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. ..'�q�� ' 1 •':. r t. )'.y........... ' � .. '�� .�_�__.. <br /> '3: <br /> �,� .. . . . . . .. . ♦�a.: r w r�',�.sist"_ <br /> i �.ti�i. ,• �. ...4... ..i !-< <1.v�•..�. ..pn7�.,. .:� v�K;•r�i.. . ,, ' . �.".-r3,�{jA�F`1�.. -..... <br /> .. .-� e. • <br /> .. ' .lyi� ....�w.s.t� R13Iy.(n:� Ii��S-. � kifN.kf...MJyi.w�.l.....JAY' ��5�)nit'- _. . <br /> - ,b y��'r'l�:S. . <br /> . . . . � ..i� . .�..wu�.u,.._..<�:--.. . _" ' "..::".__:�:_ . __ __ <br /> h=irH� .., ._.;.. <br /> _ ..�t'.?u4!'A+a ... <br /> . .� <br /> •,,�-`�� P�� a _ <br /> �►;���.,7L�6� �E�D OF��UST _ n�a��n�� <br /> � Luan No 2A233fl (Conttnued) baA �'�'�'�'�r __ __ <br /> ------��---_-__.�. ----�-s:.r-- __�:� �: <br /> �maY wcwclso any ono a mors of th�IWlowinp dphts and arrwdla,In addltion to�ny olher dphls a rerrNdlN PmNd�d by I�w: � <br /> . ,:{ AceNer�tion upon d�f�ufti AtidMlonal ReriNdMw 11�ny�wnt d dN�ull occu�s which a�ol cur�d wNhin IfBMn(16)da/��fNr a�N�i• Ietm�i <br /> - .�.:`' u ' th�Nrrra ol ttN NaN�scuad henby�L�ndK rt�y d�clan all IndobNd�wcun�by Ihb OMd o1 Trwt lo b�du��nd P+Y� <br /> � �hall IMnupon bacortw dw and P�Y,��1wiiao�,h up�^'tm�cl�d��n^er rotea�ayn�o�b�`y kl���b����u�d vAh0u1 <br />-_:�y�:.,,;'� - <br /> . ._y��� p) ritl�in pKSOn a�iy i�-'� .�•"•a ! <br /> rrt�rd to tho Kdaqwtcy of Itn s�auriry.�nIK upon and t�k�p�stRtelon W h�Prop�ty.a any psrl tl►K�of,In Ms c►wn nan�o w In ttN M►m� <br /> -�-- � of 7�u�tM.nnd do�nY�c�whlch It dMms noaasery ix dwlrqbq Qo pr��l� vs]M�'n�c..�6�Yw�i kj.�wao:r���nd.w{Ih a�� w�i�l _ <br /> `'•�.� 01 tM VfOpMty O�IBIKMf IO It1�PfOpKf�Irxxe�M'i'M incan�nuiii uw r��v�r•••••••••.•�•.--_.., _ <br /> �i;"vr� �- takiny potsau►lon ol th�PropKty�t�(a or athe�wf�odNot Ih�runb�f�tua�nd pro�b of th�Pro�Ay.k�dixM�p tha�P�dw u�d <br /> ����..�- unpvC�1�nd�Pph►th�artn�Ns�cats�nd�xp�nr�s d op�ratbn�red coM�c'�IaL Indudin��Itom�y� NM�b any indWMdnMe wGtK�d <br /> """"r ' by Ihb DNd of Trust,�ll In wch adK a L�nd�r rtwy d�9Kmin�. Th�snNrirp uPon and fakirp pou�t�on of th�Proa��aoM�cMnn <br /> -��" : of tuch nnb,lssuas�nd profits.and th��pD�aQn tt��of ttwl nof cun ar waivr any dNaull a notla W dMaull undM Ihb ONd dTrwt <br /> .- . or lnvaiidab any�ct dorw In�osponso lo such ddtull or ptxouant to tuch noda ol d�htufl�and, notwltht4nd�np th�conW�wna�M <br /> ._`.:Y�'�. oss�aslon M Nw PropMty or th�colf�ctlon,noNpt and apPlicatlon of nnb, bsws or prolib,TruslN or 1.�nd�r sMll be�tllMd lo <br /> `:.-;�. , ��wry tlpht proNdod for In tl►�iVot�a th�RMaWd Doourr�nta a by law upon the occurrena ol�ny�wnl W d�fauN.kidudin0lM <br /> .: '.`�j�, rlyht to axarclso tha powar of aaN; <br />�:'_...;� ;; �ntac�an �f 6M cownanb <br />-..:�.� vj} " (b) Commena an acdon to Ponctoss this D�ed of Trus2 ts a mortp���aPf�Wnl o rac�iv�x or sp�ciflc�Mfl Y <br /> :''��,:.