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<br /> . • (3�•�,�)��i1� LOAN NO• 1 5 3 9 2 1 5 0 3 8
<br /> -�---- 9.P�y:��:::e�!°1r�r,�!��l, !nt�ee!we�l�4e�h!t�e. Borro�var tiht�ll pay whon d��o thc��rlrm.Ipai of,mnd Interost on,
<br /> � tho dobt avidoncod by tho Notc�a�1rf Inta ch�r�os duo untlor tho Noto. °
<br /> . a�..�.�OFiI{ii�►PAv�iiGfi�O OP`(191I��,�63filUi'tii��0,[]iifl fj1{iLP f:�9t]if�j0�. �OPPOV'J0�OhQll II1CIUd0 Itl d�]f:h fYlOYliFlly _
<br /> ,� , payrnent,togothor with the princlpaI and interest ae det forth In tho Note and any late chargen,a sum(ar(a)taxos and
<br /> � . : s►�eclal assessmente levled or ta be levled sgalnst thA Properly, (b)lessehold paymente or ground rente on the
<br /> � Pro�arty,and(�){�remlumsiorinsurance requlrad under Paragraph 4. In Any year In whlch the Lerxier must pay a
<br /> •• � maRf{apa Inauranco prerr+lum totF�e Seoretery cf Housing and Urb�n Dovelopment("5earetary'),or In any yoar In whlch
<br /> �r � eur.h nramlum would heve been raqulrad ff Lender stlll held the 8e�ourity Inetru�nsnt,each monthly payment ahall also
<br /> �� ; � Inciucle olther: (I)s sum for the ennual martAaga Insurance premlum to be pald by Lender to the Secretary,or(II)a
<br /> _ .�: J �iioi�i7ly char�e Inatead at a rnangaQe Insurunco premlum If thia Security Instrument Is hetd ay the Secretary,In a
<br /> �«'M!!���� reasonable amount to be aeterminptl�3y[�le�eCreiEtry, exGt�pi iur ilid iiiuiiiiil}1 uiidiy6�i}I tl'ib SB�in�ai3i,i`o'ao Ya;;,�v
<br /> are callod"Escrow Items"and the sums pafd 4o Lender are called"Escrow Funde." �
<br />`ar"'_�� Lender may,st any tlme,cdleCt and hald amaunte for Escrow Iteme In an aggregate amount not to exceed the
<br />-_ ----�; maxtmum amnunt that may be requlred for Borrower's escrow account under the Real Eatate Sattlement Procedures ;
<br /> ` � Act of 1074,12 U.S.C.B 2601 etaQq.snd Implsmenttng reguletlons,24 CFR Part 3500,as they may be amended from -
<br /> � , � � tlme to tlme("RESPA"),excopt that the cushlon or reserve permltted by RESPA tor unanticlpated dlsbursements or
<br /> • ;�.� dlabursements before the Borrower's paymenta ere evallable In the account may not be bas�d on emounta due for the
<br /> . morigage lnsurance premlum.
<br />= •:"� +''� ` If the amounte held by Le�ider for Escrow Items exceed the amounte pormltteci to be held by RESPA,Lender shall -
<br /> ....,:.:..
<br /> �. ..;,. • deal wfth the excess funds as requlred by RESPA. If the amoimts of funda hold by Lender at any tlme are not aufflclent
<br /> _�,� � to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may notffy the Borr�wer and requlre Borrower to make up the shortage or
<br /> ''°�',�;e deflcte�icy as permftted by RESPA.
<br />°�������;?• The Escrow Funds are pledged as addltlonal securlry for sll sums secured by thls Securtty Instrument. If Borrower
<br />_�,;,�:��; tenders to Lender iha fu8 ymoni of all such sums,Barravrer'c account:.hall b�crcdlted v�lth th3 balance remelning
<br /> d�;,�.,� for all In�tallment Items(a�ib),and(c)and any mortgage Insurance premlum Installment that Lender has not hecome
<br />' � o611gatod to pay to the Sec;retary,and Lender ehall prom�tly reiund any excesa funds to Barrower. Immedlately prfor ta
<br /> 'r���' � a foreclosure sale of the Properry or Its ac ulsl4lon by Lender,Borrower's account shall be credlted wfth any balance =
<br /> '�����•�=� remalning tor all Installmente forttems(a),�b),and(c).
