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<br /> �05-0�-1996 DEED A+F�TRUST ��__ _ _ P��� -
<br /> �A�o No a4te�e (i:oniinu�a� q�� :�lli��,�� -
<br /> ,-.—..—.;___---�..�.�._r__..,_---.-�..�...�.------�� -�-�---�—� — r:�. .���.—
<br /> �uihaAz�Itw�pPropdata{►owrnrrNnt�!oMcltl lo de�IvK to L�nrf�r�1 any Hm��wd1Wn�t�kr,wnt af tne taxw tnd u�aasn�nw o�1n61 ttw E
<br /> PtOplrty.
<br /> Nof1s�W Co�wlruotbn. Trwta�h�N noafy Lsndu at f�atl fiiMNt lt6)dq'�t�Mo���ny wak N amm�r�cW��ny Nrvle�s w WrnMhtd�a ar►y
<br /> mRl�rkM�n wpNN�d to IM ProPsrtY�M any m�ch�nb'i N�n�rrNlMiatm�n'�Nsn�a othK N�n could a��f�d on�ocauM of 11N wak,
<br /> �vlow�a m�Mrt�M. Tru�lav wIN upon��quNl o!L�ndM hxnhh fo Lsnd�r adwna afsunno�or�lhh�ctaY 19 Undw tt�l Tru�ta an and wIN
<br /> p�ji li�i cwi a iUvii lir�yiulti�iwii�'s.
<br /> F::f1rcRYV WA�7ACC 1�:5lr'7A::C�. Tta ta:oeSnp prov',;:lcra rc'�tln3 to In�ttrin�th�Prt+��+ty Frn n pe►10l lh!e Deed d TruaL -
<br /> N1AIfINfIR10�Op 11s�11t�1K.7. 'iiwia�i�a"n{�ww�iiw ii�i�i�iiii Mu:i,we vw iwG i��ii;i.�w,r i:�.i w���.wy:.�:.�iv:.�Gv.w�j"j.w�v..�.�.�..'+L:S�
<br /> nQN�o�+rNnf btWs tor th�fuN InfunbN valuY�nvMlrq�Il lmprowrtwnh on tts�RMI PropKty In en�mounl�uMdrM la avold�ppNt�lion ol�ny
<br /> cdrKUrana drufo,�nd wllh�tttndud pN r:l�ta�In hvor of L�nd�►.IopNhK vrlfh such Wher h�urd�nd if�b�tty Iraur�nCa u I.,M►dM
<br /> rrMY rwsonabN nsluk�. PoMC��h�N b��In 1orm�amounb�cowraCM cnd btsM n�wnabN�rPt�bl�b L�ndK and M1u�d by�
<br /> comp�ny pr cpmpadp naspn�bry�captl�bM to L�nd�►. Troctor,upan nquKt d L�ndK,wIN dM�vK to l.�r+d�r kom qrtw lo tlrtN th�poNCEN
<br /> or o�rttllalM ol lrKUr�na In torm atbhctory tA LtndK.Incfudrq tUpul�qorK tMt Cov�ra�wfll nal M c��d or d1mlrNih�d wUhovt al
<br /> Na�t Mn(tOj dtp'prla writtan noda fo Lon Wt. F.ach Irqunnoe pdiCy�ho�haN Indud��n fndonKtwnl provldinp Ih�t cov�rq�In hvor d
<br /> L�nd�r wkl not b�Imp�k�d In tny w�y by�ny ac1,omt�lon a dNauN�I 7nnta a any oth�r &fauld tha Roal Prapa+ty at arry tlrn�
<br /> Wcom�bcat�d In�n arw d�tpnot�d by th�Ok�cta of fh�F��I En�y Ma�wp�rn�nl�y a�to�d�l 11uod h�rard w�,Tnnta
<br /> �pnM!o obWn and m�MtUn F��t Fbad I�un�a lo Ih��xNnl�uch k►sunna b nquk�d by L�xlw an�M a bocar��wMbM�1or tt�
<br /> Nrm W th�fan and kr 1h�NM w�patd P��wtana of Ihe►an�a tM m�rdmum NmM W catiw�lhat a awlkbN,wMctwvw M N�.
