_�R. _ - . _! :�:';`t:",�; ''t` _ � .�i ' - -=_-'— ,_S,.- � --•L}-.j"�;''?';:� -ir — .
<br /> — . - .
<br /> _ ..' .
<br /> :.,
<br /> .
<br /> .� " ' ., ' t u ` ' _ -_ _ __ '_ � —_ — . _
<br /> f � �
<br /> ;,: _
<br /> -.?.. - . ., ., , -, . . -.
<br /> _' � _p _. �. . - . � .. . _ _ __-_
<br /> i •. �i. ` — --. -i�•-°'�'�°�' ` �`. � __ . . . ..� c - . r ..� -- � � _ _-
<br /> .� . - . �r..y. �' �-i _ « . . V . ,y ; ,' _ .`_�__1:�..4':`�.---
<br /> :� . � . _��...F . - .. __ ...._ ._._- _... �...<--- ;�—T--...- -
<br /> _ ,��,��..� . •,. . = � Tr�ct 1: �,�tract oi 1and �Pr�sia4 �;� 0€ the �� � -
<br /> . � So�i--'��st��iazter ESt+T�i o� Sactfoa-.L�oaY l"4?. Tawnshfp: � - ,
<br /> � -r 6leven t!1) tbrtUP Range kine t 4J.�- We�� of the 6th. �
<br /> � • P.K., in Hall cauatg, ltabraslta, .�se �arti�yla��lY
<br /> • descriDed as .folld�: , : `0 °
<br /> =--�--�-�� � Heqidn#.nt� at a� gofat cn t�e Sast highwag right-of-way ` ��� � __ _
<br /> �-_-
<br /> �°"`� :��iae, said pofnt befng L�ortg I�t0.Q} feet Bast and �o � �-�--
<br /> � t�'� �' _ �dred T`rent�-Sia and Siqht-Tenths t 226.8� feet SouCh w �w
<br /> _ :
<br /> :� ---_ -�-=_ - v f t h e N orth�rest cQrner o� sai� Sou�tl�r�st. Qua�cter ---- _ __.
<br /> ' �SW�j.� thence Sast pasallel to ehe North Zine of Rains ' � � _
<br /> -�_� � Subdivtsionr Hall Countg. NebraaTca, a d£atance Qf �►ia ' �x�--
<br /> `- '�-_ . -
<br /> ' .t. .�� Hundred Eighty-�ine tZ8S.0I �eett tAeric�i Southerly -�- - -
<br /> . _ .. -�. ., , =--,� _
<br /> � - paral3el to the west line of aafcl Seetfoa Fo� t 4?, a
<br /> - -.--;�' :.�. distance of FortY. t 4Q•R� feet=; thenae i�teste�clY parallel � °`���=�--- _
<br />� ��."�-. _``� � V � � ta �aid Noxth_ line o� Rairia St�bdivtsiott, a d,�;�tance of � :�:�;���,
<br /> - .- ��'"�;; _ �o Hu�rdted. Biqhty-itine� (Z89.Q�-:"feet, tv a pc3.nt on � � ,�__--_�_..__.
<br /> said 8asterly hf.ghway rigbt-of-aay line; tltence r. ,��:;���-----�3-
<br /> _ . . ' xortlie�� a � �fi —_- -
<br /> � a-�`..�- _�, � 1� g ionc� said highway riqht-of-way line, a , ' F -`?�� —�
<br /> � . � . distance af For�y (�{O.QJ feet:,. ta th� place of . - - _ .. •� . _
<br /> � beqinnf.nq. .+c�ntaininq .265 �"�es, �aore or less. - A�----
<br /> �-- r �.F`� ` Tract Z. ,x-�act of land;c�rf sinq a part of the �-�� � ---
<br /> ��,,. •.�. _-
<br /> _ .' . - , � Nor.tl�s�re�:=.Qiu���er Qf�the Sr�i�west �Qnarter tlsW�sw#)�, of _ € � :R=—
<br /> - . Sect�s�n��£�ur�E41. Tewnship. &�.even �l�) Nosth, Aange �
<br />=�t ���: . • Nine tgF��'�+[�� of,t1ie 6th. P+�:, in Ra1.1 CcuR�Y, � ��'� �:�;i
<br /> �� �'� �. . ` � Nebraska, nare particulariy described�as f�ll.ows: �, ° . _
<br />.i;,;? . ' � . � f,, ,
<br /> ---- ���� . � Heg�n�ng at a po�nt oa ths We�t iine�•of said Sectioa f-- ..-'.�.-- _—
<br />- � - � ` ' � t �� Faur (�). saf d poiat being �io Hnndred Sf xty-Six a»d ��_ `'`
<br /> � ���- � Eiqht-Tenths �266.B) f�et Sc�uth af the Nor.ti3west corner . rs : _ ` � �.�.'�� �
<br /> _. - � � of sa3d Sout&west Quarter (�'Fi��; thence Sa��zip , � �
<br /> �. _�;..
