14 l"� .. - . . ,. , .� � - .'�,�..�.aw:+_
<br /> .�'Y,f1� ' .. ` .. � r� . . .. .. . �� ��:���.7M1.o.����a'rwvwoc.'.cici`"
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<br /> - „ � !ly_y,.•r�.;... .�� ; _ . ..,.. - «h., qyr 4��ni.,• . .
<br /> _, . . N�?oQ ' , •,
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<br /> ,,. �«..��� � ,.anrN�l0iY17« �wiMM�P(�. . -� -- - •t�ll�#a+r��r1�.�. -,+.t,... __�._....._s—. . ._ . . . .. .—
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<br /> A. INSURANCE. Tru�tor, at ito sxpms�,wNl malntafn wHh In�unro approwd Gy B�n�ticfuy, Imur�na wMh nap�ct to th� _
<br /> `� Imprcwm�nb and pmond proparly.�on�fRutlnp th�Prop�rty,np+iln�t bn by r.r�,fighYntnp,inmr�;u,a��u u'u`�a,Ne��n�h="!d' � �,
<br /> cov�rocl by�tandard�xbnd�d covorw�o oncloraom�nt,b�Cn amount equal ta nt laer!ono hur�dred psrcanl o}th�fu�l nplacem�rtt � -
<br /> vatuo th�reof and irinur�neo apa;nct euch oi7csr hexerd�c!nd In cuch crnQUnt�e3 l3 cu�tornedty cr.rrlod by ovm�re end operatare ot �
<br /> � �ImOar propertl��or n�O�roficN►ry m�y r�quft�lor Ra prot�dbn.Truttcr wNl oomply wilh�uch oth�t r�qulrsmantr ae B�nNfck►ry may
<br /> , ��•„ trom lkn�to tkns rpuwt for th�prot�ctbn by In�unn�01'��intaatto 01 th�rs�tp�CJw putw�.AN In�ur�nc�polkN�mdntdn�d
<br /> .. � pur�u�nt to thM DNd of TruN shap n�mo TruKa end B�n�Mla�ry a insund�,��th�ir nap�ctive Int�r��tt maY dippssr,�nd provid� _
<br /> � th�!th�ra sh�ll b�no canc�llaticn or modiAcRtbn wNhout no N��lh�n 16 dsy�prbr wr'�t�n nottflc�tbn to TruetN�nd Bon�fiaiary.in R-
<br /> ..� t��.eu:rt w�yr p:.�,r h:reastsdsr b na!ren�en er beMre 1Q day.orior to k��xck�Non d�te,TNStw or B�n�t�►ary may proa�r� k
<br /> �uch vuurana In accordana wRh ths provEsbn�04 parepraph A.E h�r�ot.Truetot�hall d�Yv:r to D�n�fleN�ry th�oHpinal poNcl�of
<br /> ' Inwr�nca�u►d rensw�ls tharwf ar m�mo cnpfeo 09�uch pol�riac a�u1 rcn_::�a th=rcot.Fc'!uro to Aimbh euch Ineur�no�by Trwtor, ��
<br /> ���iv�=��.�. or nrnww u r�quk�d h�rwnd�r�h�,�t M�optkm of H�n�nciary��on�uu��R d•iRU�.
<br /> ,_� 6. T/USEB,A88E8SMEN1'8 AND CHAR4E8.Tru�tor�h�N p�y�il tun�,u�n�mento end othor ch�rp�t,Inctudinp,without �_
<br /> �.-�T Iimitatlon, 1inM and Imposkbn� �tUibutabN to th�Prop�rty� and�hoW paym�nb a pround r�nb. N any, b�tor�th� �am+� _
<br /> ttr
<br />• F»come d�Nnqu�nt Tru�tor th�ll prompMy furnMh t4 B�n�Rcl�ry aN notic�t o1 amounb du�u�der thM pnr�flraph,and fn th��wnt _,
<br /> . Tru�tor�haH mak�paym�nt dirodly,Ta�to►�hRN prompNy t1�rnNh to B�n�flclary aaipb�vid�nclnp�uch paym�nt�.Tn+�tor�hsA �
<br /> � � pay aN taxee nnd aesNSm�nts whk�may b�NvMd upon Bm�flci�ry'�InNnn h�nln or upon MM ONd of Trwt wRhoul np�rd to =_,
<br /> ;' ..� . � eny{aw that may 6e�nacf�d Imi��9 WYm�nt of th�whob a Nny p+�n th�nof upon th�B�n�flei�ry.
<br />_° � _.