<br /> R,ppilCMbtf 01 ProeMd�. Tn»ta th�N PromPaY notlN L�ndM of RnY IoM or d�m�b IfN Prop�ly. L�ncNr rt�y trt�rk�Proof d foM M TnKtar
<br /> hIh to do w wNhin Mkwn(16)day�ot it�cuwlN. WhNhK or not I.w�r's wcurllY N►mWk�d�L�rtry.at Ib�McYon.ncdw�nd�In
<br /> th�prooMd�ol�ny k�aunnoo�nd�pPN�q��+lo th�nd��ctlon W the IrW�6Mdi�s,WY�of�nY M�n�K�ellnp Ih�Prap�rH�a li�
<br /> nstontlan�nd r�pik ol th�Pro�iety. It I.�nd�r N�cb to�ppy Ih�praoMd�lo nrtonqan u�d�.Tnxtor ahM npatr a r�pleoe IM
<br /> awn,�i or ws:�Ifi�PGYOiiYni:i I(1 il fl't�RM1:t f.�1�3ClWy t0 LC!{t�l. L_�nd�r e4'�±4,��on t�et4�le,fery�r�t a4�h�n�tu�a.p�SY nr
<br /> ntmburs�Tnxtor kom tfN proo�cta tor th�n�sonaEt�cost of npak a natoraHon M Tnntor it nol(n d�(auN undar ihN D�ed of Tnst. MY
<br /> procwd�whkh Mw nof baon dkbun�d w1tMa 180 d�ya aMr thak rec�lpt and wt�Ich Undar h�s not comrtfltfad to tM np�k a n�atlon cf
<br /> th�Ropwty�haN ba us�Ilnt to p�y�ny arrAUnt owlnp to t.s�d�r und�t this Owd ot Tnnt,ttwn to pay�ccrwd Inla�tt,and tM mm�lnd�r,M
<br /> tny,�Fu�M b��pplNd ta ltN pdndpal bW�a nf tt�Ind�bt�drna. If Lond�►hotds my pra.wd�afhr payrtNnt In tutl of th�Ind�b6rdr►Ma,wch _
<br /> prooNCh ch�l b�p�Id to Trusta�s Tn�sta'�InMrab may�ppwr.
<br /> Ur�xpbrd In�xance a9 8ai�. Itny unwcpk�d Imu�nca aha11 Inuro to the berwAt d,andpass to,IM pixclxsM cf the Prope�ty co+wred by thb �-
<br /> D�td uf Trusl d any lruafM'a Wte a othir a!�hNd under ths provfslona a9 lfik DNd af Trust,a�t�ny fondo�un saM d wch Praperty.
<br /> TAX ANO lµ'SURANG£RESERVES. SubJ�C1 to any NmifalbrK wl bY�pPticabl�kw.l.Ntid�r may nquk�Truttor b mtlnWn wMh t�nder ra3NVa�
<br /> fot p�ym�n1 el annud ta�w.ais�umenlc.+�nd Insur�na ptemlum�,wt�tch rw�rwt tMM b�awhd by�dwna paycn�r�t or mo�thly WYn�nb W a
<br /> •um NprtMt�d by l.�nd�r to b�tuMk:Mnt to produa,�t M�st fiM�n(16)day�baton dua,�mounb it Nut pwl b tM tua�,wMSmw�,�rtd
<br /> i�nunnc�pr�mturns to b�pdd. I!IHtNn(16)dry�bMor�payrn�nt Is du�th:,rawv�fundi�n I�xuMfcl�nf�Trusta s1�N upon d�ed P�Y�Y —
<br /> clMeMncy fp 4vndw. Th�wsetw P�nds shaN W Mld by Und�r q a pm�r�d�posH kom Trt»ta,wtACh I.�rxMr may by p�ytrNr�l of tM
<br /> UxM,a�ass�nanb��nd In�wana P��mlurt►s��sluk�d to b�p�ld by Tnntor a tMY b�com�dw. L�r�sh�N h�r�th� b draw upon fM
<br /> tNM11�fllfld�10 pay sUCtl fMms.atW L�ntlit siMi noi b�tpu�YO io owwmirii ure i�w:i��j iA wuu"iw.0 v:Pij 0`.'w'i:�'3 r�s��. !�:�::t L�
<br /> �d of Tnat�t�N b�con�twd a nQulrtrp L�ndK to adv4na otha mor�tor such PurPo��and �hdl nat kwur�nY MW�r fa�n�Ahkp
<br /> N nry do or onR1 b do withn��t to thr n�r�ocount. All amounM In Ih� nNrw a000w�f w MnbYpI�d�d b IurG��ot�n Itr
<br /> Ind�bMdr���nd L�nd�r is Mnby�ulhorlt�d to wNhdnw rnd�ppy woh amouM�on Ih�IndobMd��uP�fh� -��W�n EvMd d
<br /> DNa1f. L�ndw sh�N nd b�n4uk�d to MY�Y InNrMt or�rntrq�on th�nMrw hx�ur�s niqui►ed by Mw a�prNd In by LM�d�r N�wwrq.