<br /> -,'�; 3.Appllcallon of p�ymsnt�, All paymenta under Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applled by Lender as fdlows:
<br /> -`::-;�;� � FIRST•to the mortgage Insurance premlum to bo pald by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthly charge by the
<br />-���'r��' Secreta Instead of the monthly martgage Insurance premlum;
<br /> w�r.
<br /> ��__,..,,,� �,to any taxes,speclal sssessments,leasehold payments or graund rents,and f(ra,flood and other hazard
<br />` •';;� lnsurance premlums,as requlred;
<br /> =��t'�'! THIRD,to Interest due urxierthe N�te;
<br />-°�'� �ot �Is e cha�g std oundepthe N te.f the Note;
<br /> _____:_...v� 4.Flre,Fload and Other H�r�rd In�uranca. Borrower shalt Insure ell Improvements on the Prapertyr,whether
<br /> --_==�'_� now In exlstence or subsequently erected,agalnst Rny hazards,casugltles,end contlngeRClea,Including flre,tor whlch
<br /> "v�v===s Lender requlrea Insurance.Thls Insuranae shall be malntelned tn the amounta and tor the perlods that Lender rec�ulros.
<br /> -°"`.--w-.j Bonower shall also(nsure all imprrnements on the Property,whether now In exlatenae or subsequendy erected,
<br /> � agalnst loss by flooda to the oxtent requlred by tP�e Secretary.A!I Insurence shall be carried wfth companles epproved
<br /> ______= by Lender.The Insurance pollcles and any renewals shalt be held by Lender and shall Include loss payable clauses In
<br /> � tavor of,and In�form acceptable to,Londer.
<br /> In the event of loss,Borrawer shall glve Lender Immedlate notice by mall.Lender may make proof of loss B not
<br /> made prompYy by Bonawer. Each Insu�ance company concerned Ia hereby authorized and dlr�cted to make payment
<br />_.__. fa such loss dlrectly to Lender,Instesd ef to Borrower end to Lender lol�ly.All or any part of the Insurance proceeds
<br /> -- may be applled foy Lender,at ite optlon,efthor(a)to the reductlon of tf�e Indebtodness urxler the Note a�d thls Security
<br /> Inst►umeM,first to eny dellnquent amounts applled In the arder In Paragraph 3,anti theri to prepaymant c�f�arinclpal,or
<br /> (b)to the reatoratlon or repaly dthe damaged property.Any appllcatton of the proce�ds to 4he prinalpal shall not
<br /> - - extend or postpone the due date of tt�e moMhly payments which are retorred to In Paragraph 2,or change the amount
<br /> ---��-- _ ot su�h Raymenta.Any excess Insurance proceeda ovor an smoum requlred t�pay sll oucsts�dlnc�Indebtednesa�ander
<br /> - the Note and thla Securtty InstNmem shall be pald to the entlty lagalty enttNed thsreto.
<br /> = In tl�e eve�t of foraclosure of thls Securlty Instrument or othor transier of tme to the Property that extingulshes the
<br /> �_ = Indebtedneas,all�)ght,tiHe end Intere�t ot Borrouver In and to Insurence pot[cles In force shall pass to the purcha�er.
<br /> e.Occup�ncy�Proserr��tbn,M�tM�nanc��nd protectlort of the Prope+ty;ewrower's Loan Appllcatlori;
<br /> - ----_= Lws�faW'. Borrower shall occupy,establlsh,and use the Property as Borrower's princlpal restdence withtn slxty days
<br /> = efiter the execution of thts Securiiy insirumeni ariu si►�il c;o�iiitiue i�uCeuNy 4f i��i upe�:y aa 6a�rowa�s pin���
<br /> � = resldencs for at least one year efter the date of occup�ncy,unless the Secretary determines thls requfremeM wHl causs
<br /> - undue hardahlp tor�orcower. a unless extenuating circumstances exlst whlch are beyond BoROwer's contrd.Borrower
<br />_a".`� _ Fht�ll notiiy Lendere of any ex[enusting clrcumstmrtces.Borrowet shatl not cvmmft waste or destroy,damage or
<br /> ' subste.ntlally change the Properry ar allow the Property to doterlorate,reasonable wear and tear excepted.Lender may
<br /> -p=___� Inspect the Property i�the Property la vacant or abandoned or the loan Is In default.Lender may take reasonable nctloro
<br /> _- tn protect end preserve such vacant or abandnned Property.Borrower shall also be In default If Borrower,during the
<br /> -
<br />