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<br /> ' appL'p,bk tsN mry specify fo�aeiiatatcnkml bc[ore s�k a�the.FtopertY lwrau�nt lo u►y power_nf sak conatned in Ws
<br /> . " Seruriry U�aumen�or lb�entrY ot s judamalt enforcing tbis Sacurity tmuwn�eee 7t�ose conditions aR�h�t 9o�mwa: {a} .
<br /> _ �ys Lendcr all sams wl�ich thrn woutd �e due undu this Sec�aity Insnumcnt iod tLe Notc_as ii no acceleratiQn had
<br /> occume�(b)c�s any dCtanit of any ather cova�nts or age+eements:(cl paY��l expa�ses incun�it in cntariag this Securiry
<br /> Jns[iuedent..inclw�ing.Dut nM.iimitrA`to.iessaisbk attamcys'fees:urd td1 takes sucA actio�'as i.cnder may�ea4onably -
<br /> ` - rtquire to asaut�e tlat tGe liert of this Suurity Insuuvnet�.l.ender�rights in tlie Pmpetty�nd Boitbwer�aMigation w pay the
<br /> - , sums sauned by this.5tcauiqr Iastrumetu sh�tt condaue uuct�nged. Upon teinstatetnent;.Dy Bortowu. t6is SecuritY
<br /> -LW�umtnt and tisc obtig�tions secyred iscrehY shali semsin ful[y�fxdvt as if uu acctle[adonfi+�occurrai. Hnwevec,ti�is
<br /> �rig6t w rcinswe sbali twt app1Y in the case of xcetecatinn undar patagtmph 17. ,.. ::
<br /> 19 l�le d 1Vote;Cbso=e d L�ow Serrice� 1t�e Note or a part��l interest It►the Nou(tagether with tlds Security
<br /> I n s u u c a e n t�m a y b e so l d one or morc times without p r ior notice to Borrower. A sale may�r"esWt in a change in the entiry
<br /> _ (imowa ss ti�e"Lwo Servicer")that copects monthlY PaYmeats due urider tde Note aad this 5ecurity Insmmert. There also
<br /> - miy Lo aae a more changes of the Loan Servic�eer uaeelated to a sale of tbe Note. If tt�crc;is a cbange of the Loan Saviaer, .
<br /> Borrower wilt bE givta written notice of ttia change in accordanoe vYith para8raph 14 abovc And applicabk law The notice . . .
<br /> - w�71 state tbe aame and addc�ss af die c�evr Loan Servicer and the address to which payme�ifs should t�made. 'Phe notia wiU
<br /> aL�u oauain aag a�r infarmatioQ c�q��Y aPPticable law. . :; :
<br /> M Hmrdoas S�bstaoe�. �mwer�all not cause or pecmit tRe�e.seace,usg:d'uPosal•storage.ar retease of any .
<br /> H�rrcdoas Sa�on or in tbe Fmpaq►. Harrower shaU naE do aor atlow anyqpe else tn do.anydting affec6ag the ".
<br /> PtcrpeRy t6at is iR violation of any Ertvuammeatat Law. The pseseding t�vo sentences s'hal!na appty to die pre.sence.use,o�
<br /> stet¢age an tIie Pta�erty of small quanuties af H�Sa6st�oes ti�at are generaliy�ecognized tu be approprfate to normal -
<br />` c�de�tial¢ses aad to mainteaance of tUe Ptoperty. �' _
<br /> ; BastoRegis��ll i�PUY S�ve Lendec�ritten noticc of at►y iavestigation.c1alm.demand,tawsuit ot other action by any • __-
<br /> �;;_` g�c.�i.-�L±s�.�egWatory agency or priF�pariy involving the Praperty and any Hardrdoi�s Substanse or Environmental . -- --
<br />_ : f�w t�f.�1�ji,��nmuwer has actual kno„�,'r�� If Bomower teats+.�,ur is notified by any...�` ;c�eatal oc reguiatay —_ __-
<br /> ,.: `�i:r.�y.�c aay removal or ather rema!}a�bo of aay Hazatdous Su6stance,riffectit�g t�he�topt�ty��eces.garj�;$orct�wer. , �- �
<br /> :���P�J�i�e a11 nesescRs nanedial ac�ions in arFar�fee with Envitaiircieat�LSA , -.:.,.. �;... .. ` =�
<br /> r- '��'-°As ustd^,',x�.i�pu�8?'�a=�."Hazaaduw.Substan�es";ai�e efrose sab�Eances de�asta�ar'L�arbous �sa�a�es bY. �;.. =��,
<br /> �'i .'�viron ��:IG�ar�d Jie fot3owtng s�5s�.avvices: gaso�stie,kemse¢�at6'ei,�able`a'taXic pt�teum products.:tozic ` ,� �`_-
<br /> ; ,��-r"+' ` ::ixsacides.2r� 'h�3icides,volapte sotvei�ts.n;atetials containing asb�stos bf�o�naldehyde,aitd�aactive tnaterlals. As :�, ` _-
<br /> - :t , �,{�,> `•rsed'mtfiis"�ph24."Eavironmei►iat7:�v-��ns,e�er.�r�as:ano�asa��r,e��ai�o��craa���ro��s�o�ce� _ i_, t ` .
