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<br /> 'Ti `� � " _ _ �M�ws_ i�JaG.� �Ak.:-
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<br /> I I, r�v y1 Gl���vu+�� ._._.- ..
<br /> i �e, T�11G5 d►Y�k5S�85R7Cf�T�. Crar,tor�hsl!pe�eu taY�A and asseasmente relstlnp to Property wliffn dua and Imme� a o o ndor �r"'��_
<br /> I Inau�anco promium,tcu}on and�P�o mont�po tn n}In�e ta tho Prnporty.So lonp ao thoreeo no�efaulil th se amount oh�all bo n ptpllod to thogpnymont -
<br /> ot texsu,esssesmenta and Ineurance elna�Qhar Obll�at o er�M�unde appl ed may,�et Lender�'eropt o�nhbe appll dhin rovaraefordor�ot�the��e�aate
<br /> � tunda eo hold to pny nny tauea or ega t 0
<br /> thsnot. p
<br /> P operty and eix�aml�n�,nepeo�and�mak�ec�oplosEe(3Regor�'e bookeP�d racord�n pertnln np t�o he Pr�o poerty lrom t�lme totlme. Orantor shnl(p�o Ide , \'
<br /> �ny usistancs nqulnd b y Undsr tor th�s�purpot�s. AI1 of th�olpnatuni 1�nd Informatlon contelnsd in(3rantor's books and recorda ohall be ��.�.J.
<br /> pcnulne, true, scaurate and complete In atl reapeote. Orantor ehnll note the exlet�ncs of Lender'o bsn�i lclal Intsreat In Ite booke and rtcorde i .
<br /> portalninq to tho Praporty. Add�t�onally,Orentor shall report,In a torm eatlstactary ta Lender,auch informatlon es Lender may request rednrding
<br /> _ _ __ �rnntor'�tinanclal conditlpn or th���p m; ����Q��o(���Informaton 1u nlehad by(irentorlto iLendd rehnll be 1 ue,accurste e�nd compietealnb�e
<br /> f� renderoa with wci�it�y�o�c,r
<br /> � � reapecta,artd elgned by�r�ntor(f Lsnder requeste. '
<br /> ,,,,�,,,„.ww!k 17. EBTOPPBL CERTIFICATES. Withln ten (10)dsye aitsr any requeat by Lender,(irantor shail delivor to Lender,or eny Intended tranafetee of
<br /> Lendsr'e rlyhte wlth roapeat to ths Obllgatlons,a algnsd�nd ncknowltdged etatement spacityln�(a)the outstandln�baiance on the Oblleatlone;and _
<br /> de�t nee��aot��otfa or coufn�tercinima.6�ranior�w111 be concluslvely bound rby sny e�prosentetloo that Lend9ttimay make tat he ntended trnnstereeaw h ••T.+-,�`
<br /> . _�:�-
<br /> respect to theae mattere In t he even t t h a t O r n n t o r t e l l a t o provlde the ro quented etntement in a tlmely mnnnnr. >=� -
<br /> 19. DEFAULT. �rantor shell be In defnult under thl�Deod of Trust and tha Tm�toe's power ehall bocome operativa in the evont t ha t(3r a n t o r, ',; �
<br /> � Borrower or nny guarantor of the Obllyetlona: �
<br /> ,''� (a talis to pay any Oblipetion to Lender when due; y^
<br /> (b; talls to pertorm any Obligattan or breaches bny warranty or oovenant to Lender contalned In thls Deed of Trust or any other prosent or future �_•'
<br /> �t a reement;
<br /> • i (o� destioys,losea or dnmages the Property in eny materiai reopoot or subJects the Proparty to aeizure,confiscation,or condemnatlon;
<br /> • �, �) seeke to revoke,t�rminate or otherwise Ilmit its Ilnbllity undor nny pusranty to Lender;
<br /> �` beCOms�te nli fncampetent,ie dissolvsd or t�rminatod,becomea insatvent,makee on aesl0�on(n bank ubt nefiled in whlch(i a�ntor�, ���.�,
<br /> �e) dise, p Y
<br /> pay debts ss lhey�acome due,fllee n potltion under ths tsderol bankruptoy lewa,hae sn Involuntary pet t P�Y �.?_�
<br /> � Borrower or any guarnntor lo named,or hns property taken undnr any writ ar procass of court;
<br /> ,�'j (t) allowe pooda ta be ueed,tranaported or stored on the PropeRy,the poasesalon,transportatlon,or uee of whlch,is Iilegal;
<br /> �, (g) ellowo nny party othor than f3rnntor or Borrower to aesume or unrlertake any Obllgation wlthout the written conaent of Lender;or
<br /> .. (h) causes Lender to deem itself Ineecuro due to a slgnlflcant decllne In the value ot the Property;or If Lender,in good falth,for any reason, „'�
<br /> beilevss that thn prospect of paymont or pertarmance Ia Impalred.
