uust owning�il ar pa�t ot the Aoperty,is soid or _
<br />_- aherwise t�suufecred(dher than by devise a descent)by the Bomower.and
<br /> -,i � (ii}'Ibe Ropeity,is nat accupiod DY the Putrhaser or graatee as his a her principzl nesidence.or the punchaser
<br /> p��g r a n u e does' so occupy the Ptoperty Uux 6i4 0� her cied�t has not ban appmv� in accardance
<br /> witD ihe nqaitema►ts of tbe Saciet�cY• t Lender to�quit+e immediate paYment in futl.6Qt Lender
<br /> (c)1Vo Wiiver. lf cinswns�nces occ�r that v�auld petau . ..
<br /> dces not noqiu�such payrtKUts.I.ender does noe w�ive its rigfits whh [o subscquent events. —_
<br /> (d)�a�HW Seaetsr�:�In many circumstances reBWuions�ucd by-tlsc Sec�etary wiU limis Lender�s
<br /> . rights,in We case of paymeat defaults.to requine immodiate payment in full and fonectose if na paid This c--_�
<br /> -_- . .. 3ecatity lnsuvment does not authorixe aceeleratiut�or.fa�xtosure if not pecmiued 6y teguTatians af tt�c.Setretazy __
<br /> _{ (_)Mortp�e Not Issurcd. &mower ag�+ees th�t�s6oWd this Sec�ity Iasauman and tde aote seciued�� ' v
<br />-'';'f be eligi'61e for insu[ance'uader the Natiaoal Housin`g Act within 90 DAYS --
<br />- - . date hereof.t.ender may.at its option and notwithstand�n8 a�►Yt6inS in P�ragraph 9..raNire inat�ediate paymenR in =-- —
<br />_ ' . fWl of aB swns seciaed b�r tlns Securiry in.sb�aent A written statement nf�any authwi�.ai a8ent of tLe Sa�+etary . ___�_
<br /> ei
<br /> � dated su ent to ` from the date heceof.declining to insure this Securiry �o
<br /> I�uwnent.ar�d tt�e�wte secur�merYeby.shall be deemed conclasive proof of such iueligibility. Notwithstanding �,;� _.;
<br /> ` `�'�' the fimgoing,this option tnay not be euercised by l.ender when the onavailability of insurance is solety due to ' .:��;�,��6
<br />: 4.� . ._
<br /> Lender's faituc+e to remit a mortgage insutance premium ta the Sectctary '`--
<br /> ,,�:: ':':�i.'.-z.�:.
<br /> . � 10 ReiosbtemesG Brnmwea iraa�a right w be reinstate�if i,.ender has required imsnediate payment in fiilt becaase ;�,.��-
<br /> I hes even after
<br /> � '`--� o f B a r m w e r's t�a i l u re t o p a y a n a m a u n t d u e w?d e r r�•Note or this Securi ty Instrument. This ngM app' �
<br /> �.;�'�•�—
<br /> � fo�eclosure proceedmgs are insritutea. To rein�tatr the Security Insuument,Bacrower sUall tender in a tump sum a l l �;� ._
<br /> �' ' ait�punts requ�red to bring BarroK�ec's account ccrrese including,ta the extent t1�ey ace obtigarions of AoROwer under this =____�.
<br /> !. Security Instrument,foreclosure costsacsa�onable and custamazy attomeys'fees and exPenses Proper�Y a4�ated with _�.�_.
