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<br /> � 1'�� . ��: I 1f S; i1L';• {� rYj.1' �)�e': �s��•' L�* �. 'KWk--'-= -
<br /> :.i� flt�� � i y ;.�•'�,j 'y{ !'(•.'i( S �i�/�� �a{17 - LLr.......�.�,:' - —� .
<br /> ��- /....~J�.+r'7�r.� •. �t. J nf '1� ✓. rwF�...... - - - _ - .. -
<br /> i� h �I'1.��:�1� �- . . - .• ��. , .t ���.1�--. _
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<br /> . � 92- 142631 �-_ _
<br /> �
<br /> � � APPIiCaI)IC IOM� muy�pecify for rcinxtatemcnt)bcfnrc�ule ot'�hc Propeny pu�yuunl tu ony power of+alc contwincd in thig s-- _y�—
<br /> ° ' "'�'�� Securiiy Incttument;or Ib)enlry oi n Judgment enfarcing�his Security In.rirumcnt. Th�sc canditiun�urc that Burrawer: (�) �=::--�=—�-�
<br /> :.�, �.� p�y.r Lender ull�ums which then would be due under Ihi+ Securfty M�lrument nnd Ihe Note ar ii no uccelerution had ��._
<br /> ' ° occurred;lb)curcs ony defaul�ot'ony Wher covenunt�or ugreement+;lc)pays ull expentiex incurred in enforcing this Security �.__.-__
<br /> „ In�trumenl,including, but not limited ta.rea�onable uttc►meys'Pecx; unJ (d► tukes,uch uc�ion us Lcndcr muy reusonably - —
<br /> rcyuire u►us+ure ihut thc licn of thi+Security Instrument,l.cnder ti riRhts in thc F'mpcny und Borrowrr.uhligation ta puy thc �'.°.`'�-�
<br /> _._ , .:— __. ,�
<br /> �.ums secured by Ihis Securily Instrumenl shall continue unchonged. Upan reinstutemenl by Borr��wer, thi, Security
<br /> • � -• -- ins�rumcni nuJ th���Y�iigaii�ns w:c;ufcd hcreby sh:tll rrm:�in fully effective u�if no uccelerulicx�hud cxcurtrJ. However,th� �____
<br /> ° . . rigUt to rcinrinec.holl nW opply in thc cu�c of ucccler�tian undcr purugruph 17. �;.
<br /> ' 19. Sole uf Note;Chaage of Loan Service� Thc Notc or A purliAl imcrest in �hc Natc Itugcihcr with this Security _
<br /> ' In,�rumen�►muy bc solA ane or morc time•without prior nuticc to Bonowcr. A �ulc muy retiult in u chan�!e in �he cntity {,�;..._
<br /> T • .. (known uti Ihc "I.oun Servicer"1 that collccts�m�mhly puymcrn�duc under the Note und�his Sccurity Instrument. Thcre ulso �;__�-���
<br /> muy be one ar morc changr.af'thc Lo•rn Scrvircr unrelaied to a+ale of�he Notc. If thcrc i,a chunge of thc l.oan Serviccr. �
<br /> Borr�►wc�will Ne givcn written notice uf�hr chungc in uccordance with parugruph Id olx�ve und applicahle luw. The nc,tice �;'*'�""�^:,,,L:-��_
<br /> � will�lutc the numc�u�d udJre..of the new Loan Servicer�nd the uddreg�to which puyment�should be mude. The notice will =:_,,.,,r„_`_
<br /> � ulw cantain uny whcr informuiion rcyuireJ by uppNcablc law. ',���:�-'��'-'"�_
<br /> 20. Hazardous 5ubslances. Barrower shull nat cuu+e nr p�rmit the pre�ence,u,e,di�po�ul,rtarage,or reles►+e of Any t�., � f:,�,;�,:.�--,
<br /> .'���._�
<br /> Huzurdous Substunccs on or in the F'roperty. Borrower shAll nrn do,ni�r ullow anycxw clu to do,any�hing affectin�! the L,,��,,t,��`
<br /> ' Propeny thut i.in vi�►lution of uny Envimnmemul LAw. Tlw preceJing two sentence+�hall not a�ly ia the presence.uxe.or �,�„-,.-�-�_�_.._
<br /> , ' �loruge on Ihe {'ropeny uf timall quan�itie.of Nururdous Subtitances thut are generully recognixed lo be uppropriute to nortnul "F:':�,.�_„_;-�
<br /> 5 re.ridcntiul uxe�and a�main�enancc of the Pn�peny, - -
<br /> � ' ' Borrower shall pmmptly give Lender wrilten notice of uny inve+tiga�ion,cluim,demund,lawsuii nr other uctinn by any ��;�;�_;
<br /> �, _..- �.
<br /> g�vemmenial or rcgula�ory ugcncy ur privu�c p:uty invo�ving�hr Pro�xrty und any tl:varduu�Sub.�unce or Environmrn�ul ____, ..
