� ... _ . ';i„:�il..
<br /> . r� . .. � ., . . .
<br /> .wiYt�M . .. � .. . . , . ., . ,. .r' ,juY nJ'.�:
<br /> .� " . �1 -
<br /> , �1` � . � �SFfa°�1�1T�''.2h3�'t�'. , �.o- �: .-- _�,----�_.-
<br /> -•• . -- �r.. . � .:«��erMMY`'�w.vr��/ll►N/MO�iR -._.yyl1'1xYC�y,..=.... ._ -. :-_..---- -_'- . _,.
<br /> ..�. ^�'�awm�ea•...
<br /> M....,.. • -... . ---_.. ..
<br /> ------ ... ._ . s....
<br />- .ry o5�07—tA98 DEEp OF TRUST c �'��� �"
<br /> .._ . o ._ � R�ci�� f'-`:
<br />----� -- Loen No 2�181� tt'.ui�u��l£'u3�y .,—.....v�i .M..�,rr.,.��+.�+i
<br /> � �--^- �
<br /> � ropladmonb of,ared tU aubstltutlons lor, eny ol suCh propsrty;ond tayothsr�rlth cl proc��d1 (Includln� �.ilhoui i:rtlt�t!on E�!Irt�uranc�
<br /> I prc�c�ds and nfunth of pramiums)hom�ny a+�h a othw dlaposillon n}th�Props�ty.
<br /> ° •1 p�uputr. nN+wad^wo�rnp meam ca�t�cuvay�n.a��oa•�►r.nd m.wtsor�t�op.rty.
<br /> i MM NroP�rN. TM word�'fiwl Prop�Ay'mwtn ltN propaty.IntKaab and rtphb d�aaibad�bow In the''ConwY�nc��nd f3ranf�cUon.
<br /> � i q�t�d OoCUn�nis. ii� words�oiritrd Do:,un:n�" m�n crt� trt^!tcy withe��t Yrtdtatlon �ll prc>missory nutM. ondil�prMm�nb�lo�n �
<br /> ngr�rn�nb��nvtronrrKntal aprNmante�pwrentia�a�curity�prwrtwnb�mortp�p�e�dNd�of hust�and aq olt►a►irabvmsnb��prMrtwnb and
<br /> � docurtfonta,whothM nov+or i"iereaftsr eNsElr�,cu:;autrd In cann_c9on tAth IM Inde4tednes�•
<br /> ` � _' ..� Rsnt�. TM word'Reni�"rtsstns aY Pns�nt tnd fulun ran�r t�YYf1l!!3�111COIM�lSfINS�fOy�IUM�Pronts.ano ofiwr o�rwna�i�:�i ri'v�i�{A
<br /> .� �- p�ppertY•
<br /> "�' TNi1N. Th�ward'Truslab"rt�n�UNRFP NEE3RASfU BANX and any�ubstltuts a s�xxessa lruatos�.
<br />;'�r.�.n.�; _
<br />_. �,,; Twuor, Tha wad'TrWtor"means any and all perROrta and antitles axoCUUnp thls 08od of Trust,Incfuding wflhaut NmitYtlon dl Trustas rtamed
<br /> .;s'�_ ibobl� •
<br /> ol T�ut1 af th�y hacom�dus�,and�haa�tdcdy ttnd n�tlmolY ma^nK pKt�o m uE ol Tru4tors�NpaUon�undK thr NM+�hN Dwd a Ni�ub th� --
<br /> � .'° �s : RN�Md DoCUmMb. `-
<br />�;f.� 1.� � POl�EwlIDN AlID MAINTlNAIiCE OR THE PiiOPERT1f. Tru�tor�pr�thtt Trtxtor�po�sM�lon�nd t�of th�P�op�tY�h�A a po��d bY
<br /> . . , tM fd1owlrp P'rovkkms. �_.
<br /> IbNNMon�x11JM. UnW th�ooaurt�na ol an Ewnt d t�fauN�Trwta rtxY (•)nm�n in po�...�o��na conra a ch.�rov«ry� (b)oM, �;_._
<br /> ., . opK�M or manlp�fh�Prop�rh�and (010��ny Fi�r►b kom!�PtopMty.
<br />- Duty b MYnt�ln. Trwta sh�N malnWn tM PropKty In brnnt�bl�condEtlon tnd promPdy D�m RJI nP+k��nD�o�nl��tnd m�IM�rxna �
<br />•~�� .• * � , �NO�MIrY b P►M�fw IM w11N. =
<br /> ' �y FI�fdDW�MIC�f� ThY MfRN'1M2atd011i WifN,"�fdOUe{Ub�kflO�,•w�(lOM��'Y�IMim�"�fld RhfMllfMd fNMM�'Y{lMd k11h1� t.-
<br />`•': '�. r DMd ol'frwt��fbM haw tM um�mMnlnp�os Nt forlh In th�Cort�NNn�iw EnNtortm�r►W RKPor��Comp��a�O"��nd l,MbMkY Acl of
<br /> 1�!!0�w�n��d�d.42 U.S.C.6ecNon o601�N wq.("CERCUI'1�th�8�J1rtMndm�nM and Fi�authorlulbn Aot o11�E6,Pub.L.No.