<br /> � � °.�.c)i� rhab�late W fieaitb.safety br,eaviro�eri'sal;proteciion:::�::".:.� ` . , ` . �,'' .;��< <
<br /> . ' ��.NdN;[l�iIPORM COVENAM'S. �otrower a��te�ft�rthe�cavenant arid.a�.a�faTitfws: • . :��;��.�.� �"
<br /> h� t
<br /> s �
<br /> f� .�.� • -._r��,%tl 2 : .:�.�AcecluaBon;Re+nWiba I�epidersi��e'm�Sc�to�s�er p�t�'ai�eier�ga idtavring Borrower,s �s, " --_
<br /> r„�,� .�:��- • brcACh af s�ny.cavenaat or stgceemeat im. S�`���iff�t aot piriur uur�ae�+��under paragr�ph 1T � :_� { �t: _
<br /> ' M r' G.
<br /> -:� . , an�apptkabte law provides aRia�i�cTc-�md"fi��spec�l'q:iaS the defaatt;(b)ti�:��=tquired to csre�. - .., ,, ..,_-
<br /> e
<br /> ' �letault;(c)a date,nM kss ti�sln 3b days�tl�r+�te i.l►e npotice is given to Borraweq bp R��i�3,e.the detautt mt[s�.l a c ..... � :.tib�;,�.=:�",
<br />_ '�,!� ' cusal;and(dl that tailare to core tde detauit un or bePore the date specitkd in tht naNce may resalt in accele�fira�n oT r�:�::;."''.��..,_�
<br /> � � ' tbe auma secared b th�Securlty Instrumrnt And sAk of the Pr The notke s6a0 turlher iniorm�'ower o� ;?'�.r:; ..
<br /> y �� ^,;;1rr�.i:T ---
<br /> � ��~� - fhe�iEht to rsinstate aRe�acceleratlorr and the rfght to bring a court acti�m to acsert!he nat-existeoee ot s Qetaull or �• - ,Y
<br />- � , �''�..,�'..,i,`�"�, a ny M h e r d e f e n s e at Bosrower to accekratton and sak. It the defAUtt is not cured an or be[ore t6e date specltied in •=
<br /> � ,.
<br /> , . f� � • � • ��� • the notke,I.ender at its optbn may requtre immediate payment in iuli ata(1 sums secared by this 5ecvrity lnstrument . �_"#�
<br /> '"�=:•: , - withoat turther demand and may lnvoke the pawer of saTe and any other remedks permitted 6y appikabk law .
<br /> -�,�;•- , : I.ender shall 6e entitkd to collect all expenses tncurred in pucsuing the remedies provided in this paragrapb 21. � - ••
<br /> inciudieg,but nM limited to,res�sonable attorneys'fers aed ca7.4 ollitie evidenca , .
<br /> _ ;�:�,�4,.�;;,;,,.,, [t the power ot wte i.4 InvakM.7lrustee ShaO recocd A�aNce ot defauit in e�ch countY in whkh any part of the �.
<br /> . ; f �_,s a property�bcated and shall mait copies at such notke in the manner pre.sc�ibed by applicabte taw to Borrower And to •.. �. ?;,_,
<br /> , the other persons pre.scelDed by applicable law Atter the tfine reqnired by applicable law.Tru.�tee shall give pubUc ��-�
<br /> . w•'�����',�' � aotice o�ss�k to the peesons aod in!he manaer prescrlbed by applicable law. Trustee,without demand on Borro�veG --
<br /> :��T�;:-
<br /> .:�:-•..:; ..: shall isell the Property at publk auctbn to thr highest bidder at the time and pfxe and under the terms designated in „ ; . .��'�:,-;
<br /> ;�;-�;- ': �� . the notke d sak in one or mare pAecels and in any order 7 l rusteee determ ines. T r a s tee may pos tpone sa k o t a l l o r a n y -�__
<br /> � :;;,;: ,�;_: ..• , parcel ot the Property by public announcetn�nt At the time and place a�any prevlot�ly scheduled�te. l.ender ae i�g , `.`�^��
<br /> : ,�t,..;;, . . . aesignee may purchs�se the P�operty atany sale. --
<br /> ;ti�., A Upon receipt otpayment o�the price bid.Trustee shall d2Uver to Ihe purchaser Trustee:g deeA conveying the x.'�-
<br /> . -�•`"f:_.;.` �� Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be p�lma tacte evldence ot the truth of the statements made therein. � _ _
<br /> �'''•' �' !'''� � Trustee s6aQ apply tde pcoceeds of the s�ale in the following arder. (a)to ail costs and expenseg ot exercising the power ::;�_
<br /> �:�• ,
<br /> :"� ,��i� ��
<br /> , . k
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