<br /> �, the faulosure proeeeding. Upon reiustatemeat bp Horrower,this Securtty lnstrument and the obl�garions that ii secuies ��y�;�.�
<br /> ? shall remain in effect a�sf L.ender had not rec�uired immediace pay�na�t io full. Hawever,I.err�er is not required w pe�mit. ^r�
<br /> ��'��
<br /> �' �,t• ninstatement if: (i)Lei�des l�as accepted remstatement after tht�ammencemem of forcciosure ptoceedirtgs R-�thiA twa ��;�'"=
<br /> yqrs immediatelY praceding the commencement af a current farectosure proceeding. (ii)teinstateme� �z7 precI�At .�•
<br />�'.1,. - �..;,.. .,�.�, � Foreclosure on differert grounds in the future.or(iii)reinstatement will adverseiy affect the priority of the Fieat created by '=���"y
<br /> � : `.+; this Security Insuumenw _
<br /> �� ` {�. 11. Barrower Not Released;For6earance b� Lertdes tiot a Waiver. Extension oF the time of payment or
<br /> ' ��-; �; ' modifieaGan of amortimtion of the suasES secured by th�s Security Issswment grnnted by Lender to any successor�n mterest ..
<br /> , ��=;:.::r`.
<br /> oi Borrower shall not operate to r,e2ease the liabiliry of the ariginal Bonower or Borrower:s successor in interest. l.ender � �
<br /> - shal)not be requlred to commence praceedin�g aga-'nst any successar in interest ar refuse to extend ame for payment or � .
<br /> � otherwise modify umortization of the sums secuced by th�s Security Instrumes�-fiy reason af any demand made by the
<br /> . .`� original8ortower ar Borrower's successors in interes� Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy�hall ".
<br /> � ��`_' not be a waiver of or preciude the exercise of any right or remedy. � ' .
<br /> - • IZ. Succeasars and AssiRns Bound;Joint and Severa!I.ia6ility:Co-Signers. The covenantc and agreements af �-�
<br /> C' ' ``�.: this Security lnsuumene shall bind and bencfit the successors and oss p�ns of l.ender and Bonower.subject to the provisions •_
<br /> �' , t 1• 'y.�' •! T.
<br /> . • .iV�:�= 3. . _ .
<br /> : � of Paragraph 9.b. Borrower's co v e n a n t s u n d age e m e n t s s h a l J b e j o m t a n d s e v e r a l. A n y B o r r ower who co-�t g ns this .
<br /> �4 `_- . ff ,�., Security Ustrument but does not execute the Nate: (a)is ca-signing this Sec�c.cy Instrume�t only to mortgage.grant and'
<br /> � �. , convey that Borcower's interest in the Property under thc terms oi this 5ecurity In�trumcnt:(b)is not personally ob�l'gated to '.•
<br /> � .` . � m di y.farbear or make aoy accommodai an wiih egatd to he erm af thi Sccu�my in�trum:.nt or he No e w thout that �
<br /> . �'• .. . •;;� _
<br /> , , - L`'•' BoROwer's consent. �
<br /> 13. Notkes. Any notice to Borrower provided fur in this Security lnstrument�half be given by delivering it or by r �,'
<br /> ''• mailing it by first clasti maii unless upplicable it�w requires ure of anuther methoc! The notice shall be directed to the ���,,� ,' , �. ,
<br /> � ~ PropeAy Addre�s or any othcr address Banowcr designatcs by nntice ta l.endc�. Any nUtice to l.ende�shz�l he given by ��r•�,' .
<br /> � "�' � fir�t class mail to Lenderw address wtated herein ar any address l.ender dc�ignatec by notice to BonoWer. Any rtotice "•
<br /> `, ;,;,-...:,d�. ` .
<br />. . �. . . ::
<br /> provided for in this Security Instrument shall be dcemcd tn h��ve br.en given to Bnnawcr ar l.crtdcr when given as provide.ct j
<br /> _s=c:,_,:,;'!.�: , in thiw paregtaph. �
<br /> _..�.A�. � ;�, : 14. GaverninR Law;Severability. This Sccurity instrument shall be gcwcmcd by Fcder�! law and the taw of the
<br /> hti..�� ` jurisdiction in whicH the PropeAy is toc�ted. tn ihr event that any ptnvisi�m ur ciauu nf thiti Security Insitument ot the
<br />. .. "�x-,.�:�.' . 4 . � .
