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<br /> - I3ort�nwcr shall prunspdy Flve I.c:tid�r wrilten noticc af any invcstigntian, claim, dGmand, lawsuit or nlhcr e�ction 5y �ny
<br />_ aovc:r���ttcntnl ur��c:�ul��t��jy t�};c:ncy��y n•iwUC�r,���ty inviilvin�thc Pro�tc�iy aind t�ny Hnrat'dt�us Substancc rn'Enviro»mcntnl[.���v
<br />`� uf�abich Eiur�•u�vE�r Ica�, ectn�il l,uu�vl�:���;c. If E!u►ru���cr Ir..�r����. oi• Ir uutitici� by auY�,uvcnuncnr,�l or rcguliuo�•y�:uthui�ity� tlu�t =.
<br /> nny removni ur oUicr rentetliutfoii uP uuy Flu•r.:ir�aus Suli�tance nffecting the Prr��pe�2y is necessu�y, 0orrnwer shall�ramptly tnke
<br /> ttll ue�cssc►ry t�cuticditd ucQuns in uicorduncc wlUi�m�ironmcntnl I..aw.
<br /> As uutil in thfs parngruph 20, "Har�trdou�� SU�5lU11CC9" arc thu.� subvtancc:� defin:cl .�s toxic or ha�.�rdous sub:;tan�cs by
<br /> I?nvirrn�mcntul I.��w un�l �hc f�illiiwl��g r,ubstunces; gusofinc, kcrc��ene, other flnmmt�Ble or toxic petroleunt l�rcxlucts, toxic
<br /> Y S:�C3:�C.°.Mf7:,�::Ci2`.�i�t:�:i�YCi:il�i�o��Y►iliF� 1113iC�la=�CUS11illtiiiig ASin:iiiii 6i fc,,;7nat:i�:i�ydc,illlu lul{�uii(:I�YC IIli1I{:llA�ti. %�ti ll!iCll 111 -
<br />- �hiti para�r�iph 20, "C?nvirannxnt�l Law" mtnns feQeral Intivw nnd Ir�we uf Qtc juris�lictfon whero the Pmper►y is Iix:�tcJ thnt �
<br /> i�l�tc to h,;altt�.wrP�iv ue cuviiuu�;3:i►t�l u►�tu:t(un.
<br /> NQN-UNIFORM COV�?NANTS.&�rruwcr und l.c►xlcr furthcr covena�tit and qsrce as follows:
<br /> 2l. Acc�eier�tlon; Remrdir.►. I.endrr Hlu►tl give nntice to�Mrrower prlar to weceleratton following Rarmwer's breACh �
<br /> ut any coveru�nt or�greea�rat In thla Security Instrument tbut nut prrior to acccleration under pAragevph 17 unless
<br /> pppllcpble INw providt�otherwl!�e). The notics ShAll Apeclfy: (W)the defAUlt; (b)the Wction required to care ihe det�vit; �
<br /> (c)a c1�te�not Ies.9 than 30 duyA trnm Ihe d�te the notice is given to 13arrower,by which the det'ault must tx:cured;and �
<br /> (d) tfwt fatlure to cure Ihe defAUlt on or betare the dpte Rpeci(led In the notice may result In uccclerntlon ot the �ums
<br /> �.cruresi by�thls 5ccartty Imtrumcht t+nd salc af thc Prnpxzty. Thc noticc shul! furthcr lntorm Borroµ�cr of the right 4a
<br /> retnstate after acceleratlma ur+d thc right to bring a court Actton tc� a�.cert the non-existence ot a defsult ar any otlier
<br /> defense ot Borrower to pccelcrAtion Wnd iss�le. It the delAUl! Is not cured nn or before the dxte specl[ted in the notice,
<br /> . l.ender, at Its optisn, r�ay rcqulre immedia�te payment fn full �f all sums secured by this 3ecurity Instrument wlthout
<br /> [urther demAnd Ansl may invoke the power oi snlc ynd any other remedles�ermittal by applicabls law. Lender stwll be
<br /> ent.it�ed to collect s►!1 expenaes(ncurml In pursutng the remedles provided In triie parrg�ph 21,including,but not Iimitdd
<br /> to,rauN►nabk�ttnrneys'[ees�nd coats oC title evidence. '
<br /> " I[the power�rt sale is Invokesl, Tnutee shal! record 3 notfce uf delault te cach caunty In whfch �ny pari af the —
<br /> � FiivNrriy iy tuuwlal rnd sruiil niaii wpi�v uf auch nufi�;e in ine mrnner p�riirid by xppilc�ble ixw tu Borrower And to
<br /> tde other persons�prescrlbed by�pplicable Iaw.Alter the tlme required by epp3icAbfe law�Trustee shall give pubi(c aotke
<br /> ot s�k to the persom and In tfie m�nner prescribed by pppllcahle IAw.Trustee,without dem�nd on Borrowcr,shdl sd1
<br /> the I'mpert,y wt�ubl{�wuctio�n tu thc highest bldder At the tfine and pl�ce Aa�d under the lerms deslgraated In the nt►tice ot
<br /> ss�le in ont or morc parcela wnd In any order Tnutee dMermines.Tn�sta mAy p�stpom s�le of All ar�u�y pwrcd o[the
<br /> ' Property by pubiic announce�ment at thc t(me and pincc of any prevlo��sly scheclufed sale. Lend¢r or its d�lgnee may
<br /> � purchASe the P'inperty wt any swle.
<br /> _ Upun receipt oP naymerot oP the price bfd, Trustee shAll deliver to the purcl�aser Tru.stee's deed rnnveying the _
<br /> • Prnperty. The recitals in the Trustee's deed whstll be prlinA fwck evideni.�e ot the truth ot the stntcmenls made therein.
<br /> Teuaitee shAll apply the procecciv ot�he sale!n the[allowing oider:(A)to pll cos�s And expenst;v of exorcising the power of
<br /> - sale�and the eale,iACludi�the psy�nent ot the Trustee's fees uctually incurreii,not to excceci the�af $SQ.00or� 96
<br /> " of Nhe pdnc6ppl Atnount ot the note At the time of the declaration of detsult,wnd reasonable pttorneys'[ees as permttted
<br /> �
<br />