<br /> �?,�. 14. HI(iHTS 0F LENAER ON DEFAULT. tl there Ie n dstault under thla Deed of Truat, Lender ahail be ent(tled to exerclse one or more of the -��_•
<br /> followinp remedles wlthout notice or demand(except as requlred by law):
<br /> ���a�a
<br /> • •� (a) to d�clare the Obligations Immedistely due and payable In fuil; w
<br /> (b) to collect ths outotanding Obllgatlone with or wNhout resartinp to Judlclal Froceas; �!;
<br /> (o) ta rsqulre Orantor to dsllvsr and make svailable to Under any personal property or Chattels constltutinq the Praperty st a pince reasonably %
<br /> convenientto Orantorand Lander;
<br /> ' � ' (d) to snter upon end taks poase�ion of the Property wlthout epplylnp tor or obtelning the app��ntment of a recelver and,at Lender's optlon,to s .
<br /> - appolnt a recelver withaut bond,wiihout tirot bringing suit on ths Oblipatlone and without otherwise meeting any stntutory aanditiona tegarding
<br /> rocelvsro,It being Intended that Lender ahall have this contractual right to eppofnt a roceivsr, .,�-
<br /> � (;j ,�orpla,e r.'ssa�!n:"-:""t ot�he Property and let the same,eithor In Truatee's own name,In the name of Lender or In the nama af
<br /> " pranto�,end reoeiv�the renta,Incomea,laaues and profits ot the Property and appiy ino oa�i�a,attas pM,.�.�s:t os�i n.r,.anary cheraea nnd
<br /> expenaea,on nccount at the Obllpatlons;
<br /> _ (fj to pay any eum.s In any torm or manner desmed expedient by Lsnder to proteat the security of thia Deed of Trust or to cufe any default othet
<br /> i;,,,�,,�; than pnyment of Intsrast or prinalpal on ths Obllpations;
<br /> � (y) to forscloss thie Deed of Truet Judicialiy ar nonJudlcinfly and to dlrect the anle ot the property throuph exerclse of the power of esls na
<br /> -- ref�renced In ptrayrcph 20 hsreof In acccordance with appiicable law;
<br />_`:.;y r��,. (h)to s�totf Qrentor'e Oblipatlone epalnat any nmounte owed�rarrior by Lender Including,6ut not Ilmited to,monlee,Inatrumente,and d�poait
<br /> �_: accounte malnt�ln�d with Under or any currently sxlttinp or tuturo attillate of I.�nd�r,�nd
<br /> -•••-r ••t,�.� p)to�x�rclse all oth�r riyhts svailabts to Lsnd�r undsr any other wdtt�n eqnsment or appllcabl�law,
<br /> I.endsr'e rtyhte Kof the Pro�U���b d�Y ot e prsJu pme�nt nmed pn an�actton aaalnet Orentor,�entor w�v�s�i pocUn�p of eny b and wh�l�eh mi pht
<br />" `A";.,..,� ' noowry of an� P�rtY Y y
<br /> _ _, . �,� oth�rwle�b�roqulrod. Londer or LendsPe deslgnee mny purc�ines the Prop�rty et any�als. ProcMds of an Trust�e'e e�le heroundsr shsll be
<br />--�-.1,�;,`:;,, appii�d first,to th��mso�t��c�msy be provid.d fo�n thle f Deed of T uat�second to�peyment of the Obl�ipat ons aecured heroby,t�hlyd,t the
<br />— .=,,,�,,,,,,,,, and nM to exceed t
<br /> __,�_�z.`_�,.,,.�_ paym�nt of Junlor trust dsede,mortpApes,or other Ilenholdere,and ths batancs,If any,to the peroan or gsreona lepally enUtisd thsnto. Ths property
<br /> °°°r- or eny paR thsteot may be wld in one parcel,or In such parcela,mnnner or order ae Lendsr in Its eol�dlacrotion may elect,and ons ot moro
<br />-°°"�'�"�""� �x�rcle�s o}the powar hueln prnnted ahall not extinguish or exhauet the power unlssa th�sntire property Is eold or th�obllpations an pald In fuil.