<br /> l.aw of which Burrowcr hu. ucluul hnowlcJ€c. If Borcuwcr Icarn+, ur is notificd by uny govemrmntal or rcgulu�ory '+�r•,�„�___—_
<br /> � '� uulhority,thut uny remavul cx u�her ren�ediulion nf any HuiurJuu� Substunce •ri'frrling Ihe Pro�xny is necr.sury. Borcower , �f' -
<br /> • �hull prumpUy�uhc ull nc�c.+ary rcmedial actii�ny in arrurduncc with Environmcntal Luw. �, . �`7'""'`�
<br /> A�u�ed in this puru€raph ?II."HarurJuu,Sub.luncec" are tlx�sr+uhtitancc.defined u,tox ir or hurarJiius,ub�iance.hy :�,�
<br /> Envirnnmcntul Luw unJ the fullowing .uh.�uncrs: gu.ulinr,kcro�cnc.oth�r IlammuMr or roxic prtrolcum prcxluct+,toxic _�:
<br /> pe+ticide�und herhicide., volulile �olvenu. m:ueriul+c��n�aining u.lx,u�. or I'urmaldehydr.and rudiourtivr matrriul+. A, --
<br /> utird in thi�pumgroph 211."Environmental Luw"mean�fedrrul luw.und law.uf the juritiJiclinn where the Prapehy i.r locuted _
<br /> • Ihul mlatc to hculth,salcry or cnvironmentul pn�t��ctiun. �
<br /> " NnN-UNIFORM c'OVENANTS. Borrawcr und Lcndrr(urlhcr rov�nunl und upnc u.G�Ilowti: � '��
<br /> 21. Accelerulion; Remedies. I.ender sbaW �ive potice Iu Borr����•er p�lur tn accelerution PidlowinR Borrower's . . • .•��:
<br /> . breach oP any corenant or a�reement in this Security InstrumeM Ibut n��t prinr to acceleroliun under paraRraph 17 �� �a�._.
<br /> ----- aaless upplicable IHw�r�wides other���kel. The nutice shall specifv: lal the dePuult;lbl lhe actian reyuired to cure Ihr ,�, �- �1_,��_
<br /> ._
<br /> dePuult; Icl a date,nM less thun ill days f'rnm Ihe date tbe notice is�iven W Horrower,bv whKh ii�e J�fauii must!�r „ , —
<br /> cured:und(dl tbal i'Ailure tu cure Ihe deinult nn or before the dute�pecified in the notice ma�•recult in uccelerution uf �;� _
<br /> Ihe sums securrd by this tiecurily Inslrumenl und sale of Ihe Prnperty. The nMice shall furlhrr infi�rm Borrnwer nP ,: , _
<br /> the rlRht lo reinstate uf'te�acceleraliun und thc ripht ta brinu u caurt uction to a�.urt Ibe n�m•existrnce uP u deiuult or , � _
<br /> uny other dePense of florrower to ucceleralion und yul�. If the defuult is not cured an ur bei'i►re the date tipecified in •,
<br /> � Ihe n��tice,Leader ut Us optinn muy rcquirr immediute puyment in full of aU�ums srcured b}•thly Securit}•Inslrument • '�. .
<br /> eilhout ibrther demand und mu�• im�oke the poa•er of sale and un�• other remedics permitted b�• applicablr lew. _
<br /> I.ender xball br entiUed to c�dlect ull e�prnx�h incurred in pursuin}� the remedirs pro�ided in Ibiti paru�;raph 21. �,."�,
<br /> inrludins,but nut limited to.reasnnable utlorne}+Pee+und co�tti oP tt11e evidrnce. t
<br /> If Ihe pow•er oP wle iti in��uked.7'rustee xhull rrcnrd u nntice oP defuult in euch cuunt��in which un� ps+rl of the � ��`
<br /> � Propert�•is locuted und shall muil copirti ui tiuch noticr{n Ihe munner pre�crihcd bc applicuble lu���to Rorro«er und tn , „ . ,.
<br /> Ihr nthrr per+on.r•prezcrihed h� upplicublc lu�s. APter the/imr rcyuired b�• upplkuble lu«�.7'ru+lee+hvll}!i�e qublic : _
<br /> notice oPxole to the persnnx und in the munner preticrihed b�s�pplicable lu«. 'I'ruxtra«ilhoul drmund un Borru���rr,
<br /> shall�ell Ihe Propert�vt public uuction to Ihe hl�!he�t bidder ut Ihe time und pluce und under the Icrm�desi�nated in i .
<br /> ' the notice of sulc in one or morc purrels und in um order'I'ruNaw dMrrmine+. '1'rurter mu�puslponc+ale uf ull nr au� ,
<br /> � purcel oPlhe Properl�•b� public unnnunrement at Ihr time und pluce of any prr�iou+ly rchedulyd sule. Lender or il� .
<br /> • desi�nee mu��purchutie the Praperly�ul un� �ak. • •, •r, ,:;,_
<br /> lipnn receipt of puyment uf Ihe price bfd. '1'ru�lce+hull drli�er to 1he purchu�cr'1'ru�ler'x deed c�mve�•in�! Ihr +,• . ,,r, ,
<br /> ' �� Propert�. The recitvls in thr Traske's deed .hull Im primu Pucie e�ideme uP the truth uP the ylulement�mudr thrrrin. I'��'.��..;
<br /> 'IY�ustee shall npplv thr prcereds oP the sule in Ihc tidloa in�;��rdrr: �a�to all ro+l�und exprnsex uf'rxerci�inK Ihr po��er �'�:�v,.._..
<br /> w4'.."
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