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<br /> � �,.• t 3. Maintenance. The pa�tiea hereto aqree to maintain the
<br /> r° �
<br /> 'ry respeakive dr veway improvemonts in a usable, neat, and uniform
<br /> �;;,s�t�;�;r;:i��� , manner, ao that the overall appearxnce of the eafd driveway
<br /> ,. . �,___.____�._
<br /> _ -� ;,���,;,a,;��-_� improvements ia that of one driveway. Each party will stand t e ` _ �
<br /> �� � � expenae of upkeep and or replacement of theix respsctive�drive-
<br /> . ';-;3t.: :..';.� ways. If either party should areate damage to th� other e driveway,
<br /> ° � thsy should stand the expsnae of repaira.
<br /> ;��5:: . . � . ,; � --
<br /> ,..+,.
<br /> �=_�,��° �'s . , . . 4. Gara e. First Party and Second Party agree to maintain �1.-;�___
<br />;,�.�. .,: � . •� • their xespective one-half of the common garage in good condition �__ ____
<br />:��, , � and repair at all times. Each party ahall confer with the other �;,�:;,�,�•,;:_�..-:--
<br /> . ��•'•• ^� regarding painting, roofing, and other repair so as to make their �___
<br /> ��R�� �:,,°� :. - � ' respective portion of the common qaraqe compat3ble in appearance
<br />.�:,. ° and structurally aound at all times. First Party shall be res-
<br /> � pansible for the cost of maintenance of that part of the common m _
<br /> � . . - .., , garage situated on First Party's real estate, and 3econd Party _
<br /> ,...; ' " ,"` ahall be responsible for the cost of maintenance of that part of _ __
<br /> � the common garaqe situated on Second Party's real estate. Neither
<br />, °. '"� ,����� . party shall structurally alter, demvlish, or remove t he ir respec t i v e ��:.-
<br /> � � '' one-haJ.f af the common qarage without the aonsent of the other � .�
<br /> : nor shall either party interefere with the other party's riqhtful __
<br /> �� uae of the garate.
<br /> �..:.,..�. h�� - -
<br /> f 5. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the ���,,�
<br /> �• � parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, ��;'���=
<br /> ., a S't°'�^'.'' BqGOe880r8� and assigns. —_
<br /> .. . �ry:�r.iv�-=-
<br />_-- — �_- IN WITNESR WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands ��
<br /> ' and seals the day and year first above written. �"`�"':
<br /> . ��;
<br /> ', �,a�w.
<br /> .. �+:_--
<br /> �. � /' -----
<br /> � n ----
<br /> � ' Elvera . CCartney ��,L.__
<br /> ' � FIRST PARTY �`�`�•:.+.-��•
<br /> . � � --� rc-�'.*- _
<br /> � � � � ��R�
<br /> .� ..a' , . C;'Lv •�• I —
<br /> ., U � harles . Proud- (�:"'., - _ _
<br /> .. - / � ,c,�,� L�..;;�r�
<br /> • Ruth Ph is Proud ��°'"'"=='`_
<br /> �b��^-�v�-
<br /> SECOND PARTY ����'�'�'�=
<br /> ., �.�:,,:_
<br /> o , STATE OF NEBRASKA ) :"=Y:r y�
<br /> . , ) s s. .�s':;s;_�
<br /> � -`.''� • COUNTY OF HALL �
<br /> �f�'�',l'�f�..�_
<br /> , ,.;,; �-�.:
<br /> .����. . � The foreqoing Party Driveway and Garage Easement was acknowledged ' �� �� ;
<br /> ° before me on March �, 1992, by ELVERA J. McCARTNEY, a single .
<br />' person, for the purpos s therein stated. �� ,
<br /> �•_,
<br /> 1 '
<br /> � �GEIERIII.�TARY,�11 d N�kast�
<br /> �RU�D`O�R�.V'a'� No ub c
<br /> � My commiasion expires : ..�j��U� �q`1�`�
<br /> , ' STATE OF NEBRASKA 1
<br /> � ) ss.
<br /> The foregoinq Party Driveway and Garaqe Easement was acknowledged
<br /> before me on March '�_. 199Z� by CHARLES W. PROUD and 12UTH
<br /> �� PHYLL'IS PROUD, husband and wiie, Lor cne purp���s t1�CLGii♦ s�.:t��-
<br /> � 7
<br /> pGENEAAI MOiAl1Y•SUU ot NeWUU �'��`t'f , -/�'�• �j /-� � �t .
<br /> 1j� ROBERTA L FEEU �
<br /> �� �•-a,4-.MrComm fxp )up�o•��4 —� Notary bl ic
<br /> .
<br /> � i f
<br /> . . . - _-
<br /> , _ _ _
<br />