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�r.+ . , -� � ( �.r-, .�;y - .�- �1�:Uu,;.f+hf �it v . Y .. � .�•?• � ..��,���y,..,- i �,��• �� r ` . . <br /> 1!t .._i�ar�l�,�„ � 6� t � '{ ' ,la.±��� �..- -. -r;1y,5� 4 -J�r�j c , � \���,1;r::�.asJ - - :1^k".+t.%h�r�yi�}�: ;�t:.�r��.�,�"`�.�.�.._�.i Ui.�'.`aiuu '- - _.._ <br /> I� . _. .. •. ,% ` ���'y""''�f�f, r�fW�+�1t� � � r�d.` _ <br /> .�in "�VM1�1 +�(.•'^*1:S1ffl,�'r4`.'+W� � •L'�a � .,a..Yd������7' <br /> 1..� xr'� <br /> ..p-+,�. . -: . <br /> . __. .,:�.��' � '":L.., .•.�� . ..,"„ . , - <br /> ..,..,.�._ . _ '::�_-- <br /> . - .;.���.�: - :,,,�,',=_ <br /> � .,.. : 92... i�2629 �'�=u.=u�.-::=:i_=-_-. <br /> �- Q <br /> � � '� TOCIETH�R WITH ull Ihr impruvcmcros now�x hcrcuflcr crcc�cd on�hr pru�xny.und uU r:ucm�ms. uppurtcnuncc+. �"-'.- - <br /> • �� und fix�urex nc►w ar hereufter u purl��f the property. All replucemem++md uddi�iun.�hidl ulxu Ix�covered by Ihiti Securiry <br /> �.e.�:�,:.:-=— <br /> .. � n In„Iromcnt. AU of thc fc�re�tuing i+ref'rrred lo in ih�x Sccurity Intitrumcm u�thc"F'rn�xny." —,,.-_-- <br /> ?: . ,. BORROW�R CAV�NANTti�hu� HuROwcr is uf Ihc c.tsur hr�chy runv�ycJ and hu��hc right lu�runt �^��?^.�;,;;n-_� <br /> �• � ��nd c�nvey Ihr Ropcny uoJ Ihul thc Pr��{krty�+unrnrun�txrrJ,cxccpt for rncumhruncr�uf rcrurd. Bi�rrowcr wurrunt�and �_ T �a <br /> • will deiencl generrl ly ihe IiUr�o Un Rupcny uguinxl ull cluim�unJ dcmund.,,uhjecl tu uny rncuu►brmrc+��(i ca�id. L�::.:�_=-_=_-- <br /> - — • ---- TH15 SECURITY INSTRUMF.NT combineti unifurm covenum. li►r nutionul u+r und non-uniii�rm covenum. wi�h ��---_- <br /> �- _-- ----_-=--, <br /> � -' ;:.�. limited varia�ian�by ju�ixdicli�m to con.titutc u uniforrn�cu�ily in+trumcni rnvcnng rcul pruFxny. •_,,,_-.,a._.- - <br /> � .`�;...,-,.._� <br /> UN IFORM CUVENANTS. Borrowcr und Lcnd�r rov�nant und ug2e u+ti�IN�w,: �_ ',��-;��;,. <br /> ; .. . , l. Pwyment of Principal and Interesl:Prep�+yment and I.ale Ch�r�eu. HuROwcr.rhull prumptly puy whrn Juc Ih� �;;.-,:�_�`�T-_ - <br />"� " princi pul of und intem�t on the deht evidenced by�he Note und any prep�ymenl und I�te chur�c.dur under�he Nu�e. .•.:�.:s.�-�-- <br /> 2. Funds for'Ihxes and Inaur�nce. Su bjec t to App licu b lc l a w u r l u u w r i n e n w�:i v c c b y I.c n d c r.H�x rowcr+hull pa y to �"'-_ <br /> Y E,';_,,:;: <br /> ' Lender on ihc duy monthly paymem.urc duc undcr the Nutc,un�il �he N��tc i. puid in full,u tium 1'7�unJ;'► lirc: lal y��rl _ �,.�,.;,�,,,�a-.