<br /> ':•.; ; Note contlictw with applicubla law,tiuch c�+nflict tiha11 nut uffect uthcr prc>vitiions af thiv 5ecurity ln�trument ur the Notc 3
<br /> "'�;�,�� which can be siven effect w�thout thc conllicting provi!;ian. To ihi+cnd tl►c prov��ionv of thi.e Security Instrument and the
<br /> � ' ':;-�.:=y�,;: Notc�re�'ectared to bc scvcr.ibic. � i '. '
<br /> �.� .:*. , �5. $orruwer s Copy. Burcower shall tx��,ivcn anc a�nferr.:ed capy of this Sccurity Imtrumem. �
<br /> '� �`'��' ' '��`� ` 16. Assignmenf tr�Reat�. B�rtowcr unc�nditi��n�lty as�i��n�smd tran�fcK�t��Lcrtdcr alf the renty:�nd revcnurs uf the
<br /> �;;� '- �`�="' � property. Barrowtr authe�tixe�Lender or l.cnder:.:�cntv to culicct the rent�und revrnuc�unJ hereby directs cach tenant af � '
<br /> • i� the Property to pay tFe ten�ti[o t,cndcr ar,Leadcr�.ttgcnts. Hoa�ever,pri��r ta Lcnder:v nnticc tv Aarrnwer oi Hoaower�
<br /> • breacts of any ruven�.�t ar aarc�emtmt in the 5rcurity In�t�ament.i3on��wrr�I�all a•llect t�nd receice:ill rentv and�evcnues af .
<br /> ' �;,''. ` .. ��, the Prvperty'uy trustee fnr the bcncCu c�f l.rnder anJ H��nuwer. Tt�is.�titiigntncnt nP rents cum�•.uteY:�n ubyalutc assignment �
<br /> � ` ' and�W�ossignment fotadditi�na!�ccudty unty. � "
<br /> . �. --...- . - _- tf Lender�ives notiec vi brr�ci�a�tiarr<�uer:-(.E3 al!trtsts tceciveti hp Hurt�«er�hull be helc!by l�arrawer.is trustcc
<br /> �_� � ' fnr bene�t uf Lender unly tn he applicd tn the�unn�ec:ured hy thc Secttrity Inrtrumenu Ib1�Lcndcr.hall tx�entitted te�
<br /> - - - -. cntic�t and receive Htl af tt�c rcnt�nf the i'roperty:and(rt carti�c»aiu��f�he{iraperty shall pay al!:c��t4due and unpuid tn -. -- -
<br /> � ' � . L.end=r or Len�ier�Hgcnt nn Lendcr's written dcm;ui�f tn the tcnam. ; �
<br /> � Borrower ha�nut executed:uyy pri�r a��ignmcnl af Ihc rrnt�and has nm and wilf ncr prrfarm ainy uci that wouiJ . . --
<br /> . . • ptevent Lender from exetri�in�its rights under Q�is i�.uagr�ph 16. �
<br /> � - Lender tihal!n�i be rryuiteJ ta cnter u�xm,t:ike cnnlrul of��r m:iintain�he l�ruper�y t+efc:�� �after gaving n��tirr��f
<br /> � � breach to Bdrrower. However.l.endcr ur a�u�iiciulty ap�x�intcd rec�ivcr may�So w at:my ti�uc tl:cr€i�a breach. Any
<br /> - appllcution nf rents shall nut c;ure nr waive:u�y dcfauh��r mw.did.ne��y uther ri�ht us remed�of iw;nder. This:u.tiig�wunt
<br /> - -° -- . . -- o€rcntsoFs�e 1'r��etty sU::l�t�cmin�te when tMe rtcht.crured h�thc 5ceuritv lnxtrumrnt is pa�d in tull. _ _ _. -- -_—.----- -
<br /> ' � • . ia„�c t�f J pu�;rs� .
<br /> , ; '. • . � . - . �
<br /> • ` -- = -- ——
<br />