<br />`=�"�j•�••�`, 6, qDpITIONAI.LIENB AND PRO'fECT10N OF BENEFICIARY'�BECURITY.Trunor shRY mak�aq paym�ntn of Inbr�ot�nd _
<br />�;•;•.•'�. .� ' principal �nd paymonb of�r►y oth�r chupn, i� �nd uc�n�N oontr�ct�d to b� WJd to�ny �xMtlnQ Ii�n holdan or prbr
<br /> '`• '� ' t»n�ficlnri�s und�r�ny prbr d�ed u1 hutt or rtwrtpsy�beios�ths dal�1h�y�n d�NrWu�n!u�d prornptly pay�nd dMchup��ny nnd _
<br />=�,i;4�.j:'.;�': , �II nth�v N�n�,cl�kn�a chrup�s wh{ch rrµY l�op�rdl��th�wcurity pr�nhd h�nin.Ii Trwtor te�N�to m�lc��ny such p+iymsnt or h�iN
<br />-_. t-•��r to p�r(orm�ny of th�cownant��nd�prNm�nb conWn�d in thM DNd of T�u�L a In�ny prior mort�A�or dMd of WN,or N�ny
<br /> �r.'ti'v�,1r'. adion or proo��dkK�M comm�nad vfikh m�rl�Ny�M�cts �tisluy'� inbrwt In th�Propery� ksckxllny�but nM i1mR�d to.
<br /> �.';`°�•"�. !�. emM�nt dom�in ptocMdfny�,or proc��diny�Inv�elvY�p a d�eW�nt a tl 7tu�ta h�NY to pay Trustor'�doGii���taRy ca th:y�aeome `
<br />-�,��_,ti,i���.�;. dw,th�n B�n�ficMuy,�t B�n�/iciuy'�oRtion and wkhaR nottco to or demand upon Truator�nd wfifiout nMasing Tru�tor kom�ny
<br /> � �� oblip�tbn he�und�r, may m�fn such app�Rr�na�� 6wbu� �uch �ums end t�k� �uch �etfon +u N n�aswy to Prot�c!
<br /> ,.:..:��_,_�;�. Ban�ficluy'�Mt�nst� indudk►p� but not Ikirtibd to�ditburwm�nt oi rwoneb{�ettom�y'� 1+�i� paym�nt purchu�� oonhft or
<br /> - campromfa of�ny�ncumbr�nw�chup�or N�n,�r►d�ntry upon th�ProF»rty to mak�np�k�.In dH�wnt th�t Tru�ta�haM hUl to
<br /> ,A'Y� procua In�ur�nco or to pay tua�,eue���mant�,or eny oth�r chuQ��or to mak�any paym�nb t4 any�xhtlnp prior i�n hotd�n a
<br /> 4=-��;.-- y�rnflci�rin,g�n�ficlary rtMy procun such frnur�na u�d mak��uch paymmL My�mounb daburs�d by B�n�ficWy Fv+nuant to
<br /> �T t thM Per�qraph A.e�h�ll bssoma�ddiNor►�I indsbt�dn�sa of Tru�ta s�cursd by thM DNd of TrutG 8u�amounb �h�ll b�paysbM
<br /> ';�'� upon nolia hom �mflelay to Tru�tor rpuNt[np paNment tfiewf,u�d�Adl b�eu k�t�r��t hom th�data of dfsbun�mw�t at th�
<br /> �'!�T•, ���pRy�lrorn tlm�to tlm�on oubt�ndinp prk�c1p�1 undar th�NnN un{�ss paym�nt of Utan�t at�uch ret�woukl bs contrary to
<br /> appYcebM kw, In whk;h �wnt such unounb sh�ll bear int�t a!th�hiph�st rat�p�rmis+ibl� und�r appNcabM law. Nolhlnq
<br /> �`-"--�__,� contak��d In lhM Purpnph A.e�h�ll rpuke B�nsflcduy to incur any ucp�ns�or tek�any actlon h�r�und�r.