• <br /> � .s�� �suce�und assessmcnt�c which rouy uttain prioriry over thi�Securily In�trurnent u.u licn un Ihe{'roExrly: 1h►Yeurly Icu�chuld -�+ � �,;�,�,�. <br /> � payments or ground rents on t hc Roperty, i f' u n y: I c) y e u r l y huzurJ ur pro�xn y in�:urance premium+; 1d1 yeurly tluacl �;_.,,�.::�4`�1„�<<_`_� <br /> insurnnce premiumy,it any: Icl ycurly mongugc inaurunrc premium+, if uny; und 111 any +um+ �uy=�ni� ny.a��R��W«��► �.,�,�, <br /> Lender,in accordance with the provi.ion,u(purugraph 8. in licu�f thr payment ol monguge imurunce premwm�. These _ -,_���;},.. <br /> � items nre eaUed"Eticrow Items.' Lender may,ut any ume,cullrc�und hc�ld Fund�in an unwunt nut t��ezcerd�hc muximum �;�;;;:;;•Sr:�� <br /> amount a Icndcr for u federully related monguge loun muy rcyuirc fur Borruwcr's c+crow uc�ounl undcr thr federul Rcul ;,�,,�,�-. <br /> Estute Settlement Pracedures Act of 1974 u�amcnded from timc w timc, I?U.S.C.t�?601���sey.("RESPA").unlesti uncHh�r :._s;,-,,,•�:<•=- <br /> law tha�s►pplies to the Funds+ets u Ictiscr amuunt. If w.LenJcr may,ul uny timc,collect anJ hold FunJs in un amuunl not to , •'���>''� <br /> exceed the lesser umount. Lender may estimute the umount of FunJ. due on the basis of current dma und rea�nable .... ..:,i.,,_� _+' <br /> • estimates of expendi�ures of fuwre E�crow Uems or otherwise in uccordance with upplicublc luw. , ,.R • <br /> Thc Pond�shall be hrld in un institutian whoxe dcFwsits nn: insu�ed by � federal ugency, inxlrumentality, or entity _ <br /> lincluding I.endcr. if L.rncler is,uch an imti�wion)or in any FeJcrul Hame Loun Bank. l.cndcr+hull apply thr Fundx to puy • �_ _ <br /> �� ° tlx Escrow ltems. LenJer muy na churge Borrowcr far holding und upplying the FunJs, unnually analyxing the escrow -__- <br /> ' �� Account, or verifying the Escrow hems. unle.s Lendcr puy+ Borrowcr intcre.t on the Fundz und upplicuble luw �xrmitz _ , <br /> Lender to make,uch u churge. Hawever,Lender muy reyuire Borrower to puy u une-time chvrge for an indepencknt real �;.,�9"— <br /> esu►te tax rcponing service used by Lender in connection wilh this laun,unlr.ti upphcable law pmvide�oih�rwise. Unles�un :`aty. <br /> � ugrcement is mudc or upplirable luw requircz interex� to bc puid.LenJcr shall not lx:rcquircd w pay Borrawer any imerc�t or '� <br /> eamings on the Fundti. Borrower and Lcnder may ngrec in writing, however,thut intcrest shull bc�hsnJ on thc Fundti. Lcnder _ <br /> xhull give lo Burrowcr,without churgc,un unnuul uccounting of thc Fundti,�howing crcJit.r and dcbit. �o thr Fund+and thc <br /> purpose for whicb euch debit to the Fund�wux mude. The Fundc ure pledged a,uddi�ional security for ull sum+�ecured By , <br /> t? :� <br /> --_-_ _- thisSeceerityln�trumcn�. - - . •- . <br /> ' ' If the Fundx heW by l.ende�exceed �he amounts permined to be held by uppiicubie law. Le��dr� >iial{ account to . .,,,._„ � <br /> BaROwer ior the�xces�Funds in uccordaixe with the reyuirements uf applicuble law. I(the amount of�he Funds held by ��� �� <br /> _ Lender�+t any time is not�ufficiem to puy 1he Escruw Uems when due, LenJcr may+o notify BoROwer in writing,unJ, in ��� :;a _ <br /> such cnse Borrow�r shall pay to Lender the umuum necessury to mnkc up the deficicncy. Burn>wer shall make up thr � ~.