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<br /> ^�a-?? COVEtiANTB 9� �Q!lr1��
<br /> -r:`°:�,�
<br /> � 9, p�ynwn;�. Borrower e0reee to meke eil paymanta on tite �bcured uaut rvh�i du�. Untoaa Borrorrt en� Lendm darea othe ee, �ny
<br /> pnymente Lendar recelvee from Borrower or 4or Aotrower'�banellt vvitl 6e aRptleA firet tu any emounte Borrower owes on the tecureJ debf
<br /> exctuelve o}Interoet o�princlpal,�ecand to Intere�t, e��d thon tn principa►.I}partiol propnymont of tho oecurod doUt oacuru for ony reason,It will
<br /> not reduca or oxeuoo any acheduled paymont�iilil ti����r.u1e'i1{leS;t In poltl In full.
<br /> ��i 2,Cl�m�Ap�nst T(tl�.Horrower will pay�I tar��, esserftnlulte;aAd othar cherpe�ettrlbutrble 4o the property when dua ond wlll detend tltle
<br /> ,;, to the proportV��leln�t�ny cl�im�whtch w uld p�lf• � of,t►�I�d�sd of trust.Lander m�y requlre 9orrower to aaelpn any riphte,cteime or :
<br /> ���� dsfentes whlch orrower m�y have efloln�t pyt1�1{.1N4d�11P4t V�1�'��t9r�rl�to Improva or m�intaln the property, �_
<br /> ,•.�•e,� 3, In�uronc�. Borrow�r wlll kaep ths property Inaured under term� sccepteb►o tu Lareder at Borrower'� expenne end }or Lender's benefit.All �;'
<br /> _�'�±� Inwnnc�pol�ci�r�h�ll Includ���t�nd�rd mortprp�clau��In hvor uf Undsr.l.�nd�r wlll be n�med r�lon p�yae or as the Insursd on eny�uch �
<br /> or6to th�occured A,ht�If LenderPequ�ree�mortpags Pnsu�ince�eoriower��preea to melnte�n euchhnwience tor eo lo{p es Londeraremquiroo raperry
<br /> u:
<br /> _., - r-
<br /> ;�� n.pr»p�rty.Borrowor wlil keep ths prop�rty In pood condition and make�II npalre rsasombly neoeuary. -
<br /> •� 6.Exp�nw�.Borrov�er�qron to pey ell Lender'r expentes IncluJtnp reetonabte ettorn�ys'feer,If Borrower breake eny covenente In thle deed _
<br /> �.;. of tru�t or In eny obllpstlon tecured by this deed of tru�t. Borrower wlil pay theso emounte to Lender e�pravided In Covenant 8 ot thla deed o} �
<br /> ;,�� trwt. �
<br /> sacurl�8�re�t1i Bo�war�wlll peiform ill}o}tBorrower i oblipstlons�nder any priar mortgagendeedaof trustrorl otherCaecu�ritytay e mentr
<br /> ��"' � Includinq Borrowsr'o covananta to make paymente+nrhsn due. -
<br /> :�..�� !
<br /> - �, 7,A�Natwn�r�t of RMt��r�d Proffb.Borrowor seslpns to Lender the rente und profite ot tho property.Unless Borrowor nnd Lender have epraed
<br />�,;�'i�l otherwfie in wNtlnp, Borrower nny colleot snd ratain tha rents a lonp��Borrowor Is not In de}ault. If Borrower dafeuite, Lender, Lender's
<br /> ;:` �t�1� �pent,nr a court eppolnted recalver mey teke poeseselon and msnepe the property end collect the ronte. Any rents Lender coliecte�hsll he
<br />'''�"�� epplied fieet to the caste ot msmping the property, lncludlnp court cost� and attorneys' feea, commiaelons to rental apento, end eny other
<br />''tl.� necaasary releted expensei.The remnlnln�amount of rente will then�ppiy to peyments on the securad debt��providad In Covenent 1.
<br />--`� �,�N��{��dp�ms;Pl�wxNd Unit p�v�lopm��Ct,.Borrower�preoa to comply with tha provitions of any ieaae ii this dead of trust I�on
<br /> -�� under th�s�COVenanti by lewi�uor repulatloni of the cor�idominium or pien�ned unit developmentnt, Borrower wflt perform ell of Barrower'�dutles
<br />:_':.�er?�
<br /> �
<br /> -�"+__'?�� 8. Aud�oritY of l�n�to P�rform for Rortowe. If Borrower feils to perform any ot Borrower's dutieo under this deed of ttust, Lender m�y
<br />--- perform tM duties ot cause tMm to W perform�d. Lender may siQn 8orrowar's name or p�y any�mount if necesaary for performence.If�ny
<br /> ^� construotlon an tl»property Is diaontinued or not carrled on In e resanaeble manner,Under may do wh�tever Is necss��ry to protsct l.end�r's
<br /> �.;;_.13 securiry intero�t in tbe prope►ty.Thie may inctude aompletinp the canstruct(orv.
<br /> Lender'a fsiluro to�rtorm wiii not preciuds Lendsr from exercisinp a�y of tts other riphn under the!sw or this deed of trust. _
<br />�Z��'`•�`�� Any�mount�p�id by Unde�to proteot Lender'a sncurity intereit witl be secureA by this dead of truat. Such amounte will be due on demend
<br /> - and wlll b�ar int�nst hom tl►�dsie of tha payment untll pald In full st fho Interost rste in sffect on ttie secured debt.
<br /> � 1p, pehuit�nd AeeslKWon. If Dorrower falle to make ony payment whan due or bresk� eny covemnts under thia deee�of trust or eny
<br /> "�_� obllyatlon sscurad by thl�dssd ot trust or eny prior mortpape ar deed of truat, Lender mey accoterate tM maturity af the eecurod dsbt snd
<br /> -- demand Imm�dlate paymmt and mey invoks the{wwer o4�ate end eRy other romediea permitte(i by�pplicebte Iaw.
<br /> -- hinto�it the,ddreii of s�h�ch�peraon,e eY�et fonh heiea^coples ot tho noticea ot deteuk and nele be eent to each person who is�perty
<br />���
<br />