<br /> '„^'�s'!�y
<br />-���
<br /> tf. i t icr ivii3 i i3nL1'i nBR�i"riFii:
<br /> ----ti.s�� 1. A83IONMENT O�RENTB.B�n�flci�ry�h�ll h�vo the tipht,povwr and authorily durk�p tlw oontlnwma of thN G�d o}Taat
<br />--='��'�-�_��-__� to ooN�ct ltt�r�N,b�uN and profRs of th�Ptop�rry a�d o1 any P�nort�l P►oP�nY bcnt�d lhsi�on wkh a wRfiout tekkW Poss�ubn
<br /> --_..�,,,--- of the prop«ty�M�cNd h�nby��nd Trosto�Mnby�bsolut�y nncl onoonditbnaly�alpn�rl such nnts�IauN end profib W
<br /> -�=�y B�rntk�ry.B�n�ffet�ry�how�wr�Mnby aonwnb to ttw Trustat'�ooN�tion uid robntlon of wch nnh.keuw�nd prolk��r th�y
<br /> --°"'""-�=o:�sa �ocrw�nd b�oorr�paY�bN w bnp u Trusta M not.et�uch tlm��In dNauk wMh rnpoet M paym�rn of�ny fnd�badnsw�wnd
<br />.-_._.-:==a h�nby,a fn f}►�pNlormanc�of�ny�pn�m�nt Mnun6a.Upon�ny sueh d�fauk,B�n�Ackry m�y�t�r►y tim�,�kh�r In psnon,t�Y
<br />_ - ag�nf,a by�noNwr to b� �ppokiMd bY a courR wifhout notia�nd without ngard to tM adpurcy of�ny�curity ior th�
<br /> -- - intf�bNdn�a Mnby Mcurad�W�nt�r upon�nd t�pos�slon of th�Prop�rty or any part thxwf,�nd In fN own nemr�u�1or or
<br /> -- - oth�twM�oolNct wch rMb,fauM�nd profib,IncludinQ tlws�p�tt dw u�d unpafd�Rnd epply th�s�mo,fsw ootb ond�tp�nsN
<br /> - _,�� of op�r�tlon�nd ooM�ctbn�IfICIt1AMfO ffYOf1�DM�OtM�/N�,upon�ny indsbt�dn�a socund t»r�by�and In�ueh atd�r a�
<br /> ,. �ivy may d�t�rmin��(b)P�rtortn�uci��ch o1 np�k a protktbn M may b�nw�stuy or prop�r to oonNrw th�v�lua M th�
<br /> - Propwty�(o)Ma»tFw w�w or�ny part tl»noi 1or�uch nMel�t�rm��nd upon�uch oondidon�aa ib�udpm�nt+n�y dict�ts or
<br /> I�rmNwt��or�Nt 1M t�rmo�nd conditbrn of�xl�tlnp IMNO.UnNu Truftor rnd B�nMclatY tliK�of aprN otMrvri»in wtNinp�
<br /> - w►Y�PP�of nM�.M�uN a prol�s to�ny ind�bbdn�Mcur�d h�r�by�luitl nd�xE�nd ov po�tpon�tM dw d�h of th�
<br /> ' InstWn��t payn��ts M prov{d�d fn �id ptpmiNOry noN o► dunp� th� �fnWM o} �tidt InthfAnMb.Th� �nt�thtp upan�nd
<br /> --�- -- t�icY►ypo�slon of tM Prop�rly�fM ooW�Ctbn oi�uch nnt�,itsuN�nd ptofib��nd 1M+ppMc�tion C��r�ot rtt dotM�id,�h�N not
<br /> — w�iw ar cun�y d�Muk a nwfa af dM�ault Mnund�r or InwNd���ny ect don�punwmt to wd�noek�.Trustor�Mo�aipn�b�
<br /> - B�rnRefry,w fu�e�curllY to►tfi�P�rlbrm�na of 1!�obMpMfon�Mcund 1»nby��il p»Mld nnts at�d NI monlN rrhlch m�y
<br /> huw bNn or m�y h�nalNt b�d�po�Mod with Wd Trustor by�ny fw�of tM Prop�riy�ta Ncun 1!h p�yrn�nt of any»M a
<br /> - -= dampw,a upnn wiw�4�4`������:,:.z':•T�at tfio;.rc:'r�.�hes�l,Trt�r�3rars tn rf.liwr ukh n�s and d��xs to
<br /> = 8�11cMry.D�Nwry of writhn natto�of B�n�AcUryr�ex�rcf�of th�riphb pr�nt�d ha�in�to�ny bn�nt oocuPYinQ t�ld pnm�sN
<br /> - �h�il b�wtAcf�nt to nquk�aW hnant to p�y nnt W tM Be►�TiclarY until furtMr notice.
