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<br /> '� , � . t-•_ .:�p,,..`..,y.�} J�1�:,`trK-rY'.«�•%-�:'3�i`a.�r ?�1_, �, _
<br />_...� �a�- �
<br /> �UU�2iyi�llutly.-:;�'se�lse►mnriauac i��suranca covernge is nat avuiluble,Bnrro�vtr shnll pay tn i.ender cach mantt� a sum ec�unl to
<br /> n o��e-ttve]fth of lhe yc�t�ly mnrtgHge insua►nce premium being pnid itiy Eorower::�l�e�Z thc i��s��rnncr.coveraFe Inpsed or ceased to `__
<br /> Ue in ef�cct,[,ender will nc�qn,use and r�:tnin theso payments n5 n lnss rescrve in lieu of �mnrtgnge insurimce. I.oss reserve
<br /> paymc��crarenui�c�)providcdlby untinti'urcr`appr��c.�by�l.ci ctcr ngzlin bccumc��mc fl Ule�uiQ�is�obu�inc:�l��ll�mm�rc�r'sh�,ll p�y �'
<br /> ' thnt I..e 9
<br /> the premiums rcquiral to mc�intuin mo��tgage insurunce in cCFcct.ar tu provide n loss rescrve,untH the rcquircmcN or mortg.��;c
<br /> insurnnce cnds in accordunee wi►h t►ny written ugreentant tx�tween B��r�ower and Lender Rr appllcuble luw.
<br /> u� �ngpeclio�o. Ixtxler or its ugcnt uiay make reasnnable cinrics upan nnd inspcctions o6 the P��operty,I.ender shali pive -_--
<br /> Borrower notice ut tl�e time oP or prlor to un iitspcciiun,jxcifyiiig rcasan�ble cnt!�c for the inspecNan. _v`
<br /> 90. CondemnAtlon. 7'Ite (�ru�eeQti ofr�my n�wiUrdr Vr �����Fartcot v Vancc�in licu f c ndc nn:niun',«c i ercby in nigncd nnd ---
<br /> condcmnatton ar o�n�r�akiug o�u��r Np:•�...-..�r_.,.
<br /> sliall bc paid to Lcndcr.
<br /> [n the event c�f a totul tnking af tiie f'rapeny.►he pmceeds shull be applicd to the sums secured by thlK Security Instrumenl
<br /> whether or nut then due, with any eKCCSS p�f ic thc taking•I.S'l'(JU'G�IO Oi b(C1iCP IhA thenumount of th�ruus�sec��raltby t i
<br /> market value of tl�e Property immcdlately bc
<br /> Securtty Instrument immediately bcforo tlie tnking,unlca�Borrower nnd l.endcr otlicrwisc ugrce in writinb.the sums suured b
<br /> am�o n�of thc sum.sccured'innnedlnt ly bcf re the nkins f divided by�(b)tt e'�f ir markett�value t ithc P o�pevty �mnxldiatel _
<br /> beforc the taking. Any ba lunce s h u l l 6 e p a i d t o B a r r o w e r. In the evcnt of u partinl tnking of the Property in which the f�i�
<br /> tt�kin t unles•s B nuwerpand l.endcr�othcrw sc ugnc�e in�vrtingeor nl�cs.sF�uPplicnble luw othe wi.ecpr a v idem t 1 e tprocceds shali
<br /> tkis
<br /> be applied to the sums eecured by thts Security instniment whether or not the sums ars then u�.
<br /> IF the Proparty is abandomxi by Borrowcr,ar if,ufter notice by l.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make An
<br /> aLcnder s udtorizecl tn collect tutd apply the procfeeds�at its Pt on,�c her to restora ion or rep3 rrof the Praperty or t the sums _
<br /> securcd by thls Security Instrument,whether or not then duc. a �i�tion of roceeds to princ�pal shall not extend or
<br /> Unless L.cndez and Borrower otherwise abree in wr[ting, any PP P
<br /> postpone t�e due dute uf the monthly payments ieferred to in parngca hs 1 und 2 or change the amount aF such payments.
<br /> ' of wn
<br /> ortizButi nof t e sums secuaed by this SecuriBty In trument granted�by Lender to any successer in int irst otf Bo awer shall
<br /> � commenceepr roceed[ngs�ageunstieyi�y successoB�inlin erest or refB eTt extend ume for payme tsor otherw se�modify�►n�ortization
<br /> of thc sums secured by this Security Instrumcnt by reason of a��y dcmand made by th.e original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> successon in intcrest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Succ.essors and Assigns Pound; Joint and Several Lisbillty; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of �s
<br /> Security [nstniment shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender nnd 8orrowcr. subject to the prov:sions of
<br /> ���r.�� Z�, ��,wPr'� cavenants and agreements shnll be joint ancl several. Any Bo^r m��HnC. e�ra�n�gand hconveyutha
<br /> Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing ii�is�:�ity instrumsnc Q�l, •-
<br /> �uCedb S�hjSCrSeep�,�yhlpsptf n�ment;uand(c�agrecs thutti.ender and any hcr Borro�wcr may os ee eoYextc��t analify,f i�T Of
<br /> Y
<br /> make13y����a��°If he lo�an secutmd by�ch s Secursy Ins rument is subject t Na law whicht cAts mnximum loanscharge.a.