<br /> ; .���:� �� �. - � parallel to the_Nor_th Iine-o�. Raf tts Subdiv�sion, Hall '��
<br /> �''"',';" � � County, Nebraska, a dist�ce� of Two Hundred Seventy- f� �
<br /> . .�:�,.: � � ,
<br /> `ff��= � Nine �279.0): .�eet to the actual place of To�ginning; ; ,
<br /> thence coat�nui.ng Easterly F�rallel to said North lfne f.
<br /> � - � - of Ra3ns S�ivigion, a dista�ce of F#.fty (50.0) feet f
<br /> .. �. ' � thence Sautherly parallel to satd West �line of Section � ' , • �_==�
<br /> y:. .
<br /> Four l4), a distance of Otie Hundred Eleven 1111.Q) � ?<.
<br /> .` �� feelf thence Westerl.p parallel to said North line of �
<br /> . � Rains Subdivisfon, a rlfstBnCe of F#.fty (50.0) feetl ` � ,
<br /> thence Northerly parallel tQ.said West 2ine o� said . �
<br /> � � section Four 14) a distance o� oae Rundred Eleven --� . � �
<br /> � � � t121.0) feet to the actual place o� beginr�f.ng, said � �
<br /> • . � . ,. . .• � ' tra.:t contafninq Q.127 acres, mvse or less.
<br /> . � ,`� Tract 3. _ ... . : � . .
<br />. � � �� � �! tract o! lauzd �ituated in the west Hai! o! the I ii� ; �
<br /> �� Southn�at Quas�er (t�/z st�i/4) o! Saction lour (4), „
<br /> . . n
<br /> � � Township E1.itrtn �11) Narth, Ranqe Hine (9), Neat o! the i .
<br />� - , �"`t� 6th P.M., in gall County, Ylebr�ka, describsa as , .
<br /> � beqinning at s point 40 leet East an�d�50 �er� SW %4)� ( �
<br /> . ::; :_;�, . � the NortHt+est corn�r ot aa�d Sauthw s Qu (
<br /> s '` �� � thence runninq Southerlp alonq a ii.ne 4o taet East oP and .
<br /> � parallei to the West line o� said Southwest QuarCer �
<br /> . ' (sin11/4) a distance o! 96 leet; thence running Easterly ,
<br /> and parallei �o the North line ot� Rains Subdivision a
<br /> � �;;,:` � distanae o! 289 leet; thence running Northerly and �
<br /> ' paraliel to the N�st line ot said Southwest Quarter
<br /> ' . , � �SW2/4j a 8istanae ot 76 teet; thence r�sn�ting westesly
<br /> � and paraliel to the Nosth line ot Raing• Subd�vision a
<br /> � distance ot Z89 leet ta the point o! beginni�g, •
<br /> � . ti�
<br /> . . • , .
<br /> .., � - . .
<br /> . - , �_ -----_ - ---_ -- --.. —..—._ - . , ,�-- -�.
<br /> .
<br /> .�`. . ,
<br /> .. �. � . j - ..� . _ . . . _ . . . .. . .. . _ . � . ' . . . . . . . .
<br /> - :{. .. . . . , .. . . -
<br /> , .. .
<br /> . . . .
<br /> .
<br /> , . . . .
<br /> : ' � ' � � . � . - ' .
<br /> . . .. � .
<br />