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� -- _ . <br /> .. <br /> - � —�,. . � ..- �'.. ,=a 4- . . _ ..... . _ . . .. .G_. - _ <br /> — - - j---- -�- _��.:: `�t --'� - - . -- ---- -_ --— _1�� - <br /> � ��_1 ��L :i :- _ -- - il..._.. .- <br /> t. . -- ._�.._-.-.. �- - — - � <br /> — .` . ' i �_` S � _ . : . . . . - ' ` • • . <br /> —_. _,_�_ --.,�• -,��r _ -• . « . � . - • ` , • a7�� .. <br /> - . �. . _ , . _ ... _ _ - - /d�.Zgt <br /> . p�ya�ent,.whicb ue ref�ed co u� ��2,or di�age tbe-�u►ouec of such p�ymarts. MY�P��a'�F?� � . <br /> � �`! mp�r�died to paY aU outstanding�inde�tedneas,w�der tt�e Note�d ttiis Sahuiry Iamwnrnt shalt 6e paid to tbe eAUty ' <br /> . < k�a1[y awtieQ tbaeto < �: � ° . <br /> R Fea. E:endet any collec�fecs md chircges aud�orizod hy the Soccctary. - . � <br /> • � !Ge�oM�d►fotAccderallo�dDeb�� - <br /> • Es)DeE�il� Lender msy.exapt as limited by teguluions issaed by the SaTetary in tt�c case o!paymaent Qefauits. <br /> � . , roquite immediatepayment in ful!af.�lt sums secw+cd by this Security Insu�unent if: . <br /> - --_ - -- _ (iI 8otrawer defa�lts�y f�littg to ps ut fi�f1 anY�Y P�Y��mMr�ct nX tttis SecWrity Ia�u�emenc pnus . • <br /> , to oi na t6e due�fe of the�ext�tY P!�Y�n�� . <br /> • � (ii)Bamwu defaults�y faiWg..for a penod of tluny perform any other o6ligations conraided in this , <br /> Scciuiry tns�umrnr. ` <br /> (b�Ssie yf1&ipst Credit Approvsl. L�ender sha!},if pertnitted by applicable faw and with the prior approval of thc _ `' <br /> ,re4uire iiamedlue payment in fuU of all tl�e sums secuc�ed by this Secutiry[astrument if: <br /> - -- - � �11 a pat of tbe a 6rneficial in a uust owning aU a part of the PtopertYr Is sold ar. . <br /> -�-. otheroirise traasferred(other tha�s 6y devise os descent)b)+the BorroWrer,and <br />���< <- � (ii�The PmQectY is nat oxupiodby Ne puncluiser�g�ntee as his arUer principat residence.or the pnrct�ses, <br />_ , ar g�anntec does so aocupy thc Ptope�ty but tus a her credit das �ot ban appresved in xcocdaace <br /> with the iequi�emeats of the Sec�etary. <br />- (e)No Wairer. If ciccuensnnces accur that woutd Qenaii Lender to nequiie immediate paymcatin fWl,but Lender <br /> '�., - does not roquis�e suchpaynienis,I.ender das aot wa�ve its rights with�espxt w.subsequent events. — _- <br /> (d)�d HUD SecrNary. ln many circumstar�ces ngulations issued by the Su�tarY will limit l.ender's °_-____ <br />. . aghts,in t6e case of payment d e immediate payrtxnt in full=and foreclose�f not{ d.. Tlus _—_ <br />,�_�.. Saority Iagtrument does not a�nhonze acsxt�or fot�eclosucc if rtot pertnitted by regWatians of the S�+e t a c y. �-�---- <br /> - (e)Mort�e Nat Insared. Bomower agrees that shoWd this Secu�ty Insaument and the nae secuc�ed tt�eceby nac —_-__ <br /> ��_- <br /> . te eligi'ble for in�ruice under the National Huusing Act withiri g�nt� from'the :��_�_ <br /> - • date t�ereof,i.ender may,at its option and notarithstanding anything in 1'Srag�aph"g requiro.imcnediate payment In .�,��_� <br /> ; fuli of all sums secured by this Sxurity Insirumen[. A written statement of arty authotized agent of the Seccetazyi """"":__ <br /> , � '"� ' dated subsequent to B 110nt fram the date hee+eof,declining to insure this Security � ^_. <br /> ._ _ utst�mec�t and,tl�npte seeuc��ece6y,shall be deemed conclusive gxdof of such ineGgibility. Notwithstandittg ;T,�,--�-;6 <br /> - :�* the foregaing,this option may not be eaerriseA by Lender when We�iar�vailability af insurance is soldy due to ��F��,- <br /> _ • L.eader's fa�7w�e to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the Secreta�. �<�i-- <br /> .;.e . 10�:�shmenA Borrower has a right to be reinstated if i.ender I�as�uired immedtate payment in full because ��;;�.