<br /> 4M�doM eot hotd itw rM�rvr luncM{n truN lor Tru�ta�and L�ndM y n01 Trudpls p�r�t lor WYm�rd ol tl»IVaM�nd�MrMrr�ds nqulr«i to
<br /> W p�fd by Trultor. •
<br /> EX�ElIDITIJNE!011 LlNDEH. M 7n�ta I�N�b comptY��Y Pro�ol M�YI DNd W 7Nq.oi M�rlp�CMOn 0►p 11 ooRrn�no�d M�st
<br /> wo11d n�Mrhy dNcl L.�ndws k�MrMM In Mt�Propt�rfy.L�nd�r oo Tn�11or�bNyM rtwy�fwl�h�N rsol b�rrqt�r�)10.�1 Ipf�►io�on 1hM LMWM
<br /> d�N��PO��M.�y Ymow�l M1�t LNxlK�nd�M W dokq wIM bMr k�IM�it N tM nM PrOVidld lOr k11fN NOM kan MN dW M�o1Mnd Or P�id
<br /> by Lu�d�r b Uw d�N oi�ep�ym�rd bY 7Yu�tor. All wot� �N I.�n4�Io cPleo^�wlll (�)b�p�Y�bM on d�nd, NI!b��dd�d b th�bWno�
<br /> W ItN NoM�nd W�Dp�++�amon0�d b�P+1�M w�h a�ny IncaNm�M p�ym�nh b Mcortw dw durMsO Nlf� p)Ih�Mrm of wh►�PP�M
<br /> �W�Trwt«�i�o��•a�t�of�am unb�dQhbaPrd+�dW la k�i th�kp��r�pr�p�sh��N b�i�addN{on�b��oMwr�ilp li�sn�r�
<br /> nnMtMK b wMcA L�r�du mty b��on ooCOUM W fM dMtuN. AnY tuch�Clfon bY��shM nol b�co�+�trub�s ourkq Ih�dMsuN�o q b
<br /> p�r I„K�r irpm�ny nm�dy fh�t R othawiM wouW tuw Md.
<br /> WARRAItTYi OEFENf!OF TtiLE.TIN fdbwln7 ProvhtOnt nwt6rp!0 OWn�nMP W tM PrOp�Ay oY 11 Pul M k�OMd Of TinMt.
<br /> TqM. Trv�tor warnnt�fha� (�)Tnnlor h�pood and mutcN�bM tlfi�of nca'd!01M Prq�ty In M��NnpM,hM and aM�r of�M MpM�nd
<br /> mcu�Mxtnc«otMr than thaM Mt lorlh In Ihe RNI Pr�p�ry�rip Ifon a 1n tnY tl1e Mwrana po1CK.�nparl,a�rW�apk�Iwwd In
<br /> � a�a.�nd�ao�pNd by.L�ntbr in cotxwcMon wltH tAk -De�d W 7nxf,u�d (b)Tnislot haa 1M NN tipl�t,poww.and wM�orMy b MaouM�nd
<br /> ' dMlwr thM Owd ol Trusf to L�xler.
<br /> D�Nn�of'i11M. Subl�cf to tM�DMon In tM Danpr�h�bow.TruNor w�rtanb and wiY lorww d�1��d ih�YIM b 11N PraDKb+q�M M»
<br /> kwful eMlrtr d�II pKSOrN. In th�wr+it my�ctlon or proa�q M commmc�d Ih�t quMforN Tn�lor�tl�or Ihs kiMnM W Tne�W or
<br /> L�ntJ�r undK IMi l�d of Tru1t�Trtutor shll d�Nnd Ih��cYon�f TnxtOf��oq►M�N. Trulfar rtMY b�IfN rwmkNl p�Ay fn woh prODM�q,but
<br /> L�nd�r thell W�r►�d W p�rHdpah In tM proowdlrp and b b�npr�Md In th�praoMdfrq by ooun�M af LM�d�h own di01o��and
<br /> Tnxta wtM clNlwr.a causo to b�doCwnd,to L�nd�r such IraUum�nb u L�ndK moy nqwsl kom Ilrtw to Nrn�W punAt wch p�rMc�itan.
