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All af the foreRuing is refeRCd to m Ihix Scrurity b�strumrnt u��hc"Pro�xny.° —__--_--- <br /> '„ ' BORROWF.R COVF.NANTS thut Bnrrowcr i+luwfully,�i�cd i�f Ihr c,wtc h�reby rimvcycd und hu+ihu right lu gruM .�,i�•.---i <br /> 4 . ' • -. .. And ronvey ehe Property and ihat thc P1•apcny is urnncumtkrc�i.exrept li►r rncumhruncc.c►f rcairJ. HuR��w�r wurrunts und �=,__���`-Y <br /> will defend generally the�itle to thc Propeny nguinx�ull cluim+unJ demand�,�ubjecl w uny encumhrance��d'rec��rd. -- ____ <br /> — ^- — THtS ��CURITl' IIJSTRUAIGNT cumhin�, unifnrm cin•cni�rn, I'ar nu�ional u.r and ni�n-unili�rm covenuntx wilh � ---- ' <br /> • ' 4 '� , limited vvriations by juri.dic�ian to con+tilu�c►�unifom�x�urity intiuwncnt covcring rcul propuny. •-�•— <br /> � }S1tY.�i% <br /> ,� UN IFORM COVENANTS. BoROwer and Lendcrcovenunt und u@rec u+follow.: , <br />„ • � �r...,.._ ,•. 1. Pay�aent of Prfncipal and Interech Prepnymeot wod Late Chargcw. Harrowcr�ha��Pr°mP��Y PaY When duc thc ���, `i —_—.--- <br /> :9�• . � . YP 'P Y �::�-_ <br /> • , principal of and interest on the deM evidenced by thc Natc imd:�n r� u mem and lute charE��du�'unJer tlx Nole. ,���°�,.,—= <br /> - 2, Fuada�or Texes and Insurance. Subject io applKUble luw or u►u wriucn wuivrr by Lender,BoROwer shull puy to _ — <br /> l.ender on the duy monthly paymentti urc duc under the Ncne, umil th�Notc is puid in full,a�um C'FunJ�')for:lul yeurly �___ <br /> o taxes and a+:sessrt�entx which muy uttuin priority over thi� Security Im�rum�m u�a licn on�he PropenY: (h)yeurly leu�ehold ____'!— <br /> �' � . payments or ground rents cm the Propeny, if uny: Ic) yeurly huzurd ar propeny insurunce premiums:(d) yeurly Il�a1 u-_�Y� <br /> ' insumnce premiums, if any: (e) yearly m�nguge intiurnnce premiumy. if uny: und (Il �+ny sumy puyi�hlc bY sorcower to �:. -r.Y_ <br /> �:-*3r �-�= <br /> .. `:«�-�-���.:- <br /> � Lendcr, in accorduncc with thc pmvisinn� of parugraph lieu of the paymcnt of mongage insurancc p�em�ums. Thcse = ,�,�- <br /> ; items are culled"Escrow ltems.' l.ender muy,u�uny Ume,collect vnJ hold Funds in un umount not ta exceed the muximum . .;�,�..n�_�y <br /> umount a lende� for u federalty relu[ed mortgagc luun m�y require for Borrawer�ezcrow arcaunt under the federul Reul ;� ` -. _ � <br /> @stute Se�Uement Pmcedures Act of 1974 as amended from time�o time, 12 U.S.C.�?6111 r�sey.("RESPA"),unleti�unother ��__ <br /> ;.._-�,_�,�.�,r <br /> �' � •• law that applies to the Funds xets u Ies,er nrnoum. If tio.Lender may,u�uny time.collect and hald Fund�in an umount not to .�,� - <br /> ' �•" excced the lessrr amount. Lender muy e�timate the amount of Funds due ��n �he busiti of cuimnt dulu und reawnable ��4 ;;, _ <br /> ••' �`%." � extimates of ezpe.ndi�ures of future��cmw Items or otherwise in xcordnnce wi�h upplicable luw. 3�.__- <br /> ' � The Funds tilx+ll be hcld in un in+litution wha�e depos�t+are insured by u federal ugcncy, in�irumernali��. o� rnury - °;�: <br /> • � �;:. (including Lender,if Lender i.such un imtitutionl��r in uny Fe�krul Home Loun Bunk. Lendc�+hull upply thc puy � =, , <br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may not churgc Borrower far holding onJ upplying Ihe Fund..Annuully unuly�ing the ezcmw �-`.'F�� <br /> � uccount,or verifying the Escmw Items. unlc�s Lenikr prys Burmwer intercst on the and app�icuble luw Exrtnit, 3' ; _ <br /> Lender to muke �uch a charge. Howevcr,Lender may rryuirc Borrowcr to pay u on�-tim�ch�uge (�x an indcpcndent real �, ,r' ,.�__ <br /> esture tux reportin@ service used by Lender in conncctian wilh thi�lo•rn,unlcss upplicable luw providc�utherwisc. Unle»nn �--;��_ <br /> " agrcement is mude or upplicuble Inw rcyuires inlcre.rt to be paid.Lender shall not bc rcquired tu puy�orrowc�nny inleretit ur = <br /> •• ° earnings on the Funds. Borrawcr and Lcnder muy ugree in writing,howevcr,�ha�interetit shull he pvid on�he Funds. Lender , y`^ y _�— <br /> tiIIAII$1 VC(O BOfI'ltWCf,witlwut churge.un nnnutd uccounang uf the Fund..showing credit+und dcbits tc�the Fund+and the ' <br /> i�r''��s'� <br /> purpose for which each debit to the Funds wa�mude. The Fundx ure pled�ed a�uddi�ianul security for all sums,ecured by .