<br /> �'°-'�''�'t 9S-490("8A�1A9�the Fl�zardous NI�Uri�M TnmPartatlon Act�4�U.9.C. 1601�N�W.,ih�RMOUro�Conwrwtlon u�d R�covwY�� --
<br /> � .._�� 42 U.B.C.S�oYon 6001�N MQ..or othKappIlcabM�tat�or F��I lawr�rt�.or nDukYorN�doP1�d P�M b any of IM lor�pokq. 7TN _
<br /> v�'"' ' • MtrtM"P�zKd01�1 watt�'and TwrdOUS twhst�na'th�N�No Indtld��wllhout MmitaYon.PMidwm ub PMroMum bY�Produ�er anY k�C,Yon
<br /> ''��•°.,.,r;•` : Hwnof and a�bata. Truata n�x�r►b and w�mnh�to L�nd�r tha� (a)Ourkp lh�p«bd W Tnxtol's a+unKaNP o�tM ao(�rb,�+h�
<br /> }�• flon,manuiactun�stonpe�k�atm�r►t,dMpoal�nN�w a lhnaMrwd rM�aw M any Fwarolou�wwM or wbet�no�by any --
<br />�{i;k�,=�,ry bMn no t��0��
<br /> __- .��'b � �.�!'y.�ul�or,ahout or korte tl�RoAM1Y: lb)Truttor P►u�o knowMdO�W�ov nason b bNlnwO ihat kNn hM bMn,�oto�P�u�lrw�y
<br /> ....� .Ww n..l�li1�i�Y:of
<br />—r..rT (�C�OO�d�0 Rtld�(�by�'N1�f�II W�1tlf1Q� n�tm�����b0t1�If1inY�i{.iti����N�r�w�.Ci�1�....�+�---
<br />=.:�+�:.,,.r:�� nNaw d any hwrdwn waM a substana an,und�r�about a hom tta Prop�rly by tny prior owrnn a ooauMMs d tM Prop�rly a p)anY
<br /> -' ""'�"` �ctwl or thrNMrnd fltlp�tlon or cUlms d my klnd by any rwrton niaY�p b wCh mR1Nrs:and (c)6zapt Y P�'��Y�b b�nd
<br /> i..,�;.�;` H
<br /> � .���; adcnowNdO�bY���In wriHnO, li) nNtt�Tru�tor nor any i�rnnt�conlncta�apMl or oth�r�ulteorlaed u�of ttN Pro�tY st uw�
<br /> �''�r��'�� p�rnr�M.manuhctun.�ton�toat.d�P�d.or niws�any hazvdow w�sM�x stbstano�oa�ur�,�bout a lrom th�PropKh►�+�d (MI�1►
<br /> - wch actl+Ah►st�N M conduct�d In aanplkno�with�II�ppNcaf�le 1sdK��shM,and k�al kMn�npul�Yoro�nd adlnano�,inok�q wM��
<br />=�a_:^�,:,;�, tt�PropKty Eo
<br /> ,r� Nmit�tlon ihas�kwi�n0ulatlons�and adlrunoN dacrlb�d�bow. Tru�ta authari:�Lmrfrr�nd Ilo�yYMs b�M�►upo�
<br /> -,___ ___ mak�auch Imp�ctlorn and bcb��1 Trusfors�nw�a L�nd�r m�y dMm WProprf�b to d�Mrmin�compillno�of M��Pr �wMh Ihl�
<br /> «�;z:�
<br />:��Jy�:� woNOn of th�DNd M Tn��My In�p�cUont or tasb mnd�by LandK�h�N b�for���P�tatlons md wNranYM oord�kwd h�nk+w
<br />�;c�� tnY rKpon�WWty a NabffNy on tfw put of Londar to'frusta a to�ny oth�r pKSOn.