<br /> 2p. TRUSTEE'S�RC13E OF POYVER OF SAILE ON DEFAULT: Upon def�ult by Cirantor In paym�nt ot any Oblip�tians a�cured hereby,Unde
<br />:����n,h���' mny d�claro nll eume�eeursd hsroby Imm�diately due end pnyabls nnd ehall eau�s to b�tii�d ot rsoord s wrltten notiee of dNautt and el�etla�n to eell
<br /> �';?: ths Property. After the lapfs of suth tim�a9 them m�y be requlrsd by law toliawinp recordnUon oi such notice of deteult,nnd noUce ot tate havin
<br /> _^`,':�:r . bNn piwn ns then nqulrsd by law,Truat�e,wfthout d�mand on Cirantor,sh�ll sdl cuch prop�rty,tlither an a whole or In ssparrtion M ths P'ruperty by
<br /> =�+z���:,,.• order as it or Isndor mey determine nt pubilo euotion to the higheet bidder. Truste�may postpone the eel�ot all or any po
<br /> -_ -Ay pubtlo announoement st th�tims end plece of sal�,and from time ta time theroafter msy postpons the eate by publlo e�eno rtlamh(�ft�t��d,hut
<br /> -_==-.;�p;� plRCe tixed by the precedlnp poatponement Trustee shall dellver to euch pvrchee�r Ita daed oonwylnp the propsrty� po
<br /> -- �r,:lc;st�ry�:°n-"•!^-!"'=r{�n+�,evoreas or Imolled, The recitnls in such deed ot any mattero of taat or othervviae she0 be conclusiw proof of ths
<br /> - ��^�' truthfuln�sa thereof, My p�reon,includfnp Granfor,Tmstee or Lsndor,may purchns�at such ek(n. _
<br /> .�:���-��
<br /> �� 21. REQUEBT FOPI NOTiCIEB: Grantor requeate thnt e copy of eny notice of dstnult and n copy ot nnY notice of sed�har�undsr bs malled to eaci►
<br /> "��;,'.�. pereon who Ia a parly hereto nt the address of euah person set torth herein t�t the eame tims nnd in the nams mannsr r�qulnd na thouph a eepnrete
<br /> - ::^"'�."`¢`•.'•"' rcquo�st thereof had Wrsn tlled by each nuoh person,
<br /> ,• " _�;;•�': • 22. S@CilR1TY INTEREST UNDER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL COOE. This Desd of Trust shntl be canatderod e financin statement and a
<br /> ����`-�" flxture 11IIny purauant to the qrovlelone ot ths UNform Commsrclal Code(ae adopted in the state whero the reai pro rty Is located4 covetlnp flxtures,
<br /> .�...,,t,;..=...