�. <br /> .Y_ - <br /> Ihlti S¢CUrlty IOtifNII1C111. -� �r',��ss -�- <br /> If �he Fundg held by Lender rxcerd tlx amaunt�+ permiued to Ix held by upplicablc I•rw. Lendrr shall uccount u► ���,y <br /> Borrower forlhc excess Funds in accarduncc with ttie rcyuirements of applicuble luw. Ii the •rmounl of ihe Funds hcld by 3�;'"�''-�` <br /> Lendcr ut any time iti not suffirient to puy the E,crow Itcros when due, Lendcr may+o nutit'y Borrower in wri�ing,and,in .},',r-rr;._� <br /> xuch c�+e Borrower shall pay to l.ender �he amouni n�cestian to makr up the deficiency. &�rrowrr shull make up the <br /> Jeticicncy in no morc than twclve munihly paymcn�..•rt Lcixlcr:+olc discrc�irn�. ;.�..�'::�.. �� � <br /> Upon payrnent in full af all.ums secureJ by thi� Sccuri�y In:trument.Lender shall pmmptl��mfund to Borrower any � .. <br /> . Punds held by LcnJer. If,under paragraph 21, Lender�hull acquire or sell Ihe Properly.Lender, prior to the acyui.itiun or ��• `":�- �� ��- <br /> ;��;.,�,..�. <br /> � snle of ihe Property. shull upply any Fundti heW hy Lendcr ut�he lime of i+cquisition cx sule ax a credii agaimt Ihe sums � <br /> secured by thi�Security In.irument. .�,�• <br /> 3. Applicadon of Paymenls. Unlc,+ upplirahl� la�v prn�•ide� ��thenvixc, all puymeniti reccivcJ by L�ndcr unJcr ..� .�_. <br /> � pura@rnphs I nnd 2 shall br applicd: lint,to any prePaYmcnt char�es due undrr�hc Notc:,econd,to amount+payublc under . _-'__ <br /> � paragruph 2:Ihird,to imerc.t due;fuunh.U►principal Ju�;anJ lu� any late charge,dur under ih�Note. ��._ <br /> 4. (:har�es; Llens. Bormwcr sh•rll puy �II tuxe+, ay�es.mentx, chargc�. fineti unJ imp��tiitions attnbutublc ta Ihc �...,.,_, <br /> Property which muy utwin pnurity cwcr this Srcurity In.trumcnt,vnd Icu�chold puymcnt�or ground rcnts,if any. Barrowcr ; ;` � . <br /> ' . shall pay thcse obligulion�in the manncr pruvideJ in parugraph 2.or if nut Nuid in Ih•rl miinnrr.Bixrower shull puy them on f J�FV;`, <br /> . tirm direcqy w lix person owcd payment. B�iRUwer.hall prompUy fumi+h to LcnJcr all notirrx�if amoum+tn Ix pa�d undcr � --- <br /> , this paragr�ph. It BoROwer mukes Ihese paymenis dirortly. BoROwer shull prompUy fumi�:h �a l.ender rcceipi�evidencin� _.-,_ <br /> Ihe payments. � �"!'�''. <br /> . . . Bonowcr shall promplly di,rhurg�any lirn�vhich hu.prioriry ovcr thi.Scruriry In.irumrm unlr..&�rtowcr:lal�grces � <br /> r in writing tolhe payment u(thr obligatian�crurcd by ihc licn in a mannrr arccplablc to Lendrr:lbl cantests in gaxi fuith the ' <br /> lien by,or defcnds ugainst enfurcement��t'ihr lirn in.Ic�al pr�xerJin�+whirh in�hr LcnJrr'+upinion operutc to prcvent thc <br /> enforcemen�ot'the lien:or Icl �ccureti frum ihr holder at�Ihc licn an agrcement.ali�fartury ta Lender xubunlin•rting the lien � <br /> � - �o this Secunry Instrument. If l.ender dcicmiinc.that uny pun ul'the Properry i+whjcct io a licn which may attain priority ` <br /> over this 5ecuriiy Instrument.Lendrr m:ry givc B��rcowcr a•�uucr identifying Ihe lirn. Horrow�er sh•rll+utisfy the lien or take � <br /> � �� one or more ot'the actinns�et 1'�xih alwv�within 10 day.uf the EivinE of nuticr. <br /> 5. H�Zard or Prnperty Insurunce. Burrov�cr.hall kccp�hc improvrmcnt.naw cei�tinE un c�rcat'ter crected an the , <br /> :� � � properiy insure:J again�t lo.ti hy firc,harrrJ+includeJ wiihin�Ix trrm"rxtcndcd r���rragr":II1lI 8I1)'�11I1C��1:1/:IfII�.inrluding <br /> , , flooJ� or Floc�ding, 1'ur whirh Lcndcr rcyuirrti imuraucc. 'Thn in,uranr� .hall hr mamuunrd in ihr amuun�s aixl for thc <br /> � <br /> fwm302t4 9'911 i�a�kr:��l��p��uv.•� , <br /> � i <br /> � <br /> a <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> . � ____� _ <br />