�' 11KOOfi�t1d <br /> ,,�.�.. <br /> i"::., _ . <br />�_',;� (o) [�Wv�r to Trustea�wdlton da�eradon of dohult and d�mand for eaM�nd a wtltbr►not7a d dHaul!and w������ <br /> �..4 Inlerost In ttw Propwfy to G�soid�whbch noUu�Tnutw ehaN catn�fo b�dulY IGv!for ncord In tM+�PP�aP�► <br /> __�1=Y�� wh{ch th�Prop�rly le bca1W��nd <br />_.':�.Y"".-'..,,�� <br />:.;,�c' -�ai� (dj Wiit�r�c4 6o atl cr any p�t ol tt�Pt�orw_I ProSseny�L�nder sheN heve eN thm dOht��nd nrrwdfos ol�wcund WrlY undlr <br />.<'_..��,n+� Nobrukt UnHorm CommKCta1 Cods. Tnu1N�nd <br /> -;���'°r.�'6iM For�cbwn bll PowN o(3�M. IP l.�nd�r�Ncb to lonclos�by�uun�s�of th�Pow�r W S�b h��fn contakwd�L�ndu�h�M nolifY <br /> ��; ��' ah�p deposit tvith Ttuste�Ihfs Qeod o�Trust and the Note and tuoh reafpls and�vidsnce d�xpmditurM mad���d s�cur'�d bY I�Mod a <br />` '�`' Tntst u Tntstaa msy raquk�. <br />��."�' (a) Upon racolRt of such nolfce Bom Landw,Trus1M shaN c�tus�to bo recurded,publis►wd and d�Mvar�d to Tnisla auch NoOo!o/DMauM <br /> .r�d Moao.a Salv a ttwn r�ukod by Ww and by lhb D�of TruSL Tr�stea stwH,wfthoul domtnd on Trusta,at��r wch Ilm�n m�y <br />�;`.;.�.x� ttwn W rpukad by kw and�tia ncord�tlon of such NoqGw of DMaup and art�r Pkifa of S�I�haNrp GMn 0�as n�4ukrd bY Mw.NII <br /> lM PropKty et thr Hmo and pt�a W sW Ibad by R In tuch NoHa of Sak�sittwr as a whd�,or In�epae�M{ob or p�ro�it a M�ms e <br />-�=�n:;tq� Trusts�sh�1 daom�radMnf.�nd In auch ordw u R may dd�mir�,at pubNo auctlon to tM AlphKt bkftt�r tar cash In kwlul nforNy W <br /> ,_„z,�,.�'� G:a UnIMd Stata P�ribM tt th�tlrtw of wta. Trus1M shall de11vK to euch urctws�a P���thK�of IU pood wnd aillde►t dwd a <br /> dwda conwyinp ttN prop�+ty so cdd,but wNhout any cownant or wurran�y.�nts cr In+pA�d. Ths ndf�N In wch d�d af�^y matN�t <br /> - �°.._� or tacts sfwA b�condusive Prod of tM fruthtulnaf ttwraof. MY.pKCOn,l�iud(rg witlwut NmNallon Tn�tar,Trus1M,or IN�dK�nyY <br /> .-�'�"�' pwclwea at auch saN. � •� Y..._�......,,... <br /> _ _ (p) �y�Y�p�rmNl�d by kw��t1ar d�ductlnp�1 coslf.i�M'�ntl��c+�d inwiw�nd vi uis Ti�i:i,:�au��w....�...�......_� <br /> _,'`i� tltf�In ConnaCtlon wrih st►1o,�nna.sna�py m.a� pay�a p)w su�,..�.��a+d w�a.►u►�anr�.anis oaa a <br /> Tival ot und�t tt�Mrms ot iM Nob nd th�n r�pald,Inciudirp but nof Yrt�iMd to ioau�d in9enst�nd MM ChupM, (A)M dMr sunw tAM1 <br /> ,,,�� s�cund h�nby��nd (11�)�he nm�ndix�M�ny�b ttN pwson a p«san Mp�llY�tltlrd u►�r�to. <br /> -- (c) 7rucMe maY In tM m�nn�r Provid�d bY�W Po��at�of�!I a�nY Portion of tM PropKty. <br /> RenNdles liot Dcc�uMv�. Tnnta and L�ndor.�nd wch d thsm,s1u�1I W eMilled W MMor�a MYrt�nt d�d�rt��os a�nY kMsbl�� <br /> or obMpaUOrK s�c�x�d by thFS Dwd d Trust lnd to ax�rds��A rlphb rnd powars undK tN�Daed M Tnnt�unda•th�tyoM�und�r a�ry of IfM <br /> (��Ilad DOCUfMflb�OI U(IdK l�ly OIhK�Q�M1Mf11 Of Iltly IYWS 4101Y Of fMfN}IY�111(O(O�i flOtWNhi1UTN�f1Q�iOrtM 0(f1 Of illCh kld�bMd111N <br /> .