<br /> bas�d on Trustor's dw diNp�na In InwstlptGng lhs PropKty tor hwrdow watt��nd huudou�substanat. Truttor MtWy (�)�M�nd
<br />- wafvw any futur�cWms�G�ntt LendK 10�Ind�mnNy a�contrfbuNon In th��wr►1 Tru�ta b�conNS M�bl�la dMnuP a oM�r caM u���
<br />-""`��� such kwr,and (b)�prsN fo IncNmnNy artd hold harmlNS L.�ndK��t�ny and d d�IrrN. IoWM�M�biMY��d�m�p��P�'�
<br /> =___,-�„� • �nae which UndK rt►�9�tnclM a�ndk�OtiY surt�ln a�uM�r nwltle0 kom s bn�ch of tliM�cYon of 1M ONd of lYv�t or M a
<br />��_-'�a oa�4�qa�of aoY uw.p���°"�msnulaatun��tonp�.dbPasal�nMaw a Mnat�rNd r�s�ooCtxrk►A PAa b T��owna�Mp or
<br /> ..,r:� IntKMt in ths PropKh►�whN1+K or nd ths artN wa a stwuld haw bMn known to Tnuta. 7h�pro�M3ora d 1hM�eYot�of!h�DMd of TnNf,
<br />-•- -- treciudinp d�obMp�Yon lo Ind�mNy��l�ell iuMw iM paYm�nt W tM Ind�bMdna��nd Ih�atlsf�dlan a�nd ncor►wytnos of Ih�N�n of fhN
<br /> ---"�,.- Dad of 7YUS1 and�h�il not b��iNcf�d by Lmdcr's acqulsitbn ot any InM�t In ttN Prop�ty�wMtM�r by 1or�down or atl�.
<br /> __- --_.= Nulw�d�W+MM. Tn�or sh�N nat aus��conduct a permH my nu�na nor commlt,PKrtdt�or wlfa�ny s1rlpPinO�t a waiM on a b th� -
<br /> ---'°� propaty a any porflon M tiM Prop�fy. VVifheut Nmftlnp tM pK►�taNty of tM foro0drg.Tnular wIN rat rsn+o�.a p�to aq►otl�P�H�
<br /> �=�,�x� rqn�to nmave.anY�mb��rt�n�nb pncludnp oll�nd W�),wt6 p�avw«rodc Produa�wNhoul tl�orbr�+rflN�cor�r►t a��ndor.
<br />�� �� Fiunovai o?Improv�nwnte. Tnnta�h�A not d�moi4�h or nmow any ImprovartNnh irom th�RW Prr,�a4y wNhaut th�plor wrMbn oa�M+�t
<br />_►� of UndK. /u+�ccnd�cn fa Gw wrw.:l a��np 1m�soti�r.^�nb.L•�!�•r m.y no�in Tnnta to m�k�artanyon�nM wwN�.'1aY to�.�nd�►!o -
<br />-_=~��� npl�o�such Improwrtwnte with Improwmmb ot at Eratt sqwl w�u�.
<br /> A.�^�.,..._.� �«b�,�Rlyht b F�Mr. Und�r I�nd lb�nts rnd npnan2ttivN rt+ay�ntar upon tA�RMJ PrapKtY at�M naon�bM Yme�b�iMnd fo
<br />-_,�..��;,� Lond�s Int�rab and to Irap�ct tM Prape�lY tor P�qosK W Tru�tars comPMrna with th�Mm»and tondNbr�of thfl DNd M Tru�t.
<br /> CompNxee�wMh�3ovKnrtnntM R�tlu}nmMts. Trusta�hvl P{�PnY G�P�Y wHh dl kws�adlnanoea,and npukYOns�now or MnafM►In
<br /> � � �fF�ct�of�11 powma►M+da�wthattN�apP�fo Ih1r us�a ocCUpa�oY of th�Pro'.NttY. Tru�tor rtsay co�M�t In pood hNh any ruCh Mw,
<br /> --°-- - ordinana�a npul�Ua��nd wHhhoid compMana durinp�ny procNCYnp�Mdudlnp�PProp�aM�PP�.so lorp as TrtN�or fw naMMd L�ndu
<br /> .:�.._._�.,_� 9a
<br />-- -":'`� In wdtlnp prior to dolnp w�nd so IonG aa�In L�ndK'�soN opfnlon.L�ndw't{nt�rMb{n tM Prap�ry ue not Mop�rtNa�d. LwxfK rr�y nquYs
<br />�. '`'��� Trusla to paet adWurM acurity or��unb bond,nasonabN atfsfactaY to LM�dM'�to proMct LM�d�f�MMnst
<br />��'tF_�3!! �?__
<br /> . '`=�%:•".": pu1y b ProUct.Trwtor W�MS n�ither to tbandon nor Naw urKlMn�d th�Propxty►. 7rusta�h�M do IiN dMr�c1s.{n additicM b tha��cb _
<br />�IIFA+i•i:��.o: -
<br /> - .� �•:; w t i o r f h�bow In Ihis wolion,which Bom th�ch�nctK and us�M th�Prop�rty an neson�by McawY lo proM�t and pr�rw 1h�Rop�rry, v
<br /> ` ` ` DUE ON iA1.E-CONEFJiT oY LEtiDER. L.�nd�m�y��1 Ib opbon,d�dan Imm�di�ah►dw and pay�bM�II tw►w Ncund by Mi�DMd W Tnbt
<br />_i. .�. , . �-. DR
<br /> . .� °�=`a upon fhv�aN or inn�Mr.wNhout 1h�L�nd�s P�writt�n conant,of�!I a�ny P�of tlw RM1 P�rOp�rty.or an InMnitui�ttbM.wt�iNh�ir�nh�Y
<br /> ,y'_':. . hf
<br /> 'aN or hamNr'mMrr thi conwYanc�at R�U Prop�ty or any rfpM�qtN or Intero!t the�Nn:whNhK bpal
<br /> ' -��: or Involuntuy;wMtMr by ouL'tyht saA,daad,Instaliment ala conU�ct,Ntnd contnct,contract fa dNd,kas�hotd In6Kat wNh�Mrm prMt�i�Matt
<br />''' �-•�°��'x• 4hrw(3)y�an�1M+�-oP�n conhact,or by aeb,assWnrt�nt,or fnnstK of any WnNbkU Inletsst In or to any Itnd trutt holdlnp 1MM to fh�RNI
<br /> '__,,;'.' .� ..<<..