<br /> chatteta,and nrticley of peraonal property now owned or hereafter atteched to or to ba uaed In connection wfth the roperty topether wlth eny end all
<br /> " rsplaCemsnts thareo}and nddltiona thereto(the'Chatteta�,and(3rnntor hereby grnnte Lender e sscurity Interest In euch Chettels.The debtor Is the
<br /> - C3rantor deecribed ebove. The sacured party Is the l.ender described At�ove. Upon demnnd,Orantor shell mnke,execute end delfvar such escuriry
<br /> . ,� apreementa(as such term Is defined In eald Unliotm CommerGal Code)es Lender at nny tlme mey deem necessery or proper or required to grant to
<br /> Lender a perieoted security Interast In the Chnttels,nnd upon Grantor's�ailure to do so,Lender la authorl:ed to sl�n any such agreement ac tho agent
<br /> ot�rnntor. Grantof hereby authori:e3 Lender to ille tinancing atatements(es such term Is daflnod In aald Uniform Commarclsl Code}wlth rospect to
<br /> the Chettsls,at any tlme,without the elgnaturo of Grantor. Grentor wlil,however,nt en time upon requeat of lender,slpn auch finencinp�ntements. r._`_
<br /> � �. Qrantor will pay all filinp tees for the tillnp of such fned of T uett be a�b eotto�any se��r►�a�reenient cx�wmnep theuChsttsls then�ln the even of nny r_�=
<br /> eald Untform Commerclel Code. If the Ilon ot thla De 1 �,
<br /> � �� defeuit under thia D�sd ot Truet,all the ripht,title end Interost of Grantor In and to eny end nll o}the Chattets Is hereby aeslpnsd to Lendor,topothe _ _
<br /> � with ths beneflt ot eny doposits or peyment�now or hereafter mads thereo}by drantor or the predecessora or auccessore In title of Grantor In the ��
<br /> Property. e`�'
<br /> 1 23. REIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUHT8 EXPENDEO BY LEttDER. Lender,et l.ender's optlon,may oxpend iunda(IncludinD attorneya'fe�s end lenai
<br /> '�'� `�� oxpenses)to�eAorm any eat required to be tuksn by Grantor or to exorclae any rlpht or romedy uf Lender under thie Deed ot Truat. Upon dsmand,
<br /> �� r Cirantor sheli mmedlately reimburse Lender for ell such amounte expended by l.ender together wlth interest theroon et the lower of the highsst rate _
<br /> ���.�.. ..,.,rv,n�,rinn er rhe hlnheat rnte nllowed by law from the date of ayment untll the da�e of^elmbho c��ss�,n�Aimns�ueeoald afterlthe ����
<br /> -- � _
<br /> P.
<br /> ,--=—z�-.,— �a�,.......,.. —•� --.. _.._ . ..------•-
<br /> included In the detlnftTon of Obligetions horoln and shail be securea e�y me oenenc�a��r��o�oo.tl a�.���•._.... ..
<br /> begInning ot publiCation ot notice ot saio,ns horeln provlded,or In the event Londer shail,at ISs sole optlon,permit C3rentor to pny nnY Part ot the
<br /> Obllgatlona after the beginning ot pubiloatlon o}notice ot eule,as heroln provlded,then,Grantor ehnil pay on demand all expen6es Incurred by the _
<br /> Trustee and Lender In connection wlth sald publlcatlon,Including roasonable attorneys'fees to the attorneya for tha Trustee and tor the Lender,and n
<br /> reasoneble tee to the Truetee,and thla Deed of Truat ahali be security for all such expenses and tees.
<br /> 24. APPLICATtON OF PAYMENTB. All paymenta made by or on behalf of drantor may bo appiled a g�fh o D od of Truat ndtheneto the payme�nt
<br /> � attorneys'fees and Ie0a1 exponses)In conneotlon with the oxerclse ot its rlghta or remedlea doscribod f
<br /> ot tho remalnlng Obligatlona In whatever order Londer chooses.
<br /> documen�pertaln n�gtophe Obllgatlone o�rDeed of T�uat� In�addition,ILsnderrehall bee ntR ednbut not�requf�ed,to pertormeany nctfo o A ecutetan y�
<br /> documont requlred to be taken or exe�uted by(3rentor under thls �ecd of Truat. Lender's performance ot such aotlon or executlon of such
<br /> documentn stiali not rolleva Grantor from wny O b l lga t lon or curo a ny d e t a u l t u n d e r t h i s O eed of Trust. All powers of attornoy described In thls Dead of
<br /> Trust Cre Couplod wfth an Interost and ere Itrevocable. y
<br /> dlsc ar�ged�with fu�ds�d anNedEby Lende�regarldieas otbwhother�thoseele sh ocu ity In el eate o a therrencumbrancoa have boen eleased ofnecord.
<br /> ,\N�, �
<br /> . Pege 3 016._`� -—�
<br /> � lpNE9nC S'FormAUOn Technotogioe,Inc.10/20/09) (000)D�t•8799 V /
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