__ <br /> • -°�:'. .� o f Bo�taR�cs fai l u r e t 4 pay an amo u n t d u e u n d e r t h e•N a t e o r t h i s S e c u ri t y I n s u�s m e n� 'I h i s r i g h t a p a l i e s e v e n a f t e r �r� ,-- <br /> `< < -`-��T` foreclosure�coceedings are mstituted. To reinstate ihe Security Insuument,.Bmrvwes shali te�der in a lump sum oll , �f - <br /> V " ' amounts uired to brin Borrower�s account cunent includtn ,to t1�e extent t�h ane obli attons of Borrower under this <br /> �4 $ 8 �Y 8 :���^��- <br /> � ,� : Security InstrumenR foreclosure cosu and neasonabte and customary attomeys',f�rzs and expenses mperl�r assocti?ted with '.: �R�=-� <br /> pmpe <br /> ' '�'�'" `• ,j".-'' ^�; the foc�eclosure proceeding. Upon�instatcment by Borrower.this Security�ent and the obligations that R secunes �±�__�_ <br /> . •'r"; shaU nmain in efPect as if I.ender had not rec�uind immediate paymant in fuU. Howevei�Lender is not required to permit —�=__ <br /> �`�� �•�• �';.�� -:g <��r�� reSnstatement if: (i)Lender has accepted remstatement after the commencement of forecl6sune proceedings within two � • �2;3i:::�- <br /> F�.��`� � , .�4►:: t]' ^. n.,,, <br /> . w ,�_ ;� yeazs imraediately prececting the commencement of a current foredosure proceeding, (ri3�nsta�ement Wi��Pmclude �uy�' <br /> ���f�"' foreclosure on different grounds in the future.oc(iii)reinstatement wiU adveisely affect the pnority of the lien crcated by '��F�:t..__ <br /> - �_.•x. this Security lastruraent. . . � � <br /> : �,.•:"�•f ' 11. $ort�awtr Not Releaged; Forixarance by Lender Not a Waiver. �xtension of the time af payment or <br /> ' ' '�' modificacima of amonizadon of the sums secured by this Security lnstrument grantcA by Lender to any succescor�n interest <br /> '�' f of Borrower shalt not o�rate to retease the liability of the origmal Horrower ar Borrawer's successor�n interes� Leader � <br /> ' r'�`=.�'�� `��'�`•"' - shall not Ue required t�cmnmence proceedings against any successor in interest os refuse to extend time fos payment or - � . ___ <br /> ��=- �• _ -::.-_ . _ <br /> , „ ��_ :, <br /> ?':w�F��� -•- otherwise modi amoatization of t�ce sums secured by th�s Secarity instrumentby rcason of any deraand made by t?�e _ <br /> .�-;•,�,.- ... . - . �Y <br />' � .�>`�ic�,•.-:?�., origiaal Burtower or Bom>wer�successors in interest. Any farbearance by Leader�n exerc�sms any rig,�t ar nnrKdy shall ,.. . <br /> .. • .� not 6e a walver of or precl:���execcisc of ank ru�5t or remedy. �,�= <br /> , , .�= •i`"' '��'`�'' 12. Succes�ors and Ass:�ms�and:Joint�and Severa!Liahility;Co-Sigaera The covena�rts and agce.ements of <br /> '�.s:... " `• . , '. ` � <br /> - • 1i }';�'�= this 5ecu.�2y Instniment shall 8ind�-f3 benefit thc successors an�a��i�ns of Lender and Borrowzr.Subject to the provisions ,. .� <br /> � << - �-,s. . , <br /> -.. .r.�-1�u: of Para�aapb 9.b. Barrawers covenants and agrccmen�c shaal�119�c jaint and sevcral. Any Borrower who co-signs this <br /> , . .��<<; :''� . �, . , ,�:- <br />� : .�.:...,- � Securlty i�strument b�does not execute thc Notc: (af is ca-signing this Secucity lnstrument oniy ta maRgoge.g,�nt and . a <br /> �:.' <br /> � '� r ��° � mnvey thal Botrowcs's intereyt in the I'roperty under the terms of[his Security Instrument:(b)is nat personaUy ob il g8ted to � . � -: <br /> `°r`-" pay the staens seGUed by this Security Instrument:and tc)a�rees that Lender and any ather$arrower may agree to eatend. <br /> .�:.-.'.�.• i`..Y _ .. .;y�:�. <br /> '�� ot��.,- � mod�fy.f��bear or makc4�ny accommadationa with rcgard to Ihe termv af this Secunty lnstrument or the Note withaut that <br /> .,i;r-a::,'�.: ; Bonaa��TS wnscni. ��`�-- <br />�- ��•�. • � "'•�` ' l3 '.