<br /> �„�� 2. L'ONDEMNATION.If litl�tu�ny p�rt of th�prop�rty shaN b�t�lccn In oond�mrwtbn procr�dinp�,by tfpht of�min�nt domein
<br /> __�� a similer�ctbn�a shaN b�wld und�r threat of eoM�mn�don,�11 award�,dame�N�nd pronodt�r�h�tsby assfy�wd�nd eh+�ll b�
<br />---------_ paid Eo B�nMcMry�N�o ehaN epply�uch aw�rd��dM�QN{fl1I PI'Od��W tM wm wcund by thh De�d of TruN.wRh th��ocoa�,
<br /> _-°�_-- N�ny�P�Id b TruNor.it Tru�tor roalvw any noeo�or otMr kifortnaAlon npadkp such�ctlnn�or procMdkp�,Trwtor�haN piw
<br /> --=-�� P�PR�+�notie�tMnof to B�n�1kMry.B�nsAdary shdl be�ntithd.at ib optlon�to comm�nes�MMu In�nd proaeu6�hn fb
<br /> -_-_-_�„�: own n�uny�uch�dion a pr�cNdhp�and sh�ll 6��ntitlrd to mak�any compromM�or sNtNm�n!fn oonn�with wny�uch
<br /> ---��.,•�• edbnorpraMdM+�•
<br /> .,-.,._.,
<br /> -^���� 9. FZITURE ADVANCEB.Upon nc►u�st of TN�tor,8�n�flcluy at B�n�Aciery'�optbn�Prb►to nt:onwy�na of!h�Prop�rty to
<br /> _--�_"�l
<br /> ��"'¢^�-,- Tnuta,may m�fc�Ntur��dv�na�to TrurMr. Such futur��dvancN,witl�Int�rN!tl»rwn,th�ll b�s�cund by thN Trust
<br />_=ri:i,{��;;.�� whM�vid�nad py prpmfepry notn�fatiny that�Nd rtotw na s�cund hsnby;provfd�d thnt at no tims sh�N ths s�cund ptincfp�l,
<br /> -=°��"�:•' _ futun�dvancw,not Includin�wm�rdvana►d to prot�.t th�s�curity��xoNd Two Wundnd p�ro�n!(20096)ot Me orlpind Prk�dpv
<br /> _-: r.•._r..•av
<br /> _.�,,:�.{���," M10Uflb NCUf�t1�flby.
<br /> -�� .��-.�. �
<br /> s�;v�,r„
<br /> 4. REMEDIES NOT EXCW3IVE. Tru�tN �nd B�n�ficiuy, �nd �aeh of th�m, �hW br �ntitled lo �nMrc� p�ym�nt and
<br /> --�. �'� p�riorm�na ot u►y Ind�M�dn�u or obtlDatbns wcund h�nby�nd lo�x�rdas�11 rfphb and pow�n und�r thM D�sd of Trust or
<br /> ���'�+=-��� � und�r�nv oth�r aarNm�M�x�ctit�d In conn�etloe�h�nwith or�ny kan now a h�n+R�t{n tora,nolwNh�dfny�oms or�p ot th�
<br /> ..'�:h�'��`°� such tnd�bt�dn�s��nd obNqat3on�s�cund her�Ay mny now or n�nefar w om�rww�Ncv�sd��n.m.r o�r moRu�:��+:::.��`°:�
<br /> -='�^::• �. � phdtj�,li�n,ani�nmKa!or olh�rwls�.N+Hh�r th�scxsPtanc�of lhN DNd ot Trutt nor Ih�ntorc�m�nt whNh�r tiy cowt�dbn or
<br /> - x Pu�eu�nt to th�pow�r ai ata or oth�r pov�nn h�nln cantak►�d,�haN pnjud�.y or In nny mnnn�r�tf�t 7ru�tN'�or B�nNkiary'� _
<br /> � ripht to n+�li:�upan or�ntorc�u►y othtr��curity now or h�nsMr h�ld by TrustN or�nNfcluy,k belnp e�qrosd lhRt Tru�end
<br /> _ ` . B�n�flclery,snd��ch of Ih�m.�haN b� �ntiti�d to�ntorc�tfiM DNd o1 Tru�t and�ny otMr sYCUriry now w Mr�R�r held by
<br /> • B�n�fictsry or Tru�in�uch ord�r�nd m�nn�r u th�y or�KMr of th�m may In th�ir ab�dut�dNcntlon d�t�rm4n�.No nm�dy
<br /> - ' � • h�tNn coni�rt�d upon or at�rwd to Tru� ot B�n�lkluy N Ird�adM to be�xclu�lw at any oth�r nmrdy h�nln or by ktw
<br /> .' provld�d a p�rmltt�d. but�ech�hall b�cumut�tlw�n�ah�ll br In�ddf�an to�wry oth�r rMm�dy ptwn h�nund�r or now or _
<br /> • h�rwR�r uclaUnp at kw or M equfry or by�tatuh. Ewry pow�r or r�m�dy pravid�d h�nunder thM Ds�d of Trun to TruN�ot
<br /> � � 8�fickuy or to whkh�ith�r o1 th�m msy b�oth�rort��entit�d,may h��x�rc0��d,oonGUn�nty o�Ind�p�nd�nUy,ftom tlm�to tlm�
<br /> ' +'^ and eu oMn a may b�dNm�d�xp�dl�n!by TrustM or B�n�ficlnry and�khn of lh�m msy punw Inconsht�nt nm�dfw.Nothlnp
<br /> �� � • h�rNn shaN b�con�tru�d��prohibRinq B�n�Reiery trom�s�klnp�dsficNncy�udpm�n!Mpdn�t th�Tnutor to th��M�nt ouch�ctbn
<br /> ," � h p�rmkt�d by law.
<br /> � . 00T011 N�bnNu OOT620.0.7
<br />