<br /> and that law is finaliy inteipreted so that the interest or other loan charges wllected or to be cailected in conna:tion wiih the
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by tl�e amwa�n�Ii�9°�,,�l�be refunded go
<br /> to the permittal limir and(b)any sums nlreadY collected from Barcower which excPeded pe
<br /> Borrow�r. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal uwal under the Nott ur by making a direct
<br /> payment to Donower. If a refund reduces principal, ti►c reductton wiU be treated as s partial �pxepayrnent without any
<br /> prepayn�ent charge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notkes.Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivoring it or by nuulm8
<br /> it by first clnss mall unless upplicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be dircx;ai n tihefP�oP'�S�d��n.�s�s
<br /> or any other address Borrower des3gnates by notice co Lender. Any notice tu i.ender shall be g' Y
<br /> � Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bornower.Any notice pmv�ded for in this
<br /> Security Instrument shall be daemed to have bcen given to Borrower or I.cnder�vhcn siven as provided in thls paragreph.
<br /> 15.Governing Lp►w; Severwbfl[ty. This Security Instniment shall be governed by federal IAw and the 1aw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is locuted. ln the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or tt�e Note
<br /> canflicts wfth applicable la�v,such wnflict sha11 not nffect ather prov�sions of this Security�Instrument or the Note whlch can be
<br /> - give.n effect withaut the coi�flicting provision.To this cncl the provisions of this Security Insttument a[�d the Note are dcclaml
<br /> to be seve��able.
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed capy of the Note und of this Security nstrument.
<br /> 17.Transfer oi the PropertY or a Beneticial Iaterc�st in Bonbwer.If all or any part of thc Propercy or any interest in lt
<br /> is sold or transfcrrcd(or af a bcnc�n rn�Y�t Bsr�p�lonls r�luirrr in mediat�e paymentt in efull of all stums s�ecureht byhhis
<br /> I,ender's prior written cansent,
<br /> Scxurity Instrument.However.this option shall not be exerclsed y i.ender if exercise is prohibited by fedcral Inw ns of the date
<br /> of this Sccurity Instromcnt.
<br /> If Lender exercises this option, I.ender shall give Borrower notice of ucceleration. Tlte notice shall provide a peri o not
<br /> less tlim� 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailcd within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instcument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoke any remedies
<br /> permitted by this Security Instrument without furthcr notice or demand on Bonower.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Rcinst�te. If Borrower meets certnin conditions, Borrower shall hnve thc right to huve
<br /> enforcement of this S�;curity Instrument discontinucd at nny time prior to th� earlicr of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as
<br /> -� applicable law may sYecify for reinstatettunt) before salc of the Property pursuant to any power of sale conttinai in this
<br /> Security[nstrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforr,ing this 5ca:urity Instrument.Those conditions nre that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> I,ender alt sums which then would be due under this 5ecuriey Instrument nnd the Note as if no acccleration had occum.d;(b) .
<br /> curea�any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c)pays ull expenses incurred in enforcinb this Security Instr�ment, •
<br /> includin�,but nut limited to, rcasonablc attorncys' fees: arni(d)tlkes such action as l.endcr may rcasonably require to assure
<br /> that tl�e lien of this Security In�t�i11*n�'nI..end�'�sQ igh�Up n rein p tem td by B nowerb'this Secur�ity Instrument mid tte,' ;
<br /> titis JeCUriry insiidu�cT.c o��W -�.--..--_ -
<br /> ed _ti.. «..�.,�v aholl
<br /> -- obligntions secured hereby sh:ill remain fully effective as if no accoleration had occurreo. iiowcvor, i.��s�:b���•��••�.�.-��--_
<br /> i not nppiy in the casc of acccleration under paragraph 1�•
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change ot Loan Serviccr. Thc Notc or ii partial int�rest in thc Notc (togethcr with this Security
<br /> � [nstrument)may be soldthat ollects mnnthly�payments due tunder he Note imd this Secu ity In5 rumen�Ther� also ntay�bc onc
<br /> ns thc"Loan Scrvicer")
<br /> ---- or morc ct►anges of thc Loan Scrviccr unrelntcd to:i salc of the Note.If there is a chnngc of the Lo:m Serviccr,Burro�ver�vill
<br /> ,.� given written notice ofun Servneer�d d thc ddre s�tWpvhicl�payme ts shou d belmadeC The not��will also contahn nny other
<br /> -� address of tlte ne�v Lo
<br />�'i'� information requircJ by applicabic la�v.
<br /> 20. Nn'utrdous 5ubstunees. Borrower slinll not cause or pennit the presencc, usc, (IIS}�OSiiI, storage, or relea5e of uny
<br /> Huzerdous Substunces on or ii� the Property. Borro�ver shull not do, nor allow unyone else to da, unything affecting the
<br /> Property diut is in violation of any Bnvironmental [.uw, 'Phe precuiing two sentenccs sh:ill not upply ro thc prescncc, use, or
<br /> storage on the Property of sma{l qunntitics of Htuardous Substances that arc gencrally rccognized to bc appropriate to normul
<br /> -- residentiul uscs und to maintenance of the Propeny. .
<br />:;_.'� Pouo 3 oi s Form 3028 9/80
<br />