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If sarrawer fnils to mcdr�tnin covcrage describc:d nbovc, l.ender muy, ut Lcnder's <br /> option,aUtuin covcrr�ge to pratect L�ender'y rights in the Prupeny in accordnncc with puragruph 7. <br /> All insurnnr.e�llcies nnd renewals shnll hc acceptable to Lender snd shal! ii�cli�de a standnrd mort�;uge clause. l.e��der <br /> �I►all P►avc ihc riAlit to lfold d�e policics un�renewals. If L.cnder rcqulrcs, f3arrowcr shall protnptly give to L.cndcr nll reccipts af <br /> puid or�mlun�v nnd renewui uoticQS. In tl�e event of loss,l3orrawer shall Aive prQmpt noYice to the insurmce carrler and[.ender. <br /> I.c�xler nwy nuzke proof af loss if nat madc promptly by Horrowcr. <br /> Unless Lendcr And F��rrower ott►erwise agree in proceeds Fhall t►e nppliecl to resroratian�ir repair of the <br /> Propeny dumaged,if tha restoration or re�air is econamict�lly fcasible and Lender's security is not lessened. xf tiie restoration or <br /> repalr is not ecaiomicuUy fcasible�r Lertder's security would be Iessened,the insurance prcx;ecds shnll be applicd to thc swns <br /> securec! by tf►is Security Instnunent, whether or not tlun due, with nny cxcess pnid to Aorrowcr. If Borrower abanduns the <br /> Protxrty, or does nat answcr within 30 days n notice from Lender thut the insnrunce carrier hns offercd to settle n claim, tl�en <br /> I.cnder may collert thc insurnncc procecds. Lender �nay usc tl�e proceeds tu repnir or restorc the Property or to pay sums <br /> sccurcxl by this Security Instiumen:, whcther ar nat then due. The 30-day period will bebin when the natice is given. <br /> Unless Lender nnd Horrower otherwise agree in writing, any applicntion af proceeds to princlpal shall not extend or <br /> postponc tl�e due date oC ttic moniiily paymcnts rcfcrccd to in paragrnphs I and 2 or changc tt�e nmow�t of the puyments. If <br /> u�xler paragrnph 21 the Property is acquired by I..ender, Rc�nower's right to any insurartee policies nnd proceeds resulting fr4m <br /> dama�e to the Proper�y prior to tlse acqeisitlon shs�tl pass to I.tnder co iha extent of thn suins srcured by this Secarity Instnnmsnt <br /> immediately prfor to the acqufsition. <br /> 6. Ucrupancy�Pr�.wervAtlon�Mafnten�nce�nd 1'rotectton o!the P'roperty;Borrower's I.oan Appilcallon;l.easehold9. <br /> Rorrower shall occ�py,estAblish,and use the Peoperty as Borrawer's principal residence within sixty days after thc execution af <br /> thls Socurity Instniment and shall continuu to c�ccupy the Property as Bunower's principal residence for at Seast one y�ar after <br /> the date of occupancy,unless[,eixter otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not bc;unreasonubly withhdd, ur unless <br /> eatenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Iiorrowcr's control. Borrc,wer shall not dastrny, dnmago or impair the <br /> Property, aliow the ?rapeny to deteriorate, or conunit waste on the Property. Bonower shal: �c in default if Any furfeiture <br /> action or proceading. :vhether civil or criminal�is begun that in I.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfcituro of th�e <br /> Property or otherwisc matcrially impuir the lien created by this Security Instrume.nt or Lender's security interest. �orrower mQy <br /> cure such a defnult and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> �r� � f�ar`c nn�,rf f.���int�im�j�Ltin�� �,trrrl�ttlrg fnrf�itnrP �f thn Hc�rr�w�r'c inter�ct in thP Pm'r�rty nr other ms►tesisl <br /> o--- - <br /> impairment af the lien crrxted by this Sccurity Instrument ar Lendor's security intenst. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> Borrower,during the losn applicatic�n process,gnve materiaUy false or inaccurate inforn�ation or statements to Lender(ar failat <br /> to provide Lender with sny material information)in connection wfth the loan evidenced by the Note, includinE,but not limitod <br /> to, representations conxrning Horcower's ocaipancy of the Property as a principal residence. If Ghis Security Instrumeat is on a <br /> lcasehold, Hor�rawer shaU comply with alI thc provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee titic to the �roperty, the <br /> leasct►old anci the fee title shall not merge unless Cxndcr agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 7.Protectlon o!Lender's Rights te�thc Property.If Bonower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contsined�i.�t <br /> ihis Sccurlty Instrument, or there is a legal procecding thnt may significantiy affcct Lender's rights in the Property(such�s a <br /> praceeding in bankruptcy. probate. for conderru�ation or fa�feiture or to enforce laws or regulatiuns), then Lemlzr may dn and <br /> pay for�vhatcver is nxessary to protect the value of the Praperty and Lendr,r's rights in the Proptrty. LendCr's actiuns may <br /> includs paying any sums secured by a iien which has priorlty over thts Security Inst►vnxn;, appearing in court, paying <br /> reasonablc attomeys' fas and entering on the Property to meke repairs. Altheugh l.ender may tske action under this paragroph <br /> 7,3.endor das not l�ave to do su. , <br /> Any amounts disburaeci�b,y Lencler under this Qarugruph 7 shall beeome additional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> Sxurity Instnrnxnt. Unless Borrowor and Lender agree to Qther terms of payment.these amounts shafl bear ir+t�rest from thc <br /> date of d6sbprsoment at the Note rate nnd shall be paynble. with �tarest, upai� notice from L.errd�r zo Borrower roquesting <br /> paymcnt. <br /> �."�:�.a.:�:::_,a.�:.�c. Is Ler.der reqaires!mortgage insursscce ss;�cazdj:icr.of:nwking!he loss:��zred by tt�is 5..,�:ri:; - <br /> Instn►c�x.nt, Sonower shali pay the premlums required to maintain the mo:tguge insurance in effect. If, far any reason, tht <br /> mortRage insuranc.e c+�verage required by IJender lapses or cesises to be in effect, Borcower shall pAy the premiums requjral to <br /> obtain covcrnge subsWntially cquivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the <br /> cost to Borrower�f thc monguge insurance previously in effect, fram an alternate mortguge insurer approved by I.eixler. If <br /> snbstantially equivalent mortgage insurance covernge is not available.Bcirrower shall pay to Lender eazh mnnth a sum ec�u�f to <br /> one•twelfth of the yeurly mortgage insurance premtum being paid by Borrower when the insurance coveragg lapsed ar ceasal to • <br /> bc In effact.Lender wil{uccept.use and r�tain these payments as a luss rescrve in lieu of mortgagc insurunce. Loss reserve <br /> Form 3028 �J/90 <br /> . a.�,soie <br />