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<br /> - � ` . . DE�D OF TRUST� ' � �
<br /> � - - �►���.
<br /> � STA1E OF L�ASKA , 321-15�0706-703 .�tr�,
<br /> • , , , `
<br /> TI�S DEl-D FiF,TRUST("See+vrt�►1n�nrne�t'�is m�de an �ch 25. 1992
<br /> +j��� JOHR 8�A�L�i D i Jl1�E't L NRilKLIlND L7� �
<br /> dE�E'F�L $CA�EIDER RQ$HII�D 1tND NIPE '
<br /> " , (••Borrowa").
<br /> , : - 9i�e trmo�.ris �COLON8II8 PEQ8R1lL SSV�!(GS Hll!(1�� ' -
<br /> � � . . . E"Tnutoe'7• ..
<br /> .���Ty� t70LOMBDS PEDf.R�L SI�YI�GS �l�E
<br /> whirli•is ar�►nizcd and existiag w�der the faa�s of !(8BWlSIU! . '
<br /> ao���e'addi+ess is 1371.26S'B l�YElNE . , .. , . . . ' .
<br /> . ,� � COL�TT3, 11E 69601• , . �
<br /> • . � . (••Lcnder").Borroc�erawaLenc�e�t�:yrincipalsumof
<br /> Fosty—Pive Thousand Se�� Hundred and Ila/100 -------------------------------
<br /> Dollars(U.S.S d5.700.00 ).
<br /> This.debt is evtdenced by Borrower's note dated the same date as this Security In�spt i lc!���2007�};which provldes tar
<br /> monthly payments,withthe fulldebt.if na p�ldeariier.dueandpayabtean •
<br /> �'�3.s Security Inscrument secures to Lender:(a)the repayment of the Qebt evideaccd by the Note,with interest,and all
<br /> �a1s,eatensionsand modificattons:(b)thepaymentofallother sums,with inter�.advanced under paragraph6to
<br /> p�+�ibe seruriry af thls Saeurity Instnunent:add(c)the Perfora�c�of Borrawar's�ts and�roements.For thi�
<br /> putpd�e.Barower irrwocAbty S�nts and H�1lLL w Trustee.in trusb with pawer of sale,the folbwing descd'be�0 prope�ty
<br /> �I11E (9}, pO�l�Sa SIIBnIVI8I011� Ill '1'aE CITY OP ORllliD ISLIlIiD, Hl1LL COUIITT.��
<br /> lFEBRASIU.
<br /> , ,
<br /> whichhas�headdressoi' �021 R8T}1 R011D OR1111D ISLIIliD
<br />— �SUCC�� 1�'��Y) .
<br /> � 68803 1'•1'roprny Address"):
<br /> IX�Dt'cufcl
<br /> TOGETN!?R Wl'[H all the imOtovement�now or heteaftef erected on the propertY.and ait easements.rights.
<br /> appurtengnces.rents.royatties.minerat.oi)and gas rights an�1 profit�.water rights and stock and all iixlnres now o�
<br /> , hertaftet�part of fhe propetly.Alt reptacemertts andadditions shati aiso be cnvered 6y th9s5e�urity tnsttument.AIluF
<br />— the foregoing is referted tn in�his Security Instruntrnt as ihr"Propeny." �
<br />— BoR�eawEie cov�N,�N'rs U�c�xrower is tawPoUy s�ua ot the c�te�reb�►�a►Yeyoa ane t�the d�61 w g�
<br /> . ��r�d�e Pe�nperty aad th�1,tl�e Prapeny i��mena�nbttad.except for mcumbsanaea ot raotd. 8�rrower wur�s
<br /> = aed wll!deteed aeeer�lty the t�Ie to tbe Pe�aQe�ty a�inst all citiliii9 aad den�.subjeci tv aey edcwi�iii�e3�f rer�nt. - _..
<br /> _ , � a�+ �
<br />' - -- fitA ttE�GItKA bF.�6UP TRUSP - IP4t�infOpqqat �a.ai.�+nn�sr iansr.lak�_ __
<br />= rt[rM'�d+o�! TnlMdr►fSF f84U+lO�l14'f,.M{BI679t�11J1 ,
<br />�
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