<br /> ConipMr� Wlth LMwa. Tnnta warranb fhat ths Proy�rty�nd Tnuta's uf�of tM Prop�rty canpMe�wkh ar�od�1M�p�ppMo�F�i�vw�
<br /> adlrwnoK.and npulaHorx of qovwnm�r►W authait�.
<br /> � COqOEIMNATIOM.Th�loltow(np provbtons rNatlrp fo cond�mnatbn prooMCNnps w�port of ft�is DNd M Trwt.
<br /> • AppNcatfoe�pf N�►i Prt�cMd�. If WI er any put of the RropMty 1�cond�rnn�d by�ntn�n!dorrwln proa�dkp�or by tny prawtirp a
<br /> pur�ch�s�In Mw of cond�mrwtlon,L�nde mry�t ib M�:tlon nquk�ttut W or Rny patlon of th�nN proc�of thd awwrd M�p�d b th�
<br /> Indobtatfness a lh�npak or nttonflon of th�Prop�Ay. Th�nN procoods of IM�wud sh�N m�an lM awerd�flK p�yrt»r�t of�naontb9�
<br /> coab,�mK,and nttorr�ya'1�tnoumd by Trustw or L.�ndK In conn�cttnn wHh tho cond�mnallon.
<br /> PiOCNdlnp�. If�ny prawdnp In cond�mnatlon li I+Nd,Truator thaM promptly notlry l.ond�In wdtlrp,�nd Tru�tor�h�M prompty Idc�wcN
<br /> � ttap�u rrMy b�n000sWrY to d�hnd ths actlon and obtaln tM awtrd. Trusta mey b�Ih�no+nM�l p�r1y In wch procwtllnp,�ul L�nd�r 6t�A
<br /> M�ntlWd M P�P�M M tM procNd�nD u�d b M nPnsenMd In tM proo�d�p b�cow»M W Ib own cholc��a.hd'frwlor wll delfwr a
<br /> � cau�to b�dM��nd to Lw�d�r tuch MsMurt�nb u tmy M nQUNt�d by k from Ym�lo Wn�b p�rmlt wch p�rifcipalbn.
<br /> Mn tnd ch�rp�s�r��(wt of lhtt DNd of TruxM
<br /> Cum�t Y�xeo,F�a arld CQMr��. Upon rptMSt by L�ndw,Trusta sh�N�a�cuM such docun�nb In addlMon W!hh DNd d Trwt and hk�
<br /> ���^u.T'�..r."`.w:....,..�.,��..�...d.,e�.�..�,�.�.,,,,���.�.�p1.Pa r�n en fh�Arl Prmrfy_ rnnLer�h�ll�rtmhue�L�ndr lor ar
<br /> � taxa9,Rs dssa�bad bMow,toQother with�II a�ns�s Inctxnd In roCardnq,--- np thl�DMd of Trust,Ind
<br /> YmMtlon�II Wca,h�s,docurt�ntuy�tamps,and otMr cherpe�fa�reccxd� ���°��Hnul udlnp w11Nou1
<br /> np npisbrinp thhl Qwd of Trwt.
<br /> T�ua�. TtN tdtowtnp sh�11 consUlut�tax�to whbh fhls aeatlon�pP�: (U�����P�thb ty�of DNd d Tnnt or upon�II or any
<br /> p�rt of lh�Ind�btWn�st Nound by Ihls I1Nd of Tnnh, (b)�sp�clfb 4x on Tnnta whlch Trutta a�uthoria�d a nqt�frYd b d�d+ut kom
<br /> p�ymenb on Ih�I�d�bl�dn�sf Mcund by IAfs tyrp�o}D�l of TYust; (o)�titt on thls typ�of OMd of Tnd�!Ch�rpMbl�apd�t tlt�L�ndK or _
<br /> Ih�hoida ot th�Notr,�nd (d)a sp�clfin t�x on aIl or any porUon ol t1N Ind�blednu�or on p�ym�nb of princlpd�nd k�IMwf macM by _.
<br /> Tnnta.
<br /> 6ub�wnf 4�xu. If tny tax to whlch thla cectlon pppl►os fs onoctetl Qub�quent to iM dato of Ih1s O�d of Trutt,thla ownt chatl tww ftw
<br />