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<br /> c ' 4. M eddidonal recurity,Trurtor hereby gives W and wnPers upon Bene6ciery the riQht,power aod authority,during the contfnuance � .
<br /> of theee Tnuta W collect the renG, iwueo and prn6te of eaid property,reaerving unto Truswr the�fght, prlor w any defeult by Trwme ,
<br /> in payment of ac►y indebtedneso eecured hereby or in performance of any agreement hereunder, w collect end retain euch rente, ieeuen �
<br /> and profit� a�they 6ecome due and payable. Upon any euch default,i�ene6ciary cnoy et any time without notice, either in po�n,by
<br /> � �Qent,or by o reeeiver to be eppointed by a court,and wlthout rege�d W the adequacy of any eeourity ior the inde6tednew herebY escured. i �
<br /> enter upon and Wke powewion of eefd property or eny part thereof, in hi�own name eue for or otherwfae rnllect euch rente,iesuee and , •
<br /> proifte,including thoee paet due and unpeid,and apply the rame upon any indebtednne recuied hereby,ard in�uch order ar Bene[iciary ,
<br /> may detetmiaq,The eatering upon and taking poeeeeeion of eafd property,the collection of�uch rente,ienue.9 and profita end the appliwtlon � .r .
<br /> thereof aa aforeeaid,ahell not cure or waive eny defeult or notice of defeult hereunder or invalidate any act done purouant w aueh notice. �,;�.�e..._._
<br /> � B.Upon dePault by TrueWr in ihe peyment af eoy indebtedneaa raaured hereby or in the perf'ormance of eny agreement contained herein, �;,'. , -
<br /> dl eume�acured hereby ehall immedi�telY become dua and peysble at Lhe optfon of tha Beneficiery.ln such event and upon written requeot � �' '_;:,,,,r.
<br /> of RenoPcfary.'l�u�tee ehall eell the truet property, in eccordanee with the Nebreeke Truet Ilaedo Act, nt public aucNon W the highest .
<br /> � bidder. Any pereon except Tru�tee mey bid et Truotoe'e enle.Truetee ehall apply the proceede of the eale ae followe:111 W the expenee ; .
<br /> of the eale,including a reaionabla 7'rwtee'�fee;l21 w tha obligetion recured by thio Deed of 75rwt:131 the ourplue,ff any.ehall fio diotributed f
<br /> to the percon�entitled therew. ' ' �
<br /> • B.74u�tee rhall deliver W the purchaeer at the sele Ita deed, without wn�renty, which ehall convey to the purchaeer the fntereet in
<br /> � the property which Tru�tor had or had the power w convey at the time of hia executfon of thie Deed oi Tnut,and oueh ae he may have . .
<br /> � of�lawreand of th e Deed o Truoe whlch'reciwl hellrba prim�a fa�ie evid nce olf u h co pl ance�and conclwive evidense ther�eoP in fivor ; �,�
<br /> ,•-.
<br /> of bona tida purchaeero and encumbnncere for value. _ '`
<br /> ' T.The power of oale conferred by thie Deed of 7Yurt io not en excluoive remedy;Beneficiery may cauoe thlo Deed of Twt to be Poreclo�ed i . �,,
<br /> w a mortgaQe. ' - .-:�
<br /> 8. In the event of the death,incapacity,dieabi8ty or reAi(tnatlon oP Truetee. Beneficiery may appoint in w►iting e eueceseor trwtee.
<br /> and upon the recording of euch appointment in the mortgage recorde of the county in which thfa Deed of'14uat fe recorded,the eucceesor ' ��
<br /> = = truricv ah�11 t�e vestsd with al!po�crr of the origtne! trua�� Thn truxtee ie not oblfped to notiCy any party hereto of pending�ale under ; :;��y
<br /> any other Dc�ed of Truet ar of eny action or proceeding in which TruoWr,Truetee or Benellcfary�hall be a party unlaoa wch oction a , .,;` —
<br /> : • procceding ie brought by the Truatee.
<br /> 9.Thi�Ileed of Tntet eppliee w.inures to the benefit of,and is binding not only on the partiee hereto,but on their heire,devfeeee, I �'t ��
<br /> � ' legatee�,adminietruton, execuWra,eucceseoro and aeaipns. The term Fleneficiery ah�ll mean the holder and owner ot the note eecured i ;.,
<br /> . � hereby,whether or not nomed ae Benelicfery herein. „
<br /> .,�,•.
<br /> ' 10.Request for Notice of l�efault or Notice of Snle. It ie requeeted that n rnpy of any Notico of nefault or Notice ot 9ale bt mwlled to , �.
<br /> � eech person who ie nemed in thie Trurt Deed at the mnilinQ nddn•ve nf euch pen+an aa xet out abovo- , �'i
<br /> � is s r before ou �ead it. 2. You are entiUed to a copy '
<br /> NOTICE TO CON3UMER: 1. Do not eign th p pe Y
<br /> i of thie peper.3.You rnay prepay the unpaid balance at any time without penalty and may be entitled ��
<br /> to r�ceive a refund of unearned charges in accordance with law.
<br /> • Signad thie 28 day of F?hrllfll"y ,A.D. 19��_.
<br /> i 3TATE OF NEBRASKA i ae. x �--� � I '1l � -
<br /> H811 COUNTY � X r —
<br /> On this 28 — day of— F?bl"UBP�,A.D., 19 9?_,before me, the undereiqned,a Notary Public,duly "�
<br /> commieeioned and quali�ed for und reeiding in said county, pereon�lly came J4hnnj��"I.�.Bruns & Nan�. Bruns,
<br /> husband & wife to me known to be lhe identicul perxons. whoue name S__ allixed W tho faregoing
<br /> inatrument ae TrueWr S ._ _ _ . — nnd arknowledued the Kame to be _ their vol- • •~
<br /> ;
<br /> ' untary act and deed.
<br /> i Witness my hand i�nd Notaria)tieal the day+►nd ye�►r li►s � ` T�.�o���� �
<br /> ° ' My Commiseion expires the _ 8 - d+i!' $HERRIY.YMATSON '� „ �,�-•�•
<br /> `.i I of _ Februa�--. . ty. 95 - - � -
<br /> ����� ublic
<br /> � 5TATE OF .___- . ' .
<br /> �vh
<br /> � __.___ Cuunty '
<br /> Entered in Numerical Index and filed fnr record�n thi� otllce nP th� N�•K�Kt�r of D�Mda of Kuid county, thn —
<br /> ' day of - . i4 . at �icl�xk und ----.- - _
<br /> ; minutea ----- --- M., und duly rerurded m Birok _. of - -- - --� --
<br /> � Mortgages P+�6e —�-- --
<br /> � 5
<br /> 1 � R�•K�ater of Ile�ede
<br /> ICkputy
<br /> 1
<br /> ,
<br /> . 1 ____! _ -
<br />