�a onuwua�s acu�.d by tna o..d a T�may now or n.n.nK«wis.�.cuna,wr�+n..ay m«w�o+,aMd a au.e,v�.�, <br /> .,,���►or�n«w�w. NafttfK tM�co�pttno�of thia Do�d of Tnnt nor Ib sntao�rNnt,wh�thK by CouA�rllon a puratMnl b Ihs pow�r of <br />-----= 6W a athK PowKS coaWn�d In Ihft ONd of Trust�ahaN PrNuda a M ar►y mnnr�r�Mat Tnut»"a or L�ndr`i dpt�t b nMa� upon or <br /> �ntac��ny ofh�r e�ciMiY now or h�naftK hNd by TrustN or L�r►dM.R bNrq�Md th�t Tna�iN and LM�du��nd Mch d Ol�n.N�b� <br /> .�.d w.nrorc.fna w.a a nus���a am�••��r�ww a he�M1W'?�Nd by LM�dor a TnpIN In t�Dit ord�t�nd nNtw�lr�s Ilwy 9r <br /> �Itlr.r of M»m m�y In fhNr�6solul�dbonUon dNKrtdn�. No nrt�M���or nNrwd b Tru�1M or Lr��It M+N��O�d b b� <br /> aoaiwh�e d�nY oth�r�'�"��0��ia a r�ww ub���r�q at k���QuFty or by tlatuM. E��wfi�porwr a hrtwdy ph�w��M� <br /> (�par m�Of�UN R�WNd DOCUrMnlS tA TrutlM Or I.N►dK or to wMCh Nttxr Of tf�tn n�y W GltMrwiN K�wd. may 0��MCM�d, <br /> pursw 1 onsisl�n�t�cll�. NOthirp lo thb Ds�d ol Trust sMN bi Cor�strs�d prolAb�IMp l,�r�d�r �Mickq a d�CfMl�►jtldpe��t <br /> apN�t tM T�uslot t0 dN�nt SuCh�Ctlon b petmitM�d by kw. <br /> _._.-.� <br /> �i�quat For Na1iC�. Trustor,on bN�oif o!Ttu�tar and L�►dK.Mroby rWwsb ihat�copy M any Notla of ONwN md a copy of eny N�Na <br /> d S�M und�r U�k ONd of Tnisl b�rt�Md lo tfs�m�t ttK addr�s a�forih M ihs IiM Pu�ph of tt�it UMd <br /> -„ _ W�tvK;ENCtbn+�f R�nwdM�. A walv�by any RartY of a bn�ch d�R��of INs DMd W Tnat RhY noE oo�tlhM�w�N�r o1 a <br /> ��provtd�in tl b ONd�T�stto tM Nof�,In amr R�ilaNd DocurtNnl, pror�� b kaw sl��ll �oodud�ptnulfy d�llny�nn��d^y!► <br /> �pwfarm s1�N�atNci i.�n�ht to td�d�r�a dMaull and�b�ioc�nds���i�ny�of Ns n�n�M.undK 41Ae DNd o1 Tru�t�fMr I�x+�af Tn�ta fo <br /> _ �qfo�nryi�F�s;ptpMrp. il L,�ndK IrK1Nut�a sny sutt a�cUon lo�Mao��mr of th�4�rma-ot Mf�Owd W Tn�t,L�r�st�b�M�d b <br /> - ncowr wcb wm as t�w couA may adjudp�nason�bl��allan�ya'NM d tri�l�nd on�ny�pp�Y. Wh�thw a not�ny oourt�olfon k <br /> Imolvrd�a11 nason�bw�ax�s tncunsd by L�nO�r whfch In l�ndw�opinbn�n r�sW al any Wn�kr IM�oMcNwi of Ib MiMrwt w tlw <br /> — _ �nloro�n�M ol Ils riphb thaN b�com�a pail of tM ind�bt�dn�ss payabb on d�m�nd anA�h�N bw I+�Kt at!h�Nob nM fcom 1M daa uf <br /> ----=__ �ndilun unlH npNd. Exp�ns�s cown0 by thb pv�pnph Indude,withoul�mi4Uon�howwK subjoct to�ny'Nrt�und�r�ppllcabf�kw, <br /> --^"°=���� UndK's attorrnys'fs�s whethK cr not th�n ia a lawsuit.ladudiny attan�ys'kN for bankruAkY P���^0��^d�^���l0 modly or <br /> -=n`��� vacat�any automatb atay ar InJunctlon),aPPsals and any anticlpatsd posl-JudprtwM cdlectlon sa�Ac��,fM cost o�s�uclMnp ncads.obtalNnp <br /> =�-Y•�;,�� riW roport�(indudi^O toraGo�uiy�P�)��urwYas'wporis.oppnbal ha�.WN i�uuran��and Na fa th/T�inMr�to tt,��lonl parn�IMd by <br /> -_-�,=u�;_� aPP��+law.7nuta atso wil pny�ny court cab,la�dditlore to a11 athK aum�provid�d�y law. <br /> --�-"4�'°��`� RI�Es of Tn1�te�. Truste�shtN haw eN ot tM riphts Rnd dW�s of L�nd�r�i aet faki In U�is a�clion. <br /> -y�'�,�r��� POWERS A[�W OBl10ATi0MS OF TFiUSTEE. TM tollowlnp provlslons roletlnQ to th�pow��and obMp�tlora of 7YUt1N�pet�11hi�ONd of <br /> .�;Yrxfri'��� TtUtL <br />- --�-L•�� ppy��[s M Ttuae�. In addtHon to�N pow�s ol Trus1�arislnp�s a mt1Mr af Iow.Tn�sbo stwl h_awJ�IyM pop+�w./r�!a Wur tJh�fWowkpp��c�aN <br />�\Ji�F� ���(IN 1�1��•"'����N��fl��� <br /> ----:, _1�"-� wHh ras[r�ct to fh�Rrqvrty uPon tM writMn nQuKt d l.�nder and Tnntor.�ldn In ...,..�..,.....�...�...M u�.a..�vrmrM <br /> =.;:=y:.L v IfIC1UaI11Q�h0 d�dCa400 Of S1IMl!Or OR�npr�to[rs Ptiow:� W!Mu m y�s�mry�n�w�..•.�...^..�-��..�:�-------'" _"' '- - .. <br /> �:�� and (c)�dn In any subadlnatlon or ottar apreemant QfhcHnp lhls D�ad o�T�ust or tha{nterost d Landor undaz thls Do�d of Tnpl. <br /> �`W=�r�" ���`•�`�'= TruNa. TrustM shaN m�st all quauACatlons roqulred tor Trustes under appNC�bte I�w• In addlBOn to Iha dphla and nrtNda s�l forTh a6�vs. <br /> _ ��.�. G. <br /> = �-�; . wlth respect to au or any part of lhe PropalY�the Trusteo shall haw tha rfpht to torsctos�by notla and salo,and Lond�sh�N h�w ttN o <br /> �- �w'"�'`'-v,� tanclose by Judlcl8l toroclosure,tn allher case In eCCOrd8nC8 wlth and to lh�tuN exlent provlded by aWpltcabN law. <br /> -.. ,-. <br /> _ �'"%..;;}t,-�-e�� <br /> ::=:.:j,�ui{?�, ; t��YTicYNCU�t d 4 d adcn wFecfpad bypL nder and recnordod In tt►a opf�a�of ttw�ord�of hU41L Countyuai��ppolntod A�rwnder by�n <br /> Nabnska. Th�IM1run»M�M11 <br /> ^^; '`"<'�y`�• contnln,In addia0n lo dl ather mnNxs�aqulred by sfate tnw,ttw nnmos of thA orlpinol lw�dor,Ynutos,tnd Tructa,tM book�nd{�(or <br /> _�;.•.: � „ compular systom rotaronca)wlaro tl�ls D�d of Tntst Is rocorded,�nd lh�narrN an0 addnss of tM cuawza hutiM,arid IM k�trumMt NW <br /> <��•�;n bo axecul�d tnd ackrwwladpNd by�tl the Derwlldarias und�lta Do�d of Tnist or tlwk st�ocat�ors In InMrost. TM wooKfor MutM�,without <br /> _-�.�r���,:�, ;;„ convayana ol tAa Proporty,ch�0 suxe�d lo oll ltw titl�,powar,and duNa conk�rad upon tM Trustw In thls Owd of Trvs!and by�ppKc�6f� <br /> lew, Thk prpcadu�o tar substilutlon of trust�shaN povan to fAe�xcluslon of aN olt►K provlslam tor tubstllW�n. <br /> �'��;tr,�p''����. NOTtCE8 TO TRl18TOR ANO OTfER PARYIES. Ary notla undK Mb D�ed W Trust stul�In wrltlrg�nxy b�b�Mnt by 1M�.md th� <br /> °�c.:'`",'"•-�, be eN�cMvs wh�n�clwMy dellv�ed�or wMn deposlted wNh�natlonaNy rocoprdzad ove�nlpM coudor���M n!�,��b!��d MfiCNr�wMn <br /> � <br />