�„�: _ <br /> deficiency in no murc Ihan twelve monthly paymenl�,ut Lender's sole Jiscretion. �- <br /> Upon puyment in full of�II tiumti sccured Ny thi�Securiry Imtrument,LrnJcr tihull promptly rci'und to Borrower any ` <br /> Funds hcld by Lendcr. If,under purugmph 21.Lcnder tihull acyuire or,ell thr Property.Lcixicr,pnor to thc acyuisition or , � <br /> sule of the Property,shull upply uny FunJ.hcld by Lrnder ut �h.� timr uf u�:quisition or tiulc as u rredit u�uinst �he sum� � �,,��� , <br /> secured by Ihis Security Instrument. � <br /> 3. Application oP Payments. Unlesti applicublc luw provides ulhrrwise, all puyment. reccived by Lender undcr r_ <br /> • paragruphs 1 und 2 shall hc applird:tirst,to uny prepaymem char�c�duc undcr thc Notc;.rcc�md,to umount,payubl�undcr � x�,� <br /> purugraph 2;third,w inieres�due;fourlh,ta principul due:unJ lu.t,w any lut�rhar�:r+due undrr the Nate. t ..", _� <br /> • 4. Charges: Lfens. Borcowcr shull puy ull rrxcs, as,c++mems, churgcs, fine� unJ impositions attrihut•rblc to the _ <br /> . property which muy attain prioriry ovrr this Securily Im�rument,und Ici�,ehuld paymcnt�or Er��und rentti,if uny. Barruwcr <br /> , shnll pay thr.e obligutiom in the munncr provided in purugraph 2. or if nat paid in that manner.Borrowcr.hall pay them on <br /> timc direcUy tn thc person oweJ paymcnt. Borrawrr shull promply fumish�o Lcixier ul l ni►ticr�of• tx�p•rid undcr <br /> this pnr�+gruph. IP Born�wer makc.thexc paymrm� directly,Bntmw�r shall prompUy 1'umitih ro Lendcr rcrcipts evidrncing � . <br /> the payments. . <br /> Borrowrr shull prompUy di+churgc any licn�vhich hu.priurity ovcr�hi,S�curity hi�trumcnt unletis Borcowcr.(al agn:c+ I "' %���3*-= <br /> in wriling to the puymenl of Ihr uhligation sccumJ by thc lirn m a rnunncr ucrrpt�ible Io Lendcr:lb1 rontesls in goal fuith ttie . <br /> lien by,or defends aguin;t enforcemem ut'the licn in.Irgul pnxcedinE+which in th�LcnJrr;opini�m��perute tu prevrm thr <br /> enfnrcement of the lien;or(c)secures t'rom thc hulder of thc licn an aFrecment+atixfactory w Lcnder+ubordinating thc lirn <br /> to this Sccurity Inswment. If Lendcr dctern�inc�thut uny pan uf the F'rc�xny i.tiuhjert to a licn which m�+y attuin priority , <br /> ovcr this Security Instrument.Lender muy give Borruwcr a nntice identifyin�thc li�n. Barmwer shall sutisfy the lien or take i <br /> one or more of the uctions�ei fnnh atx�ve within UI duy+ut'thc�ivin�of n��ticc. <br /> ' ' S. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borruwer shull kcrp the improvemrnt��x�w exi�tin�t or hereafter erecteJ on tfie <br /> Propeny intiurcd again�t los.hy firc,h;vurd+inrlud�d withm thr lrrni"�xtrndrd ruvcraE�"and any uthcr haturds,including <br /> fkwdx or tloalinb.1'or which Lender requireti inrurance. Thi+in.urance �hall he m.�inta►nrd in ih� anu�unh anJ for the <br /> F'wm10:l1 9I9D ipdxe:�qh�u.�rs� <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> . � <br />