<br /> prop�rty,ar by any oth�r rtNthod Af conwyana of Rs�l PrOp�y►�ntK�t. If�ny Trustor b�corpaaUon,pertn�nhlp a Nmlbd Mlblw�►eomp�t►�y�
<br /> s:�.. . ' WnsfK�iso Inciuda tny chanp�In ownKSMp of mon than tw�nty-Ilw p�rC�n t(26%)d th�votlrp elodc.pe�trnnhlP Int�n�ts or YmtMd Mb1lItY _
<br />-�.... �pmRany int�nab�a th�cas�mny b��of Trustoc. Mow�vK�tMa CPtlon�IwM not b��xM'dNd by L�ndK M tuCh�M proMblMd bY Nd�rV -
<br /> �=,•r� i�w or Ay N�braska kw. °
<br /> - - ���...
<br /> 1- _ �-.::.4'•�' TAXES ANO LIE?IS. TtN Idbwlnp Provfslons nlaUrp t0 tM tax�mtl tNns on tn�Mop�iY.r.a v�v���.:0:�..�.....,. _
<br /> Paym�nl. Trusta eh�N Piy wNen due(�nd In dl�nts pda to d�llnQu�wY)aM ta�cro�H�'w f�x�.assa�sm�r►b,ohu�M(indudinp w6t�r _
<br />�;=� � and sewK)�MK and ImposiUora MNad�palnat a on aocount of th�PropMty�ind�hW MY wMn dw�ll ddrtn for wak dor�on or tor
<br /> unAcM nrid�nd or matedd tumistwd to ths ProaKty Tnata sh�N mafnWn tM PropwlY freu d a IM+w haMnp orlaHY ov�t a�q�wl to tM
<br /> Inqnet ol l.�nd�r undK thb Ds�d ol Tnnt,exc�pi ta tM Il�n W fax�4 and att�art�nb npt du�,�oaC�pt tor tM�otfitlrq fnd�bNdnMf MMt1d
<br /> � ta bNaw,�nd excopt a othKwts�pravid�d In thb W�d d Tnni. �
<br /> f7�l�ht To Conb�f. Tn�sta may wlfhhdd P�Y�nt of�ny tax,aetw�mmt,or ck►m In conrwctlon with�poed Nilh di�PuM owr ih�abYpatfon �
<br />- to paY.to lonp as L�ndar'�Intor�st In tM 1�ap�rly b not J�opardf�d. If�M�n srk�s or Ia 11Md u�ntult of na�paYnNnf.TrtKlor fhM v�n
<br /> " Rrtwn(16)days a11�r tt►�IMn arish oe.ff n Ikn la nNd,wltMn IiNa�n(16)d�ys aR�r Ttuslor luf notla of tlt�flNr�,wCUr�lM dkchirp�at 11w
<br /> � Ilan,w If nqubl�d by Lendor,doposlt wfth L�nda cuh a a wMcNnt caponw sunty bond a otMr s�cu�My atlsltclaY to��7n m
<br /> amount sutfici�nt to ditolwp�th�Na�P�tn�ny coats Ynd attortNya'f�or othK charp�t th�t aouid�cCru�u�ntult of a fondaur�or s�M
<br /> - ,..` undsr th�INn. In eny eont�st.Trueta thW dN�nd ItHM�nd L�ndK and th�N�daty my adwn�ludpmt,nt bWon M4oram�nt�pe�n�t th�
<br />� . • propKty. Trusta shaN nur�L�ndK u an addiUonal obllpN undw any suny bond itxnbh�d M th�coMMl procMdnp�.
<br /> _ ., � � �
<br />