�idtiees. Any notice to Borrower pravided for in this Security Inrtrument.rhali he given by detivering it rn by , . - <br /> ,.:,;,__ �..��':r . <br /> •• << � • , �T�-••� ,-� ;?�,'��. maeTicig a�Q�y first class mail unles�applicable law rcyuires use of another mcthod. Thc natire shafl be directed to the '� <br /> !.::;;;:..,, ;';,. : _�� <br /> , �.: ,, t�,�.f�,.:. .;-. �.� Pt�rperty Address or'a.rsp other uddresc aaROwer drsignates by n�ticc to l.crtder. Any nuticc to l.ender tihall be�iven by .� <br /> , .�,,. ,.. <br /> ,.°"'� . �, class mail ta Lender's addre�w tituted herein ar any uddress Lender de�ignatc�by natice to 8ortower. Any notice <br /> � • '.`.��;.•:; pravidad for in this Serurity lnstrumem sha11 be deemcd to havc bccn givcn t«�Svrcowcr nr l.ender when given av pravided . <br /> m this para raph. <br /> ' � ' . 14. �overaieg Law;Severabiily. Thi�;5erurity Inrtrumcnt shall.hc go�cmed by�deral law and the law of the _ <br /> .. Jurisdlction ln which the Property is lacated. In the event th:��:�ny provi�ian i>r clau�e of tfiis Security tnstntment ar tha , . <br /> � � Note conllicts with applicable luw.xurh�onflict shall nol t�ffcct other praviaions nf this Security Instrument or ihe Note . <br /> � . which c8r�6e given etfect withuut the canflic�ing pruvi�ion. To this end the pre�visions of this Security ln�trument and the • <br /> •� ' Notc are declared to t+e sever.ihle. � ' . <br /> � • 15. Bwrower'9 Copy. Bnrwwer sh;�{I be givcn anr cunf��rmed copy uf Ihi.5rrurity lnrtn�mero. <br /> � ,, 16. Assig,nment uf Itents. Bnrrnwcr un�nnditic►nalty nysigns.ind�ransfcrti to Lcndcr all the ren�w und revenues�af ihe � � <br /> 1'ropeAy. goaower awhoriies Lender or Lender�:�gcnts ta r�llert the rrnts and revenues and herehy dlrecta eaCh tenan��f <br /> ,: thc('roptrly tn p�ay Ihe rems to txndcr ar l.endcr�iigentv. llnwevcr,pri��r tv l.endcr's noti�:c tn Bunowcr of Bunower� . <br />� � , � breach of noy cavenant or�grcrmrnt in thr Srruriiy In.trumrnt,B��rru�vcr tih:ill rullect and ceccivc ull rcnts and revcnuey oF <br /> . . the Propetty ay trustee Pur the bcnefit af Lendcr and N�mo�crr. Thi�a«ignmcnt af rcmc cunytitutcx an absnlute ussi�tmcnt � <br /> � nnd nal�n siss�gnment far additianal sccurity anl y. <br /> . If Lcndcr givca nnticr uf hreacb tc�Hurruu•cr. In►:+lt tcntti recrivrJ hy liortotvrr�hap!�hcW by 8orrotvcr Sr Irustcr • � <br />'. , ,. • .. � <br /> ' ' for benefit af l.ender only.tu be uppIicJ to thc.ums vecutcd by�Ite Srcurity in�trument:lhl l.ender shalt t►e mtiltcd h� ' <br /> - - rnflert�t�f tcceive all uf Ihr t�nt4 uf jhN i'9ri�perty;HnQ 1c)each tenant cit the{'r��perty�hall pay all nnts due.itN!unpaid tu - , - <br /> ' l.ender or 1.cnder s ngen�an l.cnder�writtcn drmand co the ten�nt. �• • <br /> ' � :. g�nfawcr h:is n�t executed any pr�or�ssigmncnt�of the rcntc and has ncrt art�i wiit no�perform nny aci�h�t would � .- . . <br /> . prcvent Lcnder from exercisin�its rights under this P,m�f;r�ph ib. � ' <br /> Lend+et shall aot be requ�rcd to enter upnn,tsilcr control��f-'SY maintain Ute Ptoperty bcfnrc ot uftrr giving nntiee af � <br /> • '� brrach to Borrawet. Hnwever.Lcnder or s►jndiri�lly ap ntcd receivcr may,do sn st su�y tinic thcre u�brcach. Any • , <br /> � � ' epplication of rcnts shatl nw�ure nr wnive any def:�ult ur nv:ilidste:u�y dthrr n�ht nr rcmcdy e+f Lender. This as�ignment f , <br /> _.__ .- � ---.-----'-� . , af rents of the ikopert�►ss}�aa11 termlaate when thc dcbt se�:urrd by thc Securi�y Instrumrnt is�r�3d in full. � . <br /> _ _. _ _ ._ . . - - - ' -- - - .- ` - ------------ <br /> . . , . -� <br /> . i • <br /> P � � rr�x�+„f��„¢e., . I . <br /> _ _.. _ . _ . . - - - - �. • <br